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Posts posted by Gizzol

  1. Username haunter3


    Age 19


    Timezone EST


    Discord: Haunter3#8440


    What map did you join during?: Athera


    Do you have access to a Microphone? Yes


    Average Daily Play Time? Uhm as few as an hour a day as many as six, depends on work


    Have you ever been banned before? Yes


    Have you ever held a staff position on Lord of the Craft? If so, for how long?



    Why do you want to join the GM Team?:

    I feel firstly I have don, in recent weeks, a way better job of detaching myself from really aligning with a nation or being that crazy invested in my own rp. This is not to say I value it less but I have finally come to realize it is just a game. As a player I have been around for a while and on occasion to certain folks I have been pretty toxic I will admit. I have changed since then, my experiences have granted me the ability to see different aspects of the server and the staff. Being a GM would allow me to help the player base as well as enable me to meet new people and help grow rp from the petty squabbling that it turns into from time to time.


    Have you applied for this position before and been denied? If so, link the application:



    Anything else you want to tell us?:

    I truly miss the tell us a joke portion, I always wanted to say "GM bias"

  2. I plus +1 so don't go bringing that rp default in here. My issue with coups though is they get into a massive **** all thing and end with people hating gms for bias. I don't know how to impliment this idea but could you perchance find a way to remove this variable? Perchance two gms have to watch the coup one that each side would believe is "bias" towards them not against them. Ex. A coup in the dwarves being over viewed by a gm that works often with one side of the coup and another gm that works closely with the other party so neither side can claim that bias stuff

  3. Tepah was sadly burdened with tea time, a man of culture simply cannot neglect civility. Nonetheless the tales of grandeur from the successful defense put a smile on the old kha's face "next time we will bring some back for aw feast!" He mutters to himself. However his manners would get the better of him as he beings to wonder if they like tea and if so, what kind.

  4. RP:

                Name of resident: Tepah

                 Race and Ethnicity: kha'tigrasi

               Combat Experience (circle one):  Weathered



                 IGN: haunter3

                  Discord: will post if you truly don't have it

               ~Hours on server spent a day: 1-4 depends on work

               ~Availability on weekdays again depends on work

  5. As was previously said I got overwhelmed going there and I already knew most of the information. I personally would like to see the nexus skill npcs removed because really they aren't needed to use the skills or understand them. I actually spent probably my first 4 months on lotc just screwing around with nexus and feel I learned better that way.


    Another way that might help as well is spreading out in the information npcs some cause they just sort of gang up on you. There's also a few player iniatives or however you spell it that the AT have. Why not have those groups have a representative on the island?

  6. Mc name: Haunter3

    Rp name: Tepah Goldhand

    Profession: Adequate in everything

    Race: Lha'Tigrasi

    Why do you want to join the navy? I helped co run the naval cohort back in that system and just enjoy the rp 

    Skype(you can pm it to me): Jesterofdreams

    Do you have Teamspeak: Yes

  7. ((Reply to post in following format:))

    MC Name: Haunter3

    RP Name: Tepah Goldhand

    Skype: jesterofdreams

    Timezone (EST, GMT, etc.): est

    Do you have Teamspeak?: yes

    What are your reasons for joining the legion?: ah was an iron breaker before and ah like it :3 *meow meow*

  8. MC Name: haunter3

    RP Name: tepah

    Race: human in a cat suit

    Discord (For communication and rallying): I'm the in group discord but can pm you if want

    Do you have teamspeak? (You will need to be on teamspeak during battles): yes

    Timezone (EST, GMT, etc.): est

    Professions: adequate in them all

    Do you swear loyalty to Veris, and it’s reigning High Prince: sure 

  9. MC Name: Haunter3


    Character's Name: N/A 


    Character's Age: N/A


    Character's Original Race (N/A if not applicable): N/A


    Transformed form: Immortal Muyakelg (more specifically the plague varient)


    Creator's MC Name: Thekingofthemoon


    Creator's RP Name: Gukdab


    Briefly explain the lore behind this construct or creature:


    A Muyakelg is a spirit that has been torn from their ancestral home and placed inside of a vessel. They come in two major varient, elemental and immortal. An elemental Muyakelg is made by a witch doctor and lutauman through a long multi day process in order make make a body ready for the spirit. Immortal Muyakelg are made with the same process except they use a farseer for creation.


    Upon death, a Muyakelg can be re summoned at any time but will not remember how it's previous body was destroyed/killed, simply that it perished and is being re summoned. Muyakelg are rather susceptible to hits to the head and is the common weakness for all varients. Plague Muyakelg also have the ability to make disease which take 3 irl days and come out as a sap. They can also make various effect mushrooms with take a week to make and must be harvested.


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it: No


    Do you agree to keep the MT updated on the status of your magic app by using the Magic List Errors topic?: Yes


    Do you consent to accepting what may happen to this character?: Yes


    Have you applied for this creature on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app: No I have not

  10. MC name: haunter3


    Skype name: jesterofdreams (the one that comes up as haunter3)


    Type of Muyakelg you'd like to play: plague


    Do you understand Muyakelg lore?: I feel I have a solid grasp on the lore and will ask further questions should a situation I am unsure of a raises 


    Do you understand that the Muyakelg of your choice may be bound to the will of the Uluamirzgai?:


    Do you understand that the Muyakelg of your choice may depend on the Uluamirzgai to be refuelled?: I do


    Do you consent to PK your character if your creator is to dismantle you in Roleplay?: I do


    Why do you want to play a Muyakelg?: personally I enjoy the fact they are kind of like ghouls where they work with their masters to complete a goal but also their self needs. However I really enjoy the plague and flora versions due to the fact they can create stuff and I feel gaht would be amazing to to learn and try.

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