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Posts posted by Pepto

  1. 3 hours ago, KidKrinkles said:

    The Wildsmen, Victor, brushed aside the canvas of his tent and rubbed at his eyes gently. The morning brought the sounds of the Aryn-an-Eryn through the trees to his ears; mostly the sound of birds chirping in the morn. The Wildsmen stepping out would do as he usually does; despite the corruption of the Kingswood, he monitored the movements of game and fauna, as he would in the healthier regions.


    Hunt the Monster.


    There would surely be monsters to hunt.




  2. AD_4nXdphj2E-ctA9PkJqvOreP52pUTI_8ypddUvd6j1omFxqTSf_SOhHMEWIvZP5hG4Rs9gK9FYuuNCoKDTF7yrr-R7s1SYgjguu7wpogrfMr1IHZqdtXRa6oJiqxgmNN2FTy7WfGR4M6UG-dclYwcgqzGmvxwZ?key=EzBBI-7Hzht4U-gCzDo-HQ







    It is often that a soldier enlists within an order without knowing entirely what is expected of them. To this end, I, Ser Glyndwr Glennmaer, publish this document in which the Soldiery of the Order of the Pyre can adhere to, so that they may find purpose, and by extension, their just rewards for good service.





    I. Keep Safe the Realm
    irstly, the duty of the Order is to serve it’s liege lord, and the crown above. Those being the house of Glennmaer, and the Kingdom of Numendil. It is within this Kingdom’s good green earth that the Order calls home, and to keep one’s home safe and tidy, is foremost.


    II. Hunt the Beast
    As a force that spends most of its time in a more rural setting, that being the outlying lands of Numendil, or the Kingswood, it is important that a soldier does not refuse the call to arms, even in the face of great danger. To accept that the lands you live in can never truly be safe, is the first step towards becoming a vigilant hunter of the dark. However, sometimes, the natural world can be just as dangerous.

    Thus, to keep the people of Numendil safe, you must hunt the beasts that lurk within its borders, who would make our good citizenry their next meal.


    III. Expose the Wretched
    t is common for those who serve Iblees, the Dragon, or otherwise darker masters, to attempt at hiding in plain sight. Whilst many are taught not to stereotype, it has served Numendil very well in the past, and before that, Barrowton. Thus, keep your wits about you and your eyes open. The Servants of the Dark will attempt to pull people away, to talk in secret. They will wear dark or drab clothes. Perhaps full suits of black plate. They will hide their face, talk in an esoteric manner, and blaspheme. Heed not their words. Test anyone you suspect.


    IV. Pursue Wisdom, and Arm yourself with Knowledge
    o be an effective guardian and hunter, one must know their targets. Study well the behaviours and aspects of the dark. To understand them is not to be one of them, merely, it is to know how to combat them. Make yourselves familiar with the threats to Canondom, and be prepared. Seek the Knowledge of Alchemy, and make use of GOD’s gifts.






    As Recruits of the order, rewards are few, though very few soldiers remain in this rank for longer than a saint’s week or two, depending on their proactiveness.

    However, it does come with its perks:


    Armor is provided free of charge and guaranteed to be brand new. ((In the form of a Skin and also Mechanical PvP armor))

    Weaponry of varying kinds, to assure that the soldier is outfitted properly for any threat, man or beast. ((CRP and PvP weaponry))

    Bed and Board - Every soldier must be rested and well-fed, lest they falter before the fight has even begun.

    Pay - Of course, this is a job, and perhaps a lifelong career. Soldiers are paid mina exceeding that of their yearly taxes, so that they may accumulate wealth, rather than spending it all on rent.




    As the main bulk of the Order, Men-At-Arms are given the typical rewards of the Initiate Rank, of course, though they are entitled to further appreciative tokens in addition:

    Purity Seals - Medals and Marks that record the soldier’s deeds, for them to do with as they please. Upon gaining Knighthood, these marks and medals can be transcribed into their personal deed books for all to read about.

    Finer Armor - More befitting of a front-line soldier, Men-At-Arms are given additional plates and brigandines, more resilient armor that will last longer and perhaps even carry the soldier through his entire career.

    Alchemical Weaponry - As a proven soldier, and no longer an initiate, the Men-at-Arms are trusted to carry alchemical weapons into battle, and expected to use it upon command, often depending on the hunt’s mark.

    Advanced Training - The Rank of Man-at-Arms is no mere stepping stone, nor is it an end point. Men-at-Arms are often prospective Knights, aspiring for greatness in the eyes of the Order, Garenbrig, Numendil and the Church. To carry the rank of Knight is to show that you are the finest Canondom can offer.

    he Order of the Pyre believes that this is achievable by any good Canonist, be they peasant or noble. Thus, Men-At-Arms are treated as aspiring Knights. This, of course, comes with training. Specifically, Men-At-Arms are given materials of which they study, so that they are aware of what makes a Knight.

    dvanced horsemanship, hunting, weapon and armor use, etiquette, The Code of Chivalry, and the Holy Scrolls are to be learned to a level bordering mastery.

    Then, and only then, can a Man-at-Arms go further in the Order.




    As soldiers who have proven mastery, and taken it upon themselves to learn the ways of Chivalry, the Knight can expect the following boons:


    A place within the Council, as a low-level advisor.

    Higher Status not only in the Order, but in Garenbrig and Numendil as a whole.

    Proven loyalty and usefulness to the Church, should the call to Crusade be sounded.

    Their own Heraldry, and if lacking, their own House.

    The Right to display Trophies in the Hall of Formindon.

    The Right to a book of Deeds, in which their work and efforts can be recorded.

    As stated, a soldier may only attain these rewards through the rank of Knight, by proving excellence, mastery, and succeeding in their assigned Quest.

    This Quest is charged by the Princess Eriantiel, Knight of the Pyre and Royal Castellan of Numendil.







    To be entitled to rewards in the Order of the Pyre, one must do their duty and Excel. Willingness to answer a rallying call, to fight, to work, and to show that you can follow the Chivalric Code, are all fine ways to show that you are worthy of rewards. Accumulating rewards, of any kind, serves as the easiest method to prove usefulness, and to be considered for Knighthood.



    For more Information on the Order of the Pyre, or if you wish to Enlist, see here:


  3. Wb6uBPZ0jYnWZs2GlUsfz8XFttNf_w3Z4GOLLThkoWwi3bMa-OFlRtUqE7kU5GYnmxXfe-BAXL_BHrPrg-bILIj4Up3IFTFFy-rk0T_6AgnsRJyId8e7Vfczo6NuNctH0y-uFPw3j9ykSMX5k6DJ5q0









    More Heralds travel from the cliffs of Garenbrig’s borders, bearing another message.

    “From here on, let it be known that the Levy of Garenbrig is no more. The Fiefdom of Garenbrig shall henceforth be protected and manned by the Knightly Order of the Pyre.

    In a land bordering the great Aran-In-Eryn, or “Kingswood”, the need of warriors of Noble Stock has been deemed increasingly necessary. Suffering adversity from Cultists, their dark gods, great beasts, poachers and undead, the safety of the Town of Garenbrig is under question. Thus, the newly dubbed “Knights of the Pyre”, or the “Order of the Pyre” shall begin building its rank to serve this purpose, to protect the peoples of Garenbrig from the threats that lurk in the dark corners of the world.

    Therefore, if you are interested in Knighthood, Holy Purpose, and the Slaying of Monsters, look no further.”

    nclosed on the messenger’s parchment, of which he hands out, reads the following information:





    An order of Guardians, Hunters, and Errantry



    The Knights of the Pyre, their namesake taken from the sigil of House Glennmaer, serves the Fiefdom of Garenbrig, vassal land of Numendil, bordering the Kingswood.

    n Order of Courageous soldiers, Knights, and aspiring squires, the Order of the Pyre prides themselves on their keen and ready ability to slay great beasts, and swathes of the servants of Iblees.


    The Tower-Pyre symbolizes not only the enduring nature of the order, and the house it belongs to, but also the purity of GOD’s flame, and a shining beacon that all may flock to when in need. The Order sigil consists of the same Sigil as house Glennmaer, now serving as their official order of Knights, though the sunset hues of Glennmaer banners are replaced with a dark gray, to represent the enduring Light of the Pyre regardless of its surroundings. Green is used as a primary color for Uniforms, signifying the good green land that GOD granted the Descendants.

    Being a Knightly Order of Numenedain origin, it follows three simple rules as part of its Dogma:


    I. Follow the Scrolls, and take to heart the word of GOD.

    II. Follow the Code of Chivalry, be you Knight or Soldier.

    III. Hunt the beast wherever it hides. No corner of the Realm is to be left without the Light.

    As alluded to within the dogma, the Duty of a Pyre soldier, Knight or not, is to make their name through the guardianship of Garenbrig, by hunting any servants of the dark within their fiefdom, and bordering lands. Whether it be sprites and pixies swapping babies in the crib, or goliaths that threaten the land with their thunderous gravity, it is the duty of the order to be rid of them, swiftly and without fear.






    The Knightly Order of the Pyre consists of three ranks.

    I. Initiates

    ecruits of the Order, yet to prove themselves in a conflict. Armed with lighter arms and armor to facilitate training and conditioning. This rank serves as a trial of sorts, and soldiers rarely spend much time as an Initiate.


    II. Man-At-Arms

    Infantry Soldiers of the Order, who are not knighted, but are trained and oathed to service. These soldiers receive full gear in the form of Coats-of-Plate / Brigandine, various weaponry, shields, rations, and of course, a Saint’s-Weekly pay. As these Men-At-Arms do not bear the title of “Squire”, their duties do not include the dressing and serving of Knights, for they are merely expected to follow their orders and learn from them. Being a Man-At-Arms qualifies any man or woman for Knighthood, providing they display excellence.

    III. Knights

    oldiers who have proven themselves, and taken it upon themselves to learn the ways of the Knight, according to the recommended and widely accepted list of training that all Numenedain squires undergo. These men and women are often Knighted after a loyal, decently lengthy service, for displaying excellence.

    Once Knighted, they are given the appropriate Plate armor of Garenbrig, and provided with their own Heraldry, either to their specific likings or chosen by the Lord of Garenbrig, whichever is preferred.














    Whilst the Order of the Pyre isn’t a church-based Order, it still aims to serve GOD primarily, along with the Kingdom of Numendil, through acting as a protection from wayward evils. To this end, the Knights take up a Crusade-like practice of “Going Errant” on a regular basis. Banding together as a single host to scour the lands of Numendil, and perhaps further abroad, to hunt and purge the Dark, be they servants of Iblees or Otherwise.

    To this end, all are given training with the Lance, and Horse, so that they may more efficiently make their searches. Along with riding and lance training, they will also be instructed on how to combat various beasts and evils, according to the current Numenedain standard, and how to “test” for Darkspawn.





    Members of the Order, be they Knight, Man-At-Arms, or Initiate, are all entitled to their own scroll. These scrolls record every deed that a member has enacted. The slaying of beasts, the ousting of Darkspawn, the saving of a Life. Anything noteworthy is forever recorded in their scroll, with numerous copies created, allowing their name to gain fame and glory across Aevos, and not just in the halls of Formindon.

    Members are also entitled to display their trophies in the sanctum of Formindon, where they can be seen by any and all members of the order, in whatever state they wish to display said trophies in. Unless they leak blood (or similar) down the walls.




    To enlist within the order, contact Lord Glyndwr of Formindon. Or, fill out an application / stop by Garenbrig.


    Lord Glyndwr: Pepto_Bismol_


    Application Form

    Character Name:
    Minecraft Name:
    Character Race:
    Character Age:




  4. pT1erCtLvj9BxyLqclYNmtwH3nN62ji5dJo9O5gyRHzaBVFR0Fc3NqiUGJb3AQQy075edZ54AnrOpTNbRsF2tDsNhQLB-9bGTFiVsefmZQLEJqVMO4JJ1AK8eqZISRYC0Vk354Y-bC_m4BwXs-aAu20








    Heralds travel from the hills and cliffs of Garenbrig, spreading news that various duties and workers are in demand, to serve the town of Garenbrig, House Glennmaer, and the Kingdom of Númendil. With its recent expansion of numerous townhouses and farm cottages, businesses and farmland, the House may offer a great many jobs for the size to which it has grown. Any and all are welcome, so long as they fit the descriptions of the work. House Glennmaer bolsters an experienced group of leaders, so any workers employed may expect generous guidance, a yearly salary (saint’s week), hospitality and gratification for their quality efforts, along with medicinal care on behalf of Lord Glyndwr and any other Glennmaer Alchemists.

    The opportunities offered are as follows:






    Farmers are expected to know their general way about the Garenbrig farmland, and how to keep them maintained. This entails harvesting products of the farm, tilling and planting the fields with seed, and sorting the harvested materials. There are currently [ 3 ] Farmhand positions open, though any wishing to live as such in Garenbrig, with no vacancies open,  may request a new Farm Cottage be built, which is most likely to be accepted.


    Farm Hands receive the following payment & luxuries:

    I. A Farm cottage, with the farmer’s field at the doorstep (or close to it).

    II. Reduced taxes in exchange for Hay Bales.

    III. Free tools upon request, made of the sturdiest materials possible.







    House Glennmaer is a Militant house, having gained their position and lands through serving Númendil and its predecessor, Barrowton, as seasoned soldiers and Knights. Glennmaer Guardsmen are expected to be disciplined, well-trained, and fearless. Where many men make enemies of other descendants, or likewise, house Glennmaer has only ever called the servants of the Dark, and their conspirators enemies. There is no room for cowardice. However, a guard should be temperate, and entirely professional, refraining from wanton cruelty or aggression where possible. Their duties while employed under the Fiefdom of Garenbrig are to patrol its lands, be present at house meetings or functions, and be at the family’s disposal when house members venture on outings. This position has No Limit.


    Guardsmen, Archers and other Soldiery receive the following payment & luxuries:

    I. A yearly salary of 20 minas.

    II. Bonus payments of 10 minas per event, or special escort attended.

    III. Armour and weapons, provided so one’s job can be performed adequately. (PVP Gear and food, including RP weapons, and armor skins.)

    IV. Free housing within the Barracks or keep, should no housing be available in the town.


    Squires receive the following:

    I. All the benefits listed above for Soldiery.

    II. Training in the ways of the Knight, including:

    Weapon Use & Maintenance

    Armor Use & Maintenance



    Education of the Holy Scrolls

    Education of the Code of Chivalry


    Education of Oaths and their Importance

    Horse Care & Advanced Riding Education

    III. Knighthood, on successfully completing their training and showing exceptional prowess.







    An Apothecary, and their physicians, are expected to have knowledge on the use of Herbs, Alchemicals, or other materials of which they can make use of to treat those with injuries, illnesses, or other afflictions. The Apothecary must be a trained Alchemist with at least eight saint’s weeks of experience. Physicians need not know Alchemy at all, though  should have knowledge of medical practice, such as surgery, balancing humors, and herbal remedies.


    Physicians will receive the following benefits:

    I. Access to the Castle hall and Infirmary.

    II. Free food every Saint’s week.

    III. Free tools upon request, made of the sturdiest materials possible.

    IV. Free herbs, with excess, when taking requests from the Garenbrig military. (Providing the Physician is also an Alchemist).

    V. If interested, a role within the Guard as a Combat Physician, qualifying for all Guard benefits.


    The Apothecary will receive the following benefits:

    I. A designated Townhouse, with room for a free basement extension, and a ground-floor Shop space.

    II. Standard Townhouse tax, with no upcharge for business space.

    III. Free tools upon request, made of the sturdiest materials possible.

    IV. Free herbs, with excess, when taking requests from the Garenbrig military.

    V. A position within Garenbrig’s council.

    VI. All of the above benefits listed for Physicians.







    The Garenbrig Fool, or otherwise designated Jape-Master, should be funny, preferably. Knowing the limits as to when, what, and how to jest, in terms of the Númenedain Law and Scroll of Virtue. This position is mainly aimed towards those who can entertain House Children, Wards, or other young persons, though may also take on duties as a TOWN CRIER, delivering any important news, at their discretion, thus needing to be someone who can read the contents of Aevos missives.


    The Garenbrig Funny-Person will receive the following:

    I. Access to the Castle hall and Infirmary.

    II. Free food every Saint’s week.

    III. Free tools upon request, made of the sturdiest materials possible.

    IV. A place within the Council. This benefit is not an opportunity for jokes, japes, or tricks. This is an advisory position aimed towards making sure good relations are kept through manners, friendliness, and reduced outwards adversity. Also, to make sure that things aren’t taken too seriously. 

    V. Free housing within the Castle of Formindon.


    There have been far too many funny darkspawn in Númendil.







    Barkeeps are expected to know good manners, be able to hold basic conversations, be friendly, and to be open to learning the systems of serving drinks.


    The Garenbrig Barkeeps will receive the following benefits:

    I. One free drink per saint’s day.

    II. Free food every Saint’s week.

    III. Free tools upon request, made of the sturdiest materials possible.

    IV. 33% cut off all drink sales, using the automatic cellar system of Gnomish design.

    The Innkeeper or Master of Festivals is expected to carry out all duties of the Barkeep, however they must also manage the Inn Rooms, source stock, and manage any festivities within Garenbrig. Initiative should be taken to formulate ideas for festivities and proposed to the Garenbrig Council


    The Innkeeper or Master of Festivals will receive: 

    I. All benefits listed above for Barkeeps.

    II. A Free room in the Tavern, or Castle, whichever is preferred. May also dig out a large basement chamber for themselves, should they wish, under the tavern. 

    III. A Position within the Council of Garenbrig, along with access to the Castle Hall and Cellar.







    The Brewer of Garenbrig is expected to know how to brew beverages, specifically Mead, Whiskey, Ale, and their derivatives. Any other beverages are accepted also, though these drinks are required.


    The Garenbrig Brewer will receive:

    I. Free Housing in the Garenrbig Brewery, along with sole management of the building.

    II. Free food every Saint’s week.

    III. Free tools upon request, made of the sturdiest materials possible.

    IV. One mina per bottle produced upon request. These drinks will be sold for a low price in the tavern, ensuring barkeeps can receive pay for service, and any further profit goes towards the upkeep of the tavern and town.

    V. A beekeeping yard, of which the Brewer may use to whatever end they fancy, as long as they are able to produce Mead for the tavern from gathered Honey.

    VI. Freedom to employ other brewers, limited to two.




    To apply for any of the above positions, contact Lord Glyndwr of Formindon or Princess Eriantiel of Númenost. Or fill out an application or stop by Garenbrig. All positions will come with training unless said otherwise. 

    Application Form:


    Lord Glyndwr: Pepto_Bismol_

    Princess Eriantiel: beetleco / worldeltaii


    Application Form

    Character Name:
    Minecraft Name:
    Position Applying For: 



  5. border.png


    The Levy of Garenbrig
    Vassal of Numendil







    Honor and Duty


    The Levy of Garenbrig, being a levy raised to serve Tar-Caraneth and her holdings, follows much the same doctrine as the capital soldiery.
    Derived from the Barrowton Guard, defenders of the March, protectors of Canondom,

    guardians of the people. Their purpose true and bound, the Guard protects Numendil, the glorious white City of Numenost, and all other holdings of the Tar. It is the driving force behind the fist of the Tar and their Knights.
    The Levy of Garenbrig serves mostly to protect the western watches of Numendil, the cliffs bordering the dead Oasis, and the rugged Hills of Garenrbrig.



    Soldier of Godrick by Drawsouls on DeviantArt

    A Garenbrig Guardsman holding vigil over a fallen brother in the lower cisterns



    Duties of the Levy

    Mount and Blade

    A Garenbrig Knight rallying the levy as they begin their training


    As written by Ser Garen Glennmaer, Captain of Numendil, every Numenedain soldier is expected to take on the following duties:


    Uphold the Peace.

    Keep Safe the Gate.

    Keep Safe the People.

    Hunt the Darkspawn.

    Slay the Beast.

    Help Thy Comrade.

    Serve Thy Liege-Lord.

    Cleanse the land of all its Darkness.




    Rations and Wages


    To Serve Numendil does not come without thanks. Food, Bed, Board and Wages will be provided every saint’s week to each guard and knight. Exceptional performance warrants promotion, and further benefits. Guards may be heightened to the rank of Serjeant, and entitled to higher wages and command over lower ranks, though these promotions are optional and come with plenty more responsibility. Those include training lower ranks, and organizing their trappings and rations.

    Knights are entitled to further pay, should they deem necessary, though many opt for none.




    From Knight to Noble

    It is not uncommon for the Canonist denizen to wish for more, to strive for Greatness.
    Knighthood is the most Reliable path when one's Goal is to achieve Nobility in the eyes of GOD and their fellow man.

    In Numenost, when a Knight attains the Position of a "Knight of the White Court", they are at a prime position to begin their ascent. In Garenbrig, the Knights are given much the same treatment.

    For it is the Code of Chivalry that Knights live by, and it is this code that Allows for Greatness, and Encourages the Betterment of the Self.

    Like House O'Rourke, Seregon, Glennmaer, and Arthalionath; Greatness can be achieved through Determination and Loyalty.




    Trappings and Ranks

    Harkening back to the days of Old, when good King Uther ruled the humble hold of Barrowton, a beacon of light in a wretched Abyss, the Host of Formindon practice traditions of comradery, humility, honor and duty, much like their counterparts in the capital of Numenost.

    With a home-town much steeper, wetter, and rough, the soldiers of Garenbrig, as well as their Knights, wear lighter and somewhat looser armor, leaving joints somewhat less encumbered to facilitate mobility on a harsh terrain.

    Classical, tried and true armor of Plate, Mail, Gambeson and Surcoats. Large Greathelms, bearing the Cross of Lorraine and Horen, and reliable weaponry lacking excess adornment. What trim they bear is of bronze, instead of gold, for the aurum is far better suited to crafting the tools to hunt the dark. Adorn your trappings with Bronze, and you are given ample excuse to keep shiny. A green trim means a lazy Glennmaer.


    A Garenbrig Guardsman charging headfirst into a host of Ratiki squatters



    Guardsmen of Garenbrig are the core of the Levy. Loyal, well-trained, and well fed. Where one might expect a levyman in a feudal dwelling to eat his bread and drink his water, the Glennmaers know all too well that a hungry soldier is a dead one. 

    Dressed in the Surcoat of House Glennmaer, bearing their resolute tower, the Guardsmen of Garenbrig are expected to be steadfast and enduring, as the words of House Glennmaer encourage. `Do and Endure`. 

    No expense is spared in arming the levy. Whereas hosts of old might deem one man important, and the next cannon-fodder, the Formindon warband is armed to keep themselves alive, and swinging.




    A Garenbrig Knight posing for his portrait in the halls of Formindon, accompanied by his leal hound, "Corpsegrinder", and his trusty steed, "Binky"

    Knights of Formindon and Garenbrig are expected to hold themselves as any other Knight of Numendil. Uphold the law, follow the scrolls and the code of chivalry to the letter. 

    To be a Knight is to present ones self as the finest Humanity has to offer. Whilst a Guardsman can be an adept fighter, a Knight must also be wise. Cunning. Compassionate. Respectful. Pious.
    All these things and more must you show before you can ascend to the rank of Knight, and wear your own heraldry. Ride atop your own Elcir, and fight in not just the name of Numendil, but your own.





    To join the Guard, contact Ser Glyndwr of Formindon ((Pepto_Bismol_))

    Or Fill Out the Form Below.

    Uniform, Armor, Weapons, pay, and Training will be provided.



    Application Form


    Character Name:
    Minecraft Name:

  6. border.png


    A Missive, to the The Radiant Guard of Numendil

    Banishments, as of 8th of Malin's Welcome, Year 176 of the Second Age






    The druids named thus are hereby banished from the Kingdom of Numendil, an all it's holdings. Lords/ladies of Numenedain vassals are to uphold this law as written:


    The Druids known as Hummingbird and Nenar, are to be removed from the lands of Numendil and its Vassals, should they be found within them. Should they refuse to comply, they will be put to the sword with no excepton. Heresy will not be tolerated to any degree, show no leniency. They have one chance.

    - By order of Pontff Caius I, Knight-Commander Glyndwr Glennmaer, and Royal Castellan Alywn Glennmaer

  7. At the foot of the Willow in Formindon's courtyard, Glyn emptied a patch of ground. The shovel cast aside, he arranged the armor of his friend out, along with his sword, as if he were there, clutching the blade close to the empty chest plate.


    "Here you lie a hero of Formindon. Perhaps not in body, but in spirit. Your surcoat will lie here, your heraldry forever woven into the fabric of this good green land.

    Your banner shall be entrusted to another, I will not let thy name die. The red and gold shall fly wherever we ride, in the name of GOD, and the radiant star. Forever will you be a part the roots of my home, and from your virtue shall sprout the peace we all strive for."


    The Knight Commander rose then from his knees, taking up his shovel, before covering the armaments of his fallen friend.



  8. Commander Glyndwr entered his office. He slapped some parchments down onto the desk, pouring over them. Schedules, inventory, reports. Guards to be added. Guards to be removed. Funeral pyres and alchemical orders. A hard day, but not the worst. He pulled a bottle from his desk, Grandaxe Whiskey, pouring two cups, sliding one to the end of the desk. 

    "You not drinking tonight?" He asked across the room, the words bouncing around the otherwise empty walls. A moment of silence, realization, as he absent-mindedly wrote away like any other day, before looking up.

    An empty couch, a dying fire. Paintings lining the wall and a statue of his Father's bust, all bought and sourced for him. By Her. The Princess who so often kept him company as he grumbled away in that office, away from whatever troubles waited outside. 

    A sigh, flowing from his nostrils as he chewed his inner lip, worry laden across his face. This night, the parchments would be the distraction, as the untended fire faded and the room grew cold.




  9. MC Name:



    Character's Name:

             Glyndwr Glennmaer


    Character's Age:



    What feat(s) will you be learning?

             Sycophant of Boletius


    Teacher's MC Name:

             Self Teach


    Teacher's RP Name:

             Self Teach


    Do you agree to keep Story updated on the status of your feat app?:



    Have you applied for this feat on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:



    Are you aware that if this feat is shelved, it will be unavailable to use?



  10. border.png


    A Missive, to the The Radiant Guard of Numendil




    Any and all peoples who enter the city wearing a mask, are to be asked to remove said mask. If they refuse, they are to be given another chance. 

    If upon second request, they refuse a second time, they must submit for a test, or be banished. 

    If there are multiple Guards, do not let them leave without being tested. If you are alone, seek comrades, or write a note to report it to a superior.

    - By order of Knight-Commander Glyndwr Glennmaer


  11. MC Name:



    Character's Name:

             Glyndwr of Formindon


    Character's Age:



    What feat(s) will you be learning?



    Teacher's MC Name:



    Teacher's RP Name:

             Peter Stroheim


    Do you agree to keep Story updated on the status of your feat app?:



    Have you applied for this feat on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:



    Are you aware that if this feat is shelved, it will be unavailable to use?



  12. MC Name:



    Character's Name:

             Galadain Glennmaer


    Character's Age:



    Character's Race:



    What magic(s) will you be learning?



    Teacher's MC Name:



    Teacher's RP Name:

             Ser Caliene Seregon


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



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    Are you aware that if this magic is shelved, it will be unavailable to use?


  13. 2 hours ago, Islamadon said:

    I am LECTOR.

    That's right! My opinion matters most here since 80% of modern people who do spook testing read my minecraft book and now they bang blocks together like a primitive who learned that fire is hot! That's right, I've seen all of you with my book in your libraries! That's right, I've seen you Haensemen who made a plagiarized doc with the only new content being added images!

    To this day you still come to my cozy Japanese weeb city and go:  "ERM, LECTUR, PLEASE TELL ME HOW TO KILL DEMON! IT NOT IN DA BOOK!"

    Aurum testing is fine as it is, players are just cringe and like to test without zero prompt. That said, you little spook people give me plenty of reasons to test you! You look like Hot Topic Emos. You spout esoteric Xion slop. You openly defend weird bloodsucking bat people. You try to slander guards and holies. You nerdpost everything. Frankly, no one likes the cut of your jib but yourself! The Dark RP you seek to generate isn't real it's a mask for power fantasy.


    Be more discreet and you won't be tested as often. Aurum just requires deep cuts and you can play it off by going "OWIE ZOWIE THAT STUNG OWIE" because you just got deeply cut. Peter Griffin seethed for a whole thirty seconds because he tripped and bumped his knee.

    TL;DR players shouldn't test without prompt but spooks are delusional if they think they give zero prompt because their entire chosen personality and aesthetic are red flags.

    Realist thing i've ever read.

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