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Posts posted by Sunlorn

  1. Need someone to make me a high quality shaded skin with clothes, face, and all!

    Willing to pay as much mina as it would take to satisfy the requirements. Could even consider paying some real world money, but I'm quite broke.

    If you’re a skinner looking for some clientele, then PM me with your discord so I can send you some reference pics and ask you for your price.

  2. [!] A poem has been scattered around the towns of the human nations, pinned to walls and littering the floors [!]


    U ncrowned & D rowned



    T here are many both dark and regal

    With infinite renown

    It’s a shame that all those equal

    Will never have a crown


    K ingship’s failing mateys

    And it’s time to take a stand

    Take up your allegiances

    And bury them in the sand!


    T here’s no need to slaughter

    No cause to tear the land

    Hold out all your papers

    And burn them to the ground!


    K eeping states deceitful

    Is the enemy’s number one

    Too many a harmless people

    Never rise to a morning sun


    T hey slave away at darkness

    To satiate a gluttonous lord

    Avarice sin incarnate

    Purloins into his hoard


    K nights so fair in judgment

    Joust in a child’s dream

    In truth it seems so pungent

    As they scheme in the regime


    T here are many both dark and regal

    With infinite renown

    It’s a shame that all those equal

    Will never have a crown




    Signed By


    the Remarkably Inscrutable


     Insense SaugeParlant

  3. S inful  T hing



    O nce upon a fine old evening,

    A lovely, brilliant light that’s cleaving!

    But so, it seems the heart so dark

    Demeans all those with bite and bark!

    With rock, with fist, with words of hate!


    T he sloth and gluttony, it slept and ate

    Want cake and more, than it could take

    This vile creature stole from reserves

    Of kinfolk, family, oh the nerve!


    W retched being, truly so,

    Spits out fire, lies they stoked!

    Words of poison, venomous, cloaked

    Trust but the vigil of those it broke!


    A word of caution,

    A word of hope

    From those who care,

    And curse its dope!




    Signed By


    the Illustrious, Devilish, and Mysterious,


     Insense SaugeParlant


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