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Iron VIP
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Posts posted by Shalashask

  1. Kinda mixed on this. As much as I love Big dog posting I've heard conflicting reports about the /fly incident so I can't tell if it was an accident or intentional for your group's gain. I think to be safe someone with your ban record shouldn't have pex. -1

  2. Persona Name: Hjalnar Doomforged

    Persona Age: 126

    Persona Race: Dwarf

    Will you follow the Tenets?: Yes

    Which one is the most important to you?: III. My parents were killed by Oren. I will never forget.
    Skype: DPMagician 

  3. Elrach was awakened by the sound of screams and bells roaring from outside of his window. He heaved himself up and dashed outside to see what the commotion was about. The town square was full of absolute chaos. A stern looking guard captain was barking orders while burly men grunted as they reinforced the main gate. Shopkeepers could be seen boarding up their windows and a timid looking man ushered his crying family inside of a house.

    Elrach approached a guard who was occupied with fastening his gauntlets and asked him what was going on. The guard gripped his shoulder firmly and looked at Elrach like a father would be telling his paraplegic daughter that her dreams of becoming a dancer would never become true. He opened his mouth and spoke


    "The Big Dogs are back."


  4. 2 hours ago, Omar Grimmer'Lak said:

    I don't care much for RP, I only play for the Nexus Crafting/Professions.

    hjuijuidvfnuidvfres 7h0v78b gyhnwy8hngjawhtvuihozaiwuhsnfvhsvnxcrhzjnfxjzlreg  nxcdbhnjfsbhjdfsyudfaesucdvy8u xchnju xcdmnjxd mndmnjdfjdfnjdgfjicdvgf8udfcdfejicdrfejidgf89hurvgfesy8hubrfey7 rfesbr4ewb8ub89uji

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