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Status Updates posted by Jentos

  1. if you can't beat 'em, ban 'em 

  2. dragur academy is sped 

  3. Sitting in a nearby inn, sipping his sweet wine, he think's. William is disowned, am' about' t'be' in h'council an' magic runs in my vein's, time's be' good

  4. Steward/Master of the hunt

  5. this is long...

  6. Server down? Ugh.

    Krug krug memes

  7. Now what's this thing about a dragon...

  8. :O !!! Trial mod! 

    Der aint a fairer lad den Spod!

  9. this changes nothing

  10. 'Ey, in need of a skin! Willing to pay whatever price you're asking!

  11. if ya want to play a half elf child, you know who to ask ;)

  12. Good fight Norland. #NotMyAdmin #IMattyz4Admin 

    not server

  14. nice one removing ddos posts 

  15. wELl boYswE did it, vilLAiny is nO mORe.

  16. man im just vibing rn waiting for these loregames

  17. lmfao new furries thanks flam

  18. imagine not getting banned lmao

  19. Can't believe they'd pull the plug on the thread without the classic "feedback noted" : (

  20. your first mistake was trying to do something in oren

  21. hey who wants to become a dragon now 

  22. "Better Oren to shoot hoops rather than shoot with guns." - anonymous 

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