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Posts posted by Boknice275

  1. [!] The Pharaoh shakes his head after finishing his read of the Orcish missive. He places the missive down on the table and picks up his crook, walking towards the exit of his palace.


    "When will this tyranny end? When will the primitive brutalism of the Isfetian society known as Krugmar be purged by the nations of the world? They dare invoke the Gods to justify their cursed behavior? May the Eye of Ra be against them, and may their efforts be forever in vain."

  2. https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1244893361240932384/1247076201332342847/ra-god-of-sun-227x300.jpg?ex=665eb5b7&is=665d6437&hm=ee3dad06e02ee1ac6330a70e96cb5fb2f88d04db0447f56086964b01b00665c2&

    [!] A set of missives are seen throughout Aevos bearing the symbol of a curved eye above a depiction of a golden falcon head. When the missive is unfurled, the following text is revealed to the reader:




    Leh-iy, in the name of the Ra’tuhmet, lord of the eternal sun and keeper of Creation. Isfet, known as chaos to many civilizations, has plunged our world into darkness. Enemies of Creation, such as foul draconic Isfetians, daemons, Undead, and other horrors, roam confidently in the demise of the False Sun, known as Xan. Dragons prowl this world freely, looking to subjugate those who are blind to the Light, and destroy they who know of its glory.


    Now is not a time to retreat, hide, or remain passive in the face of these Isfetian evils. The world must embrace the Light that shines brightly where Xan’s faded away - the eternal light of the Ra’tuhmet. The priesthood of the Ra’tuhmet calls to all of you who once put your faith in Xan, or believed that his centurions were the salvation of descendants from the evils of Isfet. Your judgment was misplaced, but the true King of the Sun can provide reprieve from the stinging reality of your mistakes. His is the Light of Ka which burns eternally with the might of the Sun. It is his light that we are commanded to send throughout the world to counter the Dark. 


    The False Sun’s principles were entirely concerned with serving his own selfish pleasures, with little regard to what is good or true beyond his will. The Ra’tuhmet, whose glory is shown to this world during each sunrise, set into motion the laws of Ka’tau which bind moral conduct across cultures and civilizations and, regardless of arbitrary whim. 


    This poses an important question to those who seek the true light of Ka: What does it mean to follow the Ra’tuhmet?


    A follower of the Ra’tuhmet will uphold the forty-two laws of Ka’tau, the spiritual law of truth, order, and justice that binds all who live in the world.


    One who serves Ra shall provide clarity to the darkest of situations, and cast away the darkness of deceit through their efforts.


    A follower of Ra will bring his light to the darkest reaches of the world by building shrines, forging weapons, and using Heka - divine magic -  in his name. Most importantly, a follower of Ra will build shrines, forge weapons, and use Heka for opposing the enemies of the True Sun and Ka’tau. The light of Ra does not abide by aengudaemonica, undead, the Infernalists, and other foul powers that mock or defy Ka’tau’s order. 


    A follower of Ra will bring more to know his glory and teach about the foundations of Creation. 


    Whether you decide to serve as a champion for Ra, acting as his Khopesh and striking down his enemies, or a priest, conjuring Heka and increasing his presence in his mortal plane, your gifts are called to his service.


    There is more to serving Ra than these tenets, but these are vitally important to the life of a servant nonetheless. For those of you interested in learning more about this opportunity, find attached directions to Rah’tuma. Once there, ask for Pharaoh Atemu-Ta or the Ra’tuhmet’s high priest Silas to discuss further possibilities. 


    Come, and help the eternal Sun of the Ra’tuhmet claim dominion over these lands and drive away the darkness of Isfet. It is Ra, in the form of the Flaming Eye, who in the Rah’mun Creation Story was responsible for freeing the early descendants from the darkness of Keop and Kazul, the latter who served the one known as ‘Iblees’. He has been victorious for ages, and he shall continue to reign.


    Where Xan failed, Ra shall succeed. 


    His Light calls to you.


    Em shemensu.








    Hey all! This is an IC advertisement to recruit for shamanism RP. Ra’tuhmet is a lesser spirit of Aztran, the Greater Spirit of the Sun, Stars, and Constellation. Since there has been a vacuum left in the wake of Xan’s demise I figured this RP might be welcomed to those who still enjoy the sun priest/warrior aesthetic, in this case with an egyptian-esque twist. Join our discord if you’re interested. Here are more links to learn more about Rah’tuma culture and  religion, the latter of which is essentially just a reskinned version of shamanism: https://discord.gg/dNYQc8aPK4




  3. [!] One of Atemu's pharonic couriers approach him as he sits upon his throne, bearing a copy of the missive at hand. The Pharaoh's gleaming gaze, blessed by the power of Hesthor, takes the scroll and quickly reads over it. Once he finished the Pharaoh places the scroll down and stares into space for a moment, silent. After a few moments of silence, he heaves a massive sigh and hands the paper back to his courier.

    "The Draconic Isfetians have just slayed the false Sun, which has unleashed dragons upon our world, and made other Isfetians such as the Undead, witches, and demons stronger, and the 'Canonists' retreat into isolation? The doctrine of 'Canonism' is folly enough; their cowardice and refuse to aggressively confront the forces of chaos will be their undoing.


    None of this bodes well.. The Rah'mun people will need to meet the challenge where other civilizations fail. By the might of Kalthet and the clarity of Ra, we shall be the people who arrests the forces of chaos that threaten all righteous peoples." The Pharaoh proclaims. He then rises from his throne and makes his way to the barracks to strategize with the priests of Kalthet.

  4. [!] Pharaoh Atemu kneels before the shrine of Hesthor shortly after journeying to the heavens with Panya-ha, another newly connected Priestess of the Ka'tau religion. Atemu remains in silent contemplation as the honey scented mists of Hesthor's waters pervade his senses and ground his thoughts in matters of purity. Thoughts of the progression of Rah'mun civilization weigh upon his mind. He contemplates Rah'tuma's struggles when he first became Pharaoh, from suffering the tyranny of the orcs to warding off attacks from Dragons, demons, and Skeletons. Facing doubt, disbelief, and distrust in the few who followed him and called themselves Rah'mun, only to betray him in some cases.


    Now, his civilization was prospering, the priesthood of several temples was overflowing, and long-forgotten Gods were now getting their due. Panya-ha's induction as a wielder of Heka was one more step in a broader plan the Pharaoh had to restore the greatness of his people.


    "Hesthor," he whispered, his senses returning to the current moment, defying the deep state of contemplation that grasped his mind, "our people rise once more. May you fill our Ibs with the purity of thought and action to fulfill the vision of Ka'tau across Aevos. Our rise is inevitable."



  5. https://th.bing.com/th/id/OIG2.F8Mue7HquH2RBi6XL5WB?pid=ImgGn




    [!] Bones had rallied to Uncle O’s outpost with the rest of the Rah’muns, taking up a cannon in the boar they drove to breach the city. After successfully breaching the city wall with cannonballs, Bones narrowly avoided being clobbered by one of the many demons which held the city, raising his shield to protect himself. With one swing of his war axe, it was reduced to ash. 


    Inside the city, Bones moved to the front line as he saw a large wave of armored foes, readying his mace. Right as he moved to attack, a wave of malflame appeared behind him and his comrades, burning him as he fell to the ground. All this pain did was enrage him. He felt the desire to spill his enemies blood. He moved forth and felled several armored Kozun demons, before staying back to protect his Pharaoh as the demon king Draz-Kalthazar became more active. As the battle went on, he saw a bottle of auric oil dismantle one of the anchors holding the ritual in place. Having one on his person as well, he and the Pharaoh moved towards the ritual. Before they could strike, Draz-Kalthazar struck the Pharaoh, sending him flying across the battlefield. Enraged that he could not stop this, Bones threw his bottle on the anchor, watching its evil magic fade into nothingness.



    He ran to his sister, Panya, to retrieve another bottle, only to see the last anchor diminished as well. Two Rah’mun priests, Nebkhet-Sha and Akeketah, screamed mighty prayers to Lord Oti, King of Moonlight, and Amauent, lady of vitality and Heka, exhorting their aid to strike the demon king with spiritual judgment. Akeketah’s spell manifested into her hand as an ethereal crescent moon, the Priestess commanding it to arc across the sky and strike true against the demons flesh. Oti’s Heka caused the sun to strike against Kalthazar, his skin furiously singed by the spell. The demon king then struck against the Rah’mun priests, tossing Akeketah into Nebkhet, now endangering the rest of the Rah’mun assault. 



    Two Rah’mun priest-magicians casting spells at Draz-Kulthazar


    Bones witnessed these events with horror which motivated him to decisive action.  He knew what to do. To protect his family, his city, and his Pharaoh, Bones would slay this blight on the land. Pouring the oil on his spear, he ran forth at the demon king. Yelling with all the fury and vigor he had in him, Bones called out; “FUR RAH’TUMA!!!” As he skewered Draz Kalthazar clean through his chest, ending the demon king's existence.  Watching him melt away into nothing but ash. Templars, heroes, warriors, and divines all tried to end the Isfetian King, but only Bone’s strike truly ended the beast. Bones was then hailed as a champion of Kalthet, the great spirit of Wit and Strategy in war, and canonized in the long history of Rah’mun machimoi heroes. 


    [!] A missive is distributed across Aevos and especially the country of Koyuni, placed by unknown couriers presumably under the influence of the Rah’mun morale. The missive is sealed with a golden ankh cross which is surrounded by a set of hieroglyphs that are shaped like a cowhead and lioness head. The following is seen upon opening the missive


    Leh-iy to the denizens of Aevos. 


    I am Pharaoh Atemu-Ta, voice of Ka’tau and leader of the Rah’mun peoples. I write to you with good news that should settle the troubled Ib of all pure peoples across Aevos. 


    There is much darkness across this world in light of recent events. The draconic Isfetians and their cursed father arise from the north, Iket - known as Gashadokuro - claims domain over the blossoms of Koyuni, and the Harrower threatens the safety of all descendants.


    In light of these horrific Isfetian evils, hopelessness becomes a common response to those of us who value safety, truth, and purity for our nations. But the Gods of Ka’tau are raising mighty champions to meet the occasion we find ourselves in. Bones, a goblin child who recently became a member of Rah’mun civilization, is responsible for the felling of the Isfetian monarch known as Draz-Kalthazar. Kalthazar assisted Iket in overtaking Sakagakura with hordes of demons and other manner of Isfetians, and then held the territory under a tyrannical rule for many moons. Under the guidance of Kalthet and Tetu, two mighty Rah’mun gods of battle, Bones defied the odds and landed the killing blow on the demonic king, single-handedly ending his influence over the mortal world and sending his men into retreat.


    The extraordinary fact is Bones’s age - they are little more than a child by normal standards, and yet their soul is a mighty testament to the power of the Gods. Bones’s victory over this ancient evil proves that our people are uniquely positioned to restore the spiritual law of Ka’tau - order, truth, justice, harmony - over the whole of creation once more.


    All who follow the path of Ka’tau and venerate our Gods can also take up the banner of their causes and wield divine gifts towards righteous ends. Every Isfetian at every reach of Aevos will eventually know the wrathful sting of Ka’tau upon their souls delivered by the champions of the Gods. May Champion Bones’s name be sung throughout the realms and his achievements be immortalized in Rah’mun history. Iket, his foul Hexicanum will fall next to the wrath of the Gods. May the forces of purity march with spears held high and Khopeshes at the ready.


    May Isfet be doomed to defeat. Heketa Kalthet, Heketa Hesthor, Heketa, Heketa the Shugo and men of Koyuni, Heketa victory.




    Pharaoh Atemu-Ta.




    Kalthet and her newest champion, Bones of the Rah'mun.


  6. MC Name:



    Character's Name:



    Character's Age:



    Character's Race:



    What magic(s) will you be learning?

             Earth Animism


    Teacher's MC Name:

             Taken to Lesser's Realm - Self Teach


    Teacher's RP Name:

             Keb: Lesser Spirit of Quaking Earth and Tombs


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep Story updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Are you aware that if this magic is shelved, it will be unavailable to use?


  7. yiroglyphics.thumb.png.abcc7cddad38638fb09f893454543277.png



    [!] The recently healed Atemu, who suffered injuries at the hand of Gashadokuro in his sacking of the Koyuni capital, casts his Hesthorian-blessed gaze towards the great site of maleific power. The Pharaoh contemplates the various matters facing the people of Koyuni as a whole. Even his own people, he thought, who had just escaped the fury of the Horde were now thrown into the infernal wrath of Gashadokuro. Had the Gods abandoned his people? Where was Hesthor, Kalthet, or Tetu? How would his wife, who was due to return from the wartorn Rah'mun homeland Kemet-taw, handle being thrown into an equally dangerous situation? Might the orcs, in their sheer hatred of his people, seek to exploit their relative vulnerability? Might the An-Gho return? These questions and more percolate in the minds of the Pharaoh.


    The Pharaoh sought refuge in the depths of the Temple of Purity where the presence of Hesthor dwells. The Pharaoh assumed a Rah'mun prayer posture before the towering shrine of the Great Spirit of Purity, tied to the domains of Scorthuz, and looked into their teeming waters in the hope of discerning some great truth.


    Atemu prayed and watched - the shrine shimmered with its normal power, and nothing extraordinary came to him. After a few hours within the presence of purity, the Pharaoh began remembering details from his past studies. Purity cleans what is good and restores it to its proper form. The Khnem, soul, was created with many principles in mind, and purity maintains them. Hesthor's waters are known to cleanse the rocks, soil, and dirt of even the foulest manifestations. What if the power of purity and the earth could be combined?


    Keb. He thought. An image flashed in the Rah'mun's mind at this revelation, almost overtaking him. https://th.bing.com/th/id/OIG2.byM5UupGnl5p1_TE2TWI?w=1024&h=1024&rs=1&pid=ImgDetMain



    Keb. That is who, the Pharaoh thought, he and his people must call upon. The Earth shall set things in order, and the Great River will purified anything which relents to the world order of Keb. The Pharaoh then rose from his feet, bowing to the shrine of Hesthor and then departing the temple, preparing several notes to write to people, including Bor of Hazum and other Rah'mun spiritualists. Rituals must be prepared to appease both Hesthor and Keb, for they both would serve their own role in the Rah'muns struggle against the Isfetian occupation of their country.


    It was time for purity and the Earth to join in overwhelming force squelch Isfet - for good.








    Hesthor and Keb

  8. yiroglyphics.thumb.png.abcc7cddad38638fb09f893454543277.png



    [!] The recently healed Atemu, who suffered injuries at the hand of Gashadokuro in his sacking of the Koyuni capital, casts his Hesthorian-blessed gaze towards the great site of maleific power. The Pharaoh contemplates the various matters facing the people of Koyuni as a whole. Even his own people, he thought, who had just escaped the fury of the Horde were now thrown into the infernal wrath of Gashadokuro. Had the Gods abandoned his people? Where was Hesthor, Kalthet, or Tetu? How would his wife, who was due to return from the wartorn Rah'mun homeland Kemet-taw, handle being thrown into an equally dangerous situation? Might the orcs, in their sheer hatred of his people, seek to exploit their relative vulnerability? Might the An-Gho return? These questions and more percolate in the minds of the Pharaoh.


    The Pharaoh sought refuge in the depths of the Temple of Purity where the presence of Hesthor dwells. The Pharaoh assumed a Rah'mun prayer posture before the towering shrine of the Great Spirit of Purity, tied to the domains of Scorthuz, and looked into their teeming waters in the hope of discerning some great truth.


    Atemu prayed and watched - the shrine shimmered with its normal power, and nothing extraordinary came to him. After a few hours within the presence of purity, the Pharaoh began remembering details from his past studies. Purity cleans what is good and restores it to its proper form. The Khnem, soul, was created with many principles in mind, and purity maintains them. Hesthor's waters are known to cleanse the rocks, soil, and dirt of even the foulest manifestations. What if the power of purity and the earth could be combined?


    Keb. He thought. An image flashed in the Rah'mun's mind at this revelation, almost overtaking him. https://th.bing.com/th/id/OIG2.byM5UupGnl5p1_TE2TWI?w=1024&h=1024&rs=1&pid=ImgDetMain



    Keb. That is who, the Pharaoh thought, he and his people must call upon. The Earth shall set things in order, and the Great River will purified anything which relents to the world order of Keb. The Pharaoh then rose from his feet, bowing to the shrine of Hesthor and then departing the temple, preparing several notes to write to people, including Bor of Hazum and other Rah'mun spiritualists. Rituals must be prepared to appease both Hesthor and Keb, for they both would serve their own role in the Rah'muns struggle against the Isfetian occupation of their country.


    It was time for purity and the Earth to join in overwhelming force squelch Isfet - for good.








    Hesthor and Keb


  9. [!] The Pharaoh looks at the missive from a familiar soul with a brow raised. After reading through it, he rises to his feet and tosses it into the blazing of fire that rests at the foot of the Ra'tuhmet's shrine. He then shakes his head, walking off to the temple of Truth to mull over these matters.

  10. td3cQgAGX1h5UZxoKtugkEXDgFH9POql4KsgUJxmKuH30Uggz1aE2aMWrVCkabZa4kfEHLvRXqGOdxA1cWyDLG_LcQE3StyxVO7JbY9T8k8Q7DE6hvcprfZf2-XoYRm0TKoPmC9Qpc2sI1QfIxsg0fE



    Dorabek, lesser spirit of crocodiles and oasis-dwelling animals

    "Pharaohs and kingdoms rest upon the power of my strength and that of my children. Ka’tau flourishes in the oasis of the lands. Strength projects from my jaws, and my Ka brings rise to strong armies. I am Dorabek."


    Dorabek is an influential entity within the Rah’mun pantheon, known for representing strength, military prowess, the mighty Desert crocodile, and the enriching nature of oasis. Dorabek is often depicted as a being with the head of a crocodile and a body of a human male, sometimes wielding two large knives, and other times possessing an ankh and a staff which bears his symbology.


    Dorabek’s name is often invoked by his priests to ward away danger from the homes and temples of Rah’mun, or in some cases to directly afflict evil-doers with Dorabek’s wrath. Many Rah’mun cities have crocodile pits which serve to punish those who violate the laws of Ka’tau in egregious manners. Most of the crocodile pits have small shrines to Dorabek present and act as religious sites. 


    Rah’mun mythos states that Dorabek emerged from the mind of Te’uth as he spent time studying crocodiles along the desert rivers of Kemet-taw, the Rah’mun homeland. Te’uth’s focus unintentionally became a magical spell infused with divine power, which parted from his mind and manifested into the form of Dorabek, who became a mighty God in his own right shortly after being created. 


    Dorabek wandered Kemet-taw and claimed right over the Crocodiles and animals of various oasis, and also provided numerous Rah’mun villages with protection against aggressive, rogue, or corrupted Crocodiles who were in service to Isfet. Dorabek’s actions caused him to quickly accumulate a strong following which became a mainstay priesthood within Rah’mun culture. For a brief period of time, Dorabek usurped Hesthor in cultural significance by becoming associated with Pharonic strength, but this period of time quickly subsided as more Rah’muns sought purity in the image of Hesthor. 


    Today, Dorabek and Tetu’s priesthoods work together to ensure the collective safety of Rah’mun lands and sacred places. Dorabek’s priests can often be found dwelling among crocodile pits, creating oasis and raising shrines to Dorabek within them, and assisting the Machimoi of Rah’tuma in fighting Isfet. Netjer of Dorabek are known for casting powerful spells which cause even the most hardened Isfetians to become overtaken by their patron. 


    Dorabek remains an enduring symbol of Rah’mun strength, power, and resilience.







    This is a lesser spirit of Freygoth for my Rah'mun culture. Read more about the Rah'muns here:




  11. [!] The Pharaoh polishes his Khopesh as he prepares to hunt the man who attempted to harm Panya-ha, one of Rah'tuma's most precious citizens.


    "The judgment of the Gods shall befall this one - no one runs athwart Amaunet's chosen." Atemu says as he prepares for the hunt.

  12. MQ2NvjrVWasiAw3evGJYaP-GPbTEXzKWqlj3XL4nwjlIiihrWd72uR7D3KlJ8wlmLrY0p9CaOJGaQH-JHenGEPaxHaTUSCS5IHG6-BvXld040OT-OXpitlkIfGfxsCemSVw0TIXKoftehtg085DPOdg




    From the smile of Ra shining upon the sands blessed peaks, the forests and rock fields of Keb and his Geese of Ka-ateb,  to the rivers of Mighty Hesthor coursing through the world, the Rah’mun peoples answer the call of Ka’tau where it arises. 


    The world has forgotten the laws of Ankh from which all life springs, and the Gods who preserve it. The Rah’mun peoples continue to stand as a light of innovation, creativity, and purity to the nations.


    The Gods call for priests to fill the temples of Ka’tau, Machimoi (warriors) to staff the ranks of the Pharaoh’s army, diplomats to bring forth the Rah’mun cause throughout the world, and scholars to record the past and present progression of their civilization.


    All descendants are called by the Gods to embrace Ka’tau and walk along the divine paths of their namesake.



    Ra, the hwy-mtn-ra (path) of eternal sunlight, where his Smile is shown to the whole world by prayer and striking at the Darkness of Isfet.


    Hesthor, het-mtn (path) of purity, where the carriers of her sacred Heka purge blights, wash the Khnem (soul) of curses, and drown the wicked.



    Kalthet, Ket-mtn, (path) of wit and strategy, where her warriors and strategists overcome the evils of Isfet in war.



    Tetu, Tet-mtn (path) of defense and protection, where his servants defend Rah’tuma and the innocents of the world from those who would cause them unjust harm



    Te’uth, teu-mtn, of knowledge and wisdom, where his scribes record all manner of knowledge for the enrichment of the Khnem (soul).



    Amaunet, ame-mtn, of vitality and Ka (life), where her physician-magicians cure all ailments of the body and strike against the bodies of Isfetinas and all who conduct evil.




    Ka’tau, kte-mtn, path of law and justice, where her servants bring Creation’s divine law to reaches of the world where chaos reigns.




    Ptuh-ra, pte-mtn, path of Creation and forging, where innovative Rah’muns create wares to sell to other civilizations and advance the physical and economic health of their own. 


    There are many paths of Ka’tau that go beyond what has been stated here that are available in Rah’mun civilization. The question becomes, will you answer the call? Will you join the blessed peoples of the Sands as they ascend to a new golden age of light, purity, prosperity, and truth? Will you stand against the chaos of Isfet by bringing forth the power of the Gods to oppose the forces that seek to dominate and corrupt Aevos?


    Come today, for the light of Ra’tuhmet welcomes you. 





    Hey all! This is a recruitment post for my ancient egyptian inspired civilization of Rah'tuma and it's religion of Ka'tau. If you are interested in ancient history and wish to play out a character with an ancient egyptian aesthetic, come and join us! We are currently recruiting members for the Royal Family (including the Pharaoh's Queen), warriors, priests, inventors, citizens, and so forth. Furthermore, Ka'tau is a spiritualist religion, meaning it's practitioners make great use of shamanism magic in practicing it. This is not a guarantee of a free CA, but if shamanism RP and the aesthetic surrounding it interests you, this is also a good place to be.


    Read more about us here and join the discord:




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