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Posts posted by Catostrophy

  1. qs0WOrn.png

    Sign up for a Loan! We'll beat the Competition by 10%!!



    Sol-year 2142. The year the Holy Kingdom of Eadn collapsed.


    High Commander Amanda Phelps stood on her bridge, counting down the minutes before the Corporate fleet appeared in PAR space. This would be her first operation after nearly two years of pedantic drills and exercises. Her crews were prepared, her shields charged, her weapons ready. It was time to prove to the galaxy that Hephaestus was tough enough to ward off aggressors against free-association. This was not what Amanda was worried about--she knew her forces were entering a fixed fight and victory was assured.


    She was worried about what she was going to say.


    Amanda was not a good public speaker. She could bark orders like a champ, but speaking in front of crowds gave her the jitters. Her hands were clasped tightly behind her back to hide the clammy sheen of sweat that was quickly forming on them. What could she say?


    When the combined armada arrived, Amanda had been given orders to tell all ships other than the Eadni vessels to leave. Those that ran would not be attacked. She'd been told to say "something along those lines. You'll figure it out." She wished she'd been given a script. She was terrible at writing things. That's why she joined the Enforcers in the first place, damn it!


    Should it be a speech, or just a singular statement? God, if only she had more time to prepare! How could she, though, with the frantic orders she had been assigned? The USA fleet was already on its way, and if they were going to enact the ambush the timing had to be precise.


    "Ten seconds, Commander!" a technician called from his console.


    "All hands, prepare for real-space arrival. Repeat--all hands, prepare for real-space arrival." The automated call sent several troopers rushing down the hallways to their assigned places. Last calls for energy-cells and weapon calibrations could be heard throughout the ship.


    "Five seconds!"


    She needed something! Anything! The sweat was starting to pool around her collar. She couldn't even speak to acknowledge her navigator's reports. The ship shuddered, and with what felt like her stomach briefly free-falling, they re-entered real-space at the edge of the Utopie system. Reports started coming in immediately. Damage reports for the amassed THC ships was devastating. Images of burning capital-ships filled up holographic displays in front of her. Broken formations and heavy comms traffic clearly indicated the opposing warships were in no state for a fight. Still, their fleet was quite formidable. At least, it used to be. Whatever inspired the Thuleans to perform such a betrayal, it must have been worth it.


    "Opening a channel now, Commander," the communications officer said. "They can all hear you."


    Time seemed to stop. Amanda had nothing - absolutely nothing - to say. It was like all her worst nightmares from school coming back at once. Like that sneering ***** Clarissa teasing as little Amanda stumbled through a page of The Fountainhead. The whole class started to laugh. It took the teacher a full minute to keep them from giggling, but by then her confidence was completely gone. The time had come. Either she spoke now, or the embarrassment would grow. Some of her techies were staring at her now, expectantly.


    She lightly pressed the button on her personal console and spoke in monotonous, calm tone despite herself.


    "All those other than the Eadni who leave now will face no repercussions. Those that stay will face..."


    Her mind went completely blank. She needed to finish the statement but she had trapped herself into a grammatical hole. 'Those that stay will face'?? Why did she start a sentence like that?! It could have been so much easier! She needed a word. Think! Think!!!




    She rasped. Due to her nerves, her teeth had been clenched, giving a deep, growling inflection to the word. Her crew nodded and smiled approvingly.


    She sat down in her chair, and flicked the button off. The Hephaestus fleet moved forward with the USA's, and won an easy victory. Though, the fight was always the simple part. Amanda would have preferred to fight a battle against a fully active fleet than speak to so many at once ever again.


    She called up the quartermaster, and requested a sandwich to celebrate the victory. He reminded her that he didn't make food. What a nuisance, Amanda was.






    Upon the condemnation of the human colonies, Hephaestus makes no comment. No doubt business would be effected by the harsh rhetoric, but the Corporation plodded on as they always did. Without the THC looming in the near-distance, the Board at least felt safer. The Eadni fleet bombarding the PAR's capital out of spite was all the employees needed to remain free of guilt, though some quietly regretted the loss of life the Eadni suffered. Several federations crawled out of the former THC, like maggots from a corpse. With FEZ being reconstituted with (mostly) previously unaligned parties, they looked towards consolidating their own wealth. Just like always.

    After helping to free the firstborn Margek from his stasis pod, Steven officially announced his return to life in precisely the way you would imagine--in an advertisement for the Aphrodite Ultra-Resort. Apparently he had been recovering from a shrapnel wound to his head from the HCAC bombings two years back, and didn't want to leave investors in limbo if he went through a slow death. Like ripping off a band-aid, he wished to push a new Board in place so that confidence and stability in the market could be achieved earlier. Most shareholders accepted this version of events as simply the act of an eccentric veteran businessman wishing to protect his company. Behind closed doors however, whispers of him appearing out of nowhere in a white suit were a favourite topic for conspiracy enthusiasts. And people still couldn't explain the testimonies of him not being present for the negotiations during the bombings...






    Action Points:

    4AP by default,
    12AP from trade (+prosperity federation bonus),
    4AP from population,
    4AP from 8th Crusade,
    3AP from industry,
    2AP from business,
    9AP from sectors.

    Total = 38AP



    -A huge sum of cold, hard cash is sent to the Han dominion for the purpose of paying off the debt to their hirelings. Many bankers shake their heads in disappointment. But, so long as the THC was dead and gone, it must have been worth it. Right? (-20AP)

    -Further personnel and resources are sent to the Han Dominion in order to build a battleship in their shipyard. The Han owe the Corporation quite a bit, and the Corporation plans to collect every bit. (-8AP)

    -Resources are sent to the Thulean Republic for them to build a trade station. Typical French, always wanting hand-outs... (-5AP)


    -The itoron mining worlds of Wollongong, Helix, and Grand Ares continue to be brutally exploited and expanded by the ravenous mining subsidies. When will it stop? Never. It will never stop. (-5AP to industry)


    -The board contacts the recently released Firstborn Margek. They invite him to the Grand Aurora Institute of Technology in order to show him a recent artefact uncovered by an exploration team. They explain that the artefact in question was a pair of vials  from what appeared to be a hospital, but they were having trouble identifying precisely what the substances contained within them were. (-0AP)


    Map Changes:

    The red X's represent the two latest colonies, Woolongong and the former PAR colony. Both of which have itoron.
    The red lines represent the newest Corporate TCs.





    -Hades (Capital) (SL2) (Trade Post)
    -Grand Ares
    -Aurora (SL4) (Quantum anchor)

    Population: 804,000 Humans, 111,000 Grgl, 215,500 Tassareans, 54,500 Human-Tassareans, 34,000 Libellans, 33,500 Redons, 28,000 Backhatta, 23,500 Human-Redons, 92,000 Galaron, 11,500 Redon-Tassareans,  9,000 Human-Redon-Tassareans, 21,750 Protorians, 1,000 Karass

    Hephaestus Enforcers: 85,000 troopers, after voluntary sign-ups.

     Corporate Naval Rates: (Pending when I can be bothered to do the math again)


    Hades, Tier 2
    Aurora, Tier 4

    Trade Ports:

    Hades, 10AP

     Accumulation List
    Industry: 90 (next turn)
    Business: 44 (Next turn) 
    Agriculture: 25 (Sweet, sweet worm-eggs)

    -Laser weaponry (40% Higher damage variant)
    -Laser Lance (2x energy efficiency, 30% more damage variant [25AP invested])
    -Warp-drive technology (Gifted unto them by the Terran Federation)
    -Quantum Communications Technology (Via trade with Terran Federation)
    -Xylorite Energy Generators (Via trade with Terran Federation)

    -Xylorite energy cells
    -Artificial Gravity technology (Via trade with The Remnants) 

    -Itoron-Steel alloys
    -Mk I Hunter/Mark II Hunter combat bots.
    -Tithonus Mk I/Alastor Mk I combat droids.
    -Jump-packs (Gift from Utopie)
    -Tri-phased deflectors
    -"Project: Lemon"

    -Swarmer Missiles
    -LAS II
    -Quantum Anchor

    -Advanced AI systems (Appropriated from Aurora)
    -Railgun weapons (Good ones! Appropriated from Aurora)
    -Machine-Human interface (Appropriated from Aurora)

    -Ten Firstborn Servitors (One now residing in Steve's office, the other at an Auroran Robotics institute)
    -"Project: Pineapple"


    Trade Agreements
    -Solarin Federation,
    -Free Human Technocracy
    -Silver Knights
    -People's Agrarian Republic
    -Confederation of Xalponius
    -Han Dominion
    -United States of Arcturus
    -Sovereign Military Order of Malta


  2. nqLDRFI.png




    Free Economic Zone



    The recent conflicts in the southern quadrants have shown that there is a greater need for cooperation among the flourishing economic centres of the galaxy. Hence, this agreement is to solidify mutual cooperation among the trade-states and corporations that value equitable business ventures without the limiting nature of an overbearing central government.


    This confederation of independent systems will ensure that economic prosperity will be possible throughout the galaxy, even in times of war. We at FEZ wish to sincerely show our desire for a more profitable coexistence with those who share the value of unshackled enterprise. The power of the free market is the greatest force in the galaxy, and it is the express desire of the signatories herein to show their commitment to this common good.



    The Obligations of Confederated Members

    -Upholding the public relations of the FEZ.
    a) Respecting the non-aggression principle.
    b) Refraining from breaking deals.


    -Supporting the unobstructed flow of trade throughout the FEZ.

    -Members must be willing to defend the trade-lanes of FEZ from pirates and other obtrusive malcontents, with mutual military cooperation to meet this end.

    -All members must be willing to share intelligence and data for tracking criminal elements within confederated property.


    -Mutual sharing of resources during emergencies.

    -Mutual sharing of useful technologies during emergencies, with all copyright protections included.

    -Respecting the independent agency and sovereignty of all confederated members.



    Confederated Members:

    -Hephaestus Enterprises
    -Thulean Republic

    -The Trade Federation
    -Kingdom of Armathwaite


  3. qs0WOrn.png

    Now Selling Firstborn Cultural Replicas! Get Them While Stocks Last!! 




    Firstborn City (Noun): An ancient edifice to a lost culture and power beyond imagination. Beyond priceless, the buildings have stood for millennia without disruption or calamity. Originally a place of meditation, it had a maximum population of about 23,000 before suddenly and inexplicably being abandoned. It was as if the whole town had simply stepped out and never come back. For an archaeologist, this place is a goldmine of history--an opportunity like no other to truly examine the mysterious forebears of all civilisations.


    Hephaestus Enterprises (Pronoun): A relatively new mega-corporation that doesn't give two squiggly shits about history.


    A hulking corporate freighter slowly touched down on surface of a pristine world, crushing plants, scattering animals, and disturbing the wild beauty that had lasted untold aeons. An unnatural, metal screech echoed through the plains, and the vessel's great cargo door slowly groaned open. A thousand Tithonus droids poured out of the hold and assembled on the plain. After a few minutes, the mass of bargain war-machines formed into lines and clattered off down the overgrown streets. They entered and secured each building, seeking threats to their charge, yet finding none. Finally, when the coast was clear, a young man and his entourage stepped off the vessel. Johnny Penrith, heir to Hephaestus Enterprises, walked into the timeless city with researchers and marketeers in tow.


    After a few hours of taking pictures, surveying some of the larger buildings, and discussing the market value of the cultural artefacts, young John gave the order to his researchers to strip the city to the bone.


    At first, the droids only collected interesting pieces of technology. After all, that was the most pragmatic option to further the Corporation's long-term goals. After everything more complicated than a wheel was taken, they moved on to cultural items—musical instruments, books, clothes, cutlery, artworks, and even pieces of the walls that struck the researchers as ‘pretty.’


    A vast procession of plunder, like an ancient triumph of Rome, snaked its way through the streets of the city, ending at the cargo hold of the great freighter, with the crew compiling extensive lists of loot. Which included two disruptor pistols, and eight functioning firstborn servitors.


    It would take a few trips to transport everything of worth off the planet, but the most important item was sent straight to labs on Aurora. Two vials of an unidentified substance, with labels written in an unknown text. The mystery was too much to resist!






    The soft hum of Johnny's quantum alarm clock woke him with a start. Another nightmare. There were only nightmares since his father's suicide last year. It was the same one every night.


    He was in his father's office. Former CEO Steven Penrith was looking out the window with a smile, while fires burned across the face of Hades. It was like the featureless landscape were kindling, and the flames spread to almost every building, factory, and ship. The Protorian Archivar was there, too. He stared at Johnny with golden eyes and held out his hand. Between his fingers was a coin with a spiral pattern on both faces. It hurt to look at it. As he reached out to touch the coin, the Protorian turned to ash and faded away, just as the fire from outside to the office slowly creeping towards--


    As always, he woke up at this point. For a few moments after his eyes opened, the after-image of the Archiver's eyes burned in his vision.


    ******* dreams. Some of the Board had recommended a number of qualified  psychoanalysts, but he couldn't allow himself to be seen at a quack's office. God knows how the markets would react if the inheritor of Hephaestus was deemed mentally unfit.


    Pulling himself out of his naval cot, he took a brief moment to recall his surroundings in his morning haze. He had commandeered a bed in the crew-quarters last night. He hated sleeping in the same place more than twice. After the HCAC bombings, he was paranoid about being vaporised with xylorite explosives, and it didn't seem to matter that he and the Corporation were not the target of the original attack. When a totally unremarkable employee could be made a terrorist, who knows what random sailor could be in the employ of butchers?


    He pulled on his suit - form-fitted for his sixteen-year-old self - and skulked out of his room. Four burly Enforcers stood guard outside his quarters and stood to attention as he walked past him. Falling into line as he walked past, they marched silently behind their employer like dutiful dogs while shooting threatening looks at sailors who walked too close. It took almost twenty minutes of trudging through snaking corridors and travelling up numerous elevators before they party reached the bridge of the spacecraft.


    "Trucker Bill" was the Corporation's largest freighter. With the Corruptor war swiftly moving out of Hephaestus' view, the massive Tassaran-built ship was re-purposed for the transport of more 'sensitive' assets. In this case, the asset was Johnny. The Captain of the vessel, a Galaron, saluted the young industrialist as he walked on to the command deck.


    "Good morning, Mr Penrith," he croaked in slightly accented English. "I trust your quarters were of reasonable quality? Your request for a transfer was rather short-notice."


    "Yeah, yeah, they were fine, mate. Cheers." Johnny was not interested in the platitudes of the captain. The Galaron always seemed to try and impress him with his skill as master and commander. John, however, was not in the mood for networking (he couldn't even remember the captain's name), and he sat himself down in front of the holographic solar map that occupied the middle of the bridge. It's twirling images of the local star and planets made him feel slightly queasy just looking at them.

    "Any messages for me?"


    "Yes, Mr Penrith," purred the captain, "there was a communication sent from Hades. Sadly, some form of interference delayed it for almost a week. Shall I bring it up for you?"


    John gestured lazily towards the holo-projector, and nodded. In an instant, the planets disappeared, and were replaced by the incessant smiling visage of Jim Bean, currently the acting CEO.


    "G'day, Johnno, pal!" the beaming Bean began. "Hope you're doing well! Your mum sends her regards, but I think she's sending you a message a bit later!" Jim performed a well-practised laugh, though it only inspired a grunt from John. It was a quality laugh, though. It probably tested well in focus groups.


    "Now, I know you might still be a bit sour about being sent off on this little galactic outing, boss, but your old lady was pretty adamant that you needed to get out of the tower for a while. You can't stay cooped up forever, my man. What's better than a real-life adventure, right? Plumbing the depths of ancient, alien tombs, like in those old movies Ste-"


    Jim caught himself commendably well. Visible discomfort flashed across his features for the merest instant, before he regained his composure.


    "-like in those old movies, huh? So yeah. Get out there, rip up some ancient stone-work and try not to incur some mummy's curse, hey?" After the next bout of laughter, John couldn't help but roll his eyes. He was already on his way back after doing that very thing. Just how old was this message?


    "Anyway, on the business side of things, we've finished repairs on the main building and landing zones that were damaged last year. Which is just as well, because, ah, the ‘Big Man’ is pretty upset that they're still ongoing.”

    ‘Big Man?’ What? Jim suddenly lost his cheesy smile, and spoke very seriously.


    “Look, John mate? We felt that you should finish your trip and come back first, but I’d feel like a pretty shitty person if I didn’t tell you this. I hope you’re sitting down, because what I’m going to tell you is a bit of a doozy.”

    A doozy? What on Earth could Jim Bean think a ‘doozy’ was?





    Back in settled Corporate space, gossip and rumours had begun to circulate that an old man in a white suit had been walking around the streets of Hades before entering the HCAC building. This in itself would not be that significant, but the old man in question seemed to have an uncanny resemblance to Steven Penrith.






    Action Points:

    4AP by default,
    6AP through trade,
    4AP from the 8th Crusade,
    8AP from sectors,
    3AP from industry,
    2AP from business,
    4AP from population,

    Total = 31AP


    -Resources are sent to the Han Dominion in order to aid in the expansion of their shipyard. (-10AP)


    -Massive mining expansions to the newly-settled planet of Woolongong (sponsored by Woolongong Workshops) are ordered by the board. The desolate, featureless world makes the miners nostalgic for Hades and Grand Ares. They strive to honour their homeworlds by ripping apart the itoron-rich landscape with zero concern for neatness or waste-management. (-5AP)


    -Two vials of an unknown substance recovered from an ancient Firstborn city are sent to the Grand Aurora Institute of Technology. The extensive laboratories and researchers would no doubt discover the purpose of the vials. (-4AP)


    -Two colony ships are ordered for construction. One would be sent to the PAR, in order to remove and resettle the population of a system that is unpleasantly close to Corporate borders. The other would transport Corporate employees to the system in order to colonise it themselves. Though, the PAR would retain exclusive rights to mine the planet's rich itoron deposits. (-6AP)


    -Honouring an agreement with the Sovereign Military Order of Malta, the Corporation orders a sleek, sexy advertisement campaign to be played in surrounding alien and human nations (but oddly, not in Hephaestus space). It advertises a beautiful tourist resort, but also subtly hints towards the advantages of immigrating to Malta-space. (-4AP)

    -"Project: Peach" (-2AP)




    -Hades (Capital) (SL2) (Trade Post)
    -Grand Ares
    -Aurora (SL4)

    Population: 772,500 Humans, 102,750 Grgl, 203,000 Tassareans, 50,000 Human-Tassareans, 31,500 Libellans, 31,000 Redons, 26,500 Backhatta, 20,000 Human-Redons, 89,500 Galaron, 9,000 Redon-Tassareans,  7,500 Human-Redon-Tassareans, 19,000 Protorians

    Hephaestus Enforcers: 75,000 troopers, after voluntary sign-ups, and union with Auroran forces.

     Corporate Naval Rates: (Pending when I can be bothered to do the math again)


    Hades, Tier 2
    Aurora, Tier 4

    Trade Ports:

    Hades, 10AP

     Accumulation List
    Industry: 85 (next turn)
    Business: 44 (Next turn) 
    Agriculture: 25 (Sweet, sweet worm-eggs)

    -Laser weaponry (40% Higher damage variant)
    -Laser Lance (2x energy efficiency, 30% more damage variant)
    -Warp-drive technology (Gifted unto them by the Terran Federation)
    -Quantum Communications Technology (Via trade with Terran Federation)
    -Xylorite Energy Generators (Via trade with Terran Federation)

    -Xylorite energy cells
    -Artificial Gravity technology (Via trade with The Remnants) 

    -Itoron-Steel alloys
    -Mk I Hunter/Mark II Hunter combat bots.
    -Tithonus Mk I/Alastor Mk I combat droids.
    -Jump-packs (Gift from Utopie)
    -Duel-phased deflectors (trade with ???)
    -"Project: Lemon"

    -Swarmer Missiles
    -LAS II
    -Quantum Anchor

    -Advanced AI systems (Appropriated from Aurora)
    -Railgun weapons (Good ones! Appropriated from Aurora)
    -Machine-Human interface (Appropriated from Aurora)

    -Ten Firstborn Servitors (One now residing in Steve's office, the other at an Auroran Robotics institute)
    -"Project: Pineapple"


    Trade Agreements
    -Solarin Federation,
    -Free Human Technocracy
    -Silver Knights
    -People's Agrarian Republic
    -Confederation of Xalponius
    -Han Dominion
    -United States of Arcturus
    -Sovereign Military Order of Malta



  4. qs0WOrn.png

    no_input please contact admin


    The terrible attacks on Hades reminded many of the shell-shocked citizens about the corruptor incursion some fifteen years ago. Due to the terrible attacks, the Board became considerably disorganised with the death of Phillip Narau, and later, Steven Penrith. With the two commanding pillars of the Board gone, infighting and argumentation quickly spread across the planet. The head of the HERMES program Jim Bean took the reigns of CEO by the vote of the Board, and with his negotiation skills he settled the divisions and brought order to the commanding structure of the Corporation. With him in control, a full investigation of the attack is performed with the aid of many other human nations, and the co-operation of numerous alien ones.


    Steven Penrith's suicide caught his family completely off-guard. His son was especially hard hit, and refused to leave his room for a week. Since he was deemed too young to head the company, Jim Bean acts as CEO until he is considered old enough to take over. Until then, he would continue his education while his company shares would be under the guardianship of his mother, Sally Penrith. 


    With the end of the lock-down, the remaining parties of the delegates are allowed to leave the planet. However, the Enforcers are still on the street in droves, keeping a watchful eye on all proceedings. A surprising number of the smiling HERMES agents are also on the planet. Seemingly everywhere. Watching.

    The Acquisition Frenzy officially ends, with commerce normalising and balancing to the chaotic norm. Whatever Aurora was, it has been replaced by ravenous capitalists, with only the scientific institutions retaining any form of the old Auroran culture. The difference between a Hades employee and an Auroran employee is the accent. Soon, maybe that will be gone as well.




    :://Excerpt from quantum holovision broadcast 'HEPHAESTUS ULTRA-NEWS!'//::


    A pair of colourful anchors sit behind an equally colourful desk. Above their heads, a massive screen flashes 'Hephaestus Ultra-News'. The anchors, despite their lively appearance, look tired, and shabby. The tattooed anchor wearing a cyan three-piece suit speaks gravely as he stares at the camera.


    "... officially confirmed that CEO Penrith has passed away. The Board is not currently commenting any further on the nature of his death, but there is considerable speculation that it may be connected to the recent attack at the HCAC." 


    The other fluffy-haired anchor places her finger to her earpiece briefly and listens intently. 


    "It appears acting CEO Jim Bean is about to address the press outside of the HCAC right now. We're going over to that now."


    The image cuts to a lectern where Jim Bean is standing. He is without his trade-mark smile, and the bags under his eyes might indicate a lack of sleep. He begins to speak in a raspy voice.


    "The Hephaestus Board would like to express our deepest apologies for the loss of life that has occurred on our Administration world. Despite our security measures an attack was performed in the heart of our corporation--one which lead to the deaths of many important figures in the Southern Galaxy. Our sympathy goes out to every nation and individual affected by these horrific attacks. We hope that, despite this tragedy, the peace process may continue unabated. An agreement was reached mere moments before the first explosion, if footage of the event can be believed."

    Jim takes a deep breath before continuing.


    Extensive investigations conducted by Corporate agents and other volunteering agencies have found the following;

    "A Galaron employee who had been a part of the Hephaestus family for almost two years violated his contract by planting explosives beneath the conference room for the meeting delegates, and in the transport of the Redon. Both explosives were placed through supposed routine maintenance, and neither Enforcers or Redon guards noticed during security sweeps.


    Upon planting the explosives, the Galaron left Corporate space for the GTFO, where a safehouse was prepared for him. A Tassaran arrived, wherein the Galaron agent was assassinated in order to tie up loose ends.

    After tracking the Tassaran to his namesake's republic, it was discovered that he received payment for the murder via bank transfer in the Skellar Kingdom. Here, a Skellar who went only by the name of "Val" transferred payment. Tracking his movements halfway across the galaxy, agents observed him exiting the same train at four different stops without getting back on, and entering a hotel without ever leaving.


    A picture with "Artist's impression" written beneath is pops up on the screen.




    At said hotel, we found a box that, when opened, contained a smaller box, and so on and so on..."

    Jim was clearly trying to move through his statement quickly, at this point.


    "However, the perpetrator was not found. Analysts have concluded that he may have been in possession of arcane teleportation technology, or somehow managed to slip past all cameras, witnesses, and law-enforcement on five separate occasions.

    Within his boxes contained this symbol, which is ah, a somewhat-obscure symbol from a northern-galactic religion. When cross-referencing these facts with other murders over history, we found three other cases in the galaxy where similar symbols were found. The same boxes and symbol, etcetera. There is, however, no connection between them. 





    It can therefore be assumed that these people were not politically motivated, but were actors on behalf of someone else. Since none of the southern-galactic leaders went unscathed, we can assume that this was not orchestrated by any of the leaders at the table that dreadful day. We have suspicions that some unrelated power may have hired this band of pretentious, arrogant wankers to butcher the delegates in order to continue the war. We hope that all the concerned parties will consider this.


    We will not make excuses for ourselves. The Corporation has failed all those who came into our space. We felt we were ready for such tasks, but clearly we were wrong.


    Once more, our hearts and sympathy go to all those who lost their lives.


    If anyone has any information, we urge you to contact your local law-enforcement.


    Jim nods once, and proceeds back through the doors of the HCAC, flanked by Enforcers.


    //::Excerpt Ends:://



    Action Points:


    4AP by default,
    6AP from trade,
    4AP from 8th Crusade,
    7AP from sectors,
    3AP from industry,
    1AP from business,
    4AP from population.


    -Just like every year, another group of destroyers are put into production. Three over-designed vessels are built. (-12AP)


    -The Board approves of an advertisement campaign geared towards professors. Wanting to fill up the Grand Auroran Institute of Technology with the best of the best. They notably advertise the considerable facilities and grants available to professionals. (-5AP)

    -A massive expansion of the Itoron mines on Grand Ares and Helix are ordered by the Board. Business must continue, no matter what. (-5AP)


    -From some information gleaned from the late Protorian Archiver and Chaal, the Corporation begins a massive survey of all it's controlled systems and territorial claims. They're searching specifically for anything related to Firstborn 'boxes,' though in all honesty finding anything interesting would suffice. (-7AP)


    -Yet another colony ship chock-full of miners races off to one of the itoron-rich planets identified last year. (-0AP)



    -Hades (Capital) (SL2) (Trade Post)
    -Grand Ares
    -Aurora (SL4)

    Population: 740,000 Humans, 96,000 Grgl, 196,000 Tassareans, 46,000 Human-Tassareans, 26,000 Libellans, 28,000 Redons, 20,000 Backhatta, 18,000 Human-Redons, 80,000 Galaron, 6,500 Redon-Tassareans,  5,000 Human-Redon-Tassareans, 16,500 Protorians

    Hephaestus Enforcers: 65,000 troopers, after voluntary sign-ups, and union with Auroran forces.

     Corporate Naval Rates: 3750 crewmen, 750 Enforcer Marines


    Hades, Tier 2
    Aurora, Tier 4

    Trade Ports:

    Hades, 10AP


    Accumulation List
    Industry: 75
    Business: 40 (Next turn) 
    Agriculture: 25 (Sweet, sweet worm-eggs)

    -Laser weaponry (40% Higher damage variant)
    -Laser Lance (Increasingly lower power usage, 30% more damage variant)
    -Warp-drive technology (Gifted unto them by the Terran Federation)
    -Quantum Communications Technology (Via trade with Terran Federation)
    -Xylorite Energy Generators (Via trade with Terran Federation)

    -Xylorite energy cells
    -Artificial Gravity technology (Via trade with The Remnants) 

    -Itoron-Steel alloys
    -Mk I Hunter/Mark II Hunter combat bots.
    -Tithonus Mk I/Alastor Mk I combat droids.
    -Jump-packs (Gift from Utopie)
    -Duel-phased deflectors (trade with ???)
    -"Project: Lemon"

    -Swarmer Missiles
    -LAS II
    -Quantum Anchor

    -Advanced AI systems (Appropriated from Aurora)
    -Railgun weapons (Good ones! Appropriated from Aurora)
    -Machine-Human interface (Appropriated from Aurora)

    -Two Firstborn Servitors (One now residing in Steve's office, the other at an Auroran Robotics institute)
    -"Project: Pineapple"


    Trade Agreements
    -Solarin Federation,
    -Free Human Technocracy
    -Silver Knights
    -People's Agrarian Republic
    -Confederation of Xalponius
    -Han Dominion
    -United States of Arcturus
    -Sovereign Military Order of Malta

  5. qs0WOrn.png

    Better Prices, Better Value, Better Service!


    The surprise across Corporate Space is palpable. All the warring factions across the Southern galaxy had unanimously chosen Hephaestus Enterprises to be the site for negotiation. Well, if they were going to be the site for negotiation, they were going to present the HIGHEST PR-BOOSTING RESPONSE POSSIBLE. Rather than the usual site for negotiations in the Grand Cairo Casino, Hephaestus opts to invite them to the towering gray monolith of the Hephaestus Central Administration Building. 





    Special arrangements are made for the arriving diplomats. The best conference room in the tower is requisitioned, along with a small number of experienced caterers and decorators. The decor was to look tasteful and attractive, but not overly bombastic. Drinks and small snacks catered to the varying species will be supplied. Should it be desired, private rooms will be put aside for the factions to gather notes and discuss things outside earshot from the others.

    Significant space would be bought up nearby the tower for landing space. The enforcers are put on high alert, and will be securing the streets and skyways near the path the delegates will travel. Any attempts to disrupt or attack the convoy will be met with stern force. Those left over will be keeping an eye on overly-emotional employees. Any race-based violence would be put down, and the employees fined, or even fired.


    The terms of Hephaestus hinges on the following things--the details of which are sent to those involved. 


    1. No more than four warships equal to or smaller than a standard destroyer may escort the delegates into Corporate space.

    2. No more than six armed guards may escort the delegate planet-side. 


    3. Any attempts to attack one-another while in Corporate space will be met with forceful ejection, and the offending parties will be billed for any damage to employees and property.


    If deemed necessary, Hephaestus offers up Phillip Narau - lead accountant - as a mediator during the meeting.



    Action Points:

    4AP by default,
    6AP through trade,
    4AP through 8th Crusade Port,
    4AP from population,
    7AP from sectors,
    3AP from industry,
    1AP from business,
    4AP from USA (this turn only).

    :33AP in total:


    -Hephaestus accepts the request to host the negotiations within its borders. (refer to the previous parts of this post for details). (-0AP)


    -An order is received from the United States of Arcturus to construct and deliver 15,000 "Defender" droids, which in reality were just re-branded Tithonus droids. As per their request, programming manuals and modification tools are sent along with the 'bots so the Arcturans can re-purpose the droids to use weapons other than the default ones they come with. Why? Who cares. Money!! (-3AP)

    -An order is placed for a colony ship. Produced over Hades, bidding instantly begins for seats on the spacecraft, with a majority of mining subsidiaries getting tickets. (3AP)


    -The Acquisition Frenzy continues. Steven Penrith is bloody impressed (mate!) about the tenacity and profitability of his new employees! He watches in glee as some former-Auroran subsidiaries make it on to the Board, replacing a few of the more languid Board members. Free-market capitalism, baby! (-3AP)


    -More resources are sent to the former-Auroran scientific institutions! What Jim Bean hopes to gain from all this is still anyone's guess, but it's expected some sort of venture from him will occur in the future. (-2AP)


    -The ship-borne laser-lances continue to be worked on. Surprised and confused that the scientists and engineers continue to decrease energy consumption (useful, no doubt), the Board politely reminds them that they're supposed to make them more powerful in terms of burning things holes in things. Still, they hadn't failed them yet, and energy-efficiency would be good for catering to later improvements. (-10AP)


    -The shipyard over Aurora and Hades fire up once again. Despite their high cost, three destroyers are put into production. (-12AP)


    -Finding that that the words on the tablet are indecipherable even to Protorian experts, Steven begins to wonder just how much it's worth. Grabbing hold of a few HERMES agents to transport it, he contacts the Protorian Archiver for an assessment and possible translation. (-0AP)







    -Hades (Capital) (SL2) (Trade Post)
    -Grand Ares
    -Aurora (SL4)

    Population: 711,000 Humans, 88,500 Grgl, 181,000 Tassareans, 39,750 Human-Tassareans, 20,000 Libellans, 18,750 Redons, 14,750 Backhatta, 12,500 Human-Redons, 70,250 Galaron, 4,000 Redon-Tassareans,  3,000 Human-Redon-Tassareans, 12,000 Protorians

    Hephaestus Enforcers: 65,000 troopers, after voluntary sign-ups, and union with Auroran forces.

     Corporate Naval Rates: 3750 crewmen, 750 Enforcer Marines


    Hades, Tier 2
    Aurora, Tier 4

    Trade Ports:

    Hades, 10AP


    Accumulation List
    Industry: 75
    Business: 35 (Next turn) 
    Agriculture: 25 (Sweet, sweet worm-eggs)

    -Laser weaponry (40% Higher damage variant)
    -Laser Lance (Increasingly lower power usage)
    -Warp-drive technology (Gifted unto them by the Terran Federation)
    -Quantum Communications Technology (Via trade with Terran Federation)
    -Xylorite Energy Generators (Via trade with Terran Federation)

    -Xylorite energy cells
    -Artificial Gravity technology (Via trade with The Remnants) 

    -Itoron-Steel alloys
    -Mk I Hunter/Mark II Hunter combat bots.
    -Tithonus Mk I/Alastor Mk I combat droids.
    -Jump-packs (Gift from Utopie)
    -Duel-phased deflectors (trade with ???)
    -"Project: Lemon"

    -Swarmer Missiles
    -LAS II
    -Quantum Anchor

    -Advanced AI systems (Appropriated from Aurora)
    -Railgun weapons (Good ones! Appropriated from Aurora)
    -Machine-Human interface (Appropriated from Aurora)

    -Two Firstborn Servitors (One now residing in Steve's office, the other at an Auroran Robotics institute)
    -"Project: Pineapple"


    Trade Agreements
    -Solarin Federation,
    -Free Human Technocracy
    -Silver Knights
    -People's Agrarian Republic
    -Confederation of Xalponius
    -Han Dominion
    -United States of Arcturus
    -Sovereign Military Order of Malta




  6. qs0WOrn.png

    Buying Friends has Never been Easier!!






    The Acquisition Frenzy continues on the new Hephaestus worlds, with natives and foreigners battling for market supremacy on all economic fronts. Unfortunately for the Aurorans, this was not a battle that could be won by anyone. Hephaestus was not a state seeking control, it was a cattle-ranch with the cows buying and selling the grass. This was Hephaestus' great economic strength. The Acquisition Frenzy was only notable for those living on the newly acquired planets. This was life in Hephaestus. The eternal war for profit. The Race. Soon, they wouldn't even notice, or care. 


    On the topic of grass, the introduction of the Darkul seems like an excellent opportunity for trade. The notation and samples of the exotic grasses they consumed made many farmers on Corporate worlds wonder what they were doing with their lives.


    Happy to accept the Zyrka's contribution, and rewarding him appropriately, the Corporation upgrades all existing Tithonus models to the new Mk IIs. Cheap, expendable, and now smart, they were built for export. Granted, when the GTFO's monopolist license runs out...


    Happy to accept the little Grgl's efforts in the Corporation, the Board watches the newest subsidiary ply his trade. They would be watching very closely. All of them knew that McPhaestus had potential to thrive if someone had talent enough to exploit it.




    The thundering clatter of a thousand metal feet echoed in a percussive, chaotic melody. The newly christened Tithonus Mk IIs marched into the cargo-hold of huge freighter without thought or question--flowing to their destination in an unrelenting river of steel and guns. Technicians darted around the ranks of those still waiting to be packed away, performing system diagnostics and general quality tests. Hephaestus was always cost-efficient, but though their products were cheap to produce they never skipped on functionality.


    As the next line of combat droids walked themselves into the bowels of the waiting ship, an old Australian man stood next to his accountant. Both were watching the machines walk their way to their new owners with feelings of satisfaction only understood by ravenous capitalists. CEO Steven Penrith leaned on the gangway's railing, with his walking stick resting on his shoulder. His white hair and wrinkled features were a far cry from the man who expanded his business to an alien world all those decades ago. Phillip Narau - Super-Accountant - dwarfed his employer significantly. His heavily tattooed face obscured most of his expressions with the exception of his glaring, cold eyes. He carefully scrolled through numbers and shipping details on a comparatively small data-pad.


    "We have at least six-thousand more to be loaded, Mr Penrith. Afterwards we will store the Silver Knight's order in this vacant space when they've been manufactured."


    Steven nodded slowly and drew himself away from the railing with a grunt. Letting his cane tap down on the steel grating, he hobbled along the gangway with a greedy smirk.

    "Bloody good business, this, Phil. We should manufacture a heap of the buggers just in case we get more buyers. People love our droids, mate!"


    Phillip followed closely behind Steven without looking up from his pad. "We're fortunate in our timing. The Silver Knights-"

    "Kingdom of Armathwaite," Steven interjected with a mock-British accent.

    "-Kingdom of Armathwaite," Phillip corrected, "recently left The Human Cooperative. Perhaps they're worried for their continuing survival? We may be able to capitalise on ensuing paranoia."


    Steven grunted half-heartedly, and turned a corner into a small office space. The desks were packed tight next to one-another, with clerks making calls and organising their paperwork and data-entries. All of them kept an almost reverential distance from Steven and Phillip as they passed through.


    "I don't think there's much point in direct advertising. They're too savvy for that. We might try that angle with those Orimon boys later, though." Exiting the office, they entered yet another gangway, this time overlooking a factory floor. "This lot might be the last of the MK I variants we make. Bloody shame. I hope the Maltesers appreciate our 'bots."


    Conveyors upon conveyors were covered in droid-parts in varying states of completion. Automatic servo-arms pieced together the war-machines bit by bit, while human workers installed the weapons and computational parts further down the line. The whole hall was a symphony of loud cracks and hisses from the machines, and the barking orders from factory supervisors.


    "Talking about sales, has our ah, little fruit project been completed?"


    "We have recieved the results, sir. We plan to begin our own tests next year."


    "Yeah, good. I'm going to be honest, Phil. This was a dirty deal. Probably the worst one I've been a part of." Steven stopped where he was, and rested on his cane. With his shoulders slumped, he appeared decades older than he was. "No more, after this. You understand? Under no circumstances will we do so again."


    Phillip nodded stoicly, and carefully placed his data-pad into a pocket. "Our PR was maintained, Mr Penrith. We needn't worry. I agree it would be wise not to do so again, regardless."


    The two walked in silence above the manufacturing cacophony, until they reached an observation window. Tables and chairs were scattered around the area, clearly meant for lunch-breaks during the longer shifts. Brushing some paper wrappers from the table, Steven sat down with a quiet wheeze, and rested his weary legs. A thought occurred to him that brought a smile to his face. He waggled a finger at Phillip and laughed.


    "You know my little Johnny bought his first business today? Bloody hell, the kid's a damn natural, Phil. Redmond-Rock Ice-Creamery is growing quick! I bet the little ripper already has expansion plans! I wonder if I should ask? I probably shouldn't, he won't want to reveal his strategy..."


    Noticing Phillip was obviously unmoved by his glowing praise of his son, Steve changed his angle. "I'm surprised you don't have kids, Phil! You're getting a bit long-in-the-tooth to start a family. You may want to get started some time."


    "I've already done so, sir."


    "You have?"


    "I have."


    "Bloody hell! Why haven't I seen them, then?! I'd love to meet them!"


    "That would be difficult."


    "Why's that?"


    "They're on Earth."


    "Oh. They've karked it?"


    "Yes, sir. They were not at the standard required to leave."


    "Jeez, Phil, I would have let you bring them if I knew! Who was the bastard in charge of the passenger list?!"


    "Me, sir. My spouse was unwilling to work, and my son was more occupied with alcohol and narcotics than creating his own wealth. They were a poor investment. I saw no need to bring them."


    "Oh. Fair enough, then."


    And so they quietly raided the employee-fridge and ate lunch.





    Aurora was not the planet it was a year ago.


    The marketeers had arrived bearing money, business plans, and honeyed words. Now the world was uprooted from its technological vision and slowly being transformed into a hive of ever-changing shops, factories, and affordable housing. The citizens, at first resentful, now found themselves digging into the system—working for cheap, rising through the ranks, and building their personal wealth. It was difficult not to be consumed in the great dance of the market, and the former citizens were no exception. High above the growing sprawl, the rechristened “Grand Aurora Institute of Technology” was slowly rising further into the air fuelled by the resources pouring in from Hades. The old colony was being replaced brick by brick, except the inhabitants were too busy to care. In a brand new tenement building deep in an equally new budget housing district, a woman was making narcotics.


    The Auroran highlands were filled with strange, intoxicating flora and fauna. Some of which could be refined into all sorts of addictive hallucinogens for the consumption and enjoyment of thrill-seekers. Lacy was a second-generation migrant to Aurora. Her parents had been from a small planet in the Tassaran Republic and moved to Aurora to capitalise on the primitive humans and aid their agricultural processes. Her mother was involved in the domestication of the giant egg-worms that dotted the landscape between the cragged peaks. Lacy, however, had never seen a Tassaran world--she was an Auroran born and raised, and proud of her little planet.

    Sadly she wasn’t as attuned to the academic world like her parents. She was clever, but she lacked the same drive to learn and achieve. She skulked the streets in her youth and made friends in bad places while absorbing “skills” that would not be appreciated in the University of Technology. When Hephaestus took over, the criminal underbelly of Aurora was disrupted and upturned, leaving Lacy high and dry. So this time she chose to go into business for herself.


    Lacy was quite frustrated with her latest experiment. She was tired of brewing the local flavour of narcotic-cocktails and her latest work with poisonous plants from Capricorn wasn’t turning out too well. She had attempted to grow a small tree in her living-room known for its hallucinogenic qualities. Yet, despite all the hydroponic equipment she had on her person, growing a tree in a house wasn’t particularly viable. Also, the seeds and cuttings she bought may not actually be an alien plant, but rather a common weed. Inside her sealed, plastic, hydroponic tent, Lacy groaned and stretched. The oppressive heat from the lamps was not doing the job, and her shirt was stuck to her back from sweat. With a sigh, she stepped out from her UV-oven into the relative cool of her living room, and tossed the remainder of the seeds in her auto-disposal unit. She would need to produce the boring, common varieties of drugs in order to make up for the loss.

    In the corner, much maligned and ignored, a few monitors started flashing red. Lacy had set up a security system with a few subtle cameras hidden around the tenement complex; programmed to sound off when they detected significant spikes in movement. The movement in this instance seemed to be a squad of blue-clad, laser-toting Enforcers. They were securing the exits, elevators, stairwells, or anything that she could potentially slip out of.




    Even now they were clomping up to her level, which was less than ideal for her, all things considered. Everyone in this building was a law-abiding wage-jockey of some description (she had investigated them herself) so there was really only one person they could possibly be gunning for.


    She acted fast—there was already a plan in place for this inevitability, but she had about five minutes, tops. She clearly hadn't time to pack, so she snatched up her thick, wormskin coat. Knocking books, pipes, and ash-trays off her desk, she scrabbled up her data-pad and wallet. Client-lists were important for her work, and losing these connections would mean she’d have to start from square one. There was a thundering of feet in the hall outside her doorway. It was now, or never.

    Apartments with windows were always more expensive, but they were invaluable for impromptu exits. Lacy heaved the glass pane outward and wriggled herself through the opening with vocalised effort. Tassarans were always a little too tall for standard human dimensions, especially for doorways and windows. The fire escape she had pulled herself onto was mercifully wide, however, and she scrambled down the metal grating towards the alleyway below. Not bothering to kick down the final ladder, she jumped onto the concrete below, just as she heard the loud crash of her apartment’s door being kicked in. As she straightened herself, she laughed at her luck. They hadn’t secured the side-alley yet. The undulating mass of pedestrians was waiting only twenty feet away from her. No-one would find her once she disappeared into the crowd.


    Falling on hard times, hey love?”

    Lacy jerked her head to her left. There was a middle-aged man in a black suit looking at her quizzically, and leaning against the wall of the tenement. From his Hades’ accent she knew he was a foreigner, but what was he doing here? He dressed too well for a wage-jockey, and he was much too calm to be a resident.


    He made her nervous.


    Swiftly picking herself up, she raced at full-sprint out of the alley. Out of the corner of her eye, she could have sworn the man gave her a big, cheesy smile.


    The crowds were packed tight in BestBuy Street. Hephaestus wasn’t used to infrastructure based around ground-cars, and was quickly doing away with wide roads. Above her head steel walkways were being assembled for faster commute among the buildings, while flying transports dotted the skyline. The street-lamps felt almost unnecessary in addition to miles of neon signs and holo-screens blaring advertisements, casting ghostly, multicoloured light on everyone around them. The planet was rapidly changing all around her. The old rules and etiquette were tossed out the back door with the government, taxes, and welfare. She remembered when the street had a line of cafes and a small art gallery—now it was shop after shop filled with slimy businesspeople. Except the art gallery. It was still there. Except now the curators were weirdos in latex overalls.


    She felt a tingle down the back of her spine. It was a primal instinct she'd put of a lot of faith in during her life. She kept up her casual pace – running would be suspicious – and discretely looked around herself. She didn’t see any Enforcers, and employees surrounded her on all sides. Despite this, she couldn’t shake the feeling she was being watched. The cold sweat building on her forehead and the grimy, humid perspiration running down her back made every step through the claustrophobic sprawl chafing. She needed to look behind her, but she also couldn’t risk her pursuer knowing that she knew she was being followed. A wide glass pane on a shop-front was coming up on her right. This was her chance to get a brief glance. As she walked by the generic Hephaestus appliance outlet, she glanced in the widow’s reflection.


    Not seven feet behind her was the suit from the alley, with his data-pad tucked under his arm.


    He was still smiling.


    She started pushing through the crowd as fast as she could. He wasn’t a businessman, or some rich prick slumming it around the tenements. He was a ******* Smiler.


    She found a gap amongst the walkers and broke into a full sprint again. She needed to put distance between herself and the Smiler if she had any chance of escaping into what was left of the underworld. She wouldn’t look behind herself now. Couldn’t risk tripping over errant feet or refuse on the footpath. She charged around a corner, knocking over a pamphleteer bleating about the latest deals from some place or another. Pamphlets and coupons were flung violently in the air, raining down on confused customers. Food-carts pawing off Grgl goop by the pound squeezed out what little room was left on the street, forcing lacy to charge through cues of hungry employees. Angry shouts and rude gestures followed her as she knocked food out of hands in her flight. At the end of the street, her heart sunk when she saw two familiar blue uniforms. One of the Enforcers was talking on his communicator. As she violently burst out of the lines, the two Enforcers head spun to face her, and the three regarded one-another for a brief, silent second.


    “Employee 697,112AU! Halt, and submit for audit!” shouted one of the blue-clad heavies. Both drew their laser-pistols and ran towards her. Lacy flew down an adjacent alleyway pushing over pedestrians as she went. The damp alley was unoccupied, aside from rubbish-bags and dumpsters. Local vermin scurried around the garbage of a hundred different homes as Lacy’s burning legs finally gave out. In front of her was a wire fence, too tall to climb, and she was too tired to make a pathetic attempt. Twelve enforcers marched into the alley wordlessly, weapons drawn. Lacy just watched and caught her breath. She had done everything she could. It was over.

    As they approached, the squad parted in two, allowing a man in the business suit bearing a cheesy smile to walk towards her. The Smiler. Her Pursuer.


    The little H.E.R.M.E.S. pin on his front pocket glistened in the neon light, and his ivory-white teeth juxtaposed with the relative gloom. HERMES agents, or Smilers as most people called them, were the Corporation’s... something. No-one really knew what their job was specifically, outside of the vague business jargon that made up their name. They always seemed to have their noses in a lot of places; so many that pinning down their purpose was difficult. Yet, they seemed to be everywhere. Their uncanny ability to hold big, friendly smiles earned them their eponymous nickname. Most people found them to be quite approachable and pleasant. Lacy however had always found them cold and creepy. When he finally stood in front of her, the pulled he data-pad out from under his arm, and his smile seemed to broaden.

    “Employee 697,112AU? Ms “Lacy”? I take it? You don’t appear to have a second name registered. That’s okay sweetheart, we don’t need those.”

    Lacy stood stock-still, and nodded once. She was still attempting to catch her breath. No point in denial now.

    “Anyway, lovely to meet you, Lacy. I’m Tim Julie. I’ll be your auditor. Are you able to make a payment today?”

    At this, Lacy simple stared blankly in confusion. Tim seemed to pick up on this instantly.
    “As per Corporate protocols, all subsidiaries are required to pay a contribution fee to Hephaestus Enterprises in order to upkeep Enforcer security, unprofitable infrastructure, and other projects deemed necessary to ensure future profit and growth. Do you understand, Ms Lacy?”

    Clearly, Lacy was not understanding.

    Tim spoke calmly and continued toting his winning smile. “Aren’t you employee 697,112AU, owner of “Lacy’s Deep Trips?"  The hallucinogenic manufacturer?”

    Lacy suddenly seemed to shake out of her trance, and nodded quickly. She made that ‘subsidiary’ as a joke with her friends! She didn’t even put her real employee ID on it! How did they find her? How did they know?!

    “Now,” Tim continued, possibly tired from explaining the situation (though you’d never be able to tell behind his expression). “You’ve missed two of your quarterly payments, so you’re required to pay the outstanding 5,788 HEcreds. This accounts for the first quarter’s missing payment. Will you be able to make your second quarter’s payment today as well?”


    It was as if she was in a dream. She took her wallet from her coat, pulled out her HEcredit-card and swiped it across the front of the data-pad. A cheerful “ping” and a green light briefly flashed.

    “It’s just gone through, Lacy. Thanks for that. Try not to forget next time, okay? Have a fulfilling, Hephaestus evening!” And with that, Tim pivoted on his heel and walked back down the alley, flanked by all of the Enforcers, until she was alone in the alley.


    What the hell was happening to this planet?





    Action Points:

    4AP by default,
    4AP by trade,
    4AP through the 8th Crusade,
    3AP from population,

    7AP from sectors controlled,
    3AP from industry,
    1AP from business.

    -Now ensconced within the GTFO's trade-lanes, Hephaestus begins construction of a vast trade-station above Hades, independent of the current shipyard. It mostly surprised the Board how no-one had thought of doing this before! (-10AP)

    -After hearing customer feedback about their laser-lance's performance, Hephaestus places significant resources into improving the energy-output of their lances. The first of many investments, they hope to make their lances far more powerful for future conflicts. (10AP)

    -The Acquisition Frenzy continues, with the rest of the former Auroran worlds pulled into the Race. (-3AP)

    -Further improvements are chartered for the Auroran scientific institutions. Their academies WILL be better than the competition. (-3AP)

    -17,000 of the stored Tithonus Mk Is are upgraded to the Mk II variant, and shipped to the GTFO. (-0AP)


    -Eight frigates are sent on scouting missions to unoccupied systems bordering Corporate space. Their purpose is to search and scan for important resources for future exploitation. (-0AP)


    -Amanda Phelps continues her drills with the remaining Hephaestus fleet. (-0AP)


    -The former Auroran warships are sent to Hades for refitting, and to take part in the drills. (-0AP)

    -Steven Penrith, at the behest of curious onlookers, decides to send for someone to decipher the script on the tablet given to him by the Grgl. There could be more value to it than simply being a nice piece of decoration, after all. (-0AP)





    -Hades (Capital)
    -Grand Ares

    Population: 699,750 Humans, 82,000 Grgl, 172,750 Tassareans, 36,500 Human-Tassareans, 16,750 Libellans, 15,500 Redons, 12,500 Backhatta, 9,000 Human-Redons, 66,000 Galaron, 2,750 Redon-Tassareans,  1,750 Human-Redon-Tassareans, 9,750 Protorians

    Hephaestus Enforcers: 62,000 troopers, after voluntary sign-ups, and union with Auroran forces.

     Corporate Naval Rates: 1400 crewmen, 280 Enforcer Marines


    Hades, Tier 2
    Aurora, Tier 4

    Accumulation List
    Industry: 75
    Business: 32 (Next turn) 
    Agriculture: 25 (Sweet, sweet worm-eggs)

    -Laser weaponry (40% Higher damage variant)
    -Laser Lance (25% lower power usage variant)
    -Warp-drive technology (Gifted unto them by the Terran Federation)
    -Quantum Communications Technology (Via trade with Terran Federation)
    -Xylorite Energy Generators (Via trade with Terran Federation)

    -Xylorite energy cells
    -Artificial Gravity technology (Via trade with The Remnants) 

    -Itoron-Steel alloys
    -Mk I Hunter/Mark II Hunter combat bots.
    -Tithonus Mk I/Alastor Mk I combat droids.
    -Jump-packs (Gift from Utopie)
    -Duel-phased deflectors (trade with ???)
    -"Project: Lemon"

    -Swarmer Missiles
    -LAS II
    -Quantum Anchor

    -Advanced AI systems(Appropriated from Aurora)
    -Railgun weapons (Good ones! Appropriated from Aurora)
    -Machine-Human interface (Appropriated from Aurora)

    -Two Firstborn Servitors (One now residing in Steve's office, the other at an Auroran Robotics institute)
    -"Project: Pineapple"


    Trade Agreements
    -Solarin Federation,
    -Free Human Technocracy
    -Silver Knights
    -People's Agrarian Republic
    -Confederation of Xalponius  









  7. qs0WOrn.png

    More MORE MoRe MOre moRE mOre MoRe more MORE mORE MoRe MOrE moRe MorE MORe morE MORE!!!


    //We are sorry to report that your following broadcast of :AURORA DEBATE: is experiencing technical difficulties due to :INEXPLICABLE QUANTUM PHENOMENA: Channel 555 apologises for the interruption. Now playing complimentary excerpt from :WALRUS AND CARPENTER: We are now working on a solution. Your patronage is very important to us. Thank you for choosing Channel 555!//  





    //Connection reestablished. Thank you for choosing Channel 555!//








    It was January of the New Year on the planet of Aurora. Though its alpine climate was chilly at that time (more than usual, anyway) the people were in a pleasant mood. The Hephaestus “merger” had many of the new employees worried, but after a week surprisingly little had changed. Many of the most pessimistic people thought they’d be relegated to salt-mines or sweat-shops, but Jim Bean appeared to be nothing but magnanimous during his time administrating Aurora. Other HERMES agents kept local comm-lines open to answer questions and aid with the transition.


    All government property had been auctioned off, and re-invested into Aurora by Administrator Bean. This had the effect of boosting the planet’s economy, raising wages, and just improving life in general. The new subsidiaries quickly took control of their growing assets and gleefully bought and sold all they could. However, there was a feeling of grim foreboding in their actions. All their advertising spoke about “supporting Auroran business” or “buying local.” They played on people’s emotions and loyalties but for no expressed reason. What were they afraid of? What could these unshackled industrial titans be afraid of?


    Above Aurora, the great space-station quietly milled away its time, inactive, save for the occasional Solarin construction team. Two servicemen (now initiate Enforcers) sat quietly observing the myriad of scanners that covered the walls in front of them. Suddenly, a spike on their monitors—a ship had arrived in the system.






    Before they could hail them, another popped into view. Then another. And then five others. A hundred others. Hundreds of ships, all from the same place--Hephaestus.


    “Is it an invasion?! The Keerim?! The Corruptors?!” cried one.

    “No, they’re civilian ships.” Said the other.


    The comms blared into life, as dozens of vessels hastily requested permission to descend to the planet’s surface. As they tried to process the few who had the courtesy to call in, the rest simply bypassed the station, and hurtled down to the surface.


    On the ground, the Auroran employees looked into the sky, and saw a hundred fiery streaks blaze against the atmosphere. Ships landed everywhere they could; when the landing-pads were full, they called property owners in order to purchase more space. Some simply opened their cargo holds, and hordes of briefcase-toting business-people jumped on to the ground risking injury or death.

    They race into shops, buildings, and even towards people on the street, seeking to buy property. Ravenous marketeers practically frothed at the mouth as they gazed around a whole new market, untapped and untouched by the outside. Like rabid dogs, they ran around jostling at every piece of marketable infrastructure in an attempt to assuage price. It was something that had not been seen since the purchase of New Zealand in 2080.


    The Acquisition Frenzy had begun.




    Action points


    4AP by default,
    4AP from trade,
    4AP from 8th Crusade port,
    7AP from Sectors,
    3AP from population,
    3AP from Industry,
    1AP from Business,

    1AP from Han Dominion (This turn only)
    4AP from GTFO (This turn only) 



    -Four more frigates are cued up in the shipyard, making a wide array of people extraordinarily happy. (-12AP)

    -“Project: Pineapple.” (-8AP)

    -The populace of the former Technocracy are introduced to the Race. The great economic war between the Hephaestus subsidiaries pours into the closest colonies, quickly overtaking many local businesses and industries. Though the locals aren’t just willing to give in, and a surprising number of native industries manage to hold their own against the Hephaestus onslaught. Indirect investment is also growing from subsidiaries and individuals who’d rather not leave the comfort of their own colonies. (-5AP)


    -As promised, the first round of upgrades are supplied to the academies and lesser educational institutions on Aurora. Multiple subsidiaries jostle for the chance to be the main contractor. Administrator Jim Bean promises further expansions. (-2AP)

    -GTC space-pounds are sent to the Corporation for the purpose of upgrading and delivering a great flurry of Tithonus combat droids. The armaments and mechanics were fine enough, but an upgrade to computational systems was deemed necessary. A combination of Solarin Hunter ‘bots tech, Solarin LAS II tech, Auroran robotics expertise, and plucky Hephaestus know-how go towards the new Tithonus tactical AI. Though it’ll still require a sentient to indirectly control group actions, they are being re-designed for greater individual autonomy, tactical awareness, and combat flexibility. It will be known simply as the Tithonus Mk II. (-4AP from Galactic Trade Federation of Orimon)


    -Amanda Phelps is returns to Hephaestus space after her year of learning from the Tassaran commander. She quickly gets into the habit of drilling her new fleet, and continues the war-games with her new knowledge. (-0AP)

    -Sophia Briarwood and a large contingent of Enforcers arrive in Auroran space for the purpose of retraining and initiating Auroran forces into the Enforcers. (-0AP) 

    -The Grgl's gift is accepted gratefully by Steve and the Board. It is placed on his wall next to the Firstborn servitor and what appears to be a Van Gogh portrait. He offers the little Grgl a job in the Corporation, seeing as he's here, to take over a failing restaurant chain; McPhaestus. (-0AP)





    -Hades (Capital)
    -Grand Ares

    Population:  678,000 Humans, 74,000 Grgl, 165,250 Tassareans, 30,000 Human-Tassareans, 12,500 Libellans, 13,500 Redons, 9,000 Backhatta, 7,500 Human-Redons, 60,750 Galaron, 1,500 Redon-Tassareans,  1,000 Human-Redon-Tassareans, 8,500 Protorians

    Hephaestus Enforcers: 60,000 troopers, after voluntary sign-ups, and union with Auroran forces.

     Corporate Naval Rates: 1400 crewmen, 280 Enforcer Marines


    Hades, Tier 2
    Aurora, Tier 4

    Accumulation List
    Industry: 75
    Business: 29 (Next turn) 
    Agriculture: 25 (Sweet, sweet worm-eggs)

    -Laser weaponry (40% Higher damage variant)
    -Laser Lance (25% lower power usage variant)
    -Warp-drive technology (Gifted unto them by the Terran Federation)
    -Quantum Communications Technology (Via trade with Terran Federation)
    -Xylorite Energy Generators (Via trade with Terran Federation)

    -Xylorite energy cells
    -Artificial Gravity technology (Via trade with The Remnants) 

    -Itoron-Steel alloys
    -Mk I Hunter/Mark II Hunter combat bots.
    -Tithonus Mk I/Alastor Mk I combat droids.
    -Jump-packs (Gift from Utopie)
    -Duel-phased deflectors (trade with ???)
    -"Project: Lemon"

    -Swarmer Missiles
    -LAS II
    -Quantum Anchor

    -Advanced AI systems(Appropriated from Aurora)
    -Railgun weapons (Good ones! Appropriated from Aurora)
    -Machine-Human interface (Appropriated from Aurora)

    -Two Firstborn Servitors (One now residing in Steve's office, the other at an Auroran Robotics institute)

    Trade Agreements
    -Solarin Federation,
    -Free Human Technocracy
    -Silver Knights
    -People's Agrarian Republic
    -Confederation of Xalponius  






  8. qs0WOrn.png

    Take Your Bets on the Aurora Lotto Today!!

    Hades' business big-whigs look on with rapt pleasure as the Corporation entered the second phase of Auroran unification talks. Clearly Hephaestus was the obvious choice, but some naysayers in other parts of Hephaestus-space believed the opposite was true. There was so much argument and disagreement on the subject that the enterprising employees could think of only one thing to do--gamble on the outcome. Bets were taken all over Hades, Grand Ares, Adonis, and Aphrodite. The "Aurora Lotto" was declared and sponsored by big subsidiaries, hoping to gain PR from supporting one outcome or the other. Alien visitors were also encouraged to "take a jab" at the Aurora Lotto and reap the rewards of the possible payout. As the bets increased, so did the suspense. Who could win...?


    On the newly-colonised planet of Adonis, the scientists were relieved to discover that the rabbit-things were herbivores. Though they were ridiculed for weeks by their less paranoid neighbours and friends, they took time out from their embarrassment to see about domesticating the little creatures for export. Their friendly demeanour, affectionate instincts, and calming presence made them easy choices for pets. They chose to invest in a breeding program in order to study their physiology and biological needs. With luck, maybe they tasted good too!


    The ship-watchers association drooled as the post-post-post-post-post-modern, demi-cubist frigates sat above Hades' shipyards. After adequate drilling of the crews later in the year, they would be sent off to do their part in support of the Ka'cezh Empire's crusade. Not many on Hades had forgotten the Corruptor Incursion of 2125, and the decision was met with widespread support in tandem with fear and excitement from the Corporate Navy crewmen.






    Down the grey, spacious corridors of the Hephaestus Central Administration building ran a very excited eleven-year-old boy. Little Johnny Penrith's birthday had finally arrived. He always got plenty of gifts for a boy his age. From the simplest plastic wonder-toy to fully-functional combat droids, Johnny got just about anything he could want on his favourite day; at least until Christmas came around. Every year though, his dad told him that he could get one more gift if he asked for the right thing. This had always puzzled the boy, as he never understood why 'one more gift' was so significant. He loved his dad, though, so he always made an attempt to guess correctly.


    He made a sharp turn, and nearly slipped on the mirror-like steel floor. His mum had told him not to run along the hallways, but he wouldn't listen. Once he was the boss, he'd run down every single hallway in the tower. Maybe he'd ride on one of the massive vacuums that cleaned and polished the building? That'd be pretty sweet.


    As he tore down the hallway, a gilded, blue and white elevator slowly slid open. Dad's office was right at the top of the monolithic structure, but just about every floor had an elevator to it now. Steven hated having to switch when he was making his way up, and this way he could drop in on some of his employees. The personal touch was very important, as he always said. Panting heavily, he slid across the mirror floors for a good three metres and stopped right inside the elevator. Nice. He jumped and neatly smacked the highest number on the controls and felt his body shoot hundreds of metres upwards. Thank God for artificial gravity keeping the G-forces low. With a pleasant melodic 'ping,' the doors slid open, and the opulent office of CEO Steven Penrith was laid to bear.


    The office had all sorts of relics from Old Earth. Firearms, suits of armour, and busts of ancient people Johnny didn't particularly care about, were strewn all throughout the cavernous room. An animal-skin rug lay next to a lit fireplace, and outmoded information repositories (books) lined the wall around it. It was like stepping into another world, though little Johnny didn't know why people wanted animal skins (Or what animal it was). Maybe Phillip knew?


    Phillip Narau, Milly Price, Jason Woolard, and Steven himself were all sitting at the great, mahogany desk and thumbing through papers. Steven looked immensely bored as Phillip slowly ran through numbers and figures. Jason Woolard on the other hand was clearly asleep, while Milly was fiddling with a laser-rifle. As he saw Johnny enter the room, Steven's face brightened up immediately.


    "... and that is why, Mr Penrith, betting ten percent of your shares on the Auroran lotto would not be a sound financial decision despite it being, in your words, 'a sure bloody thing.'"


    "Well if it isn't my big, birthday boy! Get over here and give your old man a hug, kiddo!" Steven practically roared his greeting, waking Jason abruptly and making Milly shoot off several laser-bursts in surprise.


    Johnny ran over to his father as Steven slowly pulled himself out of his chair with a grunt. After a quick hug and ruffle of his hair, Steven sat himself back down while little Johnny hopped on to the chair's leather arm.


    "So what are you here for, kiddo? Bored with your combat droids already? I thought you wanted to re-enact the Red Prince's battle for Tassarea!"


    Johnny shrugged his shoulders. "I wanted to do my 'birthday guess' for this year. Besides, my new droids got melted by my other droids. There are a lot of smelly melted droids in my room, and a small fire. I think I should have told someone about that last thing..."


    Steven waved the comment away with a laugh. "Ah, that's what the cleaners are for! Tell your mum after you leave, hey? She'll sort it out with the help." After a short cough, Steven leaned back in his chair, and glanced around at his colleagues. "So, young man. What would you like for this year, hm?"


    Johnny thought very hard, and considered all the things that could be the 'correct' answer to his dad's annual question. He always wanted his own planet, but he'd get them one day when he was boss. He sort-of wanted to drive a Eurus missile vehicle, but they were all on Tassarea.


    "I want..." he began, "... a spaceship! A big one!" The adults in the room chortled to themselves (aside from Phillip) and shook their heads. Steven gave an apologetic smile.


    "Sorry mate, no can do."


    At this, Johnny was frustrated. He got everything he wanted whenever he wanted. He was going to be the boss! Why couldn't he be done with this dumb game and get the secret thing? "Why not, though?!" He demanded.


    Steven's face barely moved, despite his son's bratty question. "What do I get out of that deal, son?"


    This answer surprised little Johnny. He expected a lecture, at least. Steven saw his son's confusion, and placed his hand gently on his boy's shoulder.


    "I give you gifts because I like you to be happy, and because it's my money to spend. You can demand anything you want from me, but I don't have to give you a damn thing, sonny. Hephaestus isn't about you getting what you want. It's about giving me something in exchange for something you want." Steven ruffled his hair again, and gently pushed Johnny from his perch. "Run along now, matey. Go tell your mum about that fire."


    The boy trudged off, thinking intensely on his father's weird words. 


    At the back of Johnny's mind, something clicked into place. Something that had always been there, but hadn't really been needed until now.


    A ravenous, capitalistic greed.


    Johnny swivelled around, and marched back to his father's desk and smacked both his hands on the old, black wood. He glared at his father fiercely, and spoke in a very firm voice. "I want a business, and I want to work for you."


    A wide, reptilian smile slowly spread across Steven's wrinkled face. It wasn't unpleasant, or even that unusual. For his dad however, it seemed out of place. It was mimicked by the others gathered around the desk, even beneath the tattoos of Phillip's face. Were these smiles...


    ...actually real?




    Action Points


    4AP by default,
    4AP from trade,

    4AP from being an 8th Crusade Port,

    1AP from population,

    3AP from sectors,

    1AP from industry,

    1AP from business.


    -Dozens of the Adonis Mountain Rodents (or 'space-bunnies' as they're more colloquially known) are caught and placed in special enclosures. Tests are performed on the poor, unfortunate critters in order to gauge any useful information about them. Their biology, their needs, their adaptability, breeding methods, and taste are all researched thoroughly by the plucky colonists. (-2AP)


    -In a joint research project with the Solarin Federation, Hephaestus sends a modest amount of resources and personnel to aid in warp-drive upgrades. (-2AP)


    -Six more Themis frigates are put into production. The artists of Hades swoon, and create beautiful artworks of the skyline filled with such vessels. (-12AP)


    -The HERMES advertising campaign continues in Aurora. It reiterates the benefits of incorporating with Hephaestus, and continues the "What do you like Hephaestus to do for YOU?" statement. It includes the codes for a local communicator line where HERMES agents stand ready to receive questions/complaints, and collect data. (-2AP)


    -The previous batch of Themis frigates perform their first practice manoeuvres. They make attempts at formation fighting, small-scale war-games, patrolling Corporate space, and getting used to the laser-lances and swarmer missiles. If they're going to fight corruptors, they were going to need a bit of time to adjust. (-0AP)

    -A request is sent to the nearby Confederation of Xaplonius and the Tassaran Republic. To better serve in the Eight Crusade, they seek to train an 'Admiral' of sorts to command the burgeoning Corporate Fleet. Amanda Phelps, a rising star in the Enforcers, is chosen for this task. (-0AP)


    -Rumours circulate around Hades that a recently arrives Grgl has possession of an object of possible value. HERMES agents immediately seek him out in order to offer him an appraisal. (-0AP)


    -Hephaestus sends a group of reps over to the GTC in order to negotiate a more direct trade route between the Northern and Southern galaxies with Hephaestus as a main stopping point. Namely they hope to find a safe, consistent route that skims around the borders of the warring Karass Dominion. (-0AP)








    -Hades (Capital)
    -Grand Ares

    Population: 310,500 Humans, 45,000 Grgl, 93,750 Tassareans, 17,500 Human-Tassareans, 11,500 Libellans, 12,000 Redons, 8,250 Backhatta, 6,500 Human-Redons, 46,500 Galaron, 750 Redon-Tassareans,  500 Human-Redon-Tassareans

    Hephaestus Enforcers: 30,000 troopers, after voluntary sign-ups. Volunteers increased dramatically, due to the frightening events going on in the galaxy.


    Corporate Naval Rates: 800 crewmen, 160 Enforcer Marines

    One drive-less colony ship, sitting idle.
    One small, Grgl-made freighter.
    One big, Tassaran-made freighter.
    One standard, Solarin-built assault-frigate

    Eight "Themis" class Frigates

    Spaceports: Hades, Tier 2

    Accumulation List
    Industry: 25
    Business: 24 (Next turn) 

    -Laser weaponry (40% Higher damage variant)
    -Laser Lance (25% lower power usage variant)
    -Warp-drive technology (Gifted unto them by the Terran Federation)
    -Quantum Communications Technology (Via trade with Terran Federation)
    -Xylorite Energy Generators (Via trade with Terran Federation)

    -Xylorite energy cells
    -Artificial Gravity technology (Via trade with The Remnants) 

    -Itoron-Steel alloys
    -Mk I Hunter/Mark II Hunter combat bots.
    -Tithonus Mk I/Alastor Mk I combat droids.
    -Jump-packs (Gift from Utopie)
    -Basic Deflectors
    -"Project: Lemon"

    -Swarmer Missiles
    -LAS II
    -Quantum Anchor


    Trade Agreements
    -Solarin Federation,
    -Free Human Technocracy
    -Kingdom of Eadn
    -Silver Knights
    -People's Agrarian Republic
    -Confederation of Xalponius  












    Come for the Sights, Stay for the SALES!






    The timely arrival of the Ka'cezh Imperium was quite the surprise to the defenders on Tassarea. Rond gathered his droid-army and left the planet to the Tassarans and other humans to protect. He and his guard were guaranteed some time off on Aphrodite, and they were planning to spend that time obscenely drunk.


    The droids in his army were being sent back to Hades for retrofitting. Since the war was taking an aggressive turn, the Alastor and Tithonus variants would need to have some retrofits before being sent in to attack a target head-on. The weapons and armour still seemed appropriate, but the droids required greater capacity for independence.


    With Aphrodite’s construction plans complete, it was more than a mere resort. It was a place of such entrancing luxury that any species could aspire to holiday there. The beautiful, equatorial beaches were lined with rental property and hotels as far as the eye could see. Warm, crystal-clear water practically begged visitors to dive into its depths and happily soak themselves to the core. Entertainment emporiums and sea-side restaurants intermingled with shopping districts; with business owners greeting all comers with toothy, greedy grins. If someone wished to escape war and terror for a week or two, this was undoubtedly the place to go, as any Ka'cezh could attest.





    “Firstborn, hey? How did those Hun-minions get their hands on someone like that? Bloody hell, she must be really something to stick around that long.” Steven puffed a cloud of smoke towards the ceiling of his office, where it was sucked up by the complicated filtration system. “I love blonds, Phil. And she was one hell of a Sheila.”  An unpleasant, reptilian smile edged its way across his wrinkled face as Phillip Narau, Super-Accountant, placed a small stack of papers down on Steve’s desk.


    “I am sure the alien was objectively attractive sir. The Board needs your sign-off the construction efforts.”


    “Huh? Ah, yeah yeah. Sure. One hell of an order, Phil. This’ll be the next notch in the Corporate history books. Who knew we had the resources for this?” Steven laughed as his signed his name on the dotted line; all-the-while sucking and huffing cigar smoke like an indecisive chimney.


    “Our expansions have made this order feasible. I would not have supported it otherwise, sir.” Phillip pulled his large arms behind his back, and waited for his employer to finish his signature. “We’ll be seeing the first batch finished by the fourth quarter of this year.”


    “Bloody wonderful, Phil. Never thought I’d be presiding over a fleet of warships. We had a few shitty ones back on Earth, but that’s nothing like what we’ll be packing after all this is done. Can’t imagine I’ll see it completed in my lifetime.” Steven sighed, and leaned back in his armchair. His features grew morose, and for a brief moment he appeared to age another twenty years. “You seen little Johnny around, mate?”


    “I believe I saw him with his mother in the waiting room, Mr Penrith.”


    Steven pulled himself up with some effort, and walked towards the doorway. “You handle the specifics, Phil. Daylight’s burning, and I’ve earned myself a little bit of family time.”


    Phillip watched as Steven walked as quickly as he could out of his opulent office. Despite controlling vast swathes of Hephaestus’ administration, he didn’t desire to run it. He didn’t have the vision necessary to run an industry like this. He could crunch numbers, bring about clerical efficiency, but he was no Steven Penrith. Staring out the vast window, he looked upon the tangled web of industry sprawling in his view. What could he hope to achieve at the helm of this madness?




    An excerpt from the digital magazine "Corporate Insider."  

    Interviewer: Gene Hilders

    Interviewee: Human Mammal Formally Known as Alex, lead designer of the Themis Class frigate.


    Gene: "It's lovely to sit down with you, Human Mammal Formally Known as Alex. Is it okay if I call you that?"


    Sphere: "No need for such formalities, Gene. Simply call me 'Sphere,' as it is my ultimate aspiration to be as immutable and formless as a ball. I have taken great care in removing any non-symmetrical aspect of myself, and it is why I am wearing these featureless, latex overalls. If we are to create true art, we must become art ourselves."


    Gene: "A fascinating take on your occupation, Sphere. In regards to your work, may we speak about the spacecraft you presented to the Board?"


    Sphere: "Of course. It is our greatest achievement as an art school. Warships, Gene, are built for purpose, and the viewers of said vessels are never taken into consideration. Thus it is why many great machines of war are ugly, gray bricks; incapable of enrapturing the observer with anything but their brutal power. What better purpose they would have, were they to inspire other emotions? Are we but automatons incapable of invigorating combat with the immeasurable power of art? I doubted this. Hence, I brought my College to bear, and we created a unique, beautiful vessel."


    Gene: "I have read that there were a number of changes to the original design before it was presented. Care to elaborate for our readers?"


    Sphere: "Sadly, yes. Even unshackled creators such as ourselves must pay a toll to the peddlers of pragmatism. Engineers we hired to aid us unbalanced our design. For instance, the meditation hall was replaced by an extra engine, the star-viewing ports were exchanged for two large laser weapons, and (most grievously of all) the micro-theatre was thrown out in favour of a secondary reactor. It pains our artistic temperaments to the very core, but art is pain, so our suffering will lead to greater works."


    Gene: "One last question, Sphere. It came to our attention just before this interview that the Hades College of the Arts was suffering from a lack of funds. Was this the reason you chose to involve yourself in the Corporate Fleet Design Contest?"


    Sphere: "The common slob fears true art, Gene. They wrestle with simplistic notions of 'beauty,' when it is the artist who defines such things! We lacked patrons for our works, because popularity of simple works far outmatch innovative new realms of artistry. The royalties from this post-post-post-post-post-modern, demi-cubist project will ensure our ability to capture the imaginations of Hades for decades to come!"


    Gene: "So, you did it for the cash and PR?"


    Sphere: "... Yes."


    Excerpt Ends






    The Themis packs four 12-metre, forward-facing laser-lances. Each one calibrated for greater energy efficiency and faster firing speed. For this purpose it has a secondary reactor in order to power the guns without stressing the core reactor. Though it only boasts basic deflectors, the Itoron-steel hull offers adequate protection from anyone who would fire ordinance towards it. Six small, twin-linked laser-lances act as point defence from fighters that get too close. Beneath it, twelve rocket-pods of Anopheles Swarmer Missiles would ensure that no shield or point-defence would stop an assault. For it's odd shape, the ship was still more than deadly.



    Action Points


    4AP by default,

    4AP via trade,

    4AP due to being an 8th Crusade Port,

    3AP from Sectors,

    1AP from population,

    1AP from Industry,

    1AP from Business,


    -The time has finally come. Hephaestus, in all its decades of being an independent business-nation, has never once personally constructed a warship. Despite being surrounded by allies aplenty, the Board, Steven Penrith, and the swathe of advisers and employees beholden to them, have put in an order for a huge number of military vessels. Unlikely to be completed for quite some time, the substantial order of Eight Themis-class frigates are put into production for the first year. (-16AP)


    -A new class of businessmen are recruited on Hades. Specifically organised to bring a friendlier, PR-boosting face to Hephaestus operations around the galaxy. Named Hephaestus Efficient Requisition and Marketing Economic Syndicate (HERMES [What a coincidence!]) are brought in to do what a large number of other marketeers failed to do--gain a market share in the Aurora Technocracy.


    The Corporation expresses interest in protecting and absorbing Aurora, mainly due to the wide array of laboratories and scientific institutions present on their worlds. The Corporation offers to not infringe on their way of life, with the exception of all marketable infrastructure and businesses privatised and incorporated. In addition, taxation on individuals would be removed entirely, and many laws and regulations would be thrown away for the benefit of businesses and individual liberties. However, Hephaestus promises to not only keep the multiple scientific institutions 'state'-owned, they also promise to expand them dramatically for the benefit of the former technocracy's scientists. Though Hephaestus does not yet have a fleet, they were in the process of constructing a huge swathe of vessels for the Corruptor War. With the technocracy's science, and Hephaestus' production power, the research and profits could be exponential. Hephaestus was their closest neighbour! They had been in SATO together! They had only good intentions towards their possible future partners! 


    An advertisement campaign is designed by the HERMES agents to bring across these points to Aurorans with real sincerity. At the end, it asks "What would YOU like to see from a potential Hephaestus/Auroran merger?" along with a mailing address to the closest HERMES admin centre. (-2AP)


    -After seeing the cute, fluffy bunny-things in the Alpine planet, the new colonists are suddenly, keenly aware that rabbits in mountainous environments seem oddly similar to an ancient Earth comedy film. Though most bat off the fear as simple, earth-bound superstition, a group of colonists take time to catch one of the rabbit-creatures and examine it carefully. Just in case... (-0AP)








    -Hades (Capital)
    -Grand Ares

    Population: 300,000 Humans, 40,000 Grgl, 91,000 Tassareans, 16,000 Human-Tassareans, 10,000 Libellans, 10,000 Redons, 7,500 Backhatta, 6,000 Human-Redons, 44,000 Galaron, 500 Redon-Tassareans,  250 Human-Redon-Tassareans 

    Hephaestus Enforcers: 26,000 troopers, after voluntary sign-ups. Volunteers increased dramatically, due to the frightening events going on in the galaxy.

    One drive-less colony ship, sitting idle.
    One small, Grgl-made freighter.
    One big, Tassaran-made freighter.
    One standard, Solarin-built frigate

    Spaceports: Hades, Tier 2

    Accumulation List
    Industry: 25
    Business: 22 (Next turn) 

    -Laser weaponry (40% Higher damage variant)

    -Laser Lance (25% lower power usage variant)
    -Warp-drive technology (Gifted unto them by the Terran Federation)
    -Quantum Communications Technology (Via trade with Terran Federation)
    -Xylorite Energy Generators (Via trade with Terran Federation)

    -Xylorite energy cells
    -Artificial Gravity technology (Via trade with The Remnants) 

    -Itoron-Steel alloys
    -Mk I Hunter/Mark II Hunter combat bots.
    -Tithonus Mk I/Alastor Mk I combat droids.
    -Jump-packs (Gift from Utopie)
    -Basic Deflectors (Gift from Solarin Federation)
    -"Project: Lemon"

    -Swarmer Missiles

    Trade Agreements
    -Solarin Federation,
    -Free Human Technocracy
    -Kingdom of Eadn
    -Silver Knights
    -People's Agrarian Republic
    -Confederation of Xalponius 








    No Job too Big, or too Small!


    The journey to the great and powerful Ka'cezh Empire was long, and harrowing. Great wonders were viewed the crew of the Grgl Gondola and the accompanying diplomats from the Free Human Technocracy--vast complexes of capitalism. Snail-like creatures that slithered upon the ground, Dyson spheres and the beauteous homeworld of the vast, elder empire. And so they received their audience with the Star-Lord of this great and unfathomably powerful nation. They gave their presentation of logical, factual arguments to the all-powerful being. The best they could manage, and they themselves considered it more than convincing. 

    Except the Star-Lord did not respond well to their arguments. Despite the clear, oncoming doom targeting both South and (eventually) the North, the lethargic, languid Star-Lord simply denied aid, stating only that the Corruptors were endless, and it was the problem solely for the south. 

    Clearly, the Hephaestus Board came to the truest rational conclusion that the Star-Lord was wimpy little *****-- a wimpy little ***** with one too many Corruptor-booboos inflicted on him. Though the Board agreed that the undisputed ruler of the most powerful nation in the galaxy was a total *****, they also agreed that this was an obvious flaw with autocracies in general. They made a note to themselves that if the next great battle was lost to the Corruptors, a built-for-purpose transmitter would be set up, beaming a constant stream of casualty statistics. At the end of the statistics would be a number of juvenile insults directed at the Ka'cezh and its impotent leader.









    Deep in the ever-changing maze of factories and businesses, a second grey obelisk stood perpendicular to the towering bulk of the Hephaestus Corporate Administration Centre. It was not a building anyone paid too much attention to, but all employees knew what it was, and why it was there--Enforcement Headquarters. This compound was where the Hephaestus Enforcers were trained, and coordinated. Today, new recruits were being ushered into the main training hall, far away from the hustle and bustle of the business outside. It was almost silent within the structure—for most Hades-dwellers, it was something they rarely experienced.


    At the far end of the hall, a human stood on a stage with a group of different aliens standing to attention behind her. She observed the recruits pile into the room like a great wave. The greenhorns were always eager to grab a rifle and start ‘Enforcing.’ Many shareholders and employees thought it was easy work and a good place to start in the security industry. Sometimes they were burned-out wage-jockeys looking for a break from The Race. After all, the Enforcers took anyone, and turned them into multi-purpose tools. A little-known fact is that once a person joined the Enforcers, they were very unlikely to leave.


    High Commander Sophia Briarwood stood on the stage, and waited for the recruits to calm themselves. She was a tall woman with jet-black hair, and piercing, green eyes. Her features were grizzled and pock-marked with wounds from both kinetic weapons and laser-bursts. Variations of her oncoming speech were given to new recruits since the old days of Earth, when Hephaestus had only just purchased their first troubled country. She hadn’t been born yet, of course, but tradition stated speeches like this were given almost from the formation of Hephaestus Continental Security. Each time it felt like leaving another etch on Corporate history.

    “Welcome,” she began, beaming a smile, “to the Enforcers.”

    Skulking around the stage, she took a moment to choose the next part of her speech. Many of the lower commanders took turns proselytising to the recruits, but she insisted on doing it herself now and again. She felt it reminded her of what she worked for, and kept her grounded.


    “The Enforcers are a proud tradition, and a profession that can take you into many different fields. An excellent mark to put on one’s CV, and good PR to boot! You have made a fine choice.” Commander Sophia glanced to the back of the hall, while fully-inducted Enforcers slowly shut the doors with an audible creak, and a closing ‘bang.’ The sound was intentional—the mood needed to be set. Predictably, the recruits looked back to the door, and between each other in confusion.


    “However, working here is not really the same thing as being employed in a bank, or factory. We do things differently. But that is due to our history.”


    “When the old Government of Australia was purchased, so was its military. Naturally, it was absorbed into the budding Security forces, but a soldier is a construct of a nation. They are founded on patriotism and pride, and throwing them into an organisation that could be best described as highly-armed rent-a-cops, well...”

    She shrugged with a smile. “... let’s just say there was a crisis of faith amongst the troops. What they needed was a new vision. A new philosophy to fight for and protect.”


    “What is Hephaestus, ladies and gentlemen? It is a business wherein a group of individuals purchase the labour of others, for the purpose of making profit for themselves. It is self-serving individualism by nature, and the greatest force for prosperity ever imagined. So long as there is scarcity of resources in the universe, private enterprise will always be the best way to distribute it.

    But Hephaestus isn’t a business, my friends. It hasn’t been a business since the old countries were purchased. It still acts as if it is, but it is a country—no, a nation--that has accidentally made itself the greatest haven of prosperity and liberty in the entirety of the galaxy.”

    Sophia smiled at the confused looks from the myriad of recruits. There were of many different races present, though the humans looked the most puzzled. They always were.


    “In one of those good fortunes that sometimes touch us sentients, free-market economics ultimately supports individual liberty. In Hephaestus, you can rise to the very heights of success and power if you have the will and ability to do so. Not through demagoguery, not through force, but through pure merit.


    The Enforcers are the screws that hold this nation together. We are ignored because we want to be. We are irrelevant in Corporate decisions because we do not need to be involved. We keep order so that prosperity may be achieved by any who wish to make Hephaestus their home. We are guardians of our people’s liberty. We are the quiet, impartial arbitrators that ensure that all may rise to their manifest destiny. We take pride in our service to ultimate freedom.


    But before you too take part in this, you will need to be properly inducted. That can take some time.”

    A loud ‘clack’ sounds from the door as the Enforcers manually lock it. There was much work to be done before they could become true Enforcers, and for that, they needed privacy.





    Action Points


    4AP by default.
    4AP through trade.
    2AP from sectors.
    1AP from industry.
    1AP from population.


    -The marketeers on Aphrodite declare the time has come for a massive push into tourism. With the galaxy at war, no doubt many aliens would be seeking time away from the fear and drama of their foolish governments. A huge construction project begins on an ultra-resort--affordable for all comers, with greater luxuries available for higher prices. Truly, a Hephaestus staple. (-9AP)


    -The Hephaestus engineers were tasked in making a cost-efficient missile-system for the future corporate fleet. Designed specifically for overwhelming point-defences and shields, the missiles would be smaller, but launched in huge numbers. (-3AP)

    -After receiving the colony ship from the Han Dominion, it is thoroughly checked by Hephaestus agents before being loaded with colonists towards... somewhere. Somewhere to the south-west of Hades. Wherever looks pleasant to settle, really. Or if there are decent resources present. Honestly, the people on the vessel just wanted to forget about the war and concentrate on simpler things. (-0AP)

    -The stasis-tech corruptor "cure" from the Protorians is shared with the Grgl and Tassarans. Many medicinal subsidiaries groan and gnash their teeth at the loss of potential profits. (-0AP)


    -"Project: Lemon" is concluded. For now.




    -Hades (Capital)
    -Grand Ares

    -Next Planet (Next turn)

    Population: 285,000 Humans, 32,500 Grgl, 89,750 Tassareans, 14,000 Human-Tassareans, 9,000 Libellans, 9,000 Redons, 7,000 Backhatta, 5,750 Human-Redons, 40,000 Galaron, 150 Redon-Tassareans,  50 Human-Redon-Tassareans

    Hephaestus Enforcers: 23,000 troopers, after voluntary sign-ups. Volunteers increased dramatically, due to the frightening events going on in the galaxy.

    One drive-less colony ship, sitting idle.
    One small, Grgl-made freighter.
    One big, Tassaran-made freighter.
    One standard, Solarin-built frigate

    Spaceports: Hades, Tier 2

    Accumulation List
    Industry: 25
    Business: 20 (Next Turn)

    -Laser weaponry (40% Higher damage variant)

    -Laser Lance (25% lower power usage variant)
    -Warp-drive technology (Gifted unto them by the Terran Federation)
    -Quantum Communications Technology (Via trade with Terran Federation)
    -Xylorite Energy Generators (Via trade with Terran Federation)

    -Xylorite energy cells
    -Artificial Gravity technology (Via trade with The Remnants) 

    -Itoron-Steel alloys
    -Mk I Hunter/Mark II Hunter combat bots.
    -Tithonus Mk I/Alastor Mk I combat droids.
    -Jump-packs (Gift from Utopie)
    -Basic Deflectors (Gift from Solarin Federation)
    -"Project: Lemon"


    Trade Agreements
    -Solarin Federation,
    -Free Human Technocracy
    -Kingdom of Eadn
    -Silver Knights
    -People's Agrarian Republic
    -Confederation of Xalponius 





    Efficient Posts are our Second Speciality!! 



    Action Points


    -'Project: Lemon' (-4AP)


    -One final effort into a Corruption treatment is made. With their jobs on the line, the biologists put their all into the project. They focus smaller--looking for a way to treat the infection in its earliest stages. From laser-amputation to prayers, they bring as much information and talent to bare. Anything they can manage, really. The Corporation offers "free samples" of the Corruptor's collective corpses to anyone willing to research a treatment for it. (-4AP)


    -Hephaestus engineers are tasked with calibrating the new, heavier-duty laser-variants to be more energy efficient. No need to waste volts, after all! (-4AP)


    -A licence to produce Tithonus, Alastor, and Eurus designs are offered to the Grgl and Tassareans. The situation is dire, so the Corporation considers it an 'investment.' (-0AP)


    -Hephaestus Enforcers are deployed on double-shifts, and ordered to prepare for possible riots in Corporate space. The Corporation reminds all of its denizens that aggressive actions between shareholders will result in the termination of their employment (basically exile). (-0AP)


    -In a desperate bid to secure aid against the Corruptors, Hephaestus and the Free Human Technocracy travel to the Northern reaches of the galaxy in order to find someone, anyone, willing to do something. (-0AP)




    -Hades (Capital)
    -Grand Ares

    Population: 273,500 Humans, 30,500 Grgl, 61,250 Tassareans, 13,250 Human-Tassareans, 8,750 Libellans, 8,750 Redons, 6,250 Backhatta, 5,500 Human-Redons, 36,000 Galaron, 25 Redon-Tassareans,  25 Human-Redon-Tassareans

    Hephaestus Enforcers: 21,000 troopers, after voluntary sign-ups. Volunteers increased dramatically, due to the frightening events going on in the galaxy.

    One drive-less colony ship, sitting idle.
    One small, Grgl-made freighter.
    One big, Tassaran-made freighter.
    One standard Solarin-built frigate

    Spaceports: Hades, Tier 2

    Accumulation List
    Industry: 25
    Business: 11

    -Laser weaponry (40% Higher damage variant)
    -Warp-drive technology (Gifted unto them by the Terran Federation)
    -Quantum Communications Technology (Via trade with Terran Federation)
    -Xylorite Energy Generators (Via trade with Terran Federation)

    -Xylorite energy cells
    -Artificial Gravity technology (Via trade with The Remnants) 

    -Itoron-Steel alloys
    -Mk I Hunter/Mark II Hunter combat bots.
    -Tithonus Mk I/Alastor Mk I combat droids.
    -Jump-packs (Gift from Utopie)
    -Basic Deflectors (Gift from Solarin Federation)

    Trade Agreements
    -Solarin Federation,
    -Free Human Technocracy
    -Kingdom of Eadn
    -Silver Knights
    -People's Agrarian Republic
    -Confederation of Xalponius 



  12. Hephaestus Enterprises

    If You can find a BETTER Deal on Droids...

    ...Just Kidding! You WON'T!


    The combat droids activated, and began their stoic, clattering march out of their transport freighter. The Tassaran capital was beautiful this time of year, and the plains were perfect for unpacking war-machines.




    Rond watched with beaming pride as more of his personal army, with greater discipline and harmony than any biological soldier, moved in perfect formation. In vast square blocks, they arranged themselves for inspection. It was a beautiful sight--twenty-thousand combat droids all under his command, and awaiting his orders to attack his enemies. Looking back to his training, he couldn't imagine himself commanding this much authority. As an officer in the Redon Imperium he was overlooked whenever another royal-blooded member of his misbegotten family entered the scene. He trained his hardest, outdid the whole regiment in multiple fields, and yet all it took for someone to counter his successes was to be born closer to the throne. That's why he had to go. He could not be constrained by his name any longer. If he was going to succeed, he needed a place where people could thrive on skill alone. That is when he found the Corporation.


    Rond began a slow walk down the column of droids, admiring his metal warriors. That was another thing he liked about robot-soldiers; they didn't mind if you kept them in a pretty formation for hours on end. He wondered briefly if he could give them swords, and re-enact ancient battles from the homeworld? That would be something to behold. He could probably turn a profit from it too--offer tickets, set it in an arena, holo-record it and sell it for a pay-per-view subscription service. He could run ads between rounds as well! That would easily cover costs and put more money in his pocket. Maybe then he could use that money to build a factory so he could make the droids, and design them to his own specifications! He could out-do those Cooper & Sons hacks any day of the week. Though, he would need raw resources as well. Perhaps investing annual funds into off-planet businesses would maximise returns on the-


    Rond clasped his head for a moment, and sighed. His 'episodes' were getting worse. 


    Some days, he could think of nothing but ways to invigorate his PR. Was there something in Hades' water supply that made shareholders slavering capitalists? He had to stop himself from buying a majority stake in a construction subsidiary. He had no time to manage businesses, damn it! He was supposed to be a soldier, crusading on the far-rims of civilisation against an ever-growing and nightmarish threat of mutating, genocidal beasts! He rubbed his eyes, and walked quickly on from his droids. Gazing at them had lost its appeal.


    The Royal Guard were performing combat drills nearby. He felt at home walking among his fellow Redons. The camaraderie was thick in the air--and not a single voice spoke of markets, or values, or deals. The men bowed low as he passed, and some jokingly called him by his 'Hephaestus name' of Red Prince. And yet...


    ... something didn't feel right, here. His days in the military academy were long over, and now these men felt alien to him. All the conversations he overheard about deployments, personal feats of courage and daring, valiant last-stands, and jovial cheers to the life and glory of the Redon didn't move him like they used to. When he thought of the Redon, all he could imagine were the swathes of family that passed over him. When he thought of the Imperium all he saw were cousins, who had worked half as hard as himself, receiving a free ride into important postings. And only because their mummy or daddy was a Lord of this sector or a minister of that government. It was a sham. Kings, lords, governments--they were all a damnable sham. They spoon-fed their own children and brought them up without challenging their abilities, or ideas. The royalty were grandiose warriors, but how long would they remain that way without a major war to test their abilities and leadership? 


    In the midst of his existential quandary, he looked to the sky, and saw another transport gently floating down from the atmosphere and towards the droids. No doubt these would be the first units of Eurus Artillery Vehicles he had requisitioned. And with the vehicles came the human crew that would charge their very silly vehicles across the plains of Tassarea, and beyond. He smiled to himself.


    At last. People he could relate to. 




    With yet more wasted resources on the Corruptor-infection cure, CEO Steven Penrith stated quite loudly that if they cannot deliver results next time, there would be figurative rolling heads moving across the figurative floor. Angry about the considerable investment with no return, he gets into a drunken stupor before calling his wife/secretary Sally to comfort him. She proceeds to comfort him for most of the day.




    Action Points:

    4AP by default.
    4 AP through trade.

    1AP from population.
    2AP from controlled sectors.
    1AP from industry.


    -The Board comes to the sad realisation that, once again, the corporation has to do the hard work and research new weapons themselves. Since the powers-that-be refuse to even share the barest information on what they merely use, the corporation itself will have to develop new weapons from scratch. Just like in the Corruptor War, just like laser-weapons, just like in life, Hephaestus had to do everything itself. The Corporation looks into developing new energy weapons. They stray away from disruptors, as they consider them to be far too expensive, and instead look bigger. The Board chooses to put resources into designing a heavier, high-power energy weapon. Something more suited for vehicles or ships. (-5AP)


    -More Eurus Artillery Vehicles are manufactured for Tassarea, and sent out post-haste! (-3AP)


    -'Project: Lemon' (-4AP)



    -Hades (Capital)
    -Grand Ares

    Population:  261,500 Humans, 28,000 Grgl, 21,250 Tassareans, 11,250 Human-Tassareans, 7,750 Libellans, 8,500 Redons, 6,000 Backhatta, 5,250 Human-Redons, 33,000 Galaron, 18 Redon-Tassareans,  9 Human-Redon-Tassareans

    Hephaestus Enforcers: 20,000 troopers, after voluntary sign-ups. Volunteers increased dramatically, due to the frightening events going on in the galaxy.

    One drive-less colony ship, sitting idle.
    One small, Grgl-made freighter.
    One big, Tassaran-made freighter.
    One standard Solarin-built frigate

    Spaceports: Hades, Tier 2

    Accumulation List
    Industry: 25
    Business: 11

    -Laser weaponry (40% Higher damage variant)
    -Warp-drive technology (Gifted unto them by the Terran Federation)
    -Quantum Communications Technology (Via trade with Terran Federation)
    -Xylorite Energy Generators (Via trade with Terran Federation)

    -Xylorite energy cells
    -Artificial Gravity technology (Via trade with The Remnants) 

    -Itoron-Steel alloys
    -Mk I Hunter/Mark II Hunter combat bots.
    -Tithonus Mk I/Alastor Mk I combat droids.
    -Jump-packs (Gift from Utopie)
    -Basic Deflectors (Gift from Solarin Federation)

    Trade Agreements
    -Solarin Federation,
    -Free Human Technocracy
    -Kingdom of Eadn
    -Silver Knights
    -People's Agrarian Republic
    -Confederation of Xalponius


  13. Hephaestus Enterprises

    Prices SLASHED on Missiles!!!





    The Hephaestus marketing department advertised the planet Aphrodite as "the most beauteous orb to grace the galaxy." Rond wasn't all that convinced. He had seen a dozen worlds with just as pleasant biospheres. Big subsidiaries were pumping money into a grandiose resort, set on the planet's equatorial beaches. The project's scope was monumental, but the lead subsidiary was dogged in their drive to turn the planet into the ultimate luxury getaway, for only a fraction of the regular price.


    Rond rubbed his eyes--his own thoughts were beginning to mirror the incessant advertisements played on Hades.


    He was procrastinating, of course. He desired a little more time before he had to go and face the scientists and engineers working on their newest toy, the "Eurus" artillery vehicle. Having seen some pictures of the Eurus' design, he was not hopeful. With a sigh, he zipped up his fly and marched out of the bathroom.


    Outside, his two Royal Guard stood stoically on each side of the ‘port-a-potty' door. They were unwilling to leave his side at any point, and it was beginning to make Rond feel paranoid. Could he not be trusted to relieve himself without without injury? Perhaps they feared a Corruptor incursion infiltrating through the toilet bowl, and striking his-


    "Dad! Dad! Look!" A voice cried, tearing Rond's attention away from his moping. Barely at waist-height, a small human child hopped up and down in front of him frantically pointing with wide eyes and a matching grin. "It's the Red Prince! The Red Prince!"


    "So it bloody is, little Johnny!" A short, mustachioed human quickly rushed towards Rond with an outstretched hand. "Good to meet you at last, mate!" The human hand-shake was a gesture he was still not used to. Still, he had grasped the basics of it after 'shaking' the hand of everyone he met on Hades. Many executives seemed adamant that a shareholder’s efficacy could be judged solely on their ability to grasp another’s hand. It was hard to argue with them, considering how far the Corporation had come.


    The short man grasped Rond’s hand and shook it twice with a firm grip. “Penrith’s the name, mate! Steven Penrith! CEO of Hephaestus! Your employer, remember?” A round of laughter from observing shareholders quickly made Rond feel self-conscious. Steven flashed his winning smile to those around before taking a step back. “Come with me, mate! We’ve got a seat in the nicest tent. They’ve got real tea there. Imported! The good stuff! Once we get the recipe down we’ll probably grow our own around here somewhere.” Rond momentarily pondered if tea had ‘recipes’ before following on, flanked by his guards.


    The testing ground was a vast, emerald valley that stretched hundreds of kilometres around. Pre-fab buildings were erected next to one-another housing scientific equipment, reporters, engineers, and finally a refreshments tent. Three, floral armchairs were arranged on a thick, homely rug beneath a Hephaestus-blue open-air tent. Three butlers with a multitude of refreshments stood by the entrance as Steven, Johnny, Rond, and the two royal guard marched beneath it.


    “Sit down, mate! Let me tell you about this new project.” Steven dropped into his armchair with a sigh-- momentarily showing his age-- before his smile returned. “See, the engineers reckoned a fast, cheap artillery unit would be damn useful for you boys on the front. A manned one, too! First non-droid weapon to make it into combat. A Hephaestus first! Here, Johnny, lets get you some lunch, hey?”


    The child hopped up and down on his chair while talking to one of the attending butlers. “Can I have sandwich, please?”


    Steven folded his arms, and tutted. “Sonny, what did I tell you when talking to the 'help'?”

    “Don’t say ‘please’ unless you respect them?”

    “That’s right, matey. ‘Please’ and ‘thank-yous’ are for important clients or big-whigs you don’t want to annoy. Now, what do you say to the server?”

    Johnny furrowed his little eyebrows and hoisted up his chin proudly. “Grab me a sandwich, would you mate? Cheers.”


    With a loud laugh, Steven reached over and ruffled the boy’s hair. “That’s my boy! You see that, Rond? A true-blue Aussie, right there. He’ll make one hell of a CEO, I reckon!”

    Rond pondered what ‘Aussie’ meant. The humans of Hephaestus had far too many colloquialisms to keep up with. He assumed it was praise of some sort. “Will the test begin soon, Mr Penrith? I do not wish to sound rude, but I’d like to return t-”

    “Yeah yeah, Rond, mate. It’ll be starting soon. First, our tea. Go get us two cups, would you mate? Cheers.” Steven waved away another butler dismissively as he offered synth-wine and a plate of lamingtons. He began squinting off into the distance in thought. “Quite a performance from you on Tassarea, Trazur. You’re good at what you do. Professional. I respect a professionals.”


    The butler returned with a silver platter, bearing a porcelain teapot and two cups with saucers. “Would have been nice if you told us about your ah…” Steven glanced up at the two royal guards looming nearby warily. “... connections to the Redon leadership. It would’ve made good branding.” Steven watched as the butler poured the black tea slowly, holding the porcelain with a delicate grip.


    Rond shuffled in his armchair uncomfortably. He’d hoped that the Board would ignore his royal lineage. He especially hoped that the CEO wouldn’t pay any attention to it. He absolutely, especially had hoped he would never have to meet the CEO. Knowing Hephaestus, he could only imagine how far ‘good branding’ would go. They’d probably make toys in his likeness.


    “What the hell is this garbage?” Rond’s attention snapped back to Steven. The CEO was staring at his cup with a wince. “Christ, it tastes like mud! Where did we get this from?” The butler holding the teapot nervously approached the three. “It originates from the ‘Han Dominion,’ Mr Penrith.”


    “The Hun Dominion? I thought the Romans killed them. Bah! Nevermind. Throw this piss out and send the rest to Eddy Armathwaite. The pommy bastard will probably love it.” Steven slumped in his armchair and glanced over to Johnny, who stared at him with wide eyes.

    “Don’t tell your mum that you heard me say that, alright, kiddo?”


    Rond regarded the two with bemusement. The Hephaestus executives lacked the class and wisdom he had come to expect from the leaders of nations. This was the end result of a corporate state--buffoons paying experts to do the hard work for them. If only he went to Silver Knights instead, he might be part of a dignified fighting force...


    Then again, they weren't paid as much.


    An approaching rumble caught everyone’s attention; engineers and researchers rushed past the tent. “I believe the vehicles are approaching, Mr Penrtih.” Stated Rond, dryly. Steven clapped his hands together and wheezed out a short laugh.

    “Fantastic! Get a load of these little beauties, Rond!”


    Three of the bizarre Eurus vehicles barrelled past the tents and buildings at high speeds, while the employees frantically scribbled down notes and chattered excitedly to one another. The vehicles slowed and trundled back and lined themselves up before the tent. Hatches on top of the central compartments opened, and three pilots stuck their heads out to answer questions from the engineers. The systems would need to be scrutinised heavily before the Eurus would be allowed on a battlefield. They were designed to avoid combat with Corruptors with superior speed, then launch barrages of rockets towards enemy emplacements when safely out of range.




    It looked utterly ridiculous. How hard would it have been to add two extra wheels? Then it could at least move with dignity. The designers (from a civilian transport company, no less) maintained that two wheels lead to less traction on the ground, and therefore higher speeds. Rond was no physicist, but he questioned this assertion heavily.


    “Oi!” Steven waved towards the people flocking around the Eurus’, grumbling audibly the whole time. “Get to the live-fire test, already!” Steven turned to Rond with a sly smile. “Check this out, ‘Red Prince.’ It’s like fireworks.”


    The scientists and engineers scurried away while the pilots shouted commands and dropped down into their hatches. As the missile pods swivelled to the north, Steven began to rant.

    “You know how much those missile cost? ******* twenty-five credits a pop! We could fill up a whole freighter with the things and it wouldn’t even match a miner’s annual salary!” Some shouts from the researchers heralded the fire-test. With a hissing, deafening roar, ninety rockets thundered from their launcher-tubes off into the near distance. Great plumes of explosive fire erupted around a far-off patch of shrubs and trees. Native creatures scattered away from the noise, and black smoke wafted up from the charred ground.


    Rond imagined the corruptors burning in the fire of a single, three-hundred missile barrage. He imagined how many of his men might have lived on Tassarea, had he artillery support.


    Suddenly, he didn’t mind the vehicle’s appearance any more.




    Action Points:

    4AP by default,

    4AP from trade
    2AP from planets

    1AP from population
    1AP from Industry


    -With the approval of Rond Trazur the Eurus Mobile Artillery Vehicle is put into production. Along with a stockpile of missiles, Rond and his retinue would go with the vehicles and their crews back to Tassaran space. (-3AP)


    -Out of frustration, the Board grasps a hefty portion of their yearly budget, and throws it into one last attempt in finding a treatment for the Corruptor infection. At the very least, they seek a way to stop 'corruption,' rather than revert it. (-4AP)


    -"Project: Lemon" (-5AP)



    -Hades (Capital)
    -Grand Ares

    Population: 253,000 Humans, 24,750 Grgl, 19,000 Tassareans, 10,000 Human-Tassareans, 6,000 Libellans, 7,000 Redons, 5,000 Backhatta, 4,000 Human-Redons, 31,500 Galaron, 14 Redon-Tassareans,  6 Human-Redon-Tassareans

    Hephaestus Enforcers: 19,000 troopers, after voluntary sign-ups. Volunteers increased dramatically, due to the frightening events going on in the galaxy.

    One drive-less colony ship, sitting idle.
    One small, Grgl-made freighter.
    One big, Tassaran-made freighter.
    One standard Solarin-built frigate

    Spaceports: Hades, Tier 2

    Accumulation List
    Industry: 25
    Business: 11

    -Laser weaponry (40% Higher damage variant)
    -Warp-drive technology (Gifted unto them by the Terran Federation)
    -Quantum Communications Technology (Via trade with Terran Federation)
    -Xylorite Energy Generators (Via trade with Terran Federation)

    -Xylorite energy cells
    -Artificial Gravity technology (Via trade with The Remnants) 

    -Itoron-Steel alloys
    -Mk I Hunter/Mark II Hunter combat bots.
    -Tithonus Mk I/Alastor Mk I combat droids.
    -Jump-packs (Gift from Utopie)
    -Basic Deflectors (Gift from Solarin Federation)

    Trade Agreements
    -Solarin Federation,
    -Free Human Technocracy
    -Kingdom of Eadn
    -Silver Knights
    -People's Agrarian Republic
    -Confederation of Xalponius



    Hephaestus Enterprises

    Book Your Ticket to Aphrodite Today!




    To understand the method by which Hephaestus Enterprises created its war-machines would require a person to understand a bit of their history.
    Hephaestus once had a small number of military subsidiaries absorbed from its purchased nations on Earth. They weren't nearly comparable to the weapons industries that other countries brought to bare, but being amateurish hadn't stopped the Corporation before. Seeing markets to exploit in Europe they made a large (and risky) investment on the sub-continent, but found themselves outclassed and out-competed by older, established industries. Sales were very low, and the losses were near total. The subsidiaries were liquidated just before the Sun Announcement, and no weapons manufacturers made it to Hades. Therefore the Corporation let anyone offer designs. Everyone was an amateur, now. When the Board offered cash-prizes and manufacturing deals for good designs, many subsidiaries threw their hat in the ring.


    There were three things Hephaestus was looking for in an artillery weapon. One, speed—after seeing the Corruptor stealth-units exterminate the elite Silver Knights Special Forces, the Corporation did not want to risk fixed artillery. Two, simplicity—the corporation was not willing to waste money on war materials they couldn’t quickly replace. Expensive itoron shells were not an option. Three, coverage—the hordes of Corruptors would require a significant blast-radius. Accuracy was not important, only consistent, unrelenting fire. An up-and-coming transportation company brought the most bizarre design imaginable to the table.




    The “Eurus” Mobile Rocket Artillery Vehicle; a two-wheeled, missile-armed, strangely-proportioned war-machine. It certainly stood out, if nothing else. Armed with thirty rocket-pods and a forward-mounted, twin-linked Ares II Heavy Laser, it had projected speeds of up to 120 kilometres-per-hour. Its unusual wheel-angling system would theoretically allow it easier movement on multiple forms of terrain, while not necessitating tank-tracks. Its main weapon seemed almost like a relic—conventional, unguided, high-explosive missiles, aimed manually by human pilots. The missiles themselves were cheap though, and launched en masse. Prototyping and testing aside, the Board decided to take a chance.






    The continuing presence of the Karass fleet in Corruptor space is met with a resounding silence from the Corporation. The Board does not appear to acknowledge their involvement at all, even when asked directly. All the Board members appear interested in is completing their contract with the Tassarans. Why they prefer to be silent on the subject is yet to be seen.


    Little Johnny Penrith turns five years old, and Steven is noticeably less involved in corporate affairs. He leaves his top three confidants to make the knitty-gritty decisions of Hephaestus. He seems to be interested in the development of his surprise son, and gives him a thorough business education. He takes him to see the very smallest of factories and micro-subsidiaries on Hades, and even lets him make his own little synth-lemonade stand on a street corner outside of Central Administration building (much to the cooing admiration of shareholders).


    The new colony ship is docked while seats are bid on by prospective colonists. This newest planet (named 'Aphrodite') is different from the last two, as it is the first planet claimed by the Corporation with a breathable biosphere. The mostly ignored agricultural subsidiaries rush to get a foothold on the new world. Among them is tourism-mogul Milly Price, clearly prepared for a grand project that has been in the works for some time.




    Action Points

    4AP by default,
    4AP through trade,
    1AP through systems controlled,
    1AP from population,
    1AP from industry.


    -Despite the war taking a turn against the Corruptors, Hephaestus stays true to their contract and continues the construction of Tithonus droids. Just as always they march into their containers to be shipped off to the front. (-2AP)


    -The Alastor droids are constructed in concert with the Tithonus, and shipped off with their peers. (-3AP)

    -The “Eurus” Mobile Rocket Artillery design is given over to the engineers for prototyping. Tests and further tweaks will occur before it’s put into any sort of production. (-3AP)


    -“Project: Lemon” (-3AP)






    -Hades (Capital)
    -Grand Ares
    -Aphrodite (Next Turn)

    Population: 233,000 Humans, 20,000 Grgl, 15,000 Tassareans, 7,500 Human-Tassareans, 4,000 Libellans, 4,500 Redons, 3,250 Backhatta, 2,000 Human-Redons, 26,500 Galaron, 10 Redon-Tassareans, 2 Human-Redon-Tassareans

    Hephaestus Enforcers: 19,000 troopers, after voluntary sign-ups. Volunteers increased dramatically, due to the frightening events going on in the galaxy.

    One drive-less colony ship, sitting idle.
    One small, Grgl-made freighter.
    One big, Tassaran-made freighter.
    One standard Solarin-built frigate

    Spaceports: Hades, Tier 2

    Accumulation List
    Industry: 25
    Business: 11

    -Laser weaponry (40% Higher damage variant)
    -Warp-drive technology (Gifted unto them by the Terran Federation)
    -Quantum Communications Technology (Via trade with Terran Federation)
    -Xylorite Energy Generators (Via trade with Terran Federation)

    -Xylorite energy cells
    -Artificial Gravity technology (Via trade with The Remnants) 

    -Itoron-Steel alloys
    -Mk I Hunter/Mark II Hunter combat bots.
    -Tithonus Mk I/Alastor Mk I combat droids.

    -Jump-packs (Gift from Utopie)
    -Basic Deflectors (Gift from Solarin Federation)

    Trade Agreements
    -Solarin Federation,
    -Free Human Technocracy
    -Kingdom of Eadn
    -Silver Knights
    -People's Agrarian Republic
    -Confederation of Xalponius




    Hephaestus Enterprises

    All SATO-Related Merchandise MUST GO!! Seriously. It MUST go.




    Just outside the Grand Cairo Casino, a throng of reporters had gathered. CEO Steven Penrith had been called upon to make a statement to the Hephaestus shareholders in order to calm investors and the trembling stock-market. Who was attacking what? Why were they being attacked? How? When?! Finally, the CEO walked out of the casino; with his account Phillip lumbering behind him. With his jovial laugh and wide grin, the shareholders immediately felt at ease. Steven paused for a photo opportunity in front of his podium, shooting finger-guns at the cameras—if Steve wasn’t worried, why should anyone else be?


    “G’day, everyone,” he began. He leaned himself casually on the podium, giving a playful wink to a camera. “How are you all? I’m doing pretty alright, myself. Well, I mean...”

    Steven leaned away from the microphone to perform a sarcastic wince. “... I am a little sad, you know? Someone’s got to feel bad for our competitors, after all!”

    The crowd erupted in hearty laughter. Steven still had his larrikin sense of humour, at least.


    “Nah nah. I’m just playing. There was a bit of a tussle between some of the human colonies. Namely involving a number of our associates in SATO, and a few wayward colonies near the outer-rim of the galaxy.” Steven adjusted his tie and grinned, though clearly he was more nervous than before.

    “Seems that ah, due to complications and a lot of backroom negotiations SATO is now officially disbanded.” A stunned silence blanketed the crowd. The veteran salesman picked up on this as his sharp eyes scanned the people, and spun his message before the first bewildered shout could be made. “But, hey! Out with the old, and in with the new, right? We and our ah, mates, at Silver Knights have come up with the ultimate branding deal! A way to show the galaxy that Hephaestus is still the most equitable place for deals! A way to make non-aggression marketable! Today, I’m declaring the creation of the business-friendly economic and defence partnership!”


    “The Free Economic Zone!”



    The crowd collectively tapped their chins in thought. Snappy acronym. Good branding. Good PR. A round of polite, appeased applause reverberated throughout the gathered people.


    “Yeah yeah. So ah, in short, SATO’s dead, FEZ is here, and ah...


    ... yep. That’s it. Have a good one, folks!”


    Steven gave some more winning smiles and finger-guns, before retreating back into the casino. Phillip Narau calmly walked up to the microphone, and in his deep monotone stated;


    “No further questions.” He then quickly followed his employer into the luxurious hotel.  


    Some shareholders were left a little confused. They had been with SATO for nearly twenty years, and the alliance had kept them safe from all comers. Now they were in a very big galaxy, and all alone as well. Maybe they could...


    Actually, they were behind on work. Who cares? They had their own problems. SATO? FEZ? What was the difference? It was someone else’s problem now, and they had places to be.


    And so, with neither great misery or joy, SATO died in the hearts of Hephaestus. And business went on as always.



    The Protocols of F.E.Z.

    (Free Economic Zone)


    Within the mountains of corporate jargon, a reader can translate the following points with a dictionary, an advanced economics textbook, and a copy of The Fountainhead


    1. The free market must never be constrained by government regulators. Doing so bars membership.


    2. The non-aggression principle will be observed towards both members and non-members (unless hostilities are inevitable, or a very good price is offered).


    3. Members will not interfere with the governments/executive boards of members or non-members. 


    4. Assured mutual defence in times of war.


    5. All members must co-operate together to assure that public relations (PR) of the Free Economic Zone are not ruined by individual actions.


    Invitation and acceptance into the Free Economic Zone is judged on a case-by-case basis.


    Current Members:
    -Silver Knights
    -Hephaestus Enterprises




    The entirety of Hephaestus is absolutely shocked to learn that Rond Trazur is not only an experienced commander, but an actual member of the Redon royal family (his distance from the throne tastefully ignored). He and his retinue are brought back to Hades for special R&R. They receive the finest accommodations and services that any heroes could hope for. Entertainment fit for anyone’s taste was lumped on them in droves. Shareholders flocked to them like celebrities--especially Rond, which popular media referred to as the “Red Prince.” Whether or not Rond appreciated the attention was up for debate, as he was mostly preoccupied with recovering from his grievous wounds. Nevertheless, Hephaestus showed its appreciation duly, and sincerely.


    Hephaestus announces yet another design contest for an “artillery weapon” to support the growing droid-army. The experiences on Tassarea showed how useful long-range fighting could be against the horde. There would always be a need for conventional arms and, since “Project: Lemon” might be concluded quite quickly, they would have more that enough time for such things.


    A new frigate was delivered to Hades, with the Solarin skeleton crew departing on a transport freighter.  A crew of trained Hephaestus naval rates took up positions on the vessel. They were uncomfortable with many of the unfamiliar systems, but they had plenty of time to learn. A few, awkward bumps against the space station were somewhat embarrassing for the crew, but at least it kept the observers entertained.




    AP Values:

    By Default: 4

    Systems Controlled: 1
    Population: 1
    Trade Agreements: 4


    -Due to most human spaceports being full of orders (or destroyed) Hephaestus begrudgingly begins construction on a colonial freighter. A company just cannot find good help these days. (-4AP)

    -The mines of Grand Ares are expanded further with little care given to waste management and the planet’s surface. (-2AP)

    -More Tithonus Droids are rolled off the assembly line, and marched onward to their inevitable deaths. (-2AP)

    -More Alastor Droids are rolled off the assembly line to support the Tithonus droids marching to their inevitable deaths. (-2AP)


    -The small freighter Grgl Gondola is sent out to survey outlying, unoccupied planets near the Hades system. This time they’re looking for any kind of world--A barren one like Hades or Grand Ares, a tropical one like that bear-planet (which Hephaestus decided not to bother dealing with) or a temperate, earth-like world. Just anything at all, really. Frustration was setting into the crew of the vessel, and it was high-time something was done about it! (-0AP)


    -Analysts are tasked with looking into information on varying energy weapons in use by advanced nations. In order to diversify Hephaestus armaments, they're looking specifically for energy weapons capable of creating an explosive effect, or something close. 



    -Hades (Capital)
    -Grand Ares

    Population: 233,000 Humans, 20,000 Grgl, 15,000 Tassareans, 7,500 Human-Tassareans, 4,000 Libellans, 4,500 Redons, 3,250 Backhatta, 2,000 Human-Redons, 26,500 Galaron, 10 Redon-Tassareans, 2 Human-Redon-Tassareans

    Hephaestus Enforcers: 18,000 troopers, after voluntary sign-ups. Volunteers increased dramatically, due to the frightening events going on in the galaxy.

    One drive-less colony ship, sitting idle.
    One small, Grgl-made freighter.
    One big, Tassaran-made freighter.

    Spaceports: Hades, Tier 2

    Accumulation List
    Industry: 25 (next turn)
    Business: 11

    -Laser weaponry (40% Higher damage variant)
    -Warp-drive technology (Gifted unto them by the Terran Federation)
    -Quantum Communications Technology (Via trade with Terran Federation)
    -Xylorite Energy Generators (Via trade with Terran Federation)

    -Xylorite energy cells
    -Artificial Gravity technology (Via trade with The Remnants) 

    -Itoron-Steel alloys
    -Mk I Hunter/Mark II Hunter combat bots.
    -Tithonus Mk I/Alastor Mk I combat droids.

    -Jump-packs (Gift from Utopie)

    Trade Agreements
    -Solarin Federation,
    -Free Human Technocracy
    -Kingdom of Eadn
    -Silver Knights
    -People's Agrarian Republic
    -Confederation of Xalponius



    Hephaestus Enterprises

    What's the Secret to our Success? Find Out More in the Official "HE Business News!"





    The Life and Times of a Hephaestus Droid


    You are a rock. A part of your planet’s crust--a simple piece of iron amongst a great shelf of other metals. Simple, and un-moving for billions of years following the formation of your world. Great shakes, and shafts of searing light puncture the earth where you lay. There is no escape. Capitalism is coming for you, and your destiny is at hand.

    Huge, pneumatic shovels rip away your blanket of dirt, and you see your first miner. He smiles greedily upon seeing you. He will profit from your rocky flesh. A great tube is aimed towards you, and the burning heat of a laser melts your stone housing--dividing you into smaller pieces. Whether by hand, or with great mechanical shovels you are thrown into the cargo-holds of terrestrial flyers. You are flown at high speeds, far away from your mother mine to a great structure in the distance. There, many other transporters like yours dock for the same purpose. You enter the airlock of the structure (your world was not blessed with an atmosphere) where more sentients rush about with waivers, documents, equipment, and data-pads. No-one even looks your way as the cargo-flyer drops you and many other ores upon a great conveyor belt. Along your path, great mechanical arms scan you for your mineral composition, and less useful rocks are tossed aside. One of the great arms hovers above briefly, but you remain untouched. You trundle forward on the conveyor until you are dropped unceremoniously into a great freighter. When the doors screech shut, you are left in darkness.


    Much time passes. You feel sensations no rock ever should; warp-space, speeds never meant to be travelled, and the light of another world.


    The freighter empties its bowels of minerals upon yet another conveyor. All around you are smokestacks and factories, belching out fumes and smoke into the ether--another atmosphere-less planet. Such a waste. The heat of the steel-mill is intense, so much that the sentients within wear protective clothing. Throughout the building the hostile, fiery glows of molten iron tease of your ultimate fate. The conveyor ends, and beneath you is a terrifying pit of fire. You fall into it’s searing embrace and feel the impurities burn away, while the all-important iron melts into a glowing sea.


    You are super-heated, and poured into casts. You cool, and are heated a second time to be rolled into great slabs of steel. The workers smile at your final form greedily. They will make a handsome profit from your purified form. The steel plates are placed into new transports and flown through the great pillars of briney smoke. A manufacturing plant at the centre of many steel mills and factories churns out the blackest, foulest fumes of all--your destination.

    You and the rest of the steel are tossed upon a final conveyor belt. Mechanics slice you apart with drills, and heat you for a third time. With mechanical hammers you are shaped into parts resembling arms, legs, and heads. Your new body is pieced together from many different metals. Steel, aluminium, copper, and even a little gold. The servos and xylorite cells powering your new form rev and turn for the first time. Your new brain is installed. It tells you to listen, detect, and shoot. It also tells you to obey.


    The conveyor ends with a great room, bristling with laser-weapons and sentients. After a preliminary inspection, and making rudimentary checks on movement and tracking systems, they begin grafting a short laser rifle to your empty arm. You will be deadly, no doubt. Your servos power up properly for the first time. You hear the order from a man on a console nearby. March. Up above, on the gangway, several happy, smiling businessmen laugh and light cigars. They watch as you walk yourself into a container with others of your kind. They will make a grand profit from a war-machine such as you. The doors to the container are sealed, and blackness envelops. The sensation of warp-travel returns. You are meant for this, now. You are a Tithonus war-droid. You will bring death and destruction to ‘designation_corruptor’  species. Your visualisers know what they look like. Your weapon knows what power output is necessary to kill them. Your tactical interface knows what cover is best to hide behind. Anything else important will be handled by sentients.


    The blackness ends.


    Your sensors detect seismic disturbances nearby. Explosions. Shooting. Battle. A sentient sits in front of a simple, battered console. You and the others receive your first order. March, take cover, hold. Your leg servos groan into movement, and with the whirring of your electric limbs you sprint at the fastest operational speed towards the directed location.

    You run past the rubble of ruined buildings. Irrelevant to your operational parameters. You run past corpses of corruptors and sentients. Irrelevant to your operational parameters. You run past piles of corruptors, decomposing or still twitching. Irrelevant to your operational parameters. You arrive.

    Your tactical interface identifies many appropriate places for cover. You move into position behind a ruined vehicle while hundreds of your comrades spread out around other sturdy refuse. Your sensors detect sentients running towards you. Designation_friendly. Your weapon is aimed elsewhere. Many of them appear to have sustained damage. The sentients disappear down the path you entered from--they don’t spare you a glance. Sensors spike again. Significant group of designation_corruptor approaching. Your weapon adjusts its power-outage to compensate for the range. Your visualisers scan for movement among the buildings. The enemy appears. They do not attempt to hide or take cover. Droids blend in with the twisted metal and concrete of the landscape. They arrive within range, scuttling quickly on their many legs. Your visualisers identify the surest target--the information is relayed to the tactical interface, and then to your weapon. A fizzing, flash of light erupts from the end of your rifle and a corruptor falls to the ground, screeching. A second shot, and it is silenced. You detect energy bursts from your comrades. Many hostiles are approaching firing range. You identify another target moving over a shattered wall, and you fire. It crumples into a mass of burning flesh and boiling blood. Your third target is much closer. You fire, but it rushes to your right. Your burst burns off one of its legs. An angry hiss heralds its arrival behind your cover. The tactical interface instructs your servos to sharply angle your torso by 30 degrees. The corruptor’s strike scrapes across your chassis, but the damage sustained is minimal. Your weapon discharges twice into the creature, and it drops to the ground blacked, and writhing in pain.


    Sensors detect more movement, but as you pivot your weapon towards another target, the creature barrels into you. You fall on your back and your weapon is pinned down by the creature’s legs. Visualisers observe as the corruptor tears the head from your body. Visuals are disrupted. Sensors soon follow. The tactical interface hasn’t enough information to proceed with combat directives. Critical damage is detected in your chest, and electricity begins to ebb from all systems. The interface deactivates due to lack of power, and weapon systems are nonfunctional due to a lack of targeting data. The sounds of laser bursts can still be detected by audio before you shut down. Did you win? It doesn't matter. Your destiny is fulfilled.


    An excellent effort, for a rock.






    The office of Steven Penrith, CEO of Hephaestus Enterprises, was silent. This was not in itself unusual, but it was extremely unusual when the office had three occupants. In the glamorously decorated space, Steven, Milly Price, and Jason Woolard sat around the great, mahogany desk, and gazed at reports from the Tassaran front. Each one of them had a whiskey in their hand, and each one was looking particularly morose. A hundred-million dead Tassarans. Direct attacks on Grgl systems. The war had seemed so far away, but now it was starting to drift uncomfortably close. Too close for anyone on the Board.

    “Maybe…” Jason mumbled, his chins jiggling with disconcert, “...maybe we could strike a deal with the corruptors?”

    “For the last time, Woolard, they don’t do diplomacy. Do they even have markets? Systems of worth?! Private enterprise at all?!!” snapped Milly. Of the three, she was clearly the most distraught. The thought of xenos that could change humans into monsters was something that kept her awake at night.

    “But how do they buy things if they don’t have deals? I’m just not following!” the rotund Mr Woolard howled. His frustrated gestures nearly knocked over his whiskey glass, but the owner was clearly not paying attention.

    Steven stared at the reports, quietly drumming his fingers along his desk. He remained motionless. Never had the CEO felt so powerless. The hulking mass of territory that the corruptors controlled, and the slowly shrinking sliver of territory the Tassarans were holding seemed insurmountable. He owned a big corporation. But what could a corporation do against that behemoth? The Solarin Federation and Imperial Republic were steadfast in trying to fight them conventionally. But even with all the tank-bots and powered combat-suits available to them, did they have even the slightest ghost of a chance at making a difference? Could 200,000 droids even give the mildest bit of aid? Steven wasn’t confident.


    The door to the office opened, and Phillip Narau, super-accountant, walked calmly inside. With a data-pad under his arm, the very slightest of smiles played across his lips. For Phillip, he may as well have been grinning maniacally, based on the amount of emotion he usually showed.


    “Good afternoon, everyone. I take it you’ve all seen the report? Relatively unfortunate, given our stake in the situation.” The hulking Maori pulled a chair towards the desk, and planted himself lightly upon it. “I believe I have a possible solution that may turn things more to our favour.”

    Steven furrowed his brow, but with a resigned gesture, he indicated Phillip to continue.


    “I have been communicating with our ‘friends’ at Silver Knights. And we agree on possible remedy to these incursions. Provided we’re willing to perform actions that some might call…” He paused briefly, searching for a word. “... unethical.”


    Steven carefully pushed his whiskey-glass aside, and exhaled sharply. “There’s no such thing as ‘ethics.’ Only PR, and results.”


    And with that, a morbid decision was made, and “Project: Lemon” was born.



    Action Points


    -More Tithonus Droids are produced and sent off to the Tassaran front to die in place of living soldiers. (-3AP)


    -More Alastor Droids are produced and sent off to the Tassaran front under the command of Rond Trazur. (-3AP)


    -Project: Lemon (-3AP) [MOD PLZ]

    -On a long, dull night in Laboratory Complex A, a scientist researching the Corruptor cadavers becomes intensely frustrated and in response becomes intensely drunk. He writes a long, rambling message intended for the Protorian Archiver, asking if there are any secret goodies in his archives about the corruptors, their genetics, a way to kill them, or a way to nullify their mutation effect. He also rants about his sex life for a few paragraphs, his wife not being as attractive as she used to, and how his co-worker, Brian Matthews, never shuts up about his holiday-condo in Habi-dome H-19. The rest is illegible, drunken rambling, but the message has all the official regalia of Hephaestus Enterprises, so it goes through un-vetted. (-0AP)










    -Hades (Capital)

    -Grand Ares


    Population: 224,000 Humans, 17,000 Grgl, 13,500 Tassareans, 7,000 Human-Tassareans, 3,750 Libellans, 3,750 Redons, 3,000 Backhatta, 1,750 Human-Redons, 23,500 Galaron


    Hephaestus Enforcers: 17,000 troopers, after voluntary sign-ups. Volunteers increased dramatically, due to the frightening events going on in the galaxy.




    One drive-less colony ship, sitting idle.


    One small, Grgl-made freighter.

    One big, Tassaran-made freighter.


    Spaceports: Tier 2


    Accumulation List


    Mining: 10AP

    Manufacturing: 13AP

    Advertising and Market Research: 11AP

    Reverse-Engineering: 3AP



    -Laser weaponry (40% Higher damage variant)


    -Warp-drive technology (Gifted unto them by the Terran Federation)


    -Quantum Communications Technology (Via trade with Terran Federation)

    -Xylorite Energy Generators (Via trade with Terran Federation)


    -Xylorite energy cells

    -Artificial Gravity technology (Via trade with The Remnants) 


    -Itoron-Steel alloys


    -Mk I Hunter/Mark II Hunter combat bots.


    -Tithonus Mk I/Alastor Mk I combat droids.

    Trade Agreements (+4AP)


    -Solarin Federation,
    -Free Human Technocracy
    -Kingdom of Eadn
    -Silver Knights
    -People's Agrarian Republic
    -Confederation of Xalponius






    Hephaestus Enterprises

    Prices down? They've never been up!




    Zeus, the sun that the planet of Hades orbited, was a deep, golden hue. Being just over 700,000 kilometres in diameter, it was comparable to the sun of old Earth (Before it expanding into its current form, at least). This sun put out approximately 1,300 watts-per-square-meter of sunlight. On old Earth, this light would be abated somewhat by the atmosphere, knocking it down to a little under 1,000 watts-per-square-meter. Since the planet Hades had no atmosphere to speak of, every watt of light made their way to the planet's soil. Including the window of CEO Steven Penrith's office, where the occupant was currently recovering from an enormous hangover. 


    Sitting in his large, leather chair, Steven shuddered after another fit of coughs. He often drank, but he had never been hit with alcohol as brutal as the Redon's 'Tryxar.' A mouthful had floored him. Courtesy of The Redon himself, Steven had a number of cases of the unholy drink down in "The Box." He was praying that his guest wouldn't come back, so he would not be obliged to drink any more. The sensation of the alien brew felt like literal fire sliding down his throat, and now his voice came out in hoarse rasps. He slowly massaged his temples and groaned as Phillip, resident super-accountant, entered his office flanked by Milly Price and Jason Woolard. Today was going to be a busy one, no doubt.

    "Lets just get this over with quickly. Not really in the mood for a chin-wag this morning. My head feels like it's being made into grgl-goop."


    Phillip cleared his throat quietly. "We understand, Mr Penrith, but we need to talk about our manufacturing goals. We're looking into furthering our production capabilties for the droids a..."


    Steven waved the comment away, and sunk his head into his hands. "No no no. I don't care. Whatever. Manufacture the things. I SAID you could do that. PLEASE go away, now." 


    With Phillip being left slightly confused, Jason wobbled closer to the desk. "Hey uh, what about m-..."

    "Do it. Don't care."


    In a fit of frustration, Milly pushed in front of Jason, and placed both her hands on the desk. "What about the next colony, Steve? Are we going to look for a habitable planet like I want, or are we going to m-"

    Steven dropped his head down on the table and groaned loudly. "Yes! No! Who gives a ****?! Get the **** out of my office you bloody troglodytes!" The trio stared, stunned, at their employer's outburst, but remained silent. "Do what you need to do! Christ, are you people incapable of personal agency?! No-one's stopping you!"

    The three visitors glanced at one-another blankly, before looking back to the surly CEO.

    "You are giving us permission to go forward?" Probed Phillip gently. 


    "Yes! Go! Piss off! No meetings. Cancel all meetings." With a grumble, he pulled himself out of his chair and crawled under his desk.


    As he curled up into a ball, his three employees were rushing towards the doorway. Steven had technically approved their plans, and they were going to capitalise on them immediately. Jason Woolard heaved himself as fast as his undulating mass would allow. He needed to get back to Grand Ares in order to begin his massive excavation expansion. Milly Price was smashing the 'call' button to her driver--a new expedition was required in order to find a planet for her "Tourist/agriculture paradise." Phillip however walked at a more even pace. Once he reached the industrial district, he'd fire up the smelters and forge thousands more combat droids. All for the Tassarans to sacrifice with abandon.


    And all three of them smiled in the way only capitalists could--when marching toward unprecedented profit.




    Action Points


    -The Tithonus Mk Is are produced by the freighter-full. They are produced in such numbers that the fabrication process becomes easier--almost as if the machinery itself is adapting to the design and production methods. More and more droids march themselves off the production line and into their crates. Ready to be thrown into the grinder at a moment's notice.

    -The first of the Itoron-forged Alastor Mk I droids are put into production. Much like their Tithonus cousins, they're build, armed, tested for flaws, then marched into their delivery crates. The engineers waited with baited breath to learn how their melee-focused murder-bot would function in combat. These droids, once delivered, would be put under the command of Rond Trazur and a small team of accompanying lieutenants. With the permission of the Tassaran government, they hoped to test them on the front lines, if possible.


    The small grgl freighter is sent on yet another scouting mission. They're ordered to search for habitable planets 'south' of Hades, as well as useful resources. They're especially interested in planets with tropical environments. 





    -Hades (Capital)

    -Grand Ares


    Population: 214,500 Humans, 15,500 Grgl, 12,500 Tassareans, 6,500 Human-Tassareans, 3,500 Libellans, 3,500 Redons, 2,500 Backhatta, 1,500 Human-Redons, 21,500 Galaron


    Hephaestus Enforcers: 15,000 troopers, after voluntary sign-ups. Volunteers increased dramatically, due to the frightening events going on in the galaxy.




    One drive-less colony ship, sitting idle.


    One small, Grgl-made freighter.

    One big, Tassaran-made freighter.


    Spaceports: Tier 2


    Accumulation List


    Mining: 10AP

    Manufacturing: 13AP

    Advertising and Market Research: 11AP

    Reverse-Engineering: 3AP



    -Laser weaponry (40% Higher damage variant)


    -Warp-drive technology (Gifted unto them by the Terran Federation)


    -Quantum Communications Technology (Via trade with Terran Federation)

    -Xylorite Energy Generators (Via trade with Terran Federation)


    -Xylorite energy cells

    -Artificial Gravity technology (Via trade with The Remnants) 


    -Itoron-Steel alloys


    -Mk I Hunter/Mark II Hunter combat bots.


    -Tithonus Mk I/Alastor Mk I combat droids.







    Hephaestus Enterprises

    All Stock Must GO!!




    The factory masters salivate at another enormous order. Once again, most of Hades' factory complexes are requisitioned for the Corporation's newest manufacturing objective. 

    The vast steelworks pulse with searing-hot, molten iron as chassis and armour are quickly and efficiently fabricated. The droid's computational matrices are delivered by the crate-full--quickly being installed into the cheap war-machines by automated systems. Conveyor-belts drag the finished droid towards the weapon's installation chamber, where factory employees oversaw the specially-built (and booby-trapped) Ares II grafted into place. At the end of the process, the droid themselves are instructed to enter large shipping-crates and then deactivate. They were ready to be sent to the front line as the manufactured meat-shields that they were. Their effectiveness would be proven on the battlefield. If not, then at least there'd be plenty more to come.


    Since there was now extra time, the engineers looks again to the Alastor Mk I. Though they liked the design and the cost-effective nature of it, they noticed that they were utilising far too much steel in the process. Why not simply make the armour out of Itoron-steel alloys, and dedicate the excess materials to the Tithonus'? Since they have such a large source of Itoron from Grand Ares, they could possibly speed up the process of manufacturing the Alastor hulls when they were not required to be as thick and heavy as a pure steel alloy. Hopefully, this would not set back their production speeds too drastically. The data sent from the Tassarans indicated the large melee focus of the corruptors. This brutal 'bot would hopefully be a godsend.






    The scientists and Hephaestus Enforcers were pleased that only specific parts of the corruptors contained the dangerous mutagen. Samples of the foul substance are isolated in specific wet-labs for later testing. Now they had isolated the cause, and had a reasonable understanding of corruptor biology, the scientists are ordered to work on a vaccine that could nullify the mutation process. If they could find a way to stop the mutation before the patient was fully 'corrupted,' captured soldiers could be saved. Once again, this would ensure fewer recruits and insurgents for the enemy.  


    Action Points


    -The production of the Tithonus' class droids begins in earnest. (-2AP)

    -The Alastor designs are refined, utilising itoron-steel alloys for their hard, outer-shells. (-2AP)

    -Work on a mutagen-nullifying vaccine is ordered by the Board. The focus is to stop the mutation process, rather than reverse it. (-1AP)


    -Rond Trazur, commander of the newly-named "Hephaestus Corporate Expeditionary Force" is trained in droid-control, their capabilities, and specs. He is sent with the first batch of Tithonus as an adviser and trainer for the Tassarans.  


    -Hephaestus informs the Tassarans that, instead of currency or other raw materials, they could pay for the droids with freighters. Quality, size, and the age of the vessels are deemed irrelevant. (-0AP)


    -Hephaestus Reps seek to purchase private businesses and land in the Auroran Technocracy. As much as they can.





    -Hades (Capital)

    -Grand Ares


    Population: 206,500 Humans, 14,000 Grgl, 10,000 Tassareans, 6,000 Human-Tassareans, 3,000 Libellans, 3,000 Redons, 2,000 Backhatta, 1,250 Human-Redons, 19,000 Galaron


    Hephaestus Enforcers: 15,000 troopers, after voluntary sign-ups. Volunteers increased dramatically, due to the frightening events going on in the galaxy.




    One drive-less colony ship, sitting idle.


    One small, Grgl-made freighter.


    Spaceports: Tier 2


    Accumulation List


    Mining: 10AP

    Manufacturing: 13AP

    Advertising and Market Research: 11AP

    Reverse-Engineering: 3AP



    -Laser weaponry (40% Higher damage variant)


    -Warp-drive technology (Gifted unto them by the Terran Federation)


    -Quantum Communications Technology (Via trade with Terran Federation)

    -Xylorite Energy Generators (Via trade with Terran Federation)


    -Xylorite energy cells

    -Artificial Gravity technology (Via trade with The Remnants) 


    -Itoron-Steel alloys


    -Mk I Hunter/Mark II Hunter combat bots.


    -Tithonus Mk I combat droids.


  19. Hephaestus Enterprises

    Building Better 'Bots! 




    The imposing, steel obelisk of the Hephaestus Administration Centre had a habit of inspiring awe into those travelling towards it. The main building was one of the first constructed from scratch. It had almost no features, aside from a neon blue, glowing "H" grafted on each of it's four sides. Everything else was grey steel and glass. Only when an observer was closer could they see the myriad of smaller buildings that sprouted up like weeds at it's base. Markets, landing pads, trade-hubs, and warehouses were all arranged chaotically around the tower. Freighters from dozens of planets came and went, delivering the wealth of kingdoms and leaving with all manner of strange Hephaestus-built utilities. A Grgl vessel brimming with microwaves passed over the top of Rond Trazur's luxury transport, and he gazed at it curiously. He had entered the bustling epicentre of the Corporation.


    His destination was a landing zone just in front of the obelisk where numerous other transports were parked. Exiting first, the pilot opened the door for the hulking Redon. Rond inclined his head politely and marched briskly towards the main entrance. The driver had good PR. He'd go far with his work ethic.


    Rond cursed himself for thinking such a thing automatically. The planet's incessant marketing was getting to him.


    The entrance hall of the tower was enormous, and terribly quiet. Compared to the roaring of freighter-engines and buzzing transports outside, there were only the faintest whispers from gathered executives huddling in groups. No doubt plotting their next purchases and contracts. It reminded him of the royal courts back home.


    Rond Trazur, unknown to his employers, was of royal blood. Unfortunately he was so far down the family tree that he'd never received any attention from his higher cousins. As the youngest in his family, the death of his mother left him bereft of inheritance or titles. Though he made attempts to build a reputation in the military, he was always overshadowed by other members of his estranged family, and often passed over for promotions. Frustrated, he chose to make a name for himself abroad--which was the point he stumbled on advertisements from the alien Hephaestus Corporation. Refusing to deal with his lineage any longer, he scrubbed his royal House from his name, and travelled to Hades as the simple veteran Rond Trazur.


    His experience gave him considerable weight, as the Corporation was desperately seeking to retrain it's security forces to a more conventional standard. He and a number of Galaron expats drilled the humans hard, and he made fast friends among both the troops and officers. Though the corporation seemed somewhat slimy at times, he couldn't deny that they treated their employees fairly. That, and they paid well. At the beginning he was embarrassed to wear the odd uniforms and handle their clunky weapons. But over time he was won over by the sheer tenaciousness of their society. Each shareholder was their own. An almost obsessive individuality permeated the planet's culture and business practices. He was quite fond of the place--even the cheesy advertisements and rhetoric were strangely soothing.


    His reminiscing was broken as an aid grasped his attention. She guided him towards an elevator on the farthest side of the hall towards a number of ornate-looking elevators. Today he'd be meeting with a Board Member, though he little idea why. Perhaps it was a performance evaluation? Though many on Hades considered him a hero for his part in "The Battle of Hab-06," the Board was silent about the situation. The losses he had accrued were nothing to be ignored. When an employee could not break even, then the employee was marked for termination. No exceptions.

    After a long ascent, Rond arrived in a sparse waiting room. Upon seeing him, a secretary gestured the Redon towards a set of double doors. Behind which he heard loud bouts of wheezing laughter.


    "... I tell you, Phil! I tell you! The fattest veins of ore you've ever seen! So this Backhatta feller says to Reggie--you know Reggie, right?"


    "No, Jason."


    "Well he says to Reggie 'Hey boss, what if there's gas under the deposits? How do we tell?' So Reggie says to the Backhatta feller 'don't worry about the gas down there, just worry about the gas up here!'

    And he rips the loudest fart you ever heard! Everyone on the local comms could hear it! Even some of the freighters could get an earful! What a bloody riot!"


    Jason Woolard. Mining Magnate. He had a talent for organising mines and scouting ore deposits, and utterly talentless at everything else. Including humour apparently. Currently he was laughing himself to tears in front of the expressionless Board member "Phil." Rond didn't recognise him. He wasn't sure he'd ever seen him on any broadcast or advertisement. His facial tattoos and surprising size were quite difficult to forget.


    "We were talking about the accident, Jason." Phillip quietly placed his hands neatly in front of himself and spoke with quiet authority. "How many deaths?"


    "Oh uh, about eight. Two Backhatta, Reggie, and six other blokes. Gas explosion. Bloody horrible. That's what happens when small outfits try to cut costs, I guess." Jason shrugged.






    "Never mind. I have another meeting scheduled. Drop your prices on detection equipment and compensate the families adequately. We don't need any more bad PR from this situation."


    "Oh yeah yeah, sure. See you later, Phil mate!" Jason pulled himself out of his chair, and hefted his gratuitous size over to the elevator. Rond noted that he seemed almost to be a caricature of Hephaestus itself.


    Standing up from his plain, steel desk, Phillip Narau, Super-accountant, gestured to to a chair in front of himself. "Please sit, Mr Trazur. Thank you for coming."


    Rond sat sat himself down after a curt bow, and cleared his throat. "If this is about my performance at Hab-06, I demand that all information I outlined be brought to bear. We had no intel on the hostile warriors, nor did we know of their weapons and numbers. Were I not present, it would have turned to a slaughter, and the entirety of Hab-06 would likely need to be purged."


    The sudden outburst from Rond made Phillip's left eyebrow rise slightly. "According to your report you also lost your composure before the altercation. Please restrain yourself, Mr Trazur. I want to discuss a future performance. Also involving the corruptors."


    Rond's surprise was rather self-evident, but Phillip continued before he could answer.

    "The Corporation is looking into more cost-effective methods of dealing with these creatures. We have research into their biology currently ongoing, however we also wish to invest in a non-organic fighting force in order to deny them new recruits. We desire both your experience in fighting them, and your ability as a commander to utilise them in combat."


    They wanted to give him an army tailored to himself?


    "Why me?"


    Phillip stared at the Redon for a moment, and then answered, "I do not answer stupid questions, Mr Trazur.


    Hephaestus was a place of opportunity. A place where even the smallest of fish could grow strong and thrive. Just a few years ago, Rond barely had an achievement to his name. 


    And now he was going to command an army. He wondered if his mother would be proud.



    Action Points

    -The engineers are given the schematics for the Terran Federation's 'Hunter' robot variants. They look at the 'bots themselves, their AI, their weapon capacity, their damage, and they all think the same thing--
    How do we make these cheaper?

    The engineers begin to work on stripping out unnecessary components, processing power, armour, and payload. Using the Terran designs as a base, they start adding efficient, mass-produced mechanisms and processors. The droid would not be immensely clever, but it still had reasonable combat subroutines and manoeuvrability. The design was referred to as the "Tithonus Mk. I."




    Armed with a shortened version of the Ares II, the droid would screen allied soldiers from direct corruptor attacks. The weapon would be attached to the droid's arm. Small, localised explosives would be placed inside the weapon and the main processor. Without an encrypted signal from a commander these explosives would detonate should someone attempt to fiddle with them.


    Accompanying this design would be a second, 'spideryer' variant named the Alastor Mk I. Much like the Tithonus Mk I, it would be designed to be cheap and produced in mass quantities. It wouldn't be terribly clever, but it would have considerably thicker armour than the Tithonus'. Armed with powerful hydraulic claws and a heavier, nose-mounted variant of the Ares II, it would be designed to both detect and maul the corruptors in melee before the monsters had a chance to close on biological soldiers.



    It too would have its weapon and main processor booby-trapped in case of enemy attempts to subvert it. 


    Due to the intelligence downgrade, general command would be disseminated to command centres. Swathes of droids would be put under the indirect control of Hephaestus employees. Directed by an overall commander, this would hopefully make up for the intelligence gap between Hephaestus and Terran robots.




    These machines are designed to be easily manufactured, and ultimately disposable. Their role on the battlefield is simple--screen biological soldiers from corruptors, and deny the enemy potential recruits.


    Though the engineers are working off Terran designs, they are unsure how long the project will take. Even so, they begin their work.

    (If you need further explanation Czar, please ask! Wasn't sure how much detail was necessary)

    -Laboratory Complex A now bustles with scientists clad in environmentally-sealed suits, computers, and a myriad of dissection tables. A heavy contingent of Hephaestus Enforcers guards the premises with their guns carefully aimed at any dead corruptor beneath the knife, and the scientists themselves (Can never be too careful). The researchers are checked regularly for mutation and are quarantined often. The purpose of the dissections are to learn all that can be learned about corruptor biology--namely the mutation process. After which, they would work towards finding ways to immunise people against it.


    With frustrated grumbles, Hephaestus sends the Ares II schematics with their new xylorite energy cells to the Terran Federation. Along with that, the jump-drive--long sitting in some scientist's garage--is sent with the schematics. All for the promise of xylorite deliveries over the next ten years. 
    (-0 AP)


    When the little grgl freighter returns, the entire crew is forced to sign very strict non-disclosure agreements about what they saw and found. When their discretion is guaranteed, all information about the small, obscure planet is scrubbed from the ship's archives. The only copies are taken to the Board. From this point on, the system is declared fully explored, with no planets in the area deemed worthy of attention other than Grand Ares.


    Information on the corruptors is requested from the Tassarean Republic. Corporate reps explain that it's for the purpose of building combat droids for use against the abominations. Information on behaviour and tactics would be especially appreciated.


    Hephaestus announces to all its shareholders across its domains that the corruptors have been completely wiped out, and no further infections are present. The "Look Sharp, Spidey!" advertisement campaign ends. Sales of the Ares I continue, though.





    -Hades (Capital)

    -Grand Ares


    Population: 198,000 Humans, 12,500 Grgl, 8,500 Tassareans, 5,500 Human-Tassareans, 2,250 Libellans, 2,250 Redons, 1,250 Backhatta, 1,000 Human-Redons, 17,000 Galaron


    Hephaestus Enforcers: 15,000 troopers, after voluntary sign-ups. Volunteers increased dramatically, due to the frightening events going on in the galaxy.




    One drive-less colony ship, sitting idle.


    One small, Grgl-made freighter.


    Spaceports: Tier 2


    Accumulation List


    Mining: 10AP

    Manufacturing: 13AP

    Advertising and Market Research: 11AP

    Reverse-Engineering: 3AP



    -Laser weaponry (40% Higher damage variant)


    -Warp-drive technology (Gifted unto them by the Terran Federation)


    -Quantum Communications Technology (Via trade with Terran Federation)

    -Xylorite Energy Generators (Via trade with Terran Federation)


    -Xylorite energy cells

    -Artificial Gravity technology (Via trade with The Remnants) 


    -Itoron-Steel alloys


    -Mk I Hunter/Mark II Hunter combat bots.



  20. Hephaestus Enterprises

    "Look Sharp, Spidey!" Holovid Series out Now!



    -=// After-action Report of Habi-dome H-06 //=-


    This document is restricted to Class B Enforcers and executives. Those not Class-B are required proper authorisation to view the following.


     -====Report Begins====-



    (Attached: Exterior Image of Keynes Luxury Suites)



    Presiding Officer Rond Trazur, Employee ID: 288-980ZX


    The first reports of unusual activity were brought to my attention at approximately 2:30am. Naturally, I was not on duty, but arrived at the H. Enforcement barracks at 2:45am. All the callers spoke of similar occurrences, ranging from bizarre noises to strange animals sighted around Keynes Luxury Suites. Dispatched Enforcers did not note any unusual activity around the building, but local residents were convinced of hostile entities within the complex. Numerous residents on the upper floor were not answering communicators, and no investigating parties had returned. Initial estimates spoke of at least twenty missing persons within the building.


    My training instructed me to call in heavy fliers and specialist combat warriors. However, I was obliged to honour Hephaestus Enterprises protocols. I requested all local enforcers to active duty, and sent them towards the structure. They were to establish a cordon around the building, keep any shareholders away from the structure, and block all exits. When the perimeter was secured and I had arrived, we were to perform light reconnaissance on the lower levels until a fully armed Enforcer detachment was deployed from Central Command. ETA was deemed one hour. Longer than usual, but the habi-dome H-06 precinct is one of the furthest from the main industrial hubs.


    I instructed my own troops at the barracks to equip the Ares II rifles in stock, and heavy kevlar-mesh riot armour before we entered our transports. I thought it wise for the besieger to have a significant combat advantage over whatever unruly individuals were present. We were ten minutes from our destination when our radios picked up hysterical calls for reinforcements from the Enforcers setting up the cordon. There was considerable screaming, which surprised me. I assumed that the Enforcers were ambushed by the malcontents within. I instructed my men to prepare for battle. Five minutes on, and the screaming stopped. No further reports from their communicators or on back-up channels. This seemed to disturb my men, but I felt it unnecessary to chide them for their cowardice. That fear would hopefully keep them alert.


    We arrived at approximately 3:10am. Twenty-six fully-armed Enforcers along with myself approached the cordon to find it unmanned. There were signs of multiple laser-discharges along the path towards the main entrance. This was accompanied by large smears of blood and unidentified bodily fluids--likely from the assailant/s. Though my Enforcers were further disturbed, I admittedly lost my composure. The missing (likely dead) troops had only light patrol weapons. They deserved to die fighting at their peak, not stunted by their equipment. Eight Enforcers were missing, along with the twenty estimated missing civilians. Twenty eight possible casualties. While securing the area, my troopers noted unusual tracks around the blood and scorch marks. My lieutenant theorised that it might be some form of xenos beast loose in the Suite, and I agreed with this assessment.


    With the perimeter secured, at 3:20am I ordered the reconnaissance be performed immediately. Fifteen Enforcers were to breach the entrance and sweep the lower floors for survivors and secure the area for further advances. My lieutenant lead the attack.


    All initially went as planned. I made arrangements for the larger detachment’s arrival while my lieutenant scoured the main floor. Obvious signs of violence were noted within--smashed furniture, broken glass, blood, and scattered laser burns. All quantum and local communicators were destroyed or missing. I had thought we were facing an animal, or some slaver-ring. But this seemed far too malicious to be either. Upon 3:27am, my lieutenant reported movement. This was followed by hostile contact. I ordered my lieutenant to regroup outside. It was later reported to me that he was one of the first casualties. With the commander dead, the Enforcers become disorganised. The ones furthest inside were killed immediately in what was clearly an organised ambush. On an open channel I commanded all enforcers inside to retreat back to the cordon. Four enforcers sprinted out of the doorway, followed by the creatures.


    The hostiles appeared to be large arachnids. They moved extremely fast. Two managed to leap on top of a fleeing enforcer and sliced at him with kitchen utilities, while eight more charged towards our lines. Some were armed with Ares IIs from the fallen troopers, while the rest had standard Athena I laser pistols. I waited for the beasts to be entirely outside the building before commanding my men to fire. The creatures were in the open, while we were in cover behind our vehicles. Some fell immediately, but their speed made standard strategy redundant. They did not seek cover or run, but rather kept charging towards the cordon. Two of the creatures were cut down before they reached us. My men were not armed with close-combat weapons, and were struck down quickly by the beasts. I am proud to say not one fled during the battle, and died standing. A testament to their training, no doubt. The creatures were rather formidable in close quarters, but eventually they were exterminated. At the conclusion of the conflict, ten of the creatures lay at our feet, at the cost of 21 of my Enforcers.

    An examination of the creatures confirmed my suspicions that they were of the “Corruptor” species referred to by the Tassareans. They were fast, brutal, immune to conventional tactics, and were arachnid in appearance. I deemed it likely the missing civilians were themselves ‘corrupted’ and changed into these monstrosities. We had exhausted their immediate numbers, but I soon realised that my men may have been captured, rather than killed. I told my remaining troops to cover the entrance, while I comm’d Central Command for further reinforcements.


    Fifty more Enforcers arrived on the scene at approx. 4:00am. As the senior officer, I was given command. Concerned with the possible creation of further Corruptors, I deemed an immediate assault was necessary. Though (to my dismay) they did not bring any close-quarters weapons, I chose to perform a two-pronged assault. One team would breach the main entrance, and make their way upwards, clearing each level before continuing on. The second team would take the transports and breach the upper-floors. They would work their way downwards, and link up with the first team midway through the building.  We would entrap the creatures, divide their attentions, and defeat them in detail. I advised my men not to engage the corruptors in open spaces. Instead, they were to funnel them down hallways where they could not surround us, and utilise our firepower more effectively.



    (Attached: Image taken from inside.)


    Each team of twenty men (with fifteen manning the cordon) breached Keynes Luxury Suites once more at 4:30am. With ample use of fragmentation grenades and concentrated fire, we managed to destroy three more creatures who lay in another ambush. If there were any others waiting for us, they fled further upstairs. I received reports from the second team that they had also encountered the Corruptors, but had taken five losses from a surge of the creatures. Once again the beasts killed the commander first, with six corruptors dead for the effort. I ordered them to secure the perimeter, and we would make our way to them. My reasoning for this action is thus: The corruptors were attempting to concentrate their forces on one team at a time. Divide and conquer--simple tactics. Their main method of fighting seemed to involve ambushes. Stopping my men from walking into further potential ones would force the corruptors to attack either team directly or risk encirclement. Believing that they would concentrate on the weakened team first, I risked faster sweeps. We encountered no corruptors on our way upwards but as we closed in to the rendezvous zone, the attack came. The second team’s acting captain reported a large host of the creatures attempting to close in on their lines with improvised melee weapons and laser rifles. They were holding, but had two further casualties.


    We arrived at the second team’s floor at 5:00am to the sound of laser-fire and bestial screeches. We immediately rushed towards the flanks of the enemy and engaged their rearguard. Now that the corruptors were surrounded, they threw themselves at us. Fighting with all manner of primal hatred and animalistic fury. Even with superior numbers on our side, they still managed to rush into close-quarters and strike at us. A long, desperate fight ensued. Sometimes they’d feign retreat and lure troopers into ambushes. Sometimes they’d charge right into us and attempt to take our weapons. I almost admired their brutal cunning and tenacity, as they fought to the very last before finally being shot into sludge and fluids--burned, smashed, and crushed at our feet.


    As we secured the building and swept for further hostiles, we encountered our missing and dead enforcers locked in side-rooms. The dead were stacked in piles, perhaps to be used as food. Living enforcers showed elation at our arrival and begged to be let out of their prison. I took note of the growths some of them were exhibiting on their skin. As a precaution, I euthanized them immediately. I could not risk further infestation. My men were less enthused about the decision.


    It was a glorious, though costly, victory. Of the forty enforcers who entered, only nineteen were alive. Of that nineteen, eight were wounded, and two critically wounded. In total, the corruptors numbered thirty-six, with our losses standing at fifty enforcers.


     I judge my mistakes to be as follows:

    -Underestimating the enemy,

    -Sending in Enforcers without proper reconnaissance,
    -Sending under-armed enforcers to besiege the structure,
    -Not bringing close-quarters weapons,
    -Losing composure over dishonourable deaths.


    I will advise Central Command that new tactics are required in order to fight a corruptor incursion. Though my losses were grave, a significant victory could have been achieved had I more information. Isolating the creatures along narrow passages, flanking, and massed firepower seem to be, in my opinion, the best way to deal with them. The inclusion of close-quarters weapons would also have been a boon in multiple situations and would have saved lives.


    I await further orders, and the hopes that the quarantine will be lifted soon.


    All information written within this document is true, and I comply with Hephaestus Enterprises’ standard NDA.  


    Sign here:  Rond Trazur


    -====Report Ends====-



    The terrible information of the corruptor incursion distracts people from the birth of CEO Steven Penrith’s son, John Penrith-Horowitz. Ms Sally Horowitz complies to a civil union with Steven, and the two are considered ‘married’ without any pomp or ceremony.


    The Board enacts the “Look Sharp, Spidey!” ad campaign, wherein people are to report any unusual activity, sounds, or behaviour to the Hephaestus Enforcers. Habi-dome H-06 and everyone inside it are quarantined. Keynes Luxury Suites are purchased by the corporation, and biohazard teams are sent in to establish a laboratory inside it. All who had contact with the Corruptors are isolated in the various rooms, and observed by the biohazard team along with a contingent of heavily-armed Enforcers. The building is rechristened “Laboratory Complex A.”





    Keynes Luxury Suites are steadily converted into a biohazard and containment lab. The Corruptor’s corpses are frozen until dissections and study can be undertaken. All individuals who were fighting the creatures are isolated in quarantine rooms, while the whole habi-dome is sealed in case of further outbreaks. (-2AP)


    As promised to the Terran Federation, materials and the appropriate labour are sent to work on their shipyard. Shareholders are instructed to distribute fliers for Hephaestus products while there. (-3AP)


    Further development into xylorite energy cells deemed necessary. The Board desires the new ones to be smaller than the clunkier variants, in order to be stored more efficiently. The corruptors have shown to be dangerous foes, and the troops require considerably more ammunition to bear. (-2AP)


    Having discovered the obscure planet in the Grand Ares system, the small Grgl freighter has one more mission. A scan is performed in order to discover the most obscure, unnoticeable spot on the obscure, unnoticeable planet. (-0AP)


    The ad campaign “Look Sharp, Spidey!” is sent out to the viewing public, offering them sound advice in how to protect one's family. It advises shareholders to inform Hephaestus Enforcers of any unusual sounds, behaviour, or sights. It also advertises The Ares I rifle, now on sale for a low, low price at participating stores on Hades! (-0AP)





    -Hades (Capital)

    -Grand Ares


    Population: 190,000 Humans, 11,000 Grgl, 8,000 Tassareans, 5,000 Human-Tassareans, 1,750 Libellans, 1,750 Redons, 1,000 Backhatta, 750 Human-Redons, 14,250 Galaron


    Hephaestus Enforcers: 14,000 troopers, after voluntary sign-ups. Volunteers increased dramatically, due to the frightening events going on in the galaxy.




    One drive-less colony ship, sitting idle.


    One small, Grgl-made freighter.


    Spaceports: Tier 1


    Accumulation List


    Mining: 10AP

    Manufacturing: 13AP

    Advertising and Market Research: 11AP

    Reverse-Engineering: 3AP



    -One disassembled jump-drive sitting in some engineer's basement.

    -Laser weaponry (40% Higher damage, power-hungry variant)


    -Warp-drive technology (Gifted unto them by the Terran Federation)


    -Quantum Communications Technology (Via trade with Terran Federation)

    -Xylorite Energy Generators (Via trade with Terran Federation)


    -Primitive Xylorite energy cells

    -Artificial Gravity technology (Via trade with The Remnants) 


    -Itoron-Steel alloys


    -Mark I Construction and Labour robots (via trade with Terran Federation)

  21. Hephaestus Holdings Incorporated

    Baby and Party Supplies SLASHED by 50%!! 


    "The Night to Remember! The Party of the Decade! The Billionaire Bash!" 




    Habi-dome H-15 was filled to capacity. The concrete and steel roads were covered with excited shareholders and employees. Everywhere, LED and Neon signs blared out names, net values, and the latest deals from local retailers. Pandemonium heightened to a fever pitch when the guests started to arrive. 


    All the members of the Board arrived one by one, flying in the latest models of vacuum-sealed transports. Hephaestus Enforcers cordoned off the landing areas from scrabbling marketeers, entrepreneurs, and spruikers--all vying for time with the wealthiest shareholders in the Corporation. 

    Reporters kept themselves apart from the mob, observing the demeanour and outfits of the oncoming guests. There was always someone to taken down a peg, or a scandal waiting to be discovered. Billionaires, millionaires, wealthy alien visitors, and holovision stars arrived next, all waltzing down the Hephaestus-blue pathway waving to envious onlookers--a gesture both magnanimous, and egotistical. Slowly, this elite group made their way into the foyer of the Grand Cairo Casino.


    Making their way inside, they were greeted by the most immaculately-catered showroom ever to be organised on Hades. The finest chefs, servers, imported delicacies, and exotic music were all on display. The colour blue was draped over everything, the cutlery was pure silver, and everyone in the room knew it was a PR-move by CEO Steven Penrith. However, they didn't care. A party like this hadn't been seen since Earth, and now was the time to indulge in their opulence. 


    Synth-alchohol ran like water. Dancing was attempted by both the sober and drunk. Laughter rang throughout the halls. What kept people invested (and not wandering off to other parties) was the 'surprise' to be announced at the stroke of midnight. Or at least that's what was written on their invitations. Around 11:45PM, a very sober Milly Price joined a similarly sober Phillip Narau at the latter's table. Phillip was quietly picking through an odd combination of grgl goop and Indian curry. It was impossible to tell if he was enjoying it on not--his cold expressions revealed little, and his facial tattoos obscured anything else.


    Milly however clearly appeared perturbed. Unlike her compatriot, she wanted people to know how she felt about things. It was helpful for her underlings to understand what made her furious and what made her less-furious. 


    "Good evening, Milly. I trust you're enjoying the festivities?"


    "Don't give me that diplomatic 'good evening' ****, Phil." The rapid-fire insult did nothing to change Phillip's placid sensibilities, though she continued regardless. "You've seen Steven's secretary lately?"


    Phillip calmly wiped his mouth with a napkin, and folded his hands on his lap. "If you're talking about what I think you are, the answer is 'yes.' If you're asking how long I've known, the answer is 'a month.' 


    The stout woman's fists balled up with a sharp gasp. She quickly glared around herself for listeners, before hissing back at the indifferent Maori. "A month?! You've known a bloody month and you told no-one?! Do you know what a scandal

    like this could mean for the corporation?! What if the paparazzi-"


    "They'd do what? Inform the public that Mr Penrith is doing his part for the continuity of the human race and the Corporation?" He picked up his fork again, and dug it back into his meal. "How very ghastly."


    "But they're not-"


    "Who cares? Those old conventions died with Earth. Even if people still concerned with officiating ancient familial bonds, it would still be unlikely to effect our branding." Phillip chewed on his curry-goop thoughtfully. "You should be happy. This removes a future conflict for the corporation."

    Milly took a moment to massage her temples and take a few deep breaths. 

    "Does Steven know?"

    Phillip paused mid-chew, and stared at her blankly. This action spurred Milly to rest her head on the table with a groan.


    "Jesus Christ."

    Their chatter was almost immediately cut off, when a blaring Hephaestus jingle trilled from the band, followed by the dimming of the lights. Gasps and chitters wafted through the gathered crowd of industrialists as Steven Penrith stepped on stage with a young, blond woman on his arm.

    "G'day! G'day everyone! What a lovely party, right? Bloody beautiful! Anyone tasted those Tassarean clams? What's the deal with them, hey? Ha! Okay, alright... 
    So some of you might know this party is celebrating our ten year's anniversary from when we left that old Earth of ours and came here. Close enough, anyway. It's been a little longer but hey--who's counting?" A rumble of enthusiastic laughter rolled throughout the audience. 


    "I figured since we've been out here so long, and due to our newest expansion upon 'Grand Ares,' the time's come to do a little thinking, you know? Self-reflection is important. And I was thinking 'hey, we're not really holding anything, are we?' Kind of a weird thing to have in a name, yeah? Hephaestus Holdings is a good brand. But does it represent our galactic  ambitions? Our steadfast will to strive forward into the great unknown for our customers? Nah, mate. So...
    A soft, synthesised drum-roll began to play, while a gaggle of stagehands pushed a trolly upon the stage--a throw-sheet covering what seemed to be a statue. Steven shot the obscured statue finger-guns with a smile, and the young woman on his arm laughed.

    "I will let the lovely Ms Horowitz 'draw back the curtain.' On you go, sweetheart..."

    The young woman, with an ear-to-ear smile across her face, practically danced over to the statue, and hauled the sheet away. Beneath, revealed a cheery new logo. Very similar to the current Hephaestus Holdings brand, but sleeker and more minimalist. 

    "I officially announce the change of our name to Hephaestus Enterprises! Now there's a bloody name!"

    The crowd erupted in applause and laughter. A new future was becoming real. The last bastions of their history on Earth was slowly sailing away in a haze of alcohol, food, and good cheer. 

    Very few people noticed that secretary Sally Horowitz looked a little heavier than usual.




    Action Points



    The largest subsidiaries in the heavy industry district receive an order from the Board. Apparently, the Terran Federation desires the Corporation to manufacture a limited run of their combat droids. Having received the schematics (and signing a binding contract to prevent them from stealing the designs) the factories begin to forge 200 MK I, and 75 Mark II Hunters. Each with a cheery Hephaestus Enterprises logo stamped on their feet. All to be given to the Terrans upon completion.



    Jason Woolard looks upon the surface of Grand Ares with greedy delight. So pristine. So smooth.




    So ripe for exploitation.


    The extra gravity on the planet presents a small problem, but nothing they can't adapt to with artificial gravity. Jason looks to his miners, and points in the general direction of the Itoron deposits. He yells "fetch," and the whole throng scurries forth to tear apart their new world. Anyone not involved with setting up pre-fabricated housing digs the earth for itoron with zero consideration for cleanliness and waste-management.



    The new logo fits better on the shipyard, which pleases the builders. They happily push to finish the upgrades.

    (-1AP to upgrade to level 2)


    The little Grgl freighter is commanded to look around the newly-claimed system for a small planet or asteroid. A body unlikely to draw much attention.






    -Hades (Capital)

    -Grand Ares


    Population: 181,000 Humans, 10,000 Grgl, 7,500 Tassareans, 4,500 Human-Tassareans, 1,500 Libellans, 1,500 Redons, 750 Backhatta, 500 Human-Redons, 13,500 Galaron


    Hephaestus Enforcers: 12,500 troopers, after voluntary sign-ups. Volunteers increased dramatically, due to the frightening events going on in the galaxy.




    One drive-less colony ship, sitting idle.


    One small, Grgl-made freighter.


    Spaceports: Tier 1


    Accumulation List


    Mining: 10AP

    Manufacturing: 13AP

    Advertising and Market Research: 11AP

    Reverse-Engineering: 3AP



    -One disassembled jump-drive sitting in some engineer's basement.

    -Laser weaponry (40% Higher damage, power-hungry variant)


    -Warp-drive technology (Gifted unto them by the Terran Federation)


    -Quantum Communications Technology (Via trade with Terran Federation)

    -Xylorite Energy Generators (Via trade with Terran Federation)


    -Primitive Xylorite energy cells

    -Artificial Gravity technology (Via trade with The Remnants) 


    -Itoron-Steel alloys


    -Mark I Construction and Labour robots (via trade with Terran Federation)








  22. Hephaestus Holdings Incorporated

    No Funds? No Problems! Sign up for the Heph-Credit Debit Card!




    When the Technocracy delivered the brand-spanking new colony ship, there was a flurry of bidding for seats and construction contracts from almost all subsidiaries. Even subsidiaries that had nothing to do with said enterprises were attempting to get someone on the vessel. However, as expected, mining contractors and micro-subsidiaries bought almost every seat on the vessel. The wild-eyed, greedy diggers were drooling over the reported Itoron on the untouched world. Jason Woolard, mining magnate and Board member, bought himself three seats on the ship. This being so, the Board gave him permission to oversee Corporate affairs on the planet. 


    The bulky xylorite power-source was mostly impressive, but it just didn't sit well with the Board. They demanded something smaller and easier to carry. They had no time for inconvenient energy systems. They would be willing to sell them, but not use them. The scientists were sent back to the labs, grumbling all the way, to bring the cells up to corporate standards.


    With volunteers coming every which-way from former Galaron, the Board followed CEO Penrith's orders to court the refugees. Any veteran soldiers are offered work in retraining the Hephaestus Enforcers closer to the galactic standard, and giving officers and troopers some idea about the realities of galactic warfare. Hephaestus was not an organisation that valued honour, privilege, or any such old-fashioned 'knightly' virtues. The Corporation liked results and nothing else. Should a war ever come, the Board was agreed that it would have to be a total war. Every underhanded, brutal, and efficient trick would be utilised in order to ward off an aggressor. Morality was too expensive. 






    The scientists continue their work on the xylorite energy-cells for the Ares II, in order to make them smaller. Much grumbling ensues, but work goes on regardless. (-2AP)


    Much to the pleasure of station-spotters, Hephaestus decides its shipyard isn't big and 'Hephaestusy' enough. More resources are allocated to enlarging the superstructure so a larger logo can fit on it. Brand recognition is important, after all. (-1AP into upgrading to tier 2)


    The worrisome encroachment of the Corruptors pushes the board into allocating resources towards the Terran Federation's robot army. Or droid force. Whatever. They don't care. Engineers and useful components are sent off to the Terrans to aid in their scientific efforts. Pamphlets with Hephaestus products are also sent with them. The corporation needs to get something out of this, right? (-1AP)


    Military veterans of any sort (though somewhat geared towards Galaron expats) are hired to train the Enforcers closer to a galactic military standard. It is requested that they teach the most effective combat techniques and tactics, rather than the most moral. (-0AP)

    The colony ship, filled to the brim with ravenous miners and pre-fabricated buildings, are sent directly west to the newly-found super-planet. Jason Woolard is especially excited to utilise his mining lasers on a whole new ore. (-0AP)


    "The planet's 20% bigger than Earth? That's like, 20% more stuff to mine on it, hey? What a bargain!" -Jason Woolard, as quoted in 'Underworld E-zine.'




    Population: 172,000 Humans, 9,000 Grgl, 7,000 Tassareans, 4,000 Human-Tassareans, 1,250 Libellans, 1,250 Redons, 750 Backhatta, 250 Human-Redons, 12,500 Galaron


    Hephaestus Enforcers: 10,000 troopers, after voluntary sign-ups. Volunteers increased dramatically, due to the frightening events going on in the galaxy.




    One drive-less colony ship, sitting idle.


    One small, Grgl-made freighter.


    One colony-ship, chock-full of gleeful, salivating miners.


    Spaceports: Tier 1


    Accumulation List


    Mining: 8AP

    Manufacturing: 13AP

    Advertising and Market Research: 11AP

    Reverse-Engineering: 3AP



    -One disassembled jump-drive sitting in some engineer's basement.

    -Laser weaponry (40% Higher damage, power-hungry variant)


    -Warp-drive technology (Gifted unto them by the Terran Federation)


    -Quantum Communications Technology (Via trade with Terran Federation)

    -Xylorite Energy Generators (Via trade with Terran Federation)


    -Primitive Xylorite energy cells

    -Artificial Gravity technology (Via trade with The Remnants) 


    -Itoron-Steel alloys


    -Mark I Construction and Labour robots (via trade with Terran Federation)

  23. Hephaestus Holdings Incorporated

    Where the Customer is ALWAYS Right!*
    *Terms and Conditions Apply





    The Hephaestus reps, upon hearing the offer given by the Libellan merchant erupt in laughter. It would save them time, sure, but for that price? "Tell him he's dreamin'. -Steven Penrith. They wouldn't go any higher than 200 tons. It would be more cost-effective to build their own ship.


    As the Tassarean scientist revealed his source for the laser-advancement, the board admonished him for his behaviour. 


    How dare he think they'd care? Criminal organisations? Smugglers? Irrelevant. Results were what mattered to the Board, and the gentleman gained their appreciation for his work. They informed him that there was a rather sensitive project they had been negotiating with another colony. Due to his resourcefulness and 'pragmatism,' he was on the short list. They assured him that the project would open many doors for him in the Corporation. Until now, a significant bonus is rewarded to him in his next check.



    "I don't wanna do it!" Steven groaned. He had slumped into his armchair with his head in his hands. He was clearly in a miserable mood. One that appeared to be caused by a looming Phillip Narau.


    "Mr Penrith, we need to look at this situation logically." The super-accountant paced Steven's chair. He was experienced in convincing his employer to take the correct course. "We will soon be expanding our borders, and we are in relatively close proximity to multiple other colonies. We need to make sure our expansion does not impede the expansion of our neighbours. So we're not all scrambling for territory."


    "But why do I have to talk to them?!" Steven was genuinely whining now. "Why can't you take care of it? I hate politics! It's all about ideology, and secret agendas, and nothing to do with business! Isn't this part of your job?"

    "Sir, you must understand." Phillip paced around the desk, and gently eased his large frame into an armchair. "You being involved in the proceedings grants legitimacy to the proceedings, and shows that you take them seriously."

    "But I don't! I don't take them seriously!"

    "I know, sir. But it needs to appear that you do."


    Steven, with all the maturity of a 5-year-old, groaned again.

    Phillip chose to change the subject, now that his point had been received. "Why don't we talk about the Galaron influx, sir?"

    Steven glanced up for a moment, and grunted. He clearly perked up a little, now that his mind was momentarily distracted from the idea of political meetings.


    "Oh yeah, yeah. I figured it'd make for good PR if we sponsored high-achieving Galaron kids. Make them grateful for the company early on. Good chance for future brand-loyalty, you know?" He pulled his face out of his hands, and the meticulous business cogs in his brain started turning again. "Give them scholarships for higher educations. Send them off to learn at Aurora, or something. Might lose a few to idealism, but we'd retain a decent number. Good for future R&D investments."

    Phillip nodded his head slowly, and typed Steven's words into his data-pad. "Could we use them for anything else?"

    "Oh yeah, of course we can." Steven sat up now, clearly in his element again. "Those Galarons were militarists types, right? Been at war for some time. Obviously they'll be drawn towards our Corporate enforcers or private security. We could use that to boost our mud-feet's numbers, as well as potentially add veteran soldiers and their experience. We have everything to gain by having them here. As long as they fit the bill for employment..."


    Phillip smiled, happy to know that the boss hadn't lost his spark. Maybe he could keep up his enthusiasm long enough to look actually happy to be at that meeting...






    Hephaestus Holdings sends materials and relevant experts to the Free Human Technocracy in order for them to construct a colonial freighter. The completed ship will be delivered next year, in trade for basic laser weapon technology. (-2AP)


    The scientists, having ramshackled the Redon's emitter into a Hephaestus weapon, now look to creating more efficient energy storage. Since they have an over-abundance of xylorite currently, they decide to fiddle with that. They obtain permission from the Board to begin experiments with the substance in order to create a higher-yield portable energy source for their weapons. (-2AP)


    The Board is looking to hire individuals on Hades with combat experience to further train the Enforcers. With growing galactic threats encroaching, it's only prudent to arm their troopers with knowledge as well as weapons. (-0AP)

    Hephaestus Security are renamed 'Hephaestus Enforcers' to better reflect their growing necessity. (-0AP)


    The little Grgl freighter is launched again, and sent to the system directly "west" of Hades. It seeks mineral-rich planets. Habitable planets are a secondary goal. (-0AP)



    Hephaestus sends out a message to the following colonies via quantum array:


    -Terran Federation
    -Auroran Technocracy
    -Silver Knight Company
    -Die Volksrepublik 

    -The Remnants


    The message is as follows:


    Dear Sir or Madam,


    I would like to personally invite your leader/appropriate representative to a meeting on the subject of colonisation in our local region of the galaxy. Due to the close proximity of our colonies, I believe it is appropriate we should negotiate future expansion to avoid conflict within SATO.

    I am proud to host you in the luxurious Cairo Casino*, as well as offer all involved representatives free board, free food, free games, and much, much more!** I hope to see you here.


    Steven Penrith, CEO of Hephaestus Holdings Incorporated.

    *Cairo Casino Ltd is a subsidiary of Hephaestus Holdings Incorporated, including all trademarked intellectual property and materials within.

    **Terms and conditions apply. Please speak to your local Hephaestus Representative Kiosk for further information.  


    Population: 165,500 Humans, 7,500 Grgl, 6,500 Tassareans, 3,250 Human-Tassareans, 1,000 Libellans, 1,000 Redons, 500 Backhatta, 150 Human-Redons, 3,500 Galaron


    Hephaestus Enforcers: 9000 troopers, after voluntary sign-ups. Volunteers increased dramatically, due to the frightening events going on in the galaxy.




    One drive-less colony ship, sitting idle.


    One small, Grgl-made freighter.


    Spaceports: Tier 1


    Accumulation List


    Mining: 8AP

    Manufacturing: 13AP

    Advertising and Market Research: 11AP

    Reverse-Engineering: 3AP



    -One disassembled jump-drive sitting in some engineer's basement.

    -Laser weaponry (40% Higher damage, power-hungry variant)


    -Warp-drive technology (Gifted unto them by the Terran Federation)


    -Quantum Communications Technology (Via trade with Terran Federation)

    -Xylorite Energy Generators (Via trade with Terran Federation)

    -Artificial Gravity technology (Via trade with The Remnants) 


    -Itoron-Steel alloys


    -Mark I Construction and Labour robots (via trade with Terran Federation)








  24. Hephaestus Holdings Incorporated

    Best Products, Best Value, Best Customers!




    It seemed mere days before the scientists returned--patting themselves on the back for developing a new alloy, Itoran Steel, for vessel construction. Steven and the Board were highly impressed by the efficiency, and began furiously arguing the worth of the new material. After about half an hour of arguing, the Board half-remembered that the science team was still awkwardly hovering in the board-room and awaiting further orders. They shoo'd them away with some other project while they did the important work; selling their new product, and upholding their current contracts.


    The shareholders of Hades looked upon the visible shipyard slowly growing above the planet's skyline. The construction effort was surprisingly vast for an industry Hephaestus had never really been a part of. Then again, Hephaestus had never been in the arms market either, and they made one of the largest single sales in their history. Who knew what other industries they could succeed in? The Corporation could adapt to any situation, and this was not faith. This was fact. Everyone knew what was coming, however. The population had increased significantly in the last few years. Brokers began speculating on colony-vessel costs, and investors spoke with bankers and insurance-subsidiaries on colonial expeditions. 


    Jason Woolard, mining magnate, sat in his favourite restaurant. He preferred steak and chips like he had back in Australia. He was practically raised on pub food (perhaps indicating how he gained the impressive gut he sported), as his father was a hotelier. He purchased land when he was barely 18 on the internet while drunk, and was very surprised to discover he had his hands on the richest copper deposit on the continent. Refusing help, he set up his own mining company. He built, and built, and built, until finally being incorporated into Hephaestus after the Down-Under Purchase  of 2085. 

    Milly Price was with him, and clearly out of her element.


    "Hey Milly, you tried the steak? I bloody love the steak here!" Jason wolfed down the meat greedily with a smile.


    Milly didn't seem too pleased with her massive plate. She prodded her lamb cutlets with a wince before placing her fork down in defeat. "I'd rather discuss the upcoming colonies."

    "Colonies? What colonies?"

    "The ones that are about to be announced next quarter? Don't you listen to the meetings?"

    "Nup." Jason planted a fistful of chips into his mouth with a gurgling chuckle. "Boring as ****. Unless it involves me. Then I tend to listen. Mostly." He finished his statement with a throaty guffaw. 


    Milly rubbed the bridge of her nose with a grumble. This was going to take much longer than she hoped. "I want you to help me push for colonising ONLY planets without biospheres."

    Jason looked up at her mid-chew with a puzzled expression. "What? But I like biospheres! The air smells like, you know, air! And the ground is nice and earthy..."

    "Yes, but mining is much easier on dead planets." She spoke slowly and gently, emphasising mining with as much sweetness as possible. "I want to keep the lovely green planets for tourism and limited agriculture. Trees are annoying, aren't they?"


    Jason furrowed his brow, and licked ketchup from his lips. "They get in the way of everything. And hippies always complain when I chop them down. Yeah... maybe it'll be better with just other planets like that one..."

    Milly allowed herself a small smile as Jason dug back into his steak. Six board-members down, so, so many to go. Her tourism opportunities were growing grander by the day...


    Action Points


    Work continues on the shipyard. The new hobby of "Yard-spotting" is popularised in media. As there is only one shipyard, one would think there would be little interest, but enthusiasts claim they're 'making an early investment into the hobby.' (-2AP)


    Having nothing else to do, the scientists are encouraged to "improve something, or whatever. We dunno." They shrug their shoulders, and make attempts to increase the damage output of Hephaestus laser-weapons. They gain significant, though mostly silent, material support. (-2AP)


    A general advertisement is sent out to (market) friendly empires and colonies. Hephaestus seeks surveyors to scout out surrounding systems for exploitation and colonisation. (-0AP)  



    Population: 159,500 Humans, 6,500 Grgl, 5,500 Tassareans, 2,750 Human-Tassareans, 750 Libellans, 750 Redons, 250 Backhatta, 20 Human-Redons


    Military: 8,750 security forces, after voluntary sign-ups.




    One drive-less colony ship, sitting idle.


    One small, Grgl-made freighter.


    Spaceports: Almost there, but not quite...


    Accumulation List


    Mining: 8AP

    Manufacturing: 13AP

    Advertising and Market Research: 11AP

    Reverse-Engineering: 3AP



    One disassembled jump-drive sitting in some engineer's basement.

    Laser weaponry


    Warp-drive technology (Gifted unto them by the Terran Federation)


    Quantum Communications Technology (Via trade with Terran Federation)

    Xylorite Energy Generators (Via trade with Terran Federation)

    Artificial Gravity technology (Via trade with The Remnants) 


    Itoron-Steel alloys


    Mark I Construction and Labour robots (via trade with Terran Federation)






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