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Posts posted by Cordial__

  1. "It is a sad day indeed when we lose another person. Whether it be a woman, a man. A young once, an elder. A weakling, a strong man. They adventures and conversations of that person will never cease to exist." Saithor says as he sheds a tear for the old man he never got to meet in person

  2. Name: Shane Thorp

    (MC Name): Gdawg213

    (Skype Name): You have it

    Race: Highlander

    Why is it that you wish to become a Peacekeeper?: I wish to keep the peace in the glorious Salvus!

    Are you willing to become a Salvian Citizen?: Yes, I am

    Do you vow to protect the people of Salvus as a Peacekeeper, even if it may be at the cost of your life?: I vow on my honor and my blade

  3. Full Name: Shane Thorp


    Place of Birth: Akovia


    Date of Birth: 3rd of the Deep Cold, 1485


    Age: 25


    Profession: None at the moment    


    Date of Issue: 3rd of the Deep Cold, 1510


    Date of Expiry: 3rd of the Deep Cold, 1514


    Core Guild Enlistment: None


    Valais entitlement Status: No


    Ownership of property within Salvus:

  4. MCname: Gdawg213


    Forum Name: Gdawg


    Skype Name: saithor_


    Timezone: UTC -5


    Do you feel you have a solid grasp on our lore and an understanding of the standards we have for applications?

    I am going to be honest, there are some aspects of the lore which I have not yet mastered, like magic and such, but I have an acquired array of knowledge about each of the races and sub-races. I also have a grasp on the way roleplay should be played out. I have looked through some applications, including mine, over, which has gotten me acquainted to what the basic standards for the AT team are. 


    Why do you want to be an AT member and do you have the ability to work with others?

    I want to be an AT member because I want to help people get into the fun! I want to help the server flow new players into and also help the server in general, and that I want to put an immense amount of dedication into the server. I also want to be one because there aren't as many Application AT's on the server as much as there was before. Although I work alone most of the time, I very much enjoy working with other people and I work very well with people.


    Do you recognize that you will be given extra responsibilities such as working on the LoTC wiki, assisting the AT in creating guides and helping new players with their questions upon logging into LoTC?

    Yes, I do


    Is there anything else you would like to add?


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