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Posts posted by Yankee

  1. I agree, the current systems in place need to be re-worked or simply removed. If a group wish to raid, restrictions should be at a minimum for them and a large unbalance should not be created through rules. The current CB system in a way makes sense, due to it being able to control whether or not wars can take place. However, this control takes away from rp as nations are prevented from going to war due to not having a reason or their reason being from too long ago. I feel this system also needs change, if the reasoning behind the war makes sense then why can the war not take place?

  2. "Ah could duh wif' anuffah none corrupted, powah 'ungreh moind abowt. Dah Clan's visions an' ideahs 'ave been twisted boi dat ov 'un moind. Weh need tuh com' arownd an' stop feedin' dah stereotype abowt owr clan. T'ose w'o ar' nae loyal, get in yer t'ick 'ead dat nuffin' evah com's ov blind an' pointless rebellions." Vidar would exclaim, a grin adorning his face of news of his fathers return.

  3. The Heisenkrug nods his head in approval "Bub'hozh, mi am zure owr littul vehnture wihl bi verih prohfitahbul!" He'd exclaim before returning to the Baked Olog and taking a hit from the hookah.


    The Lak Clan ~



    The great Lak Clan, famous for their devotion to the Spirit of the Swamp Laklul. These large lumbering orks have a hide unlike those of their orkish counterparts, their hide has a dark blue hue which is a distinguishing feature for these brutish swamp dwellers. Despite being a fairly new clan among the others, the Laks have gained respect among many clans and proven their worth to Krugmar.




    ~ History ~


    The well respected Ork and Clan Legend, Shreck’Lak, was the founder of the clan back in the realm of Athera. Lak was formed after clan Dom saw a mass of emigration due to the dishonorable actions of Rusk'Dom the Liberator. Shreck was a great servant to Laklul and so the name Lak was forged from the Spirit of the Swamp Laklul.


    Upon arriving in Vailor the Laks constructed their fort Duloc in Shreck’s swamp south of the Capital. It was a massive plateau fortified with a palisade poking out on its right flank. It would take a long, treacherous walk and thus was connected to the capital via Luntlak the toalak who transported strangers to and fro from his resting place along the road feeding into San'Thraka.


    After Vailor had fell into ruins following the plague, the Laks with their Orkish brethren migrated in search of new lands to call home. Arriving in Axios, the Laks dwindled in their numbers, Shreck and Gnarl the only two to be around for that time. As time passed, the clan seemed to weaken further, members were rarely seen around the Orkish lands.


    Gnarl’Lak returned to the Orkish capital after a long venture to learn more about the art of shamanism. He returned and assumed the position of Swampgoth with hopes to build the clan back to its former glory.




    ~ Culture and Traditions ~


    Initially seen with disdain, the brutish, savage clan has since contributed greatly and is viewed with respect in their endless service to Laklul. Lak serves Laklul through a variety of ways such as sacrifice or the raising of totems and destruction of rivals' though Lak is currently focused on toppling Freygoth, the spirit of nature and thus ruler of the spirit of swamps, in favour of Laklul by garnering support in the spiritual realm.


    Laks use a juvenile swamp rat to raise and utilise, usually as messenger animals or companions.


    All Laks are to give their pledge of allegiance to Laklul and the clan before his sacred shrine, typically with a sacrificial offering. Though not required, an ork will need to offer a sacrifice to become a full clansmen.


    The clan Wargoth is referred to as the 'Swampgoth' instead.


    It is very common for Laks to live in elaborate, moist, underground dwellings opposed to typical orkish housing.


    Opposed to using green as most orks do Laks commonly extract the hallucinogenic compound found in the mucous excrement of toalaks. This leads to swell times.


    Laks forage most of their food from the swamps. Frogs, fish and rat plaster the menu.


    Some Laks ride upon toalaks into battle, a great mount that Laklul gifted upon to them for their devotion with the help of Thurak'Yar.



    A Toalak




    ~ Mandates and Punishment ~


    All orks in clan Lak are required to follow Laklul's mandates as it is how any righteous ork, let alone a Lak would toil to live their life.


    I. All Laks are to follow Krug's Code.

    II. All Laks are to respect swamps for they are sacred in the eyes of Laklul.

    III. All Laks are expected to revere Laklul and thus should hold him in a high place.

    IV. All Laks are encouraged to worship other respectable spirits such as Theruz and especially Krug.

    V. All Laks are to remain loyal to the clan till death.

    VI. All Laks are to show respect to their fellow Laks and their property.

    VII. All half-orcs are animals; show no respect.

    IX. An offense to Lak or the Swampgoth will be one to Laklul himself. Tread carefully.

    X. Freygoth is the sworn enemy of the Laks, the spirit is Laklul's tyrannical master. If you sight any of his worshipers or shrines destroy them and utterly so immediately.


    Failure to meet all of the mandates can result in some or all of the following punishments to varying degrees depending on the severity of the offence:


    Branding: for less severe offences, the culprit is branded and from hence is treated with no respect by any member of the clan.


    Luk: No Lak respects them and are encouraged to beat them bloody.


    Beatings: The individual has failed Laklul, they must bear the weight of their failures. Either by a group or singular they are punished.


    Being left to die: The individual will be hung up and have his abdominal cavity beaten open with clubs and have the remnants of his intestines pulled before him/her. If the injury doesn't get you the lurkers of the swampland surely will.


    Castration: These people are unlikely to procreate.




    ~ Clan Roster ~


    Clan Swampgoth

    This is the leader of clan Lak, he is tasked with the responsibilities of leadership and furthering Laklul's influence within the mortal realm.

    Gnarl’Lak (Yank33)


    Clan Elders

    These are elders of the clan, they are tasked with leading Laks, recruiting Laks and are utterly devoted to Laklul without question.



    Clan Clansmen

    These are orks sworn to Laklul in blood.

    Mitz’Lak (__Mitz)

    Fitz’Lak (__Fitz)


    Clan Fledgelings

    These orks have yet to seal their oath in blood. They may be kicked out of the clan if deemed unworthy.


    Clan Legends

    These orks have proved their greatness and have served Laklul valiantly, they are to be treated with up most respect.

    Shreck'Lak (Travista)



    Clan Luks

    These are orks who have done great dishonour to the clan or Laklul, they are shown little respect by their kin.

    Hu-Din ( wolfkite1 )


    Notable Bestiaries

    Mugzlak, scaddernak, owned by Shreck

    Luntlak, toalak, owned by Shreck

    Lun, toalak, owned by Tun




    ~ Application ~


    MC Name:

    RP Name:

    Skype (Can PM):

    Clan Born (Y/N):


  5. A poster would be hung on noticeboards around Axios, written on them would be:

    "Mass amounts of wood for sale, sold by the crate. The prices are as followed;"


    ~ One Double Crate of Wood ~

    690 Minas


    "Become a skilled woodworker in a matter of minutes!"


    "Contact Vidar or Galdryn ((Yank33 or Lucas84775)) if interested in purchasing any wood."


    Self-teaching Application format:

    Format your title as follows: [Type of Magic] [ST] MC or RP name


    MC Name:


    Character's Name: Gnarl'Lak


    Character's Age: 79


    Character's Race: Ork


    What magic(s) will you be learning?: Shamanism - Elementalism - Earth


    Link a MA of a magic your character already uses that is in the same archetype as the magic you are self teaching: 



    How did you learn this magic(s)?: By travelling to the elemental plane, seeking out a lesser earth spirit and making a pact with said spirit.


    MC name of OOC overseer (Note: they must either have a TA in this magic on any character or be a member of the MT):


    Offer an explanation of the magic(s) you are learning: 

    An elementalist is a shaman whom establishes pacts with elemental based spirits. The elements available to modern elementalists include: fire, water, earth, air, metal and storm. In Gnarl's case he would have travelled to the elemental plane to create a pact with a lesser earth spirit. The spirit tasked him with several tasks and upon completion the spirit would be pleased and the pact would be established, this then allows the shaman to summon the spirit when in the mortal realm.


    This allows the shaman to manipulate the elements because every element possesses a stagnant spirit, and with the help of the spirit they have a pact with are able to influence the stagnant spirit hence allowing them to have control of the elements.


    Provide evidence you've a proper means of learning this magic(s): I have a google doc with all my shamanism good stuff which I can provide if an MAT asks, also these two folks have helped me out by overseeing it @Hedgehug @Travista


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it: Nope


    Do you agree to keep the MT updated on the status of your magic app by using the Magic List Errors topic?: Sure


    Have you applied for this magic on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app: Nope

  7. 35 minutes ago, Will (TauFirewarrior) said:

    (( Losing half your territory is a real stalemate isn't it... ))

    ((Define 'Losing half your territory' because if I recall correctly the Dwarves only lost two siege battles, the Orenians successfully took control of Rhewengrad and Kal'Valen which is around 20% of the Dwarven territory. In terms of battles, Oren won all the skirmishes (which is expected due to their sheer numbers), but sieges, Oren won a total of 2 and the Dwarves won a total of 3, this supports the idea of a stalemate due to how both sides lost and won during the war. Now, this means that the Dwarves technically didn't lose at all and they did not lose half their territory at all. The war also ended due to both sides mutually agreeing on peace through the 'Treaty of West Avar', making it both side's best interest to end the war due to the length of time it had lasted for and the 'victory then defeat' continuation. If you wish to consolidate your knowledge on the topic please do read https://wikia.lordofthecraft.net/index.php?title=Eighteen_Years'_War))


    Vidar Frostbeard would raise his war axe into the air before exclaiming "Dese 'umris have foug't us behfor' an' dey knuw w'ot dere contendin' wif', dis toime owr forts ar' even strongah!" chuckles before he prepares for another long and bloody war between dwarves and humans.

  8. Gnarl would receive the parchment and take note of the co-ordinates. He headed out towards his destination, Shreck'Lak also in his company, with basic provisions and his tribute. Upon his arrival he would sit with the several other orcs gathered, offering them all a slight nod. Only then he began asking questions within his mind, questioning what Gijaak had in store for him.

  9. MC Name: Yank33


    Character's Name: Gnarl'Lak


    Character's Age: 77


    Character's Race: Ork


    What magic(s) will you be learning?: Elementalism - Earth


    Teacher's MC Name: Travista


    Teacher's RP Name: Shreck'Lak


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it: Nah.


    Do you agree to keep the MT updated on the status of your magic app by using the Magic List Errors topic?: Sure.


    Have you applied for this magic on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app: Nope.



  10. On 16/08/2016 at 3:06 PM, Bobnine said:

    MC Name: bobnine789

    Character Name: Dul'Ulkirk

    Character Age: 364

    Profession: Blacksmith

    Appearance: Dul'Ulkirk is a stocky, well-built, middle-aged Dwarf. His appearance is fairly well-kept, and his hair graying to some degree.

    An image of the skin you intend to use: (needs to be edited to some extent and am not very skilled with that)

    Skype Name (If you have it): nope,bobnine


    First of all sorry for the late response.

    Second of all you are accepted! Welcome to the clan!

    PM me in game or on the forums for further details. Hope to see you in game. 


    ~ Yankee

  11. Just now, Alderium said:

    MC Name: Santraas

    Character Name: Magnus Blackfist

    Character Age: 187

    Profession: Miner

    Appearance: Magnus is a young dwarf with a bit of a ragged appearance. He has many scars along his arms and walks with a slight limp.

    An image of the skin you intend to use: (Currently being edited by Yank33 to be in the Frostbeard armor)

    Skype Name (If you have it):

    Accepted! Welcome to the clan. 

    Getting your skin sorted now and you can change your name to Magnus Frostbeard.

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