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Coal VIP
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Status Updates posted by mateolog

  1. Khas an those monkey shits should be exterminated from the face of the server <3

  2. I am short but you still look up to me! ;)

  3. Hello lads!

    I have been banned from this server for two months because my older sister was griffing and stealing with my account.

    I take full responsibility since I should not let her be on my account since she is not the one that has passed the white list application.

    apologize for her actions and I ask that after I am done with the punishment no judgement will come to me or my characters. 

    I'm also thankful to the people working on the server to make it fun to all players that follow the rules.

    I also ask kindly for the people that have been affected and what objects they have lost so I can give them back when the months are over.

    Bye Bye

  4. Follow my lord of the craft fb account to see my work!



  6. :megusta:Hail tha legion!:megusta:

  7. my fellow class mates have never seen lord of the rings :,(

  8. Complitely free unique skins!

    you only need to post here (https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/133617-free-skins-for-beginners/) how you want your skin to be! Completely free! good quality!


  9. The Bear has awaken from its slumber

  10. We dont know how much longer we can survive this...


    This should be the anthem of Urguan XD

  12. Baldin Frostbeard :enraptured:

  13. Looking for members to join the personal guard of the frostbeard clan father : 


  14. Read yer messages! XD

    Image result for do it palpatine

  15. Looking for slavers to join The Red Sun,



  17. We need more villains

  18. Anyone interested in joining dwarven rp?

  19. Making free skin for those interested.

    here's some of my work: http://minecraft.novaskin.me/gallery/profile/101657867904965828563


  20. Greetings,
    The Stormfist Clan is looking for players that are interested in creating a more RP friendly environment. IC the Clan is formed by hybrids of Snow elves and Mountain dwarves (Symilar to the Doomforged that are hybrids of dark elves and Irehearts). I am well aware that not everyone enjoys this type of RP for one reason or another, but we are here for those who are willing to join.
    Clan Information:

  21. how long does a CA take to be accepted ? :D


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