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Posts posted by Kvasir

  1. Registration #001-S-1733

    The Register

    Account of Bertrand, organized by The Registrar

    ”I was walking, my way was on to the temple to receive some bread, I have been out of my job as a scribe. I was bound there when I heard on the road – and felt it too – a rumbling like the footfalls of many men and horses. I did not want to be caught up in any mess so I made my way off the path. I had all of my minae on me so I could not afford to be robbed. 


        It wasn’t a rough forest or a bad time to be in a forest at all. It was quite leisurely at first, actually, being only around morning when I first entered. I decided to move deeper into the forest and delve deeper into any path that could take me across it. I reckoned it at first to be an hour's walk. The wood has its own set of sounds that seep into the silence, just as a city has its own set of sounds that become the backdrop to it and merely ambient and normal. I began to feel that nature noise pressing louder upon my hearing as I walked deeper into the increasingly thick wood.

    The sound of swooshing wind was what struck me first as strange, it was not a windy day nor was there any place for the wind to breach this deeply into the wood I had walked so deep into. So deep in fact that now the sun was approaching its summit in the sky and the morning had nearly gone, noon fast approaching. 


        I reached soon in the wood a river, trees parting to reveal the rushing waters. It was almost deafeningly loud when I reached it, the sounds of the world hounding on my ears roughly as I came close to see if I could at all cross. This sound paralyzed me in that moment as I stared down into the waters and I felt my head splitting in pain as the noises seeped into my mind. I closed my eyes and clutched my head and soon felt heat all around my body. As my eyes opened I could see the source of the warmth, the water that was rushing had now begun to boil and scald the dirt at my feet. I wanted to back up but the waters had warped to form a ring around me, leaving me in the middle of a confined island. I opened my mouth to let out a surprised scream but the air was warm and dried out my mouth. The sun had risen to its zenith in the sky, I recall, at this moment. As my eyes were cast up towards the sun when I observed this, the wood around me was struck down and flattened in a second, leaving a barren grassland where the forest had once been. I stared across the endless plain, my eyes wide with fear and wonder. The boiling water at my feet spilled out across the expanse, when I saw a glimmer in the distance and collapsed to the ground in a fit. I heard in those fleeting moments before darkness silence fall upon the expanse.


        I came to shortly after, not in a gored forest or endless expanse but not very far off the road that I had once ventured off. When I awoke the sun was again at the zenith in the sky and I quickly made my way back onto the road, not feeling any of the effects of my woodland vision.” 

  2. 4656cb49494fc1c33e3d4f4897bc2e70.jpg


    The Arcasian Register of The Obscure


      Across Arcas and other lands, there are many undocumented and unexplained claimed phenomena and accounts. This register is organized in letters and journals distributed liberally for any who wish to read. All accounts are organized by The Registrar, and accounts may be submitted and organized or organized in conjunction with the Registrar. Each registration within the journal will be marked with a number and a letter. The format is as such:


    #[Number]-[S, U, M]-[Year]

    S standing for strange,

    U standing for uncanny,

    and M standing for mundane





      Submissions and letters will be sent out individually and attached to this main letter.




    (( Events in the registar are not necessarily actually events that happen in game; they may be fabrications of the registrar or an unreliable narrator or madman. ))


  3. Well, what’s your name?

    Paul Thorley, m’lord.

    Aye. And from whence do you hail?


    Alright, alright, that’s a fine place this time of season. How many years have you lived?

    Fifteen summers.

    Got it. Your ethnicity, good man? I can’t make it out.

    Heartlander, sir. 

    Mmm. I never would have expected it. Are you literate?

    Somewhat... I know some of my letters and some of my numbers.

    Good, that won’t hurt you. Do you have a wife at home, or children?

    I have a family back at home in Courland, they sent me off here, m’lord. 

    They call Sixtus the Third ‘the Lewd’ for having two bastards. Don’t be like him. Have you got anything against taking oaths?

    What does lewd mean...? The boy mutters under his breath. No, I have nothing against oaths, sir!

    You’re all set. I’ll have this filed away to the Prelate at once. He’s a sleepy cardinal, about to hit his centennial. Give him a few days.


    Things have gotten better for me in the time that I have been gone, and I think I’m ready to come back now that I’m not as stressed out as I was before. School is winding down and everything is a lot calmer than it was previously, so I’m going to be roleplaying again. 


    So hello now, glad to be back. 

  5. Adrift,

    World of currents,

    Frayed ends, bent and coiled lengths. 


    Ambient and alien comforts

    Trump the familiar and the familial,

    Silent home and unquiet mind.


    Bends from within and without

    Awake in time to stretch;

    Sometimes to snap.


    Noise pollutes,

    But rather an ocean,

    Than the echoes of a shell. 





    I decided to write something and wanted to post it here, I hope you like it. 



    Hello everybody and goodbye. I don’t have a big interest in this server anymore or multiplayer roleplay. I hope you all continue to have fun, I had a lot of fun for a long time.  I know this isn’t the most dramatic goodbye post or the most passionate, but I hope you know that I really did have fun and I really did like playing with a lot of you. I have nothing more to contribute to the server and the stuff I do contribute I fear wastes my time and the time of others, not that my time is too valuable. 

    I’ll be back another time, maybe, if I ever get interested again. I’d like to thank all the people I roleplay with presently and in the past, those being the forest dwarves, the shades, the enchantry, the ascended, the paladins, the druids, the dominion, the orcs, the halflings, and especially the Adunians. Have a nice day everybody, don’t forget I was here, or do if that’s your thing.  I leave you with two good songs! ? 



  7. Hi everybody, I wanted to share some little things you can install for immersion that might be cool to you. 

    I don’t think Arcas is done as much justice without these!

    This is what my game looks like:





    So, first of all, obviously I have shaders installed.


    So go download optifine at optifine.net, and then download either Chopactic or Sildur’s Vibrant shaders. I am using high sildur’s vibrant & SSAO + depth of field.


    I am also using the universal seasons packs. Here is the link: https://www.creatorlabs.org/downloads/universal-seasons/


    I also have made my own texture pack that gets rid of the crosshair & inventory GUI + Hotbar, here is the download if you want that: https://www.mediafire.com/file/2ifrk87kdg2db0a/Immersion.zip/file

    Once you download the zip, unzip it into your resource packs file and just keep the folder there. 


    Have fun! 

  8. A child sat in the NEW-New Mos le’Harmless Cantina in Carolustadt. He began to write a letter to the woman. It’s written amateurishly at best.


    “Dear Dr. Zatanaes. 

    Hello. I would like to learn what you have to teach. I like to learn new things, yes.” I would make a good apprentice because I do not know a lot. Thank you miss. Please send me a letter back or find me in the cantina if you pick me.


    Sincerely, Job.” 

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