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- Aether VIP -
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Status Updates posted by HurferDurfer1

  1. that demon magic straight killing thirty people in 5 seconds

  2. Ghaz a straight up swamp toad

  3. I appreciate flambo

  4. can the devs fix the server? who knows

  5. can i warclaim the druid sled

  6. sorry i wasnt there guys, didnt mean to let renatus win

  7. this makes me so sad and ruins my whole entire day!

  8. i thought i raised teegah better

  9. what an inopportune time

  10. never forgot that battle at dogger bay

  11. come on, drock may be dog shit at roleplay but i wanna see him toast people let him come back

  12. phil collins 

  13. you would think they would fix reoccurring problems

  14. **** dragons, be ghoul

  15. do i hem or no

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