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Posts posted by Appie

  1. The Matoaloga stood stalwart at the gates of the castle as his Suldaan spoke, a grin slowly forming on his face as his cousin made his address. As the people began chanting, he chanted along with them. “This is legendary.” he whispered.

  2. The Jeshi of Seyam


    The ‘Jeshi’ is the royal guard of Seyam, established in 1744 by Suldaan Erasto I weeks after his coronation, prior to this there was no standing royal guard of the nation - only the guards of the regal house; in essence, the Jeshi is composed mostly of loyal guards to the Suldaan and his house. This unit serves the dual purposes of providing security for the Suldaan of Seyam and his immediate family whilst also serving as an elite infantry unit. It serves as the honor guard of the Suldaan’s personal army and as the civil guard of Thyra, the capital of Seyam. Since Seyam hosts a decentralized feudal system, each landed house would in theory have their own reserve units - and so, the Jeshi is the only standing army in the nation and is meant to act as a guard for whomever officially sits on the throne - whether it be of the current ruling house or not. As such, the Jeshi does not have it’s own independent symbol and instead carries the chosen insignia of the regal house it serves. Both males and females may serve in the Jeshi. Each year(week) they recieve pay and are also allocated various bonuses for serving in the Jeshi. Weaponry varies based on a soldiers preference, though the most common of weaponry would be spears, swords, slings, bows, clubs 




    Aside from the direction they receive from the state administration, the direct leader of the Jeshi would be the Matoalaga, or Captain of the Guard. However, there are other nobility roles that in essence, would outrank the Matoalaga.



    In several cases, the Seyami State may rent their guard out to other states whom we hold neutrality or positive relations with - our Jeshi assisting them in war in exchange for minae. Pricing on this varies based on the nation, their enemies, the environment, etcetera - and pay is usually requested on a pay-per-battle basis.



    Minus 50 minae  on each property tax

    100 minae a year(week) in pay

    Various social privileges

    Reduction on the cost of alcoholic beverages

    Percentage of Askari pay given directly to soldiers




    A potential recruit is trained  to be in top fighting form to join the ranks of the Jeshi. Before a member graduates into the ranks of the Jeshi a recruit is put through a series of tests to prove competence, skill and loyalty. The trials are shrouded in secrecy, with the recruits being drawn from sleep late at night and taken to a meeting spot for the trials. At the end of the trials, successful recruits are ritual marked, as symbols of their entry into the brotherhood of the Jeshi. This is usually through ritual scarification, with a range of symbols and markings that represent ones status and membership within the Jeshi.



    Discord name:

    Discord: https://discord.gg/gCS6qbv


    (In order of power)

    Suldaan - @Southeron

    Dejazmach - @Junar

    Ras - @Kribbitz, 

    Ardejazmach - Vacant

    Matoalaga - @Appie



  3. The Jeshi of Seyam


    The ‘Jeshi’ is the royal guard of Seyam, established in 1744 by Suldaan Erasto I weeks after his coronation, prior to this there was no standing royal guard of the nation - only the guards of the regal house; in essence, the Jeshi is composed mostly of loyal guards to the Suldaan and his house. This unit serves the dual purposes of providing security for the Suldaan of Seyam and his immediate family whilst also serving as an elite infantry unit. It serves as the honor guard of the Suldaan’s personal army and as the civil guard of Thyra, the capital of Seyam. Since Seyam hosts a decentralized feudal system, each landed house would in theory have their own reserve units - and so, the Jeshi is the only standing army in the nation and is meant to act as a guard for whomever officially sits on the throne - whether it be of the current ruling house or not. As such, the Jeshi does not have it’s own independent symbol and instead carries the chosen insignia of the regal house it serves. Both males and females may serve in the Jeshi. Each year(week) they recieve pay and are also allocated various bonuses for serving in the Jeshi. Weaponry varies based on a soldiers preference, though the most common of weaponry would be spears, swords, slings, bows, clubs 




    Aside from the direction they receive from the state administration, the direct leader of the Jeshi would be the Matoalaga, or Captain of the Guard. However, there are other nobility roles that in essence, would outrank the Matoalaga.



    In several cases, the Seyami State may rent their guard out to other states whom we hold neutrality or positive relations with - our Jeshi assisting them in war in exchange for minae. Pricing on this varies based on the nation, their enemies, the environment, etcetera - and pay is usually requested on a pay-per-battle basis.



    Minus 50 minae  on each property tax

    100 minae a year(week) in pay

    Various social privileges

    Reduction on the cost of alcoholic beverages

    Percentage of Askari pay given directly to soldiers




    A potential recruit is trained  to be in top fighting form to join the ranks of the Jeshi. Before a member graduates into the ranks of the Jeshi a recruit is put through a series of tests to prove competence, skill and loyalty. The trials are shrouded in secrecy, with the recruits being drawn from sleep late at night and taken to a meeting spot for the trials. At the end of the trials, successful recruits are ritual marked, as symbols of their entry into the brotherhood of the Jeshi. This is usually through ritual scarification, with a range of symbols and markings that represent ones status and membership within the Jeshi.



    Discord name:

    Discord: https://discord.gg/gCS6qbv


    (In order of power)

    Suldaan - @Southeron

    Dejazmach - @Junar

    Ras - @Kribbitz, 

    Ardejazmach - Vacant

    Matoalaga - @Appie


  4. Reveal hidden contents


    About the Jeshi


    In the northern desert of Atlas lies the Chiefdom of Ghanya, based around the largest oasis of the region. The military of these peoples is the Ghanyan Jeshi, comprised of multiple tribal vassals fighting under the banner of the Negus. The Jeshi is a band of fearsome warriors, clad in war paints, cloths, and leathers, in order to stay quick on their feet. The Chiefdom is primarily Farfolkish, but wood elves and dark elves that are willing to undergo a ritual clipping their ears are welcome to the tribe.



    History of the Jeshi


    The Jeshi was founded in 1662, when the Southerons, led by the Negus Juumane M’Baku, broke free from the chains of slavery. The Jeshi had been disbanded shortly after, but due to internal conflict within Ghanya, the Negus issued an official statement to reform the Jeshi. This fearsome military force was used to unite the remaining tribes, bringing together a mighty force of experienced Ghanyans, and a dominant power in the northern portion of the desert and the savannah.




    YOU MUST BE FARFOLK (Wood-Elf/Dark-Elf with ears clipped/willing to)
    RP Name:
    Type of Farfolk (If Elf put down Elf):
    Age: Do you swear to serve the Negus?:

    Do you have a mic:

  5. Role-play: (Establish the rationale with a brief summary of events leading up to this point which includes your CB and plans for the war.) 

    The Chieftiancy of Ghanyah has stressed the importance of making peace with our Farfolk brethren aswell as enforcing an aura of dominance. Although they have infringed on the land we have promised to our vassals of Kharmandal, we offered to negotiate with the Rag headed Kardasi in which they chose to disrespect, dishonour, and overall disobey our wishes. The Harians, known for their submissiveness specifically to the Santegians, have proved their disdain towards us since our formal attempt to negotiate; participating in ambushes, raids, and overall disdain to our Farfolk Chieftaincy. For this, they will pay the ultimate price.




    CBs: (Provide a list of CBs you believe to have with proof to back them up. These will be reviewed by moderators for approval.)


    - Peace time invasion


    - Denouncement


    - Attack on leadership 

    Side A: (The faction posting the warclaim)

    The Chieftaincy of Ghanyah and Allies

    Side B: (The faction responding to the warclaim.)

    Sultanate of Haria

    Proposed Date & Time: (Example: September 17, 1787 @ 3 P.M. EST.)

    July 1st, 2018 @ 4 P.M EST

    Proposed Rules: (Suggest any unique modifications or restrictions for this warclaim.)

    Freebuild take over

    Location: (Provide a screenshot of the area being warclaimed from the dynmap.)


    Discord: (Your current Discord username, example: Test#1234.)

    Appie#9684 Licorish#6408





  6. 6 minutes ago, Simba said:

    Goblin Slayer would shake his head in dismay "A farfolk nation declares war on a farfolk nation, so for the Kadarsi to protect the "farfolk homeland", they recruit non-farfolks volunteers to interfere in such manners. A very interesting idea" he would read the paper "Regardless, being paid to fight is much better than volunteering to fight" he would stash the paper into his belt, planning to observe the upcoming battle between the two farfolk nations.

    "These men will cause the fall of the farfolks." Jumaane M'Baku, Negus of Ghanyah states

  7. Spoiler



    About the Jeshi


    In the northern desert of Atlas lies the Chiefdom of Ghanya, based around the largest oasis of the region. The military of these peoples is the Ghanyan Jeshi, comprised of multiple tribal vassals fighting under the banner of the Negus. The Jeshi is a band of fearsome warriors, clad in war paints, cloths, and leathers, in order to stay quick on their feet. The Chiefdom is primarily Farfolkish, but wood elves and dark elves that are willing to undergo a ritual clipping their ears are welcome to the tribe.



    History of the Jeshi


    The Jeshi was founded in 1662, when the Southerons, led by the Negus Juumane M’Baku, broke free from the chains of slavery. The Jeshi had been disbanded shortly after, but due to internal conflict within Ghanya, the Negus issued an official statement to reform the Jeshi. This fearsome military force was used to unite the remaining tribes, bringing together a mighty force of experienced Ghanyans, and a dominant power in the northern portion of the desert and the savannah.




    YOU MUST BE FARFOLK (Wood-Elf/Dark-Elf with ears clipped/willing to)
    RP Name:
    Type of Farfolk (If Elf put down Elf):
    Age: Do you swear to serve the Negus?:

    Do you have a mic:









    4h of The Amber Cold, 1668.





    It has come to the attention of the great Negus of Ghanyah that a former HARIAN Acolyte of the Vismarks- an order which seeks to rid the world of its undead presence and cleanse the souls of all practitioners of dark arts- has taken up the practices of the very beings she hunts. Additional evidence of this grotesque feat can be provided by the Negus, as the strapping man, coursing with testosterone and manly juices decapitated the woman who is acclaimed to be undead once before for treasonous acts against her kind. The fact that she was decapitated and the witnesses who have seen her walking upon the mortal realm once again can only lead to one conclusion, that the wench is a footsoldier in the legions of the undead.

    Tnis dishonor shown by the Craven Sultanate and their kin can not be looked upon with closed eyes. The Nation of Ghanyah asks all nations of this land to rid the world of this dishonorable and corrupted faction in preparation for the times of prosperity to come.


  9. 14 minutes ago, ibraheemc2000 said:

    ((LMFAO, I Would Like to provide, Attack on leadership for the "2 times" Yeah...First one you guys raided us....Second time We came In With a RESCUE RAID To save an adopted child of one of the sultanate members, We Never Invaded you In peacetime, ALSO Aiding an Enemy? Unless this Enemy is Renatus who helped in the rescue raid cuz the person kidnapped was a citizen. Now there is also the second "aiding an enemy" I don't know who you are referring to... Soo unless you want to count Santegia, which we aid in trade, and just genuine respect, except in fighting...Though I would like to add that there is a Member who is a royal in both nations...But Fighting your Leadership, Was Both One in defence and the second was to rescue a citizen whom YOU kidnapped and gave a message of handing them over


    Also your "Vassel" whom's land we "Invaded" was a Hut when we moved there....and Did not Belong to your Group when we settled and we are VERY far from your land....YOUR RP CLAIM of Owning all the dessert and Messa And the Savannah....Is not a Valid CB


    A Matter of Fact, All the CBS you Provided,

    We Hold Against you

    yet, We are not pushing them as of right now

    Also get the Name right, its the Sultanate of KADARSI ?))


    34 minutes ago, adamc2000 said:

    (( u got no cb dude also... we done none of ur 'provided cb' 
    for war team my discord is Adamc2000#8222


    Wait for the warchat.

  10. Role-play: (Establish the rationale with a brief summary of events leading up to this point which includes your CB and plans for the war.) 

    The Chieftiancy of Ghanyah has stressed the importance of making peace with our Farfolk brethren aswell as enforcing an aura of dominance. Although they have infringed on the land we have promised to our vassals of Kharmandal, we offered to negotiate with the Rag headed Kardasi in which they chose to disrespect, dishonour, and overall disobey our wishes. The Harians, known for their submissiveness specifically to the Santegians, have proved their disdain towards us since our formal attempt to negotiate; participating in ambushes, raids, and overall disdain to our Farfolk Chieftaincy. For this, they will pay the ultimate price.





    CBs: (Provide a list of CBs you believe to have with proof to back them up. These will be reviewed by moderators for approval.)


    - Peace time invasion


    - Aiding an enemy x2


    - Attack on leadership x2

    Side A: (The faction posting the warclaim)

    The Chieftaincy of Ghanyah

    Side B: (The faction responding to the warclaim.)

    Sultanate of Haria

    Proposed Date & Time: (Example: September 17, 1787 @ 3 P.M. EST.)

    24th of June, 2018 @ 4 P.M EST

    Proposed Rules: (Suggest any unique modifications or restrictions for this warclaim.)

    Freebuild take over

    Location: (Provide a screenshot of the area being warclaimed from the dynmap.)


    Discord: (Your current Discord username, example: Test#1234.)

    Appie#9684 Licorish#6408


  11. oLSl3N1O4v6By_zsPKvNYjxKjJg7eWWuGQZpP5rdV0OCSgXuRdErG98UkAdkNpsaduf1YuIjiRaM__QExdaSaHVLnjm4zLdEtFwxmwq793W_og9s4hE0LOGxEGY2ARqsDIpZuTaDNFMqCvngC9pfkR0MuIuOiEbqEx8s35yVCMRoRtloG2-DE7B5GIXBS-sfy1G-68CZcVV_xT0_eBpmV4BjEXpP9LPFg4_XIYj9-MCejjydEnz5iRApOYF9pFdtqNmzWm6GA2tVPJJ4



    Name of the Treaty: Ghanyah and Nottingham buddies for life


    Type of Treaty: [Alliance/ Non-Aggression / Defensive Pact] Alliance


    [Nation / Freebuild] [Name: ] Ghanyah [Nation / Freebuild] [Name: ] Nottingham


    Date of Signing: 15th of Deep Cold, 1663 ((2018 - 14 - 06))



    On the 15th of Deep Cold, 1663, an Alliance between the Chieftaincy of Ghanyah and Kingdom of Nottingham was established under the rule of  Negus Juumane M'Baku of Ghanyah and Ruk' of Nottingham to outline the following agreed upon terms :


    Section I :

    This duo of Nations,  bound by their promise, has agreed to assist one another in their defensive ventures so long as they do not conflict with the rules, regulations, and honorable creed of both nations; be it through men, resources, or etcetera. This promise shall be upheld until the last drop of blood or the last bit of coins.

    Section II :

    Border boundaries  are to be respected and upheld by all member nations, a border dispute being solved only peacefully.


    Section III :

    A open border agreement will be made, allowing citizens of each nation to travel amongst each other so long as they follow that nations accurate rules and regulations.


    Section IV :

    The Chieftaincy of Ghanyah and the Kingdom of Nottingham will allow land access to each other in their entirety, their troops being able to freely pass and to be provided safe haven should it be a necessity.


    Section V :

    Trade shall be in abundance between the two nations, their merchants being limitless in their affairs and allowing the  freedom of resource-exchange between the two nations during both peace and war.

    Section VI :

    This agreement shall be renewed every 8 years(or Orcish cactus-weeks) to ensure that it was upheld respectfully and decide if it remains necessary.

    Section VII:

    The two nations have formally agreed to assist eachother in offensive ventures that they deem necessary to assist in if called upon, extending this agreement to that of a Military Alliance.


    Section VIII:

    The two nations have formally agreed to host joint-trainings and missions in accordance with both their Army and Military.


    Section IX:

    The two nations have formally agreed to exchange strategic resources that would benefit them in their joint-offense and joint-defense, ranging from mercenaries, condotierris, fleets, and etc…


    Section X:

    The two nations have formally agreed to a research agreement, exchanging necessary knowledge and sharing technological advances amongst eachother.



  12. 1 minute ago, magno said:

    ((Just to note that toxic rp referred to early which you claimed to have "happened irl, get over it."


    Also going to add that if this is meant to be part of negotiations on any sort of "proposition" you should maybe send better diplomats and not a bunch of armored idiots with pvp statuses already enabled.

    And to comment on the outcome of the battle, the Sultanate was able to remain within there walls without them having been breached

    The raiding force was kept back at a distance for the entire battle by archers from the Kadarsi side

    Kadarsi archers scored a kill toward the beginning of the bout and downed another soon after as they tried to revive their fallen warrior


    After their other warrior was downed the remaining force turned and ran from the battle(assumed from our perspective as we didn't see sight of them after this)

    We sat on top the wall peacefully grabbing screenshots of our rallied men while the leader of our force was bombarded OOC'ly with PMs from the raiding party


    All-in-all The death toll rings 0 for Kadarsi and 1(maybe a second) for the Opposing force

    Kadarsi managed to defend their settlement and would obviously be victorious in this fight

    ((You guys didn't down another. Anyway, stop defending yourself ooc on an rp post you're bringing too much toxicity.))

  13. 1 hour ago, adamc2000 said:


    Sultan Auda looks at the poster Ibraheem had given him "What is this?" Auda ask as he begin reading the poster "Its from the Ghanyah tribe my Sultan." Ibraheem replied. Upon hearing his replies Auda begins crumbling the paper and hand it to Ibraheem "I already know its garbage have it burned thats its only use."


    (for all those to see why we are fighting them, this is one of the MAIN reason why while we are trying to make a non toxic, non meta crap, etc etc these guys come and try to **** everything up. So defending ONLY our lands and pledging not to deal with toxic players anymore. Ps: yes this is the mighty Appie__ so dont blame us if we want to stay our ground and rp in peace. also to that post about santegians only one tech santegian came and that was DJ rest was with us, anywho pls try learning farfolks lore and culture ur being a disgrace to it, or unless u making ur own idk.

    ((smh cant take a joke idk why u guys trying to defend urself ooc on an rp post, seems like you want some sort of ooc toxicity between us but we don't have any))

  14. 6 minutes ago, ibraheemc2000 said:


    Ibraheem Aladeen Cleared His blade with the Blood Of the Kaffir And People who worshipped wood and stone "Allah Has Blessed Us a Victory in Defeating the Infidel, who came and attacked us...May Allah Punish them... For This Is Our Home...Our People... They come to Kill And Enslave them...We will Stand Firm in resistance, No stone will not be fought to be defended, No Living person will Suffer their Ill Wishes... These Pagans Come to kill the Highlanders in canonist and Imam rashiduns? They Will know well we will die Defending our Brothers! You All have Proven That We Will not stand for their Injustice, MAY ALLAH PROTECT US ALL!" The shouts and cries of Allah Is great Rang through the city, He Began walking And looking at the Men, Checking them, Upon He seen A young Southernos Man, So young it seemed he just began to grow his beard, sat their quietly, Ibraheem Frowned and went forward and sat next to him "Are You Alright, Akhi? I did not Believe We had any Casualties." he'd Say with a worried look. The man Look to Ibraheem and gave a faint smile "I am Fine Alhumdillah, But I am But worried For My People...When I heard they came...With weapons in hand....and the shrieking of women...I took my Sword and came to the battlements... I want to make sure they are safe...My family, my mother My father...What would happen to them If we would fail...." Ibraheem would nod smiling and pats him on the shoulder "No matter what....We will not Fail...Either We Are Granted Maryterdem....Or Victory..... How can we Fail, When our Hearts Cry and Yearn for our Beloved Country...Stay Firm and steadfast... Allah Loves those who are steadfast." with this the man smiled and embraced his brother "I will join the army, Allah protect the Kadarsi!" He shouted in which Ibraheem went about....  One day he came upon the flyer and chuckled "The Kaffir Is so Ashamed that they must make Weakly written papers? Funny...Only Santegian Was the Regent...And He was the Nephew of the sultan...Strange...but who would truly believe in people who worship wood and stone and not the one and ONLY GOD..... and those who Attempt to Kill Innocent Children." He shakes his head and walks away, and heads home, To go and Set up More defences 

      Reveal hidden contents









    The great NEGUS OF GHANYAH wipes his sword as well even though all of the fight ,swords were not used because the HARIAN DEVILS refused to leave the protection of their walls and opted to just using their bows...


    In the name of Juumane M'Baku, Grand Chief of M'Baku, Ras of Yeondar, Tribal Warlord, Challenger of Sands, Current Neguš of Ghanyah, and Protector of the Farfolk




    A document has been hung around all relevant cities and capitals of Atlas, including the nations of Santegia and their previously-unioned Haria.


    The Day Allah Failed The Rag Headed Devils


    Before the omnipotent gaze of the Mighty Allah, the Ghanyan people set out towards the vulnerable tents and sheep-skin hutts of the Harian Devils and their Santegian Dominators. With notes of diplomacy within their grasp, little was known to them of the dishonorable horrors which awaited the dark skinned Ghanyan warriors.


    Standing before the rough-hewn walls of the thick-bearded Harians, the great warrior  and Negus of the Ghanyan people stood and waited. Though, they were met not by soothing words or an invitation to talk of the current warfare between their people, but by an arrow.


    WHAT GREAT DISHONOR! The Negus shouted, his features contorting to that of anger as his dark skinned frame shook violently. BEND THE KNEE AND PROCLAIM YOUR NATION UNDER MY NAME, KISS MY RING YOU WOOL BEARDED [Removed]


    Though, no bending of the knee did come. Instead the wry and malnourished frame of the Sultan shook. Though the reasoning behind this obvious totem to his fright before the great and POWERFUL Negus remains unknown, it could be inferred that it be either to his frail and feeble state or to his fright and craven-esque demeanor.


    A-allah protek-t mii. . .


    The words croaked from his thin lips, barely a whisper compare to the masculine and booming voice of the honorable Leader of the great Ghanyan peoples. Whispers could be heard behind the walls as all the Harian craven kin of the Sultan hid and cowered under the might of the Ghanyans.




    Screamed a nearby goblin, his visage covered in chemical burns a totem to his meticulous work as a goblin scientist. LATZ KRAVUN ZHALL FLAAAHHHTTTT He screamed as foam spluttered from his maw and fell unto the grass below. Frame contorting and jittering to his spastic motions, the Doctor grasped a rock and hurled it towards the helm of the weak Sultan, hitting him on top of his ill crafted helm.


    UUGggh-h! Mi hellm. . .


    Cried out the craven Sultan as he nearly fell off his rugged ramparts, only held up by the malnourished wool-beards forced into his service by no will of their own.




    With the booming and masculine voice of the Negus came a quaking shugger of the land itself, bending the will of the craven Harians and ushering in an era of warfare and prosperity-

    The Conquest for Haria begins.

  16. In the name of Juumane M'Baku, Grand Chief of M'Baku, Ras of Yeondar, Tribal Warlord, Challenger of Sands, Current Neguš of Ghanyah, and Protector of the Farfolk




    This decree has been legitimized in its entirety 



    On this day - 5th of Sun's Smile, 1667 -


    The Royal Tribe of M'Baku has deemed it necessary for the tribe of Khonma and its Chieftain, Shaka'Khonma of Ikhaya, to uptake the landed title of 'Ras' in the name of Juumane M'Baku. The Ras, an equivalent to a duke or Non-Regal Prince, will have his dominion expanded from Ikhaya out to the neighboring tribes. This grants him absolute power over those more feeble in the name of Ghanyah. 




    We, the Leaders of  Ghanyah, allow you to style yourself as a Ras, a role only disputed by those who challenge your title indefinitely.






    Under the Advisory of Val'thryis Dun'robar, Advisor to Ghanyah and Regent to the Crown





    In the name of Juumane M'Baku, Grand Chief of M'Baku, Ras of Yeondar, Tribal Warlord, Challenger of Sands, Current Neguš of Ghanyah, and Protector of the Farfolk




    This decree has been legitimized in its entirety 


    4th of Sun's Smile, 1667


    It is a natural occurrence for our internal tribes to descend and ascend in power, a

    waving balance that keeps all those under our rule in order while the leading tribe necessarily remains untouched and unwavering in their absolute power. It is with this, that we deem the Sugarfoot Tribe of Ghanyah illegitimate, the Chieftain of this tribe losing all titles for proving inefficient in the job he was meant to uphold - the complete protection and necessary preservation of their tribe and all those under them. We do not force the Sugarfoots out of our land or force them to split their tribe whatsoever, we only seek to make it clear that they no longer are a officiated tribe in our dominion; the lands given to them during their Ascension being returned back to the Crown of Ghanyah for use that would benefit our nation.




    Under the Advisory of Val'thryis Dun'robar, Advisor of Ghanyah and Regent to the Crown




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