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Posts posted by Cilantro

  1. Tesel looks over the parchment pure disgust, scowling at the pansy words and contradictions. She crumples it up and tosses it under her boot. "W'at ah crockeh s'ite. Tellin' em nae dwerf oug'tah claim 'fulse dwerfs' an den goin' an tellin Kaz tey be sepret" she said, spitting at her feet. "Aye none can be claimin' false dwerfs, but ah smert dwerf would know dats jus an'ota way of sayin yer a disgrace te yur w'ole race.  By t'at, all Urguan fooks are es fat lazy crybaby 'alflens. May yer feeble bones rise agin, so we can stomp em down once mer."

  2. On 3/23/2018 at 4:45 PM, Hero_Prodigy said:

    yikes not wanting this guy on the ET, especially after he cybered with his kha daughter on another char



    Fail to see what that has to do with his ability to write wiki pages.  Save it for the rap battle holmes.

  3. Tesel sits in the meadhall, bashing into barrels of ale and chugging them down.  In a fit of rage, she has hung Bernard by leg on the ceiling.  She sits now, mourning with her sisters.  "Teh fook did you 'ave te go away for fat'a?  Weh needed ye here!"  She would say, tossing her mug away in rage.  

    "Ye canne fookin run, ye crazy old bastard, ah'll fookin find ye, ye *****!"  She would burst out, running out of the keep into the snow.  She would set out in a journey to find him.  Though after days of looking, she would find no trace of him.  Returning to her hold, she would sit down at the seat of his statue to cry.

  4. Tesel Silvervein just chuckles, crumpling up the frostbeard's latest attempt at propaganda.  "So 'umorous 'ow t'ey try an paint us loike savages, meanwhile our tale 'ad none of t'at tainted venom."  She scoffs as she thinks of how they were treated back in Kaz'Ulrah.  "King Verthaik is fookin dead, ahn we'll not be getting friendleh with the maggots puppetin' es corpse."

  5. Hes a great and extremely active member of our community.  He cares a lot for the lore of the server, so pick him up for the team~

  6. 4 hours ago, Algoda said:

    People just need to learn how to lose. 

    Of course, everyone needs to know how to lose.  Roleplay isn't all about your character, and if you play a particularly small or weak one, you're gonna end up being on the wrong end of a fight more than often.  That being said, it's not always about winning or losing, sometimes you can let your enemy die another day.  And when a weak character is constantly being put on a spike by players that show no mercy, care little for rp, and play characters with no combat weaknesses, It can get a little tiring.  I play a pretty losing centric character, one who would let themselves get killed just because a friend of theirs wanted them to.  But having no benefit to my smallness is just boring.  Buff knight characters already have the advantage of heavy armour, and ranged weapons, escaping once or twice by the scruff of my neck isn't going to break immersion.  Besides that, when people get killed by skilled roleplayers with balanced characters, sure some might be a bit salty, but the majority will appreciate a fair fight or a chance to escape.  And like I said, everyone needs to learn to lose, not just weak characters.  And even if the majority of players don't want it that way, we still need a standard to be set.  

  7. Whenever some cringy band of bandits shows up, or whenever there is a halfling in a fight.  I always hear the same disputes, and can't seem to find any guides on them. 


    First off is armour, is armour almost weightless, as in real life.  Or is it the balanced but unrealistic take, where armoured players are slower than unarmoured ones.


    Second is height, are smaller players, such as children or halflings, slower or faster in comparison to tall ones?  As it is undoubtedly more balanced to give smaller players a speed boost, but also unrealistic.



  8. 9 hours ago, Grubgoth Wud said:

    stand near the auc house and with the item in ur hand do /auction sell or /auc sell, i forget which, then just go through the procedures as you would if u were regularly auctioning something





    I actually figured out it's /auctionhouse sell, thanks for your help 

  9. I cannot use the 2x2 or the 4x4 to dye leather armor or banners.  I haven't found any information on the feature changing so I'm assuming it's a bug.  When the items are put into the slots in the correct spots I get no item showing up in the completed craft slot.  I also can't access the 4x4 with leather armor, only banners.  

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