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Posts posted by Ioannis

  1. Name: Ioannis Komninus

    Race: Mali'ame

    Age: 65

    Do you have any form of Prior combat training?: Good with bow , decent with sword.

    Do you live in Cerulin or plan to live in Cerulin?: I live there already



    MC Name: Ioannis

    Skype ID (optional but very recommended): giannis19976

  2. At Cloud Temple Tavern you see a sign saying :


    '' The town of Vorroupolis ( x 516 , z - 544 ) is looking for citizens . Houses and Food provided .


    Also Vorroupolis is looking for mercenaries . Food and houses combined with arms and a small salary .


    Send a bird to Ioannis Komninus ( Ioannis ) for a meeting . ''


    Plenty of farms !

    Plenty of room  ! 


    Place for guilds aswell !

  3. Civilazation : ihellenica
    Race : Wood Elves
    Language : Common tongue , few Greek words 
    Kalimera=Good morning
    Kalispera=Good evening
    Personal traits : Patient people , good merchants , religious , war-like
    Religion was the only thing that was kept untouched . They support the three aspects .
    Architecture :
    There are two types of architecture . 
    First is for palaces , banks and  temples. They are both build like the Ancient Greek architecture style 
    The second is the normal architecture of houses . Oak wood , stonebricks , for the roof bricks( byzantine tiles).
    Only the Architect has the right to build new buildings .
    Sociaty ranks :
    The leader of the sociaty is called Vasileus( King).
    His first son is Prince , his other sons get only the last name .
    The counsil of the King have the rank of Sumvoulos ( Advisor).
    The guards of the Keep have the ranks of Frouros( Guard). *
    The wealthy people have the rank of Eugenis ( Noble).
    * The best soldiers of the army get this rank and are members of the Elite Guard of the King or Prince in battles .
    Military : 
    Army : Mainly consisted by mounted lancers and archers
    Weapons: Bows for archers and lances for melee cavarly 
    Weaknesses : Lacking numbers , lacking farms for food 
    In this sociaty , there are only few military ranks. 
    First      :  Strategos (General) and he is commanding the troops on the battlefield
    Second :  Ippeus (Cavarly)
    Third     :  Hoplite (Infantry)
    Forth     :  Toksotes ( Archer)
    Fifth      :   Pronoiar . This rank is for farmers , who are given plots to farm and with the money the get , they buy their weaponry.
    Last       : Varangian and this rank is for mercenary troops
    Every citizen , during a war , is summoned to fight .
  4. Race : Wood Elves
    Language : Common tongue , few Greek words 
    Kalimera=Good morning
    Kalispera=Good evening
    Personal traits : Patient people , good merchants , religious , war-like
    Some time after the creation of the elves by Malin  , few wood elves families left their homeland Malinor to find a another place to live . After decades of wandering , they found a large area surrounded by a desert . Because that area lacked trees , they decided to use sandstone as their main building material . In that area   they  builded their city Archontiai. There , away from the others , developed their own architectal style and language .  Since their new place was surrounded by desert , they developed their own architectal style based on Sandstone and stonebricks.
    Few years after finishing their town , a Human named Rolf came to the city. He spoke an other language . The people of archontiai were curious to learn that new language since Rold described them huge cities and glorious battles .  Rolf spent his last years teaching the people of Archontiai the common tongue . The people decided to make the Common tongue their new language but kept few words from the old one , just for respect and a reminder of their old ways.
    Time has passed and  the Archontiai City-State , was in civil war . Menelaus Komninus , the King of the City-State was in war with his own son Constantine . Menelaus ruled his City in a brutal way . Taxes people couldnt pay , executions and exiles . His son , in order to save his people , declared himself the new King . His father , a person with no regrets and with money as his own friend , ordered his troops to bring Constantine's head . But the common people joined Constantine's army . The two armies fought in the desert for hours . At the end both armies retreated because the dead were too many . The desert around the city was covered in blood and dead people . After the battle , Constantine took his people and fled to an unknown destination . They took only took few supplies because they were in a hurry . So every month they had to stop and make temporary camps . After years  of traveling, their population dropped dramaticaly . After  finally reaching  the realm of Athera , they saw that only few of them had survived the long trip . They were wandering on a foreign land and found an old abandoned Dwarf outpost to settle. They started building their new home  there. Constantine , in search of help , he sent scouts to find help and to scout the area . In order to make sure his scouts will return with good news, he sent his only son Ioannis Komninus along with his most trusted men. Now he waits pantiently for the return of his people . 
    Religion : 
    Their religion was not changed . They still have the same religion as the other Wood Elves.
    Architecture :
    There are two types of architecture . 
     First is for palaces , banks and  temples. They are both build like the Ancient Greek architecture style .
    The second is the normal architecture of houses . Oak wood , stonebricks , for the roof bricks( byzantine tiles).
    Only the Architect has the right to build new buildings .
    Sociaty ranks :
    The leader of the sociaty is called Vasileus( King).
    His first son is Prince , his other sons get only the last name .
    The counsil of the King have the rank of Sumvoulos ( Advisor).
    The guards of the Keep have the ranks of Frouros( Guard). *
    The wealthy people have the rank of Eugenis ( Noble).
    * The best soldiers of the army get this rank and are members of the Elite Guard of the King or Prince in battles .
    Military : 
    Army : Mainly consisted by mounted lancers and mounted archers
    Weapons: Bows for archers and lances for melee cavarly 
    Weaknesses : Lacking numbers , lacking farms for food 
    In this sociaty , there are only few military ranks. 
    First      :  Strategos (General) and he is commanding the troops on the battlefield
    Second :  Ippeus (Cavarly)
    Third     :  Hoplite (Infantry)
    Forth     :  Toksotes ( Archer)
    Fifth      :   Pronoiar . This rank is for farmers , who are given plots to farm and with the money the get , they buy their weaponry.
    Last       : Varangian and this rank is for mercenary troops
    Every citizen , during a war , is summoned to fight .
  5. On a sign at Cloud Temple , a message can me seen :

    ''Athenis town is looking for new citizens . Houses and food provided . 5 taxation per week . Every race is welcomed .


    Also Athenis is looking for mercenaries . An salary of 30 Minas per week in order to spend it on weapons and armour . 


    Athenis is located at x -98 , z - 331(Close to Nerezza) 


    Contract Ioannis Komninus ( mcgiannis) for more information ''


    The mercenaries will get a prefix ! 

  6. Religion

    This new sociaty , recently in Athera , believes in Pantheon . Pantheon is consisted by 4 Gods . First is Dias , ruler of the skies and father of all Gods . Hra , wife of Dias , Godess of love and reproduction . Poseidonas , ruler of the seas , protector of sailors . Last Ades , ruler of the underworld , soul keeper of the fallen .


    The priests of this religion are women dedicated to their Gods. They wear white clothes and live in the temple of their Gods . Being an priest means you get free food and mostly you are respected by everyone , even by the King ( Vasileus) . They can cast 1 spell every week called Metamorphosis . That spell changes the look of the person for 2 days . 


    To celebrate and pray to their Gods , they sacrifice animals once per month at the celebration called Dionisia . There every citizen of the city can take part except citizens with other religions who cant walk on secret temple ground .


    Because their religion tells them that if they die on the battlefield , they will get a hero's burrial and honors to them and to their family , they rush into battles without thinking of lose or retreat .

    That makes them excellent warriors.


    Sociaty ranks

    The leader of the sociaty is called Vasileus( King).

    His first son is Prince , the others get only the last name .

    The counsil of the King have the rank of Sumvoulos ( Advisor).

    The guards of the Keep have the ranks of Frouros( Guard). *

    The wealthy people have the rank of Eugenis ( Noble).


    * The best soldiers of the army get this rank and are members of the Elite Guard of the King or Prince in battles .



    There are two types of architecture . 


    First is for palaces , banks and  temples. They are both build like the Ancient Greek architecture style .



    The second is the normal architecture of houses . Oak wood , stonebricks , for the roof bricks( byzantine tiles).


    Only the Architect has the right to build new buildings .



    In this sociaty , there are only few military ranks. 

    First      :  Strategos (General) and he is commanding the troops on the battlefield

    Second :  Ippeus (Cavarly)

    Third     :  Hoplite (Infantry)

    Forth     :  Toksotes ( Archer)

    Fifth      :   Pronoiar . This rank is for farmers , who are given plots to farm and with the money the get , they buy their weaponry.

    Last       : Varangian and this rank is for mercenary troops

    Every citizen , during a war , is summoned to fight . 

  7. Name      : Ioannis

    Age         : 132

    Race       : Wood Elf

    Region   : Everywhere

    Clan        : Grandaxe

    Height    : 2.10 cm

    Weigth   : 160 kilos 

    Religion : Minas


                   :  Helzya Komninus (sister)

                   :  Olivia Komninus (Daughter)



    Professional singer.


    Appearance : Black short hair ( usually wears helmet) , brown cold eyes , his right hand is covered by scars . Full of muscles . His left ear was pierced by an arrow during the siege of Hiebenhold and it got removed to avoid infection. His right eye got injured by a branch while he was riding his horse but its still working( Only black and white).


    Title: Lord of Kal'Ordholm, Emperor's Justice and Lieutenant of Dunamis.


    Weapons : Always a composite bow on him , a sword and a phalanx round shield.


    Armor : Heavy armor ( Ferrum ) for battleground but when it comes to scout or skrimishes medium ( Chainmal ).


    Combat : Charges first since he wears heavy armour. Always tries to support the ligth infantry or archers. Prefers to use horses for more effective charges.


    Personality traits : Average intelligence , patient , mentally unstable , generous, always thinking the best of the people , selfless , loyal ,   obedient , closed personality , speaks if its nessesity .


    Weaknesses : Not that good aim , not good maneuverability while wearing heavy armour.


    Inventory : Always armor ( Ferrum) , a bow , a sword , a round phalanx shield , plenty of arrows and food.


    How he looks on the battlefield on horseback :
  8. Out-Of-Character Information
    Please do your best to correct spelling and grammatical errors, this is an RP server and writing is the main form of communication!
    What’s your Minecraft Account Name?: mcgiannis
    How old are you?: 17
    Are you aware the server is PG-13 (You won’t be denied for being under 13): Yes
    Have you applied to this server before? (Please link all past applications): Yes
    Have you read and agreed to the rules?: Yes
    What’s the rule you agree with the most?: Breaking server lore
    Are there any rule(s) that confuse you or don’t make sense?(If so we can help clear it up! You will not be denied for having a question on the rules):Not really.All the rules were clear.
    How did you find out about Lord of the Craft? Was trying to find a good server to play from 6 months.Then i saw Lord of the craft and the new system for me WHITELIST and now here i am appling for the server.
    Feel free to Google the answers or browse our forums, but make sure that you write the reply in your own words, not those of another website or person!
    What is roleplaying?:  Being a character in a roleplay game so acting or perfoming a role of your character.
    What is metagaming?: When you use outside information in a roleplay game.Like when a players knows how to use a power and uses the power but his character in the game wouldnt use that power.
    What is powergaming?: Doing an action on the other roleplay character without giving them chance to respond.
    In-Character Information
    Character’s name: Ioannis Feast
    Character’s gender: Male
    Character’s race: Elves Wood elf
    Character’s age: 60
    Biography  (Please make it a decent two paragraphs long. Remember to add server lore, and events that happened to your character so that they don’t contradict history.):
    Recently moved to Athera, Ioannis Feast along with his father Socrates Feast the Leatherworker (1468) was forced to work on their new harshly made workshop with his father since the demands of the State of Laureh'lin are extremely high.But when the State of Laureh'lin utilises the city of Annil'sul as its capital , both helped as hard as they could in order to help the city. The help they provided was recognised by the people and soon Socrates became a man with influence. His father was not good at controling the economy of the family since he always wanted to help the poor of their sociaty and that passed to his son also.But their happiness didnt last long. At 1484 the State of Laureh'lin returns the capital of Annil'sul to the supporters of the Silver Enclave of Haelun'or.
    The new goverment  threw all the non high elves outside the city . As an woodelf family , Socrates and Ioannis had to leave the city behind, a city that worked hard to build. While they were going to the city of Leyulin with the rest of the refuges of Annil'sul ,Socrates takes a different path in the forests. Ioannis saw him so he followed. Socrates went behind a tree and stayed there for few minutes.Ioannis worried went there to check him but it was too late.His father claimed his own life. On a note on him he read that he had a disease and that eventually die in few days.Also a wooden man would have reached Ioannis in few hours or days. So Ioannis burried his father, his only relative he had left and joined the others(refuges). During the night, while praying to Malin he prayed to Malin a loud noise wakes him and then he sees one man with a hood.The man had the same height and weight as his father but that cant been him since he saw the knife piercing his heart.The hooded man salutes Ioannis and orders him to flee to Vanderfell.He gives him an sword and orders him to run.The strengh from the leatherworking came handy.Ioannis learns how to use the sword in order to survive.But reaching Vanderfell wasnt easy.Bandits forced him many times to change his route . During an attack of Bandits, Ioannis gets wounded on his right leg . By chance a caravan of humans found his nearly dead body and rescues him. He offers them his sword untill they reach Vanderfell. His leg gets partly healed but the arrow left him a wound that would never fully heal.
    After some time, they reach Vanderfell, the capital of the Königerich of Aesterwald.When he reached the town's gates, the hooded man appeared and explained him who he was.Apparently Ioannis's father was saving money for a house in Vanderfell because he knew what would have happened to him. While staying in Ioannis's new home , a small wooden hut, the hooded man vanished in the shadow's of the night. The morning he saw the hooded's man clothes on the fences of his hut. He knew that he would never seen the hooded man again. Now he must start again and try to rebuild his strength in an foreign place, away from his people. But the fire to rejoin the wood elves got stronger since he felt that by helping them he would make his father proud as his father did back on Annil'sul.
    Personality Traits: Unsocial , a bit aloof (witnessed his father's death) , honest , hot-tempered , loyal , religious , medium inteligence( normal IQ of an woodelf) , generous and not selfish at all .
    Ambitions: To find out what truly happened and to help his people in any way possible
    Strengths/Talents: good with sword/shield(light) , good at leatherworking
    Weaknesses/Inabilities: Not good stamina( wound on leg) , not good at using heavy equipment / cant use or even touch bows(mentally weakness from the wound on his leg).
    Appearance (List the extra details of your characters appearance, IE; height & weight):
    1.70 metres and 75 kilos
    Appearance, please provide us a screenshot of your character’s skin (If you need help, see our screenshot guide here):
    Out-Of-Character Information
    Please do your best to correct spelling and grammatical errors, this is an RP server and writing is the main form of communication!
    What’s your Minecraft Account Name?: mcgiannis
    How old are you?: 17
    Are you aware the server is PG-13 (You won’t be denied for being under 13): Yes
    Have you applied to this server before? (Please link all past applications): Yes
    Have you read and agreed to the rules?: Yes
    What’s the rule you agree with the most?: Breaking server lore
    Are there any rule(s) that confuse you or don’t make sense?(If so we can help clear it up! You will not be denied for having a question on the rules):Not really.All the rules were clear.
    How did you find out about Lord of the Craft? Was trying to find a good server to play from 6 months.Then i saw Lord of the craft and the new system for me WHITELIST and now here i am appling for the server.
    Feel free to Google the answers or browse our forums, but make sure that you write the reply in your own words, not those of another website or person!
    What is roleplaying?:  Being a character in a roleplay game so acting or perfoming a role of your character.
    What is metagaming?: When you use outside information in a roleplay game.Like when a players knows how to use a power and uses the power but his character in the game wouldnt use that power.
    What is powergaming?: Doing an action on the other roleplay character without giving them chance to respond.
    In-Character Information
    Character’s name: Ioannis Feast
    Character’s gender: Male
    Character’s race: Elves Wood elf
    Character’s age: 60
    Biography  (Please make it a decent two paragraphs long. Remember to add server lore, and events that happened to your character so that they don’t contradict history.):
    Recently moved to Athera, Ioannis Feast along with his father Socrates Feast the Leatherworker (1468) was forced to work on their new harshly made workshop with his father since the demands of the State of Laureh'lin are extremely high.But when the State of Laureh'lin utilises the city of Annil'sul as its capital , both helped as hard as they could in order to help the city. The help they provided was recognised by the people and soon Socrates became a man with influence. His father was not good at controling the economy of the family since he always wanted to help the poor of their sociaty and that passed to his son also.But their happiness didnt last long. At 1484 the State of Laureh'lin returns the capital of Annil'sul to the supporters of the Silver Enclave of Haelun'or.
    The new goverment  threw all the non high elves outside the city . As an woodelf family , Socrates and Ioannis had to leave the city behind, a city that worked hard to build. While they were going to the city of Leyulin with the rest of the refuges of Annil'sul ,Socrates takes a different path in the forests. Ioannis saw him so he followed. Socrates went behind a tree and stayed there for few minutes.Ioannis worried went there to check him but it was too late.His father claimed his own life. On a note on him he read that he had a disease and that eventually die in few days.Also a wooden man would have reached Ioannis in few hours or days. So Ioannis burried his father, his only relative he had left and joined the others(refuges). During the night, while praying to Malin he prayed to Malin a loud noise wakes him and then he sees one man with a hood.The man had the same height and weight as his father but that cant been him since he saw the knife piercing his heart.The hooded man salutes Ioannis and orders him to flee to Vanderfell.He gives him an sword and orders him to run.The strengh from the leatherworking came handy.Ioannis learns how to use the sword in order to survive.But reaching Vanderfell wasnt easy.Bandits forced him many times to change his route . During an attack of Bandits, Ioannis gets wounded on his right leg . By chance a caravan of humans found his nearly dead body and rescues him. He offers them his sword untill they reach Vanderfell. His leg gets partly healed but the arrow left him a wound that would never fully heal.
    After some time, they reach Vanderfell, the capital of the Königerich of Aesterwald.When he reached the town's gates, the hooded man appeared and explained him who he was.Apparently Ioannis's father was saving money for a house in Vanderfell because he knew what would have happened to him. While staying in Ioannis's new home , a small wooden hut, the hooded man vanished in the shadow's of the night. The morning he saw the hooded's man clothes on the fences of his hut. He knew that he would never seen the hooded man again. Now he must start again and try to rebuild his strength in an foreign place, away from his people. But the fire to rejoin the wood elves got stronger since he felt that by helping them he would make his father proud as his father did back on Annil'sul.
    Personality Traits: Unsocial , a bit aloof (witnessed his father's death) , honest , hot-tempered , loyal , religious , medium inteligence( normal IQ of an woodelf) , generous and not selfish at all .
    Ambitions: To find out what truly happened and to protect his people from the goverment's corruption.
    Strengths/Talents: good with sword/shield(light) , good at leatherworking
    Weaknesses/Inabilities: Not good stamina( wound on leg) , not good at using heavy equipment / cant use or even touch bows(mentally weakness from the wound on his leg).
    Appearance (List the extra details of your characters appearance, IE; height & weight):
    1.70 metres and 75 kilos
    Appearance, please provide us a screenshot of your character’s skin (If you need help, see our screenshot guide here):
  10. Out-Of-Character Information

    Please do your best to correct spelling and grammatical errors, this is an RP server and writing is the main form of communication!


    What’s your Minecraft Account Name?: mcgiannis

    How old are you?: 17

    Are you aware the server is PG-13 (You won’t be denied for being under 13): Yes

    Have you applied to this server before? (Please link all past applications): No

    Have you read and agreed to the rules?: Yes

    What’s the rule you agree with the most?: Respect the lore

    Are there any rule(s) that confuse you or don’t make sense?(If so we can help clear it up! You will not be denied for having a question on the rules): Not really.Being a Greek helped since few words are unknown to other languages( nerkophilia example)

    How did you find out about Lord of the Craft? I have been trying to find a server worthy of playing for atleast 6 months.Then i googled role play servers and Lord of the Craft came first.After doing some research , i found the server really interesting . Especially this applycation since most of the servers i tried didnt have anything not even proper rules.



    Feel free to Google the answers or browse our forums, but make sure that you write the reply in your own words, not those of another website or person!

    Sorry if i google it i would feel like cheating!

    What is roleplaying?: You are a new person in the minecraft world.Like being YOU in the pc .

    What is metagaming?: If i understood correctly from the dictionary, its using other programs outside the game's stuff in order to achieve something and ofcourse its against the rules.

    What is powergaming?: For powergaming even with the dictionary i couldnt understand much. My thoughts of this is that you aim to maximize one power while ''destroying'' everything else.An example trying to maximzize an weapon without carring about the lore of the game.


    In-Character Information


    Character’s name: Ioannis Feast

    Character’s gender: Man

    Character’s race: Elves

    Character’s age: 19 (close 20)

    Biography  (Please make it a decent two paragraphs long. Remember to add server lore, and events that happened to your character so that they don’t contradict history.): 

    Born in the second capital city of Malinor Normandor in the map of Asulon, by a father obsesed of druidism and without mother , Ioannis the wood elf learned how to survive alone. Hating Malin and the druidism because of his father, he was a violent child, always msitreating his folk and trying to harm them. But one night , at his 15 birthday he saw a vision of the great Malin that told him that a day would come and his city would need his help to deal with the invanters( unknown for now). So with the few money he had, he bought a sword and started practising. Few days passed and one day, the gereral of the city saw his potential and hired him as an guardian. Full of pride , he guarded his city untill a  wood elf accused him of stealing. He was found guilty and sentenced to work in the mines for 4 years.There he learned the art of mining but his hatred for injustice grew bigger. He made few friends there and after the 4 years , he was finely free.

     As an free citizen, he left his people and went to the The holy empire of Oren as an mercenary. He used this ability to wield sword as an way to make some money.Away from his homeland, in a place where stone buildings replaced the forest, he lost the feeling to communicate.But then he met an woodelf girl and the flame inside him burned bigger than ever before. Now together with his recently married wood elf girl, he travels back to Normandor. There he plans to study the ancient history of his people and also to start learing how to use magica, a thing that he didnt try before.


    Personality Traits: Righteous, independed , unsocial , short tempered , religious 


    Ambitions: To explore the world and learn the ancient history of all the races

    Strengths/Talents: Good with the sword, medium archer , good stamina . 

    Weaknesses/Inabilities: Bad at flirting, lacking the basic history , cant cast even the simplest spell , low inteligence

    Appearance (List the extra details of your characters appearance, IE; height & weight): 1.70 cm and around 85 kilos


    Appearance, please provide us a screenshot of your character’s skin (If you need help, see our screenshot guide here):


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