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Posts posted by Shalashask

  1. 21 minutes ago, VonEbs said:

    This is a remarkable reversal of the norm, as Orenian forces typically prove victorious in the brutally savage and quick fighting and raiding the makes up most modern wars.

    "To be honest our track record for small skirmishes and raids has always been poor in these sorts of wars," muses Elrach as he reads over the paper.

  2. I've always thought that region owners having so much power has always gotten in the way of dynamic roleplay, but unfortunately it is something that needs regulations somehow. If you allow anyone to do anything without consent then you'll just end up with factions getting graveyard shift squads to go into their enemies cities and detonating arcane bombs in palaces and then writing some shitty rp post about their espionage victory.

  3. 36 minutes ago, TheHeenie said:

    I'm naturally a bit of a contrarian and would prefer to be a type of character that is less common for new characters to assume.

    Unfortunately this is what 90% of new players think and earn themselves the brand "Special snowflake". I'd just make a basic character and explore the different groups on the server so you can find one which interests you.

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