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Posts posted by ACU20





    Image result for lannister army art


    Count Eimar would ride proudly atop his black steed as he entered the camp, followed by a long column of infantry, the grey and red banners of house var Burgundar swaying in the wind, drums echoing rhythmically as the steel boots of the Rams Brigade marched forth towards the encampment to join their fellow Renatians and allies.


    "Ave Götha, Ave Renatus!" The column collectively chanted as they raised and rattled their spears as they made their way into the camp to pitch their tents to prepare for the coming battles ahead.




    And so, they ran



    Artists rendition of the Second Great Rout of Haense, ca 1659




    10th of Malin’s Welcome, 1659


    Spears and steel rattled as the combined armies of the Northern Atlas Alliance gathered outside the great gates of Sennisten. All races, colours and creeds represented upon the field as Lord Marshal Antonius ascended to the top of a great rock and called out the fateful orders “Forward March!”. Onwards the soldiers marched, a great host having amassed to face the united southern alliances force upon the agreed field of battle.


    Outnumbered, though they were, the U.S.A stood firm for a short while, until the sounds of the trumpets ordered a full charge of the opposition. A charge which startled and routed the once stout and disciplined force, tripping over each other to escape, many were cut down by the blades of the N.A.A.


    Run, run into the depth of the forests of the southern hemisphere, abandoning friend to their foe with the only regard for their own lives as they once more ran behind the walls of Markev to cower instead of fight for their cause.




    It appears that the once proud Hansetians that stoutly fought against the Renatians when the Renatians were outnumbered, now struggle to adapt to fight upon the losing side. Not only do they run, they dishonour their ancestors and hold nothing but old memories as justification for their struggle.


    Truly, the one way to properly arm a U.S.A soldier is to armour their backs, for they always turn and run once the battle has commenced. To flee appears to be the nature of the U.S.A, as they apparently have adopted tactics commonly found by the bandits called the “Reivers” as their own military doctrine.


    So as things stand I do believe it entirely justified to level the accusation upon the denizens and soldiers of the U.S.A as nothing more than bandits who have acquired considerable fortifications which they utilize like their mothers skirts, to hide behind when they angered the wrong man.


    “And so, they ran.”




    -Count Eimar var Burgundar



    A lone peasant woman, throwing shade on the U.S.A, ca 1659




    [!] Numerous papers would find their way around Atlas, outside of local taverns and places of importance around Atlas [!]



    The Scholar of Götha, Lucius the fat, compiling the document ca 1658




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    A critique against the State of Linette, commonly known as Curon


    “And so, the die is cast”


    I, Count Eimar var Burgundar of Götha, over the past months and even years have watched the steady decline of my northern neighbour, from a strong duchy to then a weak principality. In this document I shall outline my reasonings for the states decline and it will therefore be divided into four sections, which are the following.



    I. The Military


    II. Treatment of Vassals


    III. Leadership of Linette


    IV. Final Statement

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    I. The Military



    Only a few years ago there existed a martially strong Curonic state that levied enough numbers to maintain the capacity to freely defend itself, its border and allies without much difficulty in maintaining troop quality.


    But ever since Alfreds sudden displeasure in ruling and subsequent disappearance and death, the morale, troop quality and overall martial strength of Curon has fallen sharply to less than that of a Barony. And this decline has been so steep that its very own vassal the Barony of the Arbor maintains a stronger and larger force than they are capable of raising.


    Without the Arborians, Curon would be absolutely incapable of defending itself. And even with them now Curon struggles without the support of Renatus even when dealing with small bands of bandits.


    Curon has required the support of surrounding Counties belonging to Renatus-Marna due to their inability to defend their own vassals. This might be because of the inefficiency of their Marshal, a ‘Sir’ Dankmar whom has a tendency of getting himself stuck in the most obvious of traps, which he refused to vacate due to his own stubbornness.


    Truly, it appears as if only Ser Dankmars seed maintains the security of the town, himself and two sons, with luck Curon might find itself with yet another guard if Ser Dankmar intends to find himself a wife.


    At this hour I deem Curon nothing more than a simple protectorate of Renatus-Marna rather than a, as they often claim, ‘sovereign’ state.



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    II. Treatment of Vassals


    During an extensive investigation into the local and broader situation of Curon I have seen the appalling treatment towards its vassals, truly a tyrannical ruler holds the reins of the leadership, only allowing her suspected lover, her own Marshal, access to the palace and fleeing from fellow allies who aid in the defense of Curon. No longer is it powerful vassals that help her run the government, she governs by herself and treats her vassals with the utmost disrespect and claims all power vestiges of power.


    Ser Sylvestre Halcourt III is an example of such an occurrence, where his refusal to swear to her directly, instead wishing to swear to the legitimate heir of the house of Devereux, Prince Wilhelm, was met with a beating and having his tongue removed.


    Due to the lack of martial strength she can only bully the weaker of her vassals, former vassals or current. Such as House Palaiologos, with the rigged election due to his cooperation with House de Hartcold, she earlier saw  fit to rob of the de Hartcold of their lands to convenience herself more by moving them closer, stripping them so far of all titles and semblance of importance.


    And of course, the only one able to resist any of her vulgar and tyrannical advances is her strongest vassal, the Arbor, which without she truly could not be nothing. It is no coincidence none of the members of their Black Guard carry the banner of Curon upon them, for they know of their importance and their ability to sway Linette, for now at the very least until she likely garners herself a few mercenary bands to then also force them to submit to her rulings.




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       III.  Linette


    After having attempted to speak to Linette on numerous occasions, to convey the observations that has gathered over her so far short reign, she has chosen to ban those who criticize her, to declare martial law in her city to stifle debate and jails all those she suspects of not supporting her.


    Instead of meeting allies with open arms, she meets them with scorn, not caring for those who strike out to defend her realm, to those that wish to help her economy grow through trade, to exchange ideas but she has instead chosen to lock herself away in her town.


    Linette sense of mourning has also proven to be that of self glorification, choosing to announce her husband's death and then claim how great Curon has already run under her and there would be no change. Which also proves Alfreds negligence towards governing his state, which fell into disrepair and continues to do such. Rather odd for a woman of peasant birth to have her husband suddenly die, then already having plans to change the succession and to declare herself ‘Princess-Regnant’ and claim all of House Devereaux’ titles, instead of handing the regency to the August councillors or Alfreds brother.


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    IV. Final Statement


    Due to Linette’s states lack of ability to defend itself as a ‘sovereign state’, to maintain the security of her canonist vassals and for her failures as a leader, I in my humblest of opinions would request that Curon instead of maintaining its sovereignty that is maintained by Renatus-Marna regardless, should simply instead vassalize under his royal majesty, King Aurelius of Renatus-Marna.


    It’s current status as a sovereign principality is naught more than an elaborate sham to attempt to stay relevant on the world stage, seeing as a humble barony can rally more men between their pig-farmers than Curon can maintain an army.


    It is time for Curon to stop chasing its tail, and for it to return to its master.



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    -Count Eimar var Burgundar, Count of Götha, Baron of Geatea





    The Barony of Götha and the town of White Peak



    Far in the south-eastern wilderness of Atlas lies one of the last bastions of civilization before the endless tundra of the south, the Barony of Götha. Flanked by a volcano to its east and the great expanse of forest to its west, the town of White Peak sits comfortably upon the mountain chain Gotha, towering over the surrounding countryside and the vast tundras to its south.


    Founded during the springtime of 1654, the castle has sat proudly atop the tallest of the peaks since the inception of the settlement. Being a vassal of Renatus, the Barony of Götha acts as a shield towards the south to guard the south-eastern flank of the Kingdom. The var Burgundar family heads the lands of Götha, maintaining fair and just rule over their citizens to ensure the prosperity and joy of their citizenry, working dilligently to ensure the future safety and stability of the lands in the south-east.














    Painting of White Peak, circa 1655


    The Barony and White Peak is ran by a council with a flexible amount of citizens being put on it, with only the Baron and Baroness being the permanent seats on the council. It both deals with the day-to-day business of the Barony and town, but also deals with concerns outside of its borders.


    The town is divided in four districts, or terasses as they might be called which each represent a different aspect of the town, which are the following.



    I. Adigard District

    II. Bryn District

    III. Hugel District

    IV. Schloss District



    Citizens and residents do not pay any form of tax, but are instead expected to come to its defense if White Peak is attacked. Housing is free with the only requirement being its regular use and that it be maintained maturely and properly. If the property is left abandoned and no longer used, the former tenant will be removed and the house will be made available again.


    The Barony enjoys a peaceful existence due to its remoteness in comparison to other settlements, however the town enjoys a highly martial attitude and readiness from any threat from all directions.




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    The force employed to ensure the safety of White Peak is The Ram’s Legion. It is officially a part of the Renatian military and utilizes the same ranking structure, whilst exercising some military autonomy.The Ram’s Legion consists mostly of heavy infantry units with compliments of archers, with both separate units being trained in cavalry warfare. The units are effectively trained in fighting both mortal and undead enemies, as is required due to the position of White Peak, leading the members of the military to become experts in both forest and mountainous combat.


    When not on campaign or raiding the guards on active duty are expected to maintain order and peace within the walls of White Peak and the Barony of Götha to ensure the safety and prosperity of the people that inhabit the lands. Weapons, Armour and other forms of equipment is provided to each member who are expected to maintain their equipment to a high standard, if equipment breaks it will be replaced. Instead of normal payment the military members are instead given free housing along with their armour and weapons.



    A White Peak scout, ca 1652






    Notable Engagements;

    11th of Malin, 1655, the second raid on Azgaryum

    11th of Amber Cold, 1644, the first raid of Azgaryum



    Social events


    White Peak citizens regularly enjoy nights in the tavern drinking and playing chess.As well as many social events from balls and feasts planned. With a new ballroom plans currently being drawn more events will come soon. Market days are also planned to be held as well, although stalls are free of tax within White Peak.

    Men of White Peak playing chess in the tavern





    How to join


    The only requirement you need to fullfill to join White Peak is to travel to the Barony and roleplay



    Coords; x660 z2601

  5. Eimar var Burgundar shook his head as he saw Hadrian fall, cursing under his breath at the loss of such a great man "The right man in the wrong place." He stated under his breath as he stood by his comrades in arms, murmuring a silent prayer for his fallen friend 

  6. You've now called unnessescary attention to yourself within a community that thrives on toxic behaviour in part, if you want my two cents, stop making threads like this, stop posting those weird outdated memes.


    Everyone has their own particular brand of doo-doo on this server and everyone receives a particular brand of doo-doo, yours is however more politicised in the real world and me being called Acuck20 however is not. I believe you have gotten yourself in a victimhood mindset where you think everyone's out to get you, we're not, at the very least I am not. I just log on here to rp and have fun, if you are a good roleplayer nobody will really care about who or what you are OOC, but if you make threads to shame other players for their behaviour outside of a direct ban report in terms of you having been directly discriminated against, only reflects poorly on yourself. Everyone gets picked on for something here, noone can escape it and that's a simple fact of playing on this server.


    And also I'd like to add that maybe you should take a break from LoTC to sort yourself out OOC, calm yourself down and find yourself stronger to face the trolls that invevitably will make their way out of their caves to try to bait you. Have a cup of tea, watch Netflix, take a jog, eat something, drink something or rest, whatever it takes for you to feel better.


    Also fun fact about monkeys and bananas, monkeys always open the bananas in the end which we consider the 'bottomn'

  7. "I seem to recall we lost two hundred and they lost a solid and rounded off four hundred. In any case the choirs of the orcs shall Continue for a while I suppose every couple of saint's days as always- Funnily enough the White Peak remains white and the slopes littered with green corpses. It appears to allude the uruks that to win one most succeed in actually taking the town, which you could not, instead you practically went on a lovely mountain hike with White Peak in the background. You seem to forget your total defeat against us but a saint's day ago where even your rex were slain. 


    Tsk tsk tsk, silly orcs."  - Eimar chuckled and he chucked a orcish corpse off of the battlements 

  8. "Oi've gottah say that oi wonder how these folk remember anythin' considering how we quite litterally slaughtered them all after they once against after last saint's week attack assaualted the innocent Silverveins and Hammerforges due to Hamnil's desperate attempts to reclaim the kingdom that slipped through his fingers loik sand." -


    Eimar commented, letting out a huff, before he chuckled 


    "Wildling humans- isn't it a greater insult to loose against a foe you perceive as intellectually and culturally inferior, that the 'great' forces of the frostbeards could not anticipate a mere flanking action?" We lost but a single man in the whole action yet you lost all of yours due to your mindless arrogance, instead of dealing in diplomacy you resort to mindless violence and play the victim when you loose." 


    Eimar rolled up the parchment before he tossed it into the fire, scoffing to himself

  9. [!]

    Notices and fliers would be spread across the mayor towns and cities in Atlas


    The Hamlet of White Peak



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    • Let it hereby be known that on this day that I, Eimar var Burgundar on the 11th of Malin’s Welcome in the year of our lord 1654 announce the existence of the Hamlet and Castle of White Peak is made public. All travelers, merchants and men of the cloth are welcome within its walls as both a place of refuge, and learning.


    • For those whom seek employment within the scholarly arts, blacksmithing, soldiering or housework are all welcome to apply for a house, pay and work within White Peak and the var Burgundar family are actively seeking willing people to be assimilated into the settlement. Assimilation and any hiring will only occur if officially hired by either Eimar or Adylith var Burgundar, the custodians of White Peak. Contact with either of these would likeliest occur first by sending a bird to either. [ACU20], [Fan_ta_allt]


    • The Hamlet of White Peak does not currently possess any ties or oaths linked to any of the existing human nations and can therefore be considered as a ‘sovreign’ body. It however seeks to establish ties and trade agreements with its neighbours to aid in the prosperity of all involved.


    • The following contains some basic information regarding White Peak;




    • White Peak is a strictly Canonist settlement, but allows religious freedom, but those whom are assimilated and move to the town are recommended to convert to Canonism. However the religious freedom laws do not extend to heretics or religions hostile towards the church of GOD.


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    • The towns infrastructure includes a smithy with livingspace on the second floor, barracks and gatehouse and three currently vacant houses and the castle on the top of the hill. It includes modern amenities with fresh and clean water from the mountains and numerous farms to keep the population well nourished. No taxes or payment is required once joining the town, the housing is also free. Only expectation placed upon inhabitants is to help protect the city and in some cases aid in working for the hamlet to aid in its further expansion.

    Image result for golden divider


  10. "Oh, how quaint." Frederick would comment as he read the transcript of the speech "Well this does suggest I was far too essential in the stewardry of Curon if my resignation leads the system to collapse. I should've written up suggestions for a good successor." He huffed as he rolled up the parchment and stuck it in his desk

  11. [!]

    A few scattered open letters found their way to the Dominion of Malin and other Elven holdings around Atlas, along with the mayor human settlements





    To the most esteemed gentleman Azoth Hawksong


    Your vulgar criticisms of the Ascended order has been noted and shall be taken into consideration after some much needed self reflection. But only this fine day I merely wish to raise some counterarguments against the gentleman for the sake of fun. The esteemed gentlemen refers to Heial Vientos as that of an arrogant and irrational man, yet I find that  it is you, who are a known adulterer who on numerous occasions has stolen other men's women, then, is that not the very picture of arrogance, to take another man's woman and then pretend he can get away from such?


    Is it not you who possess the arrogance and the ego that you believe that you can murder people and get away with such an act. An adulterous coward who claims that another man is affected by the spell of Iblees after the actions you yourself so hypocritically deem yourself capable of committing without just, and swift retribution. 


    It appears to me as if the gentleman writes these open letters in order to hide your own insecurities, in regards to your own capacity to defend yourself and your ability to deal with things that threaten you. You lash out like a wounded animal in a corner afraid of revenge from those who have sworn off such things, you lure them to your city only to have them slain and then refuse to leave the confines of the Dominion of Malin, fighting with the tip of your pen instead of fighting valiantly with the tip of a sword. Nothing proclaims your moral superiority in dealing with the Ascended more than to massacre a couple of them and then propagandize publically about your actions.


    One would expect one of the name “Hawksong” to be able to produce a more coherent and more poetic text in order to strengthen your arguments, instead of course, the true noise of the hawk is heard instead of that of birdsong, which is an ignorant, malfunctioning and malnourished of thought SCHREEEEEEECH! Considering all this, it might simply be better for the right honourable gentleman to stick to slaughtering unsuspecting victims of your arrogance instead of torturing us with your vulgar and inept vocabulary.


    Cleanse yourself of your own Daemons before you start screeching about others.


    -Frederick von Croë



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