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Posts posted by thesmellypocket

  1. [!]Notices are set up in various places across Oren.


    To all those who crouch for employment in the realm:


    Adolf Von Manstein seeks all manner of workers of all classes for both the Barony and his work at the court in Petrus. He is a scholar and musician, and therefore requires those with musical ability or scholarly merit especially. Those who do not possess such are still likely to find work. 


    Send a letter to the Barony of the Ruhr, or speak to a member of the house.

  2. Adolf laughs "Bolbecs-Not even true Heartlanders. Arbeit macht freiheit!" He rubs his hands together, dreaming of genocide like a true Savoyard.


    Adolf sings the ballad of Sir David:




    We have, the bravery,

    to bring back slavery,

    working in Petrus market is just the start of it.

    My friends, there is no knighthood at the end of it!

    You’ll be working for your knighthood...forever.


    Let me get this off my chest.

    Saying “yes!” We are removing the cannon’s best!

    And we’ll give you less,

    and that is just for starters,

    even after privatising,

    feudal charters.


    It is a social disaster that makes our hearts beat faster,

    now I am your master.

    The last thing this kingdom needs is us, the vassals,

    in our stone castles.

    We don’t care if you’re driven to despair.

    Don’t you dare! Say it’s “not fair.”

    I’m not saying it’s not funny!

    It is for me, I’ve got loads of money!

  3. Adolf Von Manstein laughs at the speech. "Great rhetoric there. You can tell he learnt from Celsus!" He comments sarcastically, before changing to a more serious tone. "What the rebels like to forget is the Kingdom is what's keeping the Dwarves out of Oren." He walks off after his blatant Skyrim reference. 

  4. Adolf III, Baron von Der Ruhr, recently made court historian, knows he will have to work hard to keep this standard as he documents the reign of Olivier. "Rather extensive, I must say." He comments, turning to the large blank book on his table. 

  5. Adolf Von Manstein is delighted by the news, receiving them while in his barony."The house of Savoie has reached great heights. As a man of great piety, we can be sure his majesty of Oren will triumph! I shall have to ask him if I or Harald can play a role in his new court...." 

  6. The Death of Frederick Von Manstein


    on the 11th of Sun's Smile, Frederick Von Manstein, brother of I, Adolf III Von Manstein, died near the Baronie Von Der Ruhr. He was killed by Harald after Frederick attacked him. However, Harald is not liable for charge according to the law of Savoie, the "LIBER EX IVSTITIA" ,or book of jusice, because he defended himself for fear of death. 


    This is according to this part of the liber ex justitia.


    LXX: ......and it is lawful to kill a man who assaulted you first. It is considered lawful to kill in order to defend your liege from harm.


    "Non nobis, domine, sed nomini tua da gloriam."

  7. "Surely the king may count himself remembered in the most prestigious annuls of history, but why our mighty sovereign is king and not emperor is clear. His humble begins, it is known." Adolf comments, smirking Savoyardily "So long as the rights of the nobles and barons of the realm are respected, we may think ourselves under a good sovereign. And with prosperity....and wealth and good piety and prestige."

  8. Man, you guys are ridiculous. Maybe I'm wrong but from what I read, it doesn't sound like meming is completely banned. Though I abhore means and I think anyone who actively participates in them needs to grow the hell up and stop acting like a retarded eleven year old, I understand that they sometimes have their place; as do jokes and other such things. I doubt any GM is going to be arsed to ban you for screwing around with your friends or doing some of that dank cactus kush green roleplay people seem to be so found of these days. They're just trying to imrpove the consistenty of RP when it's actually going on. I don't want people screwing around and Roleplaying like idiots while I'm trying to actually enjoy myself. Same thing should apply on the forums to be honest. If I was allowed to **** post, I'd some of the people here just because of the sheer amount of stupid content they put out. It clutters the forums, and keeps people from seeing the actually good content that needs to be read. As for the whole toxicity thing, listen. I am fine with people making jokes like that; hell sometimes they're funny. Despite that, there are some people that are genuinally offended by it. And I know the majority of people that inhabit LotC are edgy 13-18 year olds who can't bother to give a **** about anyone but themselves, but I think it's fair to ask you to give up jokes such as what was illistrated in the opening post for the enjoyment of others. As long as the mods aren't to harsh about it, it should be fine. And from what I've seen, the mods really aren't to harsh. I've said fa**** and a****** several times due to it just slipping out as a force of habbit. Instead of banning me, the GM's just PM me, reminding me to watch my mouth or whatever. I honestly feel bad for our staff sometimes. Whatever qualms you might have with them, they're still people and fellow LotC's. They're not evil people that just love to ban you and your friends for having fun. People need to chill out.


    TL;DR, It's not that big a deal. No one is taking away your cactus green memes, and whatever the hell else you want to do. They're just forcing you to do them in the proper place, which is OOC/Skype/OOC Sub-Forum.



    I take no issue with penalizing memeing in RP.


    However, it was said that jokes "toxic" (i.e satire of religious/political views) even in ooc, private messages "demean people's beliefs" which I take issue with. 


    Also, indefinitely banning people for memeing IC is a bit over the top. It should be only if done consistently.


    The irony is I think the word meme was invented by Richard Dawkins in "The Selfish Gene."


    It has nothing to do with social justice whatsoever. It clearly is just cleaning up the undesirables and the annoyance they cause.


    I don't think it has anything to do with how much saying "allahu ackbar" offends people. I think it has to do with how the server's legitimacy is deteriorating because you have people spewing retarded things that have nothing to do with roleplay at hand.


    "or using it in an OOC context to devalue their beliefs, for your own personal joke." 

    Ahem, I believe you are contradicted.

    Clearly, ooc use has little to do with this. 


    And besides, it is retarded when no one new is even at the RP, no one was even there except me and my friend. It did nothing to the legitimacy of anyone. In the end, people are here to have fun...I mean, how does a slight, single statement like this really have any effect? When there is a quick joke, and then move on with RP, there is little issue. 

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