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Status Updates posted by Mr_Pumpernickle

  1. Two weeks since ban have passed but im still banned?

    1. Nekkore


      Make a an appeal? Dunno if it's a temp ban.

    2. Mr_Pumpernickle


      It was a 2 week ban, I tried to appeal but the moderator wasnt having any of it

    3. Nekkore


      Yeah re-apply the appeal if your two weeks are up. That's how it usually works. Wait the weeks, appeal, unbanned.

  2. Beenlooking 30 minutes for a mine with ore in it any help?

    1. Silverstatik


      lots of mines are fairly mined out near to the spawn, further more untill you reach deeper layers (35-25) at veteran mining rank you wont see very much ore.

  3. Shame, im going to be banned for the whole double XP weekend.R.I.P


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