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Posts posted by Andustar

  1. 2 hours ago, Gared Errmark said:

    Gared laughs in the Riga tavern. "So they got scared about the Ducal return and fled with their tails between their legs home." He raises a tankard of ale, downing it. "Now I can get back to Felsen, and drink the good stuff." He'd pack enough minas to buy a dozen of the Felsen brew.

    William Worix would laugh "Coming from the man who hid behind his walls and lost despite his number and resource advantage!" he'd drink his ale down "Ye wished to purge us and ye lost, I'm pretty sure the so called Duke of Cowardland is still hiding in a cave somewhere!" he'd then return to laugh with his fellow comrades and they celebrate a well earned victory.

  2. [!] A man in a Kovachev Tabard looks down over you, inspecting you with a few circles before speaking.


    “Name, lad?”: William Worix your Grace!


    “Hrmph, so be it. Where are ye from?”: Carnatia your Grace!


    Looking the man over, he’d then ask, “Any experience fightin’? O’ at anything, really?”: Da, I have experience vith the sword and other forms of melee combat!


    “I see.. what be yer reason for joining?”: To serve the empire and fight on your behalf your Grace!


    “Do ya have ah profession?”: Niet quite your Grace but I do have some experience in the art of  blacksmithing but I’m quite villing to learn more!


    “Anything else ye wanna add, lad?”: Vhen vill I get to kill another rebel!    





    MC Name: Ended_101

    Skype: You know my reasons

    Do you have Discord or TS? If not, are you willing to get it? I have it



  3. Out of Character information.

    What is your Minecraft account name: rowangl31
    How old are you: 13
    Are you aware the server is PG-13: Yes
    Have you applied to this server before?: Yes
    Have you read and agreed to the rules: Yes
    What's the rule you agree with the most: No cyber bullying
    Are there any rule(s) that confuse you or don't make any sense?: No
    How did you find out about Lord of the Craft: My friend told me about it


    What is roleplaying: Playing as a character and storytelling in a fantasy world.
    What is metagaming: Using ooc gained knowledge to help you ic such as someone tells you via skype that you are being attack and then you tell your whole army to go online and defend.
    What is powergaming: Being overpowered and unrealistic in roleplaying, such as dodging arrows, etc

    In-Character information.

    Characters name: Edward.
    Characters gender: Male.
    Characters race: Human.
    Characters age: 19

    Biography: Edward was born on the crossing to Athera and was then raised on a farm outside of Petrus with a loving father and mother. His father, Henry, was a ex ranger of Oren and a former member of the Decterum while his mother, Elizabeth, was a local good wife and helped woman from the local village with childbirth. Edward's father began to teach him how to use a bow and handle a sword while his mother taught him about herbs and medicines you can find out in the wild from the age of 6. When the realm of Athera was discovered Edward's family bought a farm in the new realm, Edward was 18 at this point and often helped his father out with the farm but his still practised his skill with bow and sword whenever he could. However, with the war against the dwarves, their farm was raided and Edward's parents were killed, Edward was away Hunting at the time near Aesterwald and by the time he got back it was too late. That night, he buried what remained of his parents and swore on their graves he'd avenge them!
    Now, on his own, Edward travels toward the Oren capital  to follow in his fathers foot steps and become a ranger in service of Oren and fight the Undead back into the nether. However, although he wants to be a warrior his true destiny is only unfolding to him now as there is more to his life than meets the eye.

    Personality traits: Courageous, brave, sometimes jolly, loyal and can be quite quiet most of the time.
    Ambitions: Avenge His parents and become a brave ranger in service of the kingdom of Oren.
    Strengths/Talents: Is strong with a bow and good with a sword, he is quick, nimble and silent.
    Weaknesses/Inabilities: Finds it harder to defend at close quarters, heavy armour greatly slows him down, making friends as well as socialising with people and is not really that skillful with heavy two handed weapons  .
    Appearance: Edward has white shaded skin, has brown eyes and brown hair. He is about 5ft tall and weighs 100 pounds.
    Appearance, skin screenshot: http://gyazo.com/73f38a158e324090a09cccad003c76e0

  4. Out of Character information.
    What is your Minecraft account name: rowangl31
    How old are you: 13
    Are you aware the server is PG-13: Yes
    Have you applied to this server before?: No
    Have you read and agreed to the rules: Yes
    What's the rule you agree with the most: No cyber bullying
    Are there any rule(s) that confuse you or don't make any sense?: No
    How did you find out about Lord of the Craft: My friend told me about it
    What is roleplaying: Pretending to be someone you are not e.g. dungeons and dragons.
    What is metagaming: Using your own choices to affect the games lore and history.
    What is powergaming Interacting with games like roleplaying games or board games.
    In-Character information.
    Characters name: Edward.
    Characters gender: Male.
    Characters race: Human.
    Characters age: 19
    Biography: Edward was raised on farm with a loving father and mother. His father, Henry, was a ex ranger of Oren and a former member of the Decterum while his mother, Elizabeth, was a local good wife and helped woman from the local village with childbirth. Edward's father began to teach him how to use a bow and handle a sword while his mother taught him about herbs and medicines you can find out in the wild from the age of 6. When the realm of Athera was discovered Edward's family bought a farm in the new realm, Edward was 18 at this point and often helped his father out with the farm but his still practised his skill with bow and sword whenever he could. However, with the recent return of the undead, their farm was raided and Edward's parents were killed, Edward was away Hunting at the time and by the time he got back it was too late. That night, he buried what remained of his parents and swore on their graves he'd avenge them!
    Now, on his own, Edward travels toward the Oren capital  to follow in his fathers foot steps and become a ranger in service of Oren and fight the Undead back into the nether. However, although he wants to be a warrior his true destiny is only unfolding to him now as there is more to his life than meets the eye.
    Personality traits: Courageous, brave, sometimes jolly, loyal and can be quite quiet most of the time.
    Ambitions: Avenge His parents and become a brave ranger in service of the kingdom of Oren.
    Strengths/Talents: Is strong with a bow and good with a sword, he is quick, nimble and silent.
    Weaknesses/Inabilities: Finds it harder to defend at close quarters and isn't very strong.
    Appearance: Edward has white shaded skin, has brown eyes and brown hair. He is about 5ft tall and weighs 100 pounds.
    Appearance, skin screenshot: I'm sorry I couldn't get a screen shot onto this email for some reason, I will give a description instead. On my characters skin he has, a green tunic with the Oren symbol on it, he has a grey cloak and hood with a arrow quiver on his back. He wears black trousers and has cream boots with two dagger sheaths on his sides. 

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