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Status Updates posted by Mr_Pumpernickle

  1. Beenlooking 30 minutes for a mine with ore in it any help?

    1. Silverstatik


      lots of mines are fairly mined out near to the spawn, further more untill you reach deeper layers (35-25) at veteran mining rank you wont see very much ore.

  2. Shame, im going to be banned for the whole double XP weekend.R.I.P


  3. Two weeks since ban have passed but im still banned?

    1. Nekkore


      Make a an appeal? Dunno if it's a temp ban.

    2. Mr_Pumpernickle


      It was a 2 week ban, I tried to appeal but the moderator wasnt having any of it

    3. Nekkore


      Yeah re-apply the appeal if your two weeks are up. That's how it usually works. Wait the weeks, appeal, unbanned.

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