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Status Updates posted by thedragon100

  1. Can we stop with the whole "Oren is the only reason orcs won last time" because i think this would have been a little more even if Dunamis was out of the picture or if allies other than Oren did not turn their backs on us. Just saying but gg snelfs

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Skippy


      And if that was seen rude, sorry. It is the truth, though.

    3. thedragon100


      skippy I'm saying people should stop saying "See last battle should have been different but X was on the enemy's side" by using their argument. That's all i was saying

    4. ShameJax


      Orcs could have hired Dunamis and won, thus it was an Orcish loss.

  2. The sever is back up boys

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