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Status Updates posted by HurferDurfer1

  1. Plot twist, the dog groom was actually a dude

  2. doesnt know how to use the majority of his perks

  3. Yo yo, I can't connect to lotc ts why


  4. good arrow fodder

  5. Oops someone delete my double post. The first one

  6. #Throwawaythekeys

  7. throw away the key boys

  8. two more days till I can drink myself into a stupor and not have to care about this crime of nature

  9. adam deserves his own 5.0 island according to wolfkite

  10. puter broke oh no

  11. I'm thinking the rules on self teaching need a bit of tweaking.

  12. Sometimes I forget salvus and the dlands arnt the same thing

  13. unpopular opinion, dont free kincaid

  14. I hear kincaid punches orphans in the throat, is that someone you want free?

  15. ight so 20 bucks to keep kincaid banned right @Wrynny

  16. [*] kinciad has a special place in my heart

  17. its 2016 and kincaid is STILL banned?!?!?

  18. the Johannesburg riot of 1573

  19. Damn I sure sweat for that one

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