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  1. TMW MT accepts TA apps that are filled with incorrect info. GG

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Bvie


      I'm a sassy, passive aggressive person. It's what I do. 


      Farryn and I did send a PM, not sure to who as she did it as I'm at work. 


      But cmon dude. "Glowy hands"? XD

    3. GDPR 014

      GDPR 014

      Light on your hands *shrug*, if it's how someone describes it its how someone describes it.

    4. Farryn


      I have sent a list of what is directly wrong with the TA to a fellow MT. The TA certainly does not clearly explain clericalism, as well getting many areas wrong. It is gettig sorted out as we speak.


      Also. Glowy hands isnt really the best way to describe your light. Its best to use use light engulfted hands as your hands are surrounded by light, not hands that are glowing but thats just me.

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