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Posts posted by _pr0fit

  1. MC Name:



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    What feat(s) will you be learning?



    Teacher's MC Name:



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    Do you agree to keep Story updated on the status of your feat app?:



    Have you applied for this feat on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:



    Are you aware that if this feat is shelved, it will be unavailable to use?



  2. 5 hours ago, Telanir said:

    I've read a lot of posts in this thread and much of it is genuine, high-caliber feedback. Thank you for that.

    I made the mistake not to to point this out but please focus on the state of the server and not individuals, for example "your idea made me ill" is not a valid reply lol


    There is no need to defend your opinion, a well thought out reply will do that more than hitting reply on someone else's musings.


    Thanks for reading through my obligatory janny insert, I hid a bunch of posts, if yours was hidden it will be discussed anyway, admins can still see them.


    I'm glad that this post was made, this is a good and positive first step into what I think the server really needs, but I don't think I'm alone in feeling that this might be another post with good intentions and no follow through.

    From what I want to see moving forwards, and what I think the server needs from this, is heavy community involvment with much of the process moving forwards, and heavy transparency with the steps that the staff is going to be taking from this point.

    I would like to see another anouncment soon with what the staffs takeaway from this post is, what the list of concerns they are hearing from the community. It does not need to be what steps will be taken, but just that the staff understands there is a problem, and what those problems are. additionally it should include what you are going to do to address those concerns (IE: staff meetings to brainstorm solutions, community meetings, feedback posts, etc...)


    Again, its good that this is happening, I am very glad that you made this post, and I hope that there is more to come soon.

    Here is a picture of my dog:


  3. 6 hours ago, Amayonnaise said:

    I am very confused as to why so many people are voting 'yes' on having notice about being raided. I would love some additional insight and perspectives on the matter-


    My current main concern is that it is literally encouraging metagaming. By giving Nations notice, you are encouraging the Nation to meta-rally. It will happen, every single time, without fail. And if they're not meta-rallying, they're all logging off - especially the PRO's who want to avoid getting PK'd etc. I just don't understand why this is such a popular option?


    You have to take into account more than just its rp or else its meta, this is a videogame and people are coming here to have fun.


    In the current conflict between the frostbeards and Norland, both sides agree that there should be a warning system because the frostbeards don't want to have to fight solely rp'ers who are just trying to rp and have fun (but don't want to pvp), and Norland doesn't want to spend 20+ minutes ringing the bell and getting people online to pvp, its boring for everyone.


    additionally being raided is a very jarring experience for many players, especially people who focus solely on rp who will understandably be very distraught and upset, or newer players who will be very confused and scared of what is happening.


    by giving notice you are allowing the "guards" to show up to be ready when the raiders arrive, and the people who will not enjoy the experience to get an out (These are good things by the way.) And it should be repeated as often as possible since many people forget, this IS minecraft, its a videogame, and people are coming here for fun, that should take precedent over everything else (Outside safety of course :))

  4. This is not a joke, I unironically miss the days when the staff were blatantly and openly corrupt, taking bribes from players for rulings and banning people they didn't like, at the very least, the playerbase had confidence that the staff would act consistently. Nowadays it feels like the staff are a bunch of wet fish who do nothing, I have heard it described numerous times as staff is just a higher level of roleplay where you do discord politics to shill for your group, I would trust very few staff members to be:
    A. Competent
    B. Consistent
    C. Unbiased

    This goes for pretty much any team, but most importantly the Moderation team, and even a lot of the Admin team. Now, there are some exceptions, there are a few moderators that I actively hear people go "Oh yes, this mod is moderating, they'll make a fair ruling." (*Cough* Anna *Cough*) but they are few and far between.

    Additionally, the community has become more and more toxic, with OOC vendettas and beefing hitting some extreme and unhealthy levels, far more than I have ever seen before, and it is something that needs to be drastically addressed and probably harshly and without tolerance.

  5. 1 minute ago, Eokamaster said:

    Peter Frostbeard would smile upon remembering how he slew Torrhen and countless other norlanders at the battle. 

      Hide contents

    Sorry brother, the fight was a 9 vs 35 in reality. Unfortunate loss.


    Vykk smiles at another common Norlandic W



    Actually you are wrong, it was a 3 (urguan) vs 150 (Norland) and 160 Norlanders died and urguan ended with 37 alive


  6. Vykk shouts wildly, swinging his sword at the fleeing dwarf, however the sword passes through air where dwarf should be, confused, he looks around to find the dwarf has completely dissapeared "What sorcery is this?" he shouts to his comrades as they arrive shortly behind him on the shore, they search for any sign, however he seems to have vanished with no trace nor track. "We still have their marshal, we don't need this clown." he frustratedly exacerbates.

  7. "The Weakness and cowardice of Haense knows no bounds, they would rather sit in their towers pretending to be daddy oren rather then condemn Urguan for their aggressions against their own citizens and those of their supposed allies." The old elf chuckles "I don't think i've ever seen Haense so timid."

  8. "Surely the dwarves do nay believe this?" Vykk furrows his brow, confused at the logic presented by the dwarven representative "Demands of the dwarves?" Vykk says reading the document "More reasonable then I would have imagined, in fact, they are beyond reasonable, surely Balon is a just and righteous man."

  9. 2 hours ago, TheEnglishDuck said:

    Estrid Sigvardson decided to publicly proclaim my ancestors as cowards.


    "Your feeble attempts to rewrite history are futile." Vykk scoffs, his voice dripping with icy contempt. "We beared witness to the treachery of your ancestors, clear as the light of day. They conspired to betray Norland, their loyalty crumbling at the first sign of adversity." Vykk spits on the floor in disgust "Cowardice seeped through their veins." Vykk continues, his voice heavy with condemnation. "When they realized their ill-conceived alliance with the Adunians lacked the strength they had hoped for, they shamelessly flip-flopped, betraying the very foundations they once claimed to uphold." A disapproving shake of his head accompanies his words "Estrid Sigvardson stands as the solitary flicker of redemption within your otherwise pathetic clan." Vykk declares, his voice laced with a restrained contempt. "May she be the beacon of honor that you and your descendants have sorely lacked, and may your clan rise in her name, and her name alone."

  10. Vykk's eyes scan the scroll, uncertain of his stance on allowing the descendants of a traitor back into Norland. The condemnation of Sigmund, however, offers a glimmer of hope. "Perhaps" Vykk muses, his voice cautious yet open. "They have the chance to redeem their clan and prevent history from repeating itself." The weight of past betrayals hangs in the air, but Vykk acknowledges the potential for change. The descendant's plea holds the promise of a fresh start, a chance to rewrite their family's legacy. "It is a delicate matter" Vykk reflects, his words tinged with caution. "But if they prove their loyalty and ensure their support for Norland, they may find forgiveness."

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