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Posts posted by Boknice275

  1. https://images.fineartamerica.com/images/artworkimages/mediumlarge/3/1-egyptian-ankh-cross-nikolay-todorov.jpg

    [!] After a period of deep deliberation and meditation, the voice of Ka’tau emerges from his temple and approaches the defiled shrine of Scorthuz. With the assistance of his allies, he reconstructs the defiled shrine and proceeds back to his temple. From his temple the following proclamation emerges. The following missive is sent throughout the lands of Aevos. It's contents rest beneath the symbol of an Ankh cross and a white cow head, depicting Hesthor.  


    I, Atemu-Ta, Pharaoh of the Rah’mun peoples, voice of Ka’tau, horn of Hesthor, twin-sun of the Bronze Band, gleaming light of the Ra’tuhmet, have heard an exhortation from the realms of milken purity. The people of the Rah’mun have rebuilt the defiled shrine of Scorthuz, spirit of Purity, purging, and cleansing, within the Horde's capital and are now resolved to ensure Lady Hesthor’s  rivers of purity flow throughout this world.


    A declaration has been made from the Heavens of Ka. As prophet of Ka’tau, I come to deliver this message to you. Hesthor, our spirit of pure waters, has condemned the draconic Isfetians (chaos agents) known as Azdrazi and their foul Dragon-head the An-Gho. These foul beings, much like their father Azdromoth who is twisted by the powers of the Arch-Deceiver, have sunk their scales into the societies of descendants throughout Aevos. They kidnap descendants, twist their institutions towards the goals of their foul lord, and do the bidding of their corrupted Father at a whim. 


    For far too long have descendants feared these ancient beasts and deferred to their rule. Only recently have the misguided Canonists turned the Azdrazi from their favor, but many rumors establish many Canonists as non-committed to the Pure Path against the Azdrazi.


    Lady Hesthor, cow mother of pure waters, Lord Scorthuz, and Lord Ramazet of the Pure Path, all say enough. Judgment has come for Azdromoth and all of his children from the realms of spiritual purity. 


    Hesthor has unleashed a flood of purifying Heka waters to overtake and consume the children of Azdromoth whole. She demands her waters set against the Azdrazi to flood their domain until it has been completely cleansed from the material world. She has commanded spiritualists and followers of the Path of purity to use her authority to annihilate the draconic worm wherever they may reside. 


    Henceforth, by the command of the voice of Hesthor, all spiritualists and shamans are obligated to capture or kill Azdrazi on sight. Any Azdrazi caught within the lands of the spiritualists must be purged immediately. Any captured Azdrazi must be sacrificed to the nearest shrine of Hesthor as a devotion to the immaculate authority of the Pure Kingdoms. Any sightings of Azdrazi are to be reported to Pharaoh Atemu or any senior shaman available. Furthermore, the pure Heka (magic) of Hesthor will be unleashed upon lands and areas where Azdrazi are suspected, and this power will be applied directly to purge the souls of individual Azdrazi when they are encountered. The Isfetian dragons shall know the power all buurz fear to experience.


    Faithful Rah’muns, followers of the Pure Path, shamans and fellow spiritualists are encouraged to pray the Execration Prayers which are attached to this pamphlet. The specific prayers to use for this quest are THE SPELL OF SPOILING THE ISFETIAN DRACONIC to ruin draconic magics, and THE SPELL TO ANNIHILATE THE AN-GHO, DRACONIC AGENT OF ISFET. These spells shall assist in unleashing Hesthor’s waters to drown the Azdrazi and their source of power with purging Heka. 


    The domains of purity are now completely at war against the An-Gho, the draconic worms beneath him, and his father Azdromoth. This effort will continue until the worms are eradicated from Aevos and Hesthor’s power has overtaken their domain, much like she overtook the Inferi Kazul in the form of a mighty, scalding flood when Prophet Naseret called forth her power long ago. The world shall know the same immaculate pure waters called forth from the realms of Ka centuries ago, and it shall establish Ka’tau as the resolute universal order of this world. 


    May Hesthor's waters rush forth, and and her Immaculate domain triumph over the draconic plague.


    So shall it be. 




    Atemu-Ta, Pharaoh of the Rahmuns, voice of Ka’tau, 

    Twin Sun of the Bronze Band.



    Skriptgoth of the Horde



    Motsham of the Horde, Voice of the Spirits, 

    Druglord of the south.


    [!] Attached below are a copy of the Execration Prayers noted earlier in the missive.








    Heyo all. This post is meant to kick off a spiritualist-Azdrazi storyline which will hopefully provide rich RP for both groups! Ka'tau is an IC religion based off of shamanic lore. More info can be found here:




  2. [!] The venerable Knight sat idle at his desk within the bustling capital of Balian, staring blankly at sacred iconography of Exalted Owyn the Baneslayer. All manner of thoughts raced through the former Grand Inquisitor's head as he contemplated the unknown fate of the fledgling Inquisitor Ontillas. The Inquisition, he thought, was meant to be GOD's vanguard against the exploits of Iblees, and yet it has proven unable to even protect its own ranks from danger. The old knight stood to his feet, his gaze never leaving the blessed Icon of Owyn for a moment. Tears began to slowly well up in his eyes.


    "GOD, forgive your people for our inaction against evil. Exalted Owyn, forgive your descendants of the Holy Flame for their inability to snuff out these evils and overthrow them, as you overthrew wicked Harren and foul Iblees. " Philip muttered before falling to his knees, tears now trickling down his face and beads falling from his eyes.


    "GOD, forgive ME for failing your people! May this failure not go in vain. May the nations of Man redeem themselves.." Philip then stopped and fell silent, remaining in a place of quiet prayer for a few passing moments. He then stood to his feet and reached out to grab his sword, which immediately shone a bright holy light upon receiving his touch. He then went to exit his home with a look of determination in his face, reflected in his tone.

    "We shall rise up a generation of Owyns. And with this blessed power, this world shall be delivered from its foes."


  3. https://i.etsystatic.com/6148540/r/il/633926/2187262108/il_1080xN.2187262108_rwnv.jpg

    Hesthor, cow spirit of pure waters, bovine purging, and soul preservation, lesser of Scorthuz.


    The Prophet of Rah’tuma, the long lost culture whose faith of Ka’tau characterized their way of life, traversed the realms of purity once written about in the canons of his people. From these realms poureth the bounties of Hesthor, cow goddess of pure waters. It was these waters which vanuqished Iblees from the realm more than once, and overcame the machinations of the Aengu-daemons with the strongest of Heka.


    This same Heka which appears as powerful cascading streams of milken purity was needed once more. The first Rah’muns were not merely guided by the Ra’tuhmet’s light alone, but they were also protected and preserved through Hesthor’s waters. What might the world look like should her waters run freely again, from the heavens of Ka’tau into the realms of Men?


    These questions consume the mind of Atemu as he traverses through the realms of purity with two adherents of the faith of Ka’tau. The domain of purity, headed by Scorthuz, came in a kaleidoscope of manifestations. In this particular instance, they walked the grounds at the perimeter of Hesthor’s realm, governed by a spirit once lost to time: Ramazet, God of the Pure Path of Heka.

    Ramazet stood before the group sat upon his canoe, which floated upon waters glowing with the essence of Hesthor, a union of milk and regular waters which sparkled with immaculate purity. 


    “YE who wish to embark upon the pure path, state your names.” Ramazet remarked.


    After a brief discussion, Ramazet demanded a penalty for passage: construct a shrine to his glory in the material realm and come back with followers. 


    Atemu approached the ancient spirit and merely locked eyes with him, a smile manifest upon his bronze-colored face.”Allow us passage to the cow goddess and all in the realm of Rah’tuma shall know your name once again, ancient spirit.”


    Atemu’s bargain sufficed, and the spirit sheperded him and his group to the realms of Hesthor. Hesthor’s domain was just as described in the old Rah’mun lore: The landscape is replete with sparkling oases of milk, water, and honey, which are surrounded by half-men half-cow priests all bearing the cross of Ka’tau upon their bodies and the Cowbell of Hesthor around their necks. Towering obelisks of marble and diamond glimmered in the atmosphere, radiating pure Heka from their structures. 


    A single building defined the tone of the realm. A silver pyramid surrounded by several marble obelisks shone brightly, overrun with a hue of pure silver-blue light. A cadre of cow-men and priests emerge from the center of the pyramids, four of each surrounding both sides of the divine Litter they held. Sitting upon the Litter rests a woman with the head of a cow and the body of a human woman, strewn with jewlery, wearing a cowbell with an eye of Ka’tau inscribed upon it, and wielding an Ankh sceptre pouring with pure waters from its head.

    The Cow-goddess, known as Hesthor of pure waters, the second light of Creation after the birth of the Ra’tuhmet, gazed kindly upon Atemu and his coterie. Atemu fell to his feet, beckoning favor from Hesthor and asking to represent her upon the mortal plain.


    “My child, you shall bring forth my waters from the source of these heavens of Ka, my domain, and they shall flow freely throughout your world.”


    “Mighty Hesthor,” Atemu began, “the agents of Isfet which wander our land, these foul darkspawn, will your waters give my people authority over them?”


    “Shhh,” Hesthor said, placing her bovine finger to her mouth as she poured fourth a cup of water towards the spiritual form of the Pharaoh, “rest easy, my child; you shall have the authority to bring forth my Heka to wash out all that is impure. Now take this bequeathment and go..”


    Atemu’s body radiated with a blue light as ethereal waters with the consistency of milk overtook both him and his cadre, sending their souls back into the mortal realm.


    Atemu, the latest Pharaoh and prophet of the Rah’mun peoples, now possessed the mandate of purity in his soul. He would now wield Hesthor's Heka to purify the Creation in the name of Ka'tau, and call forth the power of his Lady so all may be cleansed.


    And so shall the river of purity flow strong in this world..



    A pact with Hesthor, lesser spirit of pure waters under Scorthuz. 2/5 slots taken.


  4. https://images.fineartamerica.com/images/artworkimages/mediumlarge/3/1-egyptian-ankh-cross-nikolay-todorov.jpg

    Ka’tau personified upon an Ankh cross. 


    [!] A missive is sent across the lands bearing the symbol of Ankh cross. Upon reading the missive, the following is seen:


    Denizens of Aevos,


    I am Atemu-Ta. I am the prophet of the Rah’mun faith of Ka’tau and the emissary of our gods. I write to you to provide tools in this time when the forces of Isfet (chaos) arise against descendants. The maleific filth of Moz Strimoza arises in the shadows of Aevos. Ka’tau herself has given me visions of this threat, and this foresight has been confirmed by the mutterings of descendant societies around this land. Ka’tau is the universal law of harmony, justice, truth, and order which binds all of Creation together. The one who is known as “Iblees” is merely an agent of Isfet under a different name and he strongly opposes Ka’tau. The Dwarves call him Khorvad, and other cultures name him accordingly. As a force of disorder and chaos in this world, my people are called into necessary conflict against him. When Isfet arose in the form of Keop during the beginning of our people’s history, Naseret called forth the power of Ka’tau and drove the forces of darkness from our world. When Kazul, an Inferi lieutenant of Iblees, came forth and ravaged the world, the Immaculate Oasis of Hesthor washed away his forces with a single invocation. Our people have overcome this ‘Iblees’ before and we shall do it again.


    The early priests of Rah’mun society bequeathed the “Execration Prayers” to posterity. These prayers include pointed invocations to the deities of Ka’tau to destroy, confuse, harm, and annihilate the forces of Isfet and all of its agents. Until recently these prayers have been lost to time, driven to near-extinction much like Rah’mun society itself. All agents of Isfet - ALL of the Aengudaemons and their followers, Iblees, contrary spirits, voidal entities, wizards, horrors, and powers, enemies of Ka’tau, enemies of Rah’tuma, enemies of the Pharaoh, worshipers of a faith contrary to the spirits - are included in these prayers. Should the descendants in Aevos state these prayers as instructed by the guide below, the forces of Isfet shall find their powers failing, their plans confused, and their souls annihilated. 


    Instructions before praying:


    Stand in a quiet place before the symbol of the Ankh cross or another shrine of the Ka’tau faith. Remain steadily and orderly, as the divine law of Ka’tau exists. Hold either a figurine, a paper with an inscription upon it, or an image of the mind before the symbol of Ka’tau. The image, figurine, or inscription should depict the target of your prayers in some form.  


    As you begin the Execration prayer, you should proceed to either rip up or stomp upon the paper, batter the figurine with physical force, or imagine the mental image being consumed by respective powers.





    Atemu-Ta, the justified, which is performed daily in the temple of the Divine Three, Lords and ladies of Ka’tau, who dwells in the Heavens. 


    THE SPELL OF SPITTING Upon ISFET O’ Foul Isfet, called IBLEES by some, be spat upon by all children of Creation [Repeat four times]. May your name be defiled and disgraced; your maleific power shunned by all and abandoned by all hosts; may the very thought of your presence hinder and ruin your works in the hearts of Descendants. May the hearts of the workers of Isfet be weighted down with shame, disgust, that their hands proceed to fail to serve Isfet. May their works be poison to their minds and bodies and cause disorder to your cause. This is done for the sterling Ra’tuhmet and the Pharaoh, his divine agent and wielder of Ankh. Ra’tuhmet comes in victory; Ra’tuhmet’s rays disperse the darkness and bring forth Ka’tau’s order; Ra’tuhmet is triumphant, Ra’tuhmet is resolute, may his golden sunlight expose, shame, terrorize, weaken, and burn the Agents of Isfet. The Ra’tuhmet’s light exposes, shame, terrorize, and weaken Iblees.  May Pharaoh be empowered to cut, decapitate, and crush all foes of his reign, and trample over he who is called Iblees. May Kazul fall by the might of Pharaoh’s strike empowered by the hot rays of the Ra’tuhmet.


    THE SPELL OF DROWNING ISFET IN PURE WATERS Hesthor, we call upon you that you may receive Isfet the evil one, and flood him where he stands and provide him no escape. Fill his lungs with your scalding waters of milken purity and light, and have your everlasting waters consume him. Admonish his agents and consume them with your pure waters. Let their shadow, soul, physical bodies, shells, doppelgangers, and every unit of their existence be snuffed out and drowned by your endless Immaculate waters. Let your power crush their souls like a heavy wave. Empower Pharaoh to call forth your authority over the impure. Pharaoh has drowned the impure! [Repeat four times]. Hesthor has defeated Isfet! [Repeat four times].


    THE SPELL OF OUTWITTING AND OVERTHROWING THE ARMIES OF ISFET The ironclad spear of Kalthet fells the foul armies of Isfet. O’ mighty Kalthet, may your spears outwit the ranks of Isfet; expose and ruin their foul warplans; lower their strategies into impotence. Kalthet, your spear has battered the heads of the foes of Ka’tau and the Pharaoh. Raise up thy ironclad spear, O’ Kalthet, and cut to pieces the enemies of Ka’tau, the foes of Pharaoh, and the armies of Isfet. Let the most elite of their ranks fall first, and then may all others suffer your spear’s rampage. Come, O’ Kalthet, so that the wicked in their trenches and barracks may drop their weapons and bow to thee and submit to Ka’tau. Empower Pharaoh, who adores your wit, to thrust forth your spear into the eye of Isfet and strike his ranks with Blindness so they may not tell friend from foe, nor may they wield their weapons or powers against anyone. The spear, wit, and might of Kalthet is against thee, foes of Ka’tau, enemies of the Rah’mun, and those who despise Pharaoh. The spear cuts your stomach, it shatters your kneecaps, it impales your skull, it disarms you. May the spear assail you until you submit to Ka’tau or succumb to its might. O’ Kalthet, favor Pharaoh and the Rah’muns in all battles, so they might crush the foes of Creation. Kalthet is victorious over Isfet! [4 times] Pharaoh is victorious over his FOES! [4 times] Rah’muns are victorious over Isfet! [4 times]. 


    THE SPELL OF TAKING THE SPEAR TO SMITE ISFET LO’ Kalthet has once more raised her iron spear of wit and brass against Isfet. She has impaled his skull, ravaged his body, and abolished his knees. Kalthet, batter Isfet with the force of your spear! Strike endlessly into their hearts and pierce their soul so their body and spirit might be wounded! Assail them so they have no peace. Scatter their minds to the wind so they may never succeed against Ka’tau. Tear their shadow and spiritual form asunder! Kalthet, impale Pharaoh’s enemies. Empower him to overcome them in intelligence and strategy. Set forth your siege weapons to lay ruin in the ranks of Isfet.  Divide them. Ruin them. Annihilate them with your immaculate spear-strike. Pharaoh has smote the forces of Isfet! [Repeat four times]. Kalthet has outwitted the armies of Isfet [repeat four times]!


    THE SPELL OF DEVOURING ISFET BY RA’TUHMET FIRE O’ Flaming Eye, in the form of the Resolute Ra’tuhmet, may your ire consume the whole of Isfet. May the Ra’tuhmet’s fire be in thee, Isfet and his agents. Fire consume you, fire devour you, fire tear you asunder, fire dispel your blackest darkness. May the Ra’tuhmet’s fire oppose you at every turn, assail you in your life and dreams. May the Flaming Eye’s gaze lock upon you forever and cause all your plans and actions to catch fire. May the Flaming Eye’s wrath consume your shade, soul, and body simultaneously. The fire shall devour you throughout time; past, present, future; and throughout dimensions, spiritual and mortal. The Ra'tuhmet has burned his foes! [Repeat four times]!


    THE SPELL OF DECLARING JUDGMENT UPON ISFET O’ Ka’tau, cosmic and spiritual law of Creation, judge the forces of ISFET! Ye who harmonize existence, cause the Agents of Isfet not to be well. May every edge of Creation oppose them; may their penalty be announced in the heavens and wrought forth in the material. Cause the punishment for their wickedness to multiply forty-times over. May their misdeeds assail them, ruin them, and convict their soul. May the weight of their evil consume them, seven-fold. May their souls, shadow, and powers be rendered impotent, seized by the force of Ka’tau. Empower Pharaoh to hold the law of Ka'tau in his hands and enact it against Isfet. Ka'tau has judged and overthrown the forces of Isfet! [repeat four times]. Pharaoh has executed judgment against the forces of Isfet! [repeat four times].



    Ra’tuhmet, show the evil one Isfet, that his ways are foolish, rebuke him and lead us, your faithful people, not into darkness but into the light, deliver us from deceit and all impurity and rebuke the evil one who lives within us. Break the shackles of Isfet that are upon us, and take us away from corruption. Set us apart O' Ra’tuhmet, that we may follow the path of Ka’tau that leads us to life and not the path of Isfet that leads to death. Empower Pharaoh and his faithful to deliver this rebuke fiercely upon the enemy!


    THE SPELL OF BREAKING THE MAGICS OF ISFET WITH HEKA O’ Theu'th, lord of Heka, make conjuration against Isfet with your magic. The Lord of HEKA is against you, Isfett. Heka, the magic of spiritual law, overturns and spoils your foul spells, conjurations, dark animations, mind control, and all other magics of Isfet. May Heka crush your powers like a hammer, breaking their form, causing them to fail. Every spell and curse cast shall be countered and cancelled by Heka.  May Heka turn your curses upon you, so they shall consume your soul whole. May Heka cause the forces of Isfet to fall into their own traps. May the Lord of Heka make conjuration against you with his magic; may Heka undo your presence in existence. May the Lord of Heka’s conjurations entangle your spells and absorb them. May he fell you, cut you up, blind your sight, and condemn you to the ire of the Flaming Eye for ultimate judgment. Wherever you flee, north, south, east, west, or beneath the Earth, or between realms, Heka’s arts will follow you; they will assail you; they shall consume you whole. May the Flaming Eye’s gaze burn you like a furnace; it’s heat shall destroy you, and it shall be everlasting. Be ye repelled by Heka. Heka counters your dark magicks. Heka makes all your spells impotent. May Heka reverse spoil future threats before they manifest. May all rituals which disrupt Ka’tau fail. Be ye annihilated, workers of the dark arts, agents of Isfet, defilers of Ka’tau. May Pharaoh wield Heka to hasten your demise. Pharaoh has dispelled the foul magics of Isfet! [Repeat four times]. Theu'th has triumphed over Isfet! [Repeat four times].


    THE SPELL OF STIFLING ISFET MAGICS BY PURE WATERS Hesthor, may your pure waters consume the works of Isfet, who goes by Iblees among many other names. May your obelisks of purity cause the spells of Isfet to falter. The Oases of your heavens shall pour upon the rituals of Isfet like a waterfall and crush them. Be they annihilated and crushed by these heavenly waters. Flood their ritual sites and lairs, overturn their altars with your cascading waters,  drown their magi, and undo their powers.  May the void’s works be undone, and it’s corruption cleansed by your glory. May the filth of Moz Strimoza drown in your presence. May your waters flood, consume, and purge their foul arts. The magic of Isfet shall fail and be annhilated by your waters, O’ Hesthor. The taint of your spells succumbs to Hesthor’s authority. Hesthor, set your pure hooves against the powers of Isfet. Hesthor, BATTER the magics of Isfet and its practitioners with your thunderous booming hooves; DROWN and CRUSH them with the force of your crashing waves of purity. Empower Pharaoh to use your hooves, horns, and waters to annihilate the enemy. Pharaoh has crushed his foes! [recite for times]. Hesthor has purged the impure! [recite four times]. Ka’tau has set forth judgment [recite four times]. 


    THE SPELL OF SPOILING THE ISFETIAN DRACONIC The DRACONIC Isfet, known as AZDRAZI, shall bring forth no flame. Theu'th, send forth a conjuration to  seize their Draconic fire, stay their tongues, and harden their hearts. Theu'th, your arts shall chill them with cold and bitterness freeze to freeze blood and harden their veins. Hesthor, CLAIM dominion over Azdromoth’s foul fire and consume it with your waters. Wash it away. Hesthor, wash away the red-hot Draconics with your Immaculate Waters. Drown them, batter them with your hooves! May your waters snuff out their fires, flood their fiery veins, and purge away their souls. Your waters shall consume and purge the fiery souls of all Draconics. May they be made UNDONE. May they be annihilated. May their shadow, body, and spirit be defeated. Theu'th and Hesthor, empower Pharaoh to annihilate the Draconics and overcome their foul fire. May Pharaoh wield Theu'th to conjure against the Draconics. Pharaoh, use Hesthor’s waves to flood the draconics. Pharaoh shall crush his foes [repeat four times]. Hesthor’s waters have drowned the dragon [repeat four times]. Theu'th’s magic has defeated their fire [repeat four times].


    THE SPELL OF DIMMING THE FALSE SUN Ra’tuhmet, your Eternal Sunlight usurps the false Isfetian idol Xan. Your golden chariot and flaming Heka drives away the pretender Aengul’s power. May your flaming sceptre shatter the false sun into one-million pieces; and along with it the powers of its agents. your light shall arise above the false light, and all shall know you as the Ra’tuhmet, Lord of Eternal sunlight, crafter of Creation. The wielders of false light shall find their powers dimmed, impotent, shattered and fragmented,. Ra’tuhmet, collapse the fortresses of false light. Smite them beneath your fiery might. Assail Xan’s agents with your Flaming glare. Terrorize them, shatter their souls and body with your sceptre, abolish their authority forever.  Empower Pharaoh to overcome them with your eternal light. The Ra’tuhmet is victorious [repeat four times]. Pharaoh has crushed the Agents of Xan [repeat four times]. 


    THE SPELL OF SHATTERING ISFET BINDS, MENTAL AND PHYSICAL O’ Ahura-Ma, our lady of Freedom, set your emerald wings of freedom against Isfet’s oppression! Terrorize and scatter the magical and physical chains of Isfet. Your power shall liberate all held in captivity by necromancers, liches, Azdrazi, and other agents of Isfet. Ahura-ma, set your wings to shatter the all-consuming blood-lust slavery of vampirism. Embolden the spirits of descendants against the tyranny of Isfet! Inspire them so they may never fall into his trap! All traps of Isfet are shattered by Ahura-Ma’s emerald might. All captors, tyrants, and slavers, spiritual, physical, and magical, are annihilated by Ahura-Ma’s judgment. Ahura-Ma, crush, cut, incapacitate, and ruin the slaving ranks of Isfet. Shatter the prisons of Isfet, and convict the captors and tyrants. May the Freedom Mother’s emerald fire abolish all forms of mind control from Isfet’s forces. Terrorize the Bone-Lord; cause his entrapping magics to fail. Empower Pharaoh to bring forth freedom to the enslaved in your name. Pharaoh has liberated the captives of Isfet! [Repeat four times]. Ahura-Ma has obliterated the prisons and binds of Isfet! [repeat four times]


    Condemning the forces of ISFET By All of their Names O’ The combined powers of Ka’tau shall assail, cut up, terrorize, and annihilate the agents of Isfet by all their names. Be ye condemned and judged NOW: False light Xan, the Arch-Deceiver Iblees, Keop, Malchediael, the corrupted Azdromoth, Brathmordakin pretenders, the Canon ‘God,’ the Principalities of Moz Strimoza and their lieutenants and denizens, The Supreme Horrors and Powers of the void, and all of their subordinates and their powers, Void Magic in all forms, the Undead in all their forms, the restless dead (poltergeists, ghosts), Moris, Creatures of Darkness who Dwell in the caves, vampires, frost witches, Nazterak, occultists who raise the dead and their constructs, profane cults or groups of any Isfetian power, all practitioners, wizards, witches, and seekers of the void. Any and all forces not mentioned which oppose the goal of Ka’tau or her spirits. Be ye all condemned, convicted, and judged harshly for your crimes against Creation. May your powers fail you, may you be cut up, may your heads be crushed, may your hands not work, may you go blind forever, may you go mute forever, may your realms of power be sealed permanentely and forcefully disconnected from this world, so your arts may never manifest again; May you be assailed by the Flaming Eye wherever you go. May your powers turn against you and consume you, rather than the descendants, Pharaoh, or the Rah’muns. Judgment shall not cease until you are annihilated. Ka’tau has judged her foes [repeat four times]. Pharaoh has executed Ka’tau’s judgment upon all her foes [repeat four times].


    THE SPELL OF BANISHING CREATURES OF THE NIGHT O’ Oti, lord of eternal moonlight, let your light banish away the creatures of shadow and night. May no shadow or agent of Darkness pierce your pale light. May it shine upon the darkest crevices and run Isfet’s shadows from their hiding place. Your light shall protect the children of Ka’tau and guide them in the darkness. Oti, empower Pharaoh to trample over the creatures of the night. Pharaoh has crushed the night-creatures! [repeat four times]. 


    THE SPELL TO FELL THE BONE-LORD, AGENT OF ISFET O’ Hesthor, send a wave of pure HEKA waters against the Bone-Lord, a foul agent of Isfet. May his bones shatter and melt beneath the wave; may his accursed soul drown in pure waters, and be sent to Ka’tau for ultimate judgment. May the wave condemn him to torment. May the wave convict his heart with disgust; may he despise himself, his works, his master, and his allies, and shall he turn against them. May your waters reverse every curse he uttered upon descendants; cleanse the land he afflicted; BATTER, trample, and drown his constructs in your pure waters. Boil his spirit in your waters as he drowns; inflict upon him the pain of the Living, as a pure soul would. Annihilate him. Hesthor, empower Pharaoh to crush the Bone-Lord’s head with your hooves. Condemn him to eternal drowning, so the forces of purity and Heka might beset him forever. Theu'th, make conjuration against him to seize his arts, destroy his maleific authority, and ravage his body. Pharaoh has crushed the Bone-Lord [repeat four times]. Hesthor has trampled and drowned the Bone-Lord [repeat four times]. Theu'th has spoiled the Bone-Lord’s arts; the Dark Arts are defeated! [repeat four times]. 


    THE SPELL TO ANNIHILATE THE AN-GHO, DRACONIC AGENT OF ISFET O' Hesthor, may your HEKA in the form of pure waters consume the An-Gho. May the pure waters BATTER him, toss him, and purge his soul of foul Fire eternally. May he be condemned to your wrath, O' Hesthor. May your waters drown his lungs, and afflict His mind with disgust for his fallen nature. May your pure waves overturn his altars, flood his fortresses and centers of power, and sever the connection with his master, the foul Azdromoth. Hesthor, BATTER Azdromoth with your divine hooves of bovine purging, and then send your waters to sweep away his essence forever. O' Hesthor, bruise, cut up, crush, and drown the An-Gho, his agents, his kingdom, and his master. May their flooded lungs produce no fire; may their minds turn inward in disgust; and may your voice and image scald their souls, so they might know what true power is. May your domain triumph over the Draconics and their Heralds. Theu'th, lord of HEKA, make conjuration against the An-Gho and his powers. Freeze his scales so they may become impotent. Chill his veins with mighty HEKA so they may not produce fire. May your conjuration lock and seize all of his powers. Hesthor, Empower Pharaoh to crush the An-Gho beneath your banner of purity. Empower him to use your horns and waters to wash away the Azdrazi FILTH! Pharaoh has crushed the An-Gho! [Repeat four times]. Hesthor's domain has defeated the Azdrazi! [repeat four times]. Theu'th has defeated Draconic power! [repeat four times] Ka'tau has judged and overthrown Azdromoth from his seat of power [repeat four times].


    Old Blah Translations for these prayers [coming soon]




    This is another piece of culture from my religious culture of Ka'tau. More information can be found here:

    If you wanna join, please come to our discord: https://discord.gg/YeMRZvtN7E


  5. https://images.fineartamerica.com/images/artworkimages/mediumlarge/3/1-egyptian-ankh-cross-nikolay-todorov.jpg

    Symbol of the spirit Ka'tau, personification of universal law.

    The Book of Ka’tau 


    Divinely inspired stories and tales of the Rah’mun peoples, translated from the writings and speeches of the prophets, lector priests, and Pharaohs. 


    Translated and Delivered by: Atemu-Ta



    Amun Prophet, Voice of Ka’tau, Sword of the Ra’tuhmet, Pharaoh of Rah’tuma


    Book 1: Creation story.


    The following tale has been passed down in the oral traditions of the Rah’mun peoples, who follow the faith of Ka’tau. Ka’tau is a spiritualist faith which affirms an animistic worldview. Adherents of Ka’tau believe in a single universal law of justice and harmony which binds all of existence together and takes many forms. The various spirits of the faith represent the different faces of Ka’tau, creating an endless list of entities which represent every facet of existence. The main three entities given credence by most practitioners of the faith are the Ra’tuhmet, an eagle-headed lord of eternal sunlight; Hesthor, a cow lady of pure waters, soul preservation, and bovine purging; and Kalthet, a lion-headed lady of grand strategy and Rah’mun battles. 


    This story explains the Rah’mun origin story. The Rah’muns believe that before anything existed the universe was merely a void. Ka’tau herself, the personification of the universal law, brought forth the Ra’tuhmet as the first light which filled the void. The Ra’tuhmet then forged the stars, the world, and everything within it. At the edges of this void emerged Kalthet and Hesthor, who both claimed different aspects of the newly created world.


    The Creation story contains the emergence of Keop, the mortal enemy of Ka’tau, and Iblees and his general Kazul and their activities against the early descendants. This book is considered the most sacred of all the Rah’mun texts and is essential reading for any followers of the faith. All should read and understand with the fullness of their heart this sacred story.


    The text [links here]:



    Book of Ka'tau: Creation.





    This is part of the lore for a new spiritualist/shamanism based religion called Ka'tau, which is inspired by Ancient pharaohic Egypt. Feel free to join our discord at the link below if you have interest in joining: https://discord.gg/YeMRZvtN7E


    Below is more information about Ka'tau:





  6. https://images.fineartamerica.com/images/artworkimages/mediumlarge/3/1-egyptian-ankh-cross-nikolay-todorov.jpg

    Ka’tau personified upon an Ankh cross. 


    The People of Rah’Tuma


    [!] A missive is sent across the lands bearing the symbol of Ankh cross. Upon reading the missive, the following is seen:


    Greetings, sons and daughters of Aevos. I am Atemu-Ta. I am the Amun prophet of the Rah’mun peoples who dwell in the deserts of these lands. I speak as both pharaoh and a high priest for my people, who follow the spiritual faith of Ka’tau in our everyday lives. Ka’tau is the universal cosmic law of all of Creation comprised of the concepts of justice, order, and harmony. Everything that exists is intertwined with and bound by Ka’tau. The Rah’mun people are custodians of this divine order and use it to inform their daily lives. We are also a  contemplative and ingenuitive people who seek to order their lives around divine principles. But we are also cognizant of the demands of Ka’tau upon all: ankh-amun-atet. This world is consumed by dark powers which seek to subvert and suppress the innocent. The Aengudaemons seek to enslave all to their tyrannical goals. Voidal magi and their foul arts pervert the natural order and preach false philosophies. Infernal beasts who burn the soul with fallen fire. Accursed workers of witchcraft and all manner of deviltry defy Ka’tau flagrantly from the influence of Keop. 


    The ways of the Rah’mun are free from these distortions and offer a different path. Our teachings, brought forth by the first prophet and pharaoh Naseret, put emphasis on the spirits and descendant kind’s direct relationship with them. Our people practice and study purity, combat readiness, philosophy, architecture, farming, and much more beneath the resolute Sun of the Ra’tuhmet. We wander the deserts and brave the unknown for all of Creation has a story to tell.


    All are welcomed to study our ways and join our people. 




    Atemu-Ta, Amun Prophet of Ka'tau, Voice of the Divine Three, Pharaoh of the Rah'mun people.


    (OOC: Heyo! I’m starting an egyptian themed shamanic/spiritualist group. If you’d like to join our growing community be sure to stop by the Discord and say hello!




    Additionally, here is more information about the religion of Ka'tau)





  7. [!] The prophet of Ka'tau grimaces upon seeing the notice from the Mageocracy. He crumples up his copy of the paper and tosses it to the ground, then proceeding to walk the sandy dunes of the Overworld. The beaming sun inspires confidence in the spiritualist as he mulls over what he read.


    "These sorcerers of Keop continue to openly defy Ka'tau and make a mockery of old Rah'mun language. All bindings are shattered by the wings of Ahura-Ma, and all sorceries are ruined by the power of Hesthor. I will not allow Keop to get a stronghold in the promised lands as he did in Almaris. NO, these lands belong to the Divine Three and their spiritual heirs, and no one else."


    [!] Atemu continued his walk, the beaming sunlight pouring down upon him as he continued deliberation...

  8. Only one thing I'd like to bring up: under current lore, we can spirit walk to a lesser of Scorthuz and get any applicable soul affliction/corruption cured. Group rituals and shrines are great additions, but they should be amongst the many options to achieve the same aims. I'm not sure what the justification for spirit walks is if the same thing can be achieved solely through shrines/group rituals in the material world.


    Ideally, it'd make sense to provide three options for soul corruption cleansing: pacted shrines, group rituals, and spirit walks to a lesser of a greater spirit (which is the current option we use). In this case, if someone is not allied with 5+ shamans or does not have three shamans nearby, they can just go straight to the lesser and have them handle it. Cultural events should enhance groups and not discriminate against more disjointed players.


    This is my only critique. Everything else in this thread is perfect (as is expected, you are a good lore writer) and I look forward to seeing it implemented!



  9. MC Name:



    Character's Name:



    Character's Age:



    Character's Race:



    What magic(s) will you be learning?



    Teacher's MC Name:



    Teacher's RP Name:



    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep Story updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Are you aware that if this magic is shelved, it will be unavailable to use?


  10. [!] The Amun Prophet gazes upon the scrawled note with a curious glance. After reading the missive, he simply shakes his head and continues walking along the ridges of Heliviiryn's murky mountains. Grumbling beneath his breath, he remarks.


    "Who is He who stands to benefit from sowing doubt into the minds of the faithful? Only He who seeks to, by undermining their faith, bend their future to His will. This is a Xionist doctrine which mutters falsehoods into depressed minds. The Ra'tuhmet, atet-pum-amet, has promised his people victory over all forms of darkness, and victory we shall have. Ka'tau prevails even in the presence of chaos, for chaos is merely evidence of the divine order's strength. If Ka'tau was not strong, chaos would not spring up so hurriedly.


    The children of Creation are victorious.  And soon all shall know that." The Ka'tau faithful said as he continued his walk, his golden optics navigating through the foggy atmosphere of Heliviiryn.

  11. OOC: You truly never know what time will bring. I vaguely remember interacting with Jedi once or twice. May her memory persist in all of our hearts. Be sure to let your friends know you care about them - virtual or otherwise.















    Ahura-Ma, patron of mental liberation and freedom.

    Anudj-har-tha (hello), children of the Ka’tau. Freedom, my children, is the prerequisite for Ka’tau to emerge in this world, amet-tek. If you are shackled by emotional bondage and physical or spiritual slavery, you will never be able to serve Ka’tau or exhort others to do so. Call upon my ka through prayer, for I shall break every chain and restraint that binds the children of Ka’tau from their potential. When tyrants and enemies of Ka’tau set traps for your soul, call my name and their snares shall collapse beneath your feet. Lo, for this is my decree.


    Ahura-Ma is the lesser spirit of mental liberation and freedom under the spirit of hope and new beginnings Ublulhar, venerated by the desert dwelling peoples of the Ka’tau faith. Ahura’s inclusion in the Ka’tau faith is quite fitting, since the natural habitat of the religion’s adherents is vast, open dunes, which extend far and wide without any civilization in sight. Ka’tau spiritualists take the notion of freedom - both physical and spiritual - quite seriously. Freedom, which is defined as the absence of undue external forces over the functions of the soul, is essential in fulfilling the divine law of cosmic harmony, Ka’tau. One cannot fully follow the path of cosmic harmony, justice, and truth without achieving those attributes within themselves - and freedom is the only viable means of doing so. Tyrants who run nations or concoct dark sorceres in underground cults are seen as two sides of the same coin - enemy of the soul’s ability to grow and prosper under divine order. Consequently, both physical slavery and mental bondage (mind control of all sorts, manipulative binds, and so forth) are anathema to Ka’tau and all of it’s faithful. The Rah’mun tribe, one of Ka’tau’s historical devotees, preferred to kill their enemies rather than enslave them, for none are to be bothered in the condition of their souls.


    In Rah’mun lore, a cult devoted to worshipping Ahura in the Old Empire often deployed a phalanx of troops to liberate slaves from both enemy nations and smugglers alike. Mythos describes instances where this phalanax would manifest like fire and strike down enslavers with great, almost divine precision. It is believed priests of Ahura could invoke her power in the form of two brilliant emerald wings of energy which would wreak havoc upon tyrants and liberate the slaves from their physical chains instanteously. 


    Beyond the philosophical importance of freedom, Ahura has her own story. She was discovered when Rah’mun clergy began reflecting upon the nature of desert living, and the special abilities it afforded the faithful to fully serve the Ra’tuhmet and the principle of Ka’tau. This environment - underlied by freedom - was seen as indispensable to any Rah’mun dwelling, necessitating Ahura’s incorporation into daily faith practices.


    In Rah’mun mythos, Ahura is said to be the sister of Hesthor, patron of pure waters, preservation, and bovine purging. They both have similar aims but distinct methods; Hesthor seeks to eliminate all impurities and defend from external ones, whereas Ahura focuses on the soul’s ability to act freely, which brings her in tension with soul-corruption, undead entities, and bound beings. But whereas Hesthor may not mind a mundane ruler who is tyrannical towards his citizens - especially if he is enforcing the law of purity - Ahura minds in every single case and has been known to lay waste to entire cities to liberate the enslaved. 


    Unlike the Divine Three (the major deities of the Rah’mun faith), Ahura does not have a specific canonical enemy. Her concept is naturally opposed to Kazul (Inferi general of Iblees) due to his bound nature, and Keop/the void, given it’s ability to twist and warp souls to serving eldritch powers, and all undead or soul-altered in general, for they cannot access the fullest sense of freedom. But Ahura also recognizes the role that free will (Ka-atet) plays in bringing individuals to horrible conditions. For that reason, her focus is primarily on those unduly oppressed, though all who seek freedom may find recourse in her worship.


    Ahura manifests as a human woman donning sparkling blue robes, with two brilliant multicolored wings sprouting from her back. Her followers oftentimes wear helmets with miniature wings protruding and spears with similar designs. When invoked through prayer, her power normally manifests as elongated spectral wings, taking on a variety of colors (between emerald and purple) to tear down enemies of freedom (ankh-atum). Her power also sometimes manifests as emerald-green fires, signifying the dynamic Will unlocked by the power of freedom.


    Worship of Ahura consists of liberating the oppressed, using one’s own freedom as an example to others, and strengthening one’s will against the snares of would-be conquerors.



    This is another edition to my shamanic religion Ka'tau which can be found here


    If you want to join feel free to message me on the forums, discord, or in-game!






    [!] The following missive is distributed throughout the cavern.


    All who receive this, denizens of the Tunnel of the World and members of descendant kind, I come bearing foul tidings. We may have escaped the evil of the Mori’quiesser and their ilk who now rest upon the surface, but another evil has followed us into our cavernous sanctuaries. I recently witnessed a most horrible sight inside of a cave just across the river from the main fort. This cave contains an enlarged Anvil which radiates a particularly foul energy, one I have seen drive those who entertain it to the brink of insanity. It is likely that the anvil is afflicted with powerful dark magicks. The anvil is worshiped by a group of hooded individuals who call themselves the “anvil cult” and sing it’s praises endlessly. These cultists consist of all sorts - young, old, smart, and fair - and yet they all sing the same chord. It is no doubt, however, these cultists are agents of whatever dark force emanates from their so-called ‘anvil.’


    But matters do not end here, friends. During one of my visits to this anvil cave, a little girl - who couldn’t have been any older than twelve - ridden with bruises across her face ran up to me and begged me for my help. I asked her what happened and she mentioned that she had been hurt. I shortly noticed another cultist wielding a hammer stained with blood. This cultist, and his fellow travelers, had no problem admitting that he brutalized the young child to appease the ‘Anvil’ idol. Additionally, when I rebuked this behavior the cult promised it would go on to kidnap more children and sacrifice them to their false idol. Most interestingly, this young girl resisted my efforts to rescue her while staring at the anvil, repeating it’s name incessantly. I deduced that the artifact had taken hold of her mind somehow. Through prayer and quick action, the immaculate power of GOD worked through me to break the hold over the girl’s mind and assist her out of the cavern. Upon successful rescue of this young girl, the cult accused me of “stealing” their property and yelled several epithets at me. 


    I am now horrified to learn that more children in these caverns have been assailed by the Anvil cult. A young boy named Lugash told me that members of the cult intimidated him, seized him physically, and laid him upon their Anvil in an attempt to offer him to their false idol as a sacrifice, all while threatening the integrity of his soul. Only by the grace of GOD was his life saved from these idolatrous maniacs. These cultists have no conscience; they are willing to traverse immense depths to obtain their ends. Not even children are safe.  


    I say no more.


    The Scroll of Auspice is clear that evil will face an ultimate judgment at the hand of GOD. Exalted Owyn is prophesied to lead the Sons of Krug and the tribes of Ulgaard and Aehey to cast out Iblees and his flock forever. This promise is not merely a prophecy, it is an aspiration all of us must keep as descendants. The Moris did not crush us, and nor shall this petty cult. We cannot allow these miscreants to continue threatening the safety of our children with impunity. That is why I, with power vested in me as the Grand Inquisitor of the Holy Inquisition, order all of my inquisitors to assist in securing the main forts against cultist activity. Additionally, I have joined forces with Godfrey of Aziren to form a civilian group called the “Order of the Underhill,” which will help protect against cultist activity and other threats that may appear during our time here.


    We cannot stop at defensive postures, friends; we must rip this threat clean from its roots lest it fester unabated. I am calling for an effort to completely wipe out the cult, it’s caverns, and it’s foul anvil from this plane of existence. A crusade, rendered potent by the fire and thunder of GOD, is the only way to ensure the evil behind this threat is stopped completely. Half-measures will only allow our enemies to hide, strategize, and grow. The Moris are a big enough threat for us to handle, we do not need to fight a battle on our own home front. Over the next few weeks I will gather support and resources for an ultimate effort to inflict the judgment of GOD upon these lost souls. We shall march upon their accursed temple and destroy it by fire, and proclaim the defeat of this evil for all generations to see. All who abhor evil may partake in this effort - canonist or not.


    The Gates of Death will never prevail over GOD’s children. No evil will withstand this impending act of divine retribution. 


    Remain safe, stay vigilant, and walk in GOD’s light.









    OOC: So I know we are still in a transition map and conflict is not expected, but recent events as described in the threat (which have been exhilerating and interesting) logically lead to confrontation. I want this whole ordeal to have full cooperation from cultist players and ST, if this is something they decide to pursue, so that this remains a fun experience for all during the two week lull we have until the new map. Let me know what you guys think!


  14. I wonder, what was the wisdom behind nullifying Lutaumancer's current ability to basically eat ghosts? This seems like a bit of a downgrade in some ways and an upgrade in others. Also, in the previous re-write there was discussion of Inferi being subject to banishment/purgation. Is that still the case or is it only general undead and not other spooks?


    Absent of these concerns I quit like the lore.

  15. "Hokhmat?" The spiritualist mused upon examining the missive, noticing it's striking resistance to Rah'mun language and the spiritual lexicon of Ka'tau. "Who are these pretenders who dare to forsake Heka and the blessings of the Divine Three for the void? They dare to subjugate a sovereign people to pursue their wicked machinations? Nay, these are sorcerers of Keop, master of the void and sower of darkness in our lands. May the Ra'tuhmet's light blind these agents of darkness and wreak havoc in the camps of chaos."


    The leopard-skin wearing elf rises from the desert sands he sits upon and looks towards the sun, stretching both of his hands outwards. "Hear me, Ra'tuhmet, these pretenders shall not remain invisible to your light for long!"


    The elf then went off to meditate, plan, and strategize.





  16. MC Name:



    Character's Name:

             Ser Philip the Righteous


    Character's Age:



    Character's Race:



    Link to your accepted MA:



    What magic(s) will you be teaching?



    Describe this magic or a creature as a whole:


    Templarism originates from the Aengul Malchediael and is oftentimes referred to as a “blessing.” It exists as the only other holy magic than Paladinism and serves as a stylistic boon rather than an all-encompassing system. Templarism is merely meant to completement the archetype of a holy knight and flavor his RP with a bit more heft, rather than become a crutch used consistently by it’s wielders. Templars are emboldened with a divine sense of courage which pushes them to seek out challenges, confront darkness when necessary, and lead others to victory. 


    They believe valor, honor, and bravery are essential virtues just as Malchediael does. And these are not mere platitudes, either. Courage is the very source of power that a templar calls upon when channeling any spell granted by Malchediael’s blessing. Indeed, a templar’s newfound courage also makes him immune to fear magic or other such sorceries. Of course templars still feel fear, but the blessing enables them to confront challenges more often than the average person. 


    Malchediael’s divine courage does not merely embolden a Templar to new challenges, it also enhances his toolkit to fight the forces of darkness. A Templar can inspire the imagination of his allies by sitting by a campfire and reciting a story which will cause the flames to reflect images of the tale. The Templar can also infuse Malchediael’s light into a mundane campfire turning it into a blessed bonfire. These bonfires can heal minor wounds incurred by the Templar and others who share the blessing. These bonfires are anathema to Dark CAs and cause them great unease, though not to the extent that their true nature is uncovered.


    Templars also have a wide array of other abilities to aid them in their crusade against the dark. They can release an awesome flash of radiant light which blinds all who see it for [2] emotes, one fully and the second partially. This flash of light also clears all dark hazes such as Deadbreath for a limited amount of emotes. Templars can also absorb heavy attacks with Bulwark by infusing the light of Malechediael into a shield, a feat which takes two emotes in total. This spell can negate attacks from beings as strong as Ologs, machine constructs, and golems. 


    Templars also have the ability to strike at their foes with the force of an arbalest by infusing Malchediael’s light into their weapon.


    This is certainly far from an exhaustive list of what templars can do, but it is reflective of the core theme and purpose of the blessing. 


    Are there different sections or subsections of magic? Can those be elaborated upon?


    No. There’s just the main magic which consists of a few spells, no subsections.


    Can you give an example of a casting emote, of a spell of your choice?



    The cloaked knight signs the lorraine in the direction of the shadowy monstrosity standing before him and his party. “Close your eyes!” He warns his group. As his allies prepare to battle against the creature, the knight completely shuts his eyes and moves his left arm over them, shielding them completely. He then directs his sword towards the monster as he recites Owynist litanies beneath his breath to channel his inner courage. He begins to shimmer with a radiant light that slowly leaks through his chainmail sections.


    After a few moments of vigorous recitations, the light has now grown much brighter and encompasses the knight’s form. With a single thrust of his sword, the buildup of radiant light bursts outward, blinding anyone within ten blocks for two emotes who failed to close their eyes or look away from the light. The shadowy creature recoils and yells as it is rendered blind by the spell. A dark haze of dreadbreath surrounding the area is also nullified. 


    [LOOC:] Just to reiterate, anyone who did not emote looking away or closing their eyes and is within ten blocks of me is blind for two emotes. One emote is total blindness, the other is partial/hazy vision. All dark hazes are dispelled and any invisible entity in the radius is rendered visible. 


    Can you give an example of a teaching-emote (interacting with another) of a spell of your choice?



    “Son,” Phil said to his apprentice as he paces across the monastery’s training grounds, “sometimes defense is preferable to offense. A good warrior knows when to raise his sword and also when to deploy his shield. It is an unfortunate truth that many of Iblees’s warriors possess inhuman strength which could grind a normal man to dust. Even mundane descendants, such as the primitive Olog, can defeat you with a single blow. But no mortal is greater than the power of GOD vested in your soul, warrior.” Philip would then begin to further explain the utility of the specific spell, Bulwark, and how to use it.


    “Deploy your shield - no matter how big, wide, or tall it is - and invoke the power of GOD to your defense through prayer while focusing upon your enemy. Remember my words: no foe, no matter how menacing or strong, is bigger than GOD. If you’d like, you may call forth the assistance of a blessed icon of the church, such as Vladislav, Exalted Owyn, or the Archangel whose blessing you bear. GOD’s power works through many different divine icons of our faith, and the Archangel’s blessing responds to all of them as well. But you must call upon GOD while also channeling the divine courage within your soul. Only then will this blessing work. Remember not to invoke this specific blessing unless you know you are in imminent danger of getting struck by your enemy. It is also best to reserve this attack for foes who outmatch you in physical strength, and not merely anyone you choose to fight.”


    Phil then watches as his student channels forth his inner courage through prayer while focusing on him. Phil smiles as he withdraws his mace from his sheath, the bound weapon glowing with radiant light. He then approaches his student with his mace at the ready.


    By this point, the student’s shield radiates the light of the Archangel as he brings it closer to him, bracing for his mentor’s blow. 


    Phil swiftly moves towards the shield and sends a strong whack towards it. The shield does not move or react to the blow, the mace’s concussive force absorbed entirely by the Archangel’s light.


    “Very good.” Phil said with a bright smile. “Even if an Olog or an Orc strikes at you, they will not be able to surpass the light of GOD that preserves you, son. Lessons dismissed.” And with that, Philip walks towards the exit of the monastery.


    Say your student powergames during or after teaching, how do you reprimand that?


    If a student of mine powergames I would have to consider the context in which the offense occurred and how egregious it is. In most cases, I would admonish them and explain to them the errors of their actions by referring to the lore page, specific redlines, and so on. For example, if my student powergames with Bulwark and tries to block a heavy concussive attack while also making their own attack, I would explain why that is unreasonable. Bulwark can only be used to block attacks per turn. After and only after ou have successfully blocked an attack can you launch your own attack in your very next emote.


    I intend to get ahead of any potential mistakes by clearly communicating what one can and cannot do with each spell taught. In the event my student continues to powergame and refuses correction, I will go to the appropriate ST/mod team members and bring up the issue with them. But in most cases I suspect powergaming can be handled with friendly corrective and informing players of the right way to use the magic.


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep the ST updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Have you applied to teach this magic on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app.


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