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Status Updates posted by Malgonious

  1. I aient a noob baby

  2. Keep on stackin' up


    Worthy of a listen all the way through

  4. but it's like we weren't made for this world, though I wouldn't really want to meet someone who was.

  5. Fullscreen, Cacti-Green and watch:


  6. If you aren't making money, it's time to stop playing Minecraft.

  7. Im glad things are decided on an administrative level, good to know the circlejerk is alive and as detached from the community as ever

  8. @Deanobambino wya

  9. There is hope for you, Carpe Diem friends.

  10. Thanks to @Haense's 28 defenders, your participation was appreciated and valiant!

  11. Any crystal-holder may do /etreq <crystal type here,> for interaction when I login at 730 EST.

  12. I understand the community's plight, you're jaded by lack of change and stagnate staff.. just don't lose faith in your premium Minecraft roleplaying experience, I will do everything in my power to make this a better place for everyone.  Thank you -malg

  13. Hope everyone has a great weekend, make some time for your families.

  14. I will be returning tonight around 8 pm est, feel free to make an ETReq if you have anything that needs done from me.  Thank you!

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