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Status Updates posted by Bvie

  1. 34 Days left


    I'm eating turkey burgers... if thats not dedication....

  2. 33 Days left


    Funny how this started with you in the hospital. And now I'm in the hospital. Now I see why you called me for hours straight to talk, very boring. I'm kind of missing watching Twilight together, I know, it's /that/ serious!

  3. 30 Days left


    Hospital sucks, glad you called though. Laughing hurt.

  4. 29 Days left


    You made me walk in the rain for a voice mail. 

  5. 27 Days left


    My arm is so bruised from the IVs, hospital staff would be gentler I thought :(

  6. Will do an RP post about the event tomorrow and continue it then!

  7. 24 Days left


    My hand hurts from writing letters, can you just get home already so I can punch you? Jeez.

  8. 23 Days left


    How did I go from planning in-game parties, to planning little kid parties for coworkers?

  9. 21 Days left


    Walking in the rain for that phone call was worth it. 

  10. 19 Days left


    Legal is open today! Go do legal things!

  11. 18 Days left



  12. 17 Days left


    Why does this song fit so well? I got the good version. 



  13. 16 Days left


    You'd think at this point it'd get easier.



  14. 15 Days left


    No phone call today, sigh.



  15. 13 Days left


    That was frustratingly funny how you were so excited and kept interrupting me when you asked questions. 

  16. 11 Days left


    I really hope you were right.

  17. 2 Days Left


    Yet another phone call, and you are still incredibly dorky. Ya dig?  Waiting!



  18. "Do you see her hair?"

    "Wow, that's....that's...."

    "We call that 'brave' up here."

    "Brave indeed."

  19. 1 Day Left


    To think......we're this close. Waiting.



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