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Posts posted by Argontum

  1. MC-Name: Argontum


    Skype: (Pm if you desire) Already in the skype chat

    Profession: Stonemason

    Have you teamspeak?: (It's not optional.) I have teamspeak

    Time-zone: GMT+7

    Do you agree to our PK Agreement stated below?: Yes

  2. What’s your Minecraft Account Name?: Argontum
    How old are you?: 13
    Are you aware the server is PG-13 (You won’t be denied for being under 13): Yes
    Have you applied to this server before? (Please link all past applications): Nope, this is my first app.
    Have you read and agreed to the rules?: Yes
    What’s the rule you agree with the most?: The rules about roleplay stating no trolling, because on other servers I sometimes notice people often troll when they are roleplaying and it's really annoying.
    Are there any rule(s) that confuse you or don’t make sense?(If so we can help clear it up! You will not be denied for having a question on the rules): Nope
    How did you find out about Lord of the Craft?: A friend told me about this server
    Feel free to Google the answers or browse our forums, but make sure that you write the reply in your own words, not those of another website or person!
    What is roleplaying?: Roleplaying is to act out as another person or role with only using the person's ability or knowledge, not from the actor itself
    What is metagaming?: Metagaming is to use information or knowledge that our roleplay character doesn't even know about to gain advantage in roleplaying, our character has to find out the information by roleplaying or doing something in the roleplay universe to get that information, otherwise it's considered as metagaming.
    What is powergaming?: Powergaming is to force another player or person to engage into a roleplay they don't want to be in and the person does something where the person that is affected has no chance to react.
    In-Character Information
    Now you actually make your character - be creative but stay reasonable! Make sure they make sense and that they follow lore. Try to come up with a character that you actually want to play.
    Character’s name: Argentus Marculus
    Character’s gender: Male
    Character’s race: Human (Highlander)
    Character’s age: 18
    Biography  (Please make it a decent two paragraphs long. Remember to add server lore, and events that happened to your character so that they don’t contradict history):
       Argentus was born in a small hut near Oren. After the war between the Grand Kingdom of Urguan and the Reformed Kingdom of Oren temporary ended with a treaty, he and his mother moved to Oren. He never met his father from the day of his birth, his mother just told him that his father was missing. At the age of 10, he was forced to move out of his hometown because of the giant worm that ravaged through Athera and was forced once again to live in a small hut near Felsen in Crownlands. He learned about the curse of Iblees to the humans and how it affected the lives of the humans. At the age of 14, his mother fell ill and Argentus had been gathering food and herbs for medicine, but the medicine didn't work and after a few months, his mother died.
       He was forced to move out of Felsen again because of the war of rebellion against Oren lead by Ducal Coalition after a year so he traveled to the dwarf capital served there. After 3 years, he regret his decision and wanted to be free. He moved to a tavern near the dwarf capital called "The Drunken Rabbit" and he worked there for a person named Bottler Singson.
    Personality Traits: He doesn't talk much and he's a person that doesn't like to be a leader
    Ambitions: His ambitions is to find a better place to live in where peace can be found
    Strengths/Talents: He doesn't get tired easily when he's travelling
    Weaknesses/Inabilities: He doesn't have much combat skills
    Appearance (List the extra details of your characters appearance, IE; height & weight): He has black eyes, brown hair, 162 cm, and 45 kg
    Appearance, please provide us a screenshot of your character’s skin (If you need help, see our screenshot guide here): https://gyazo.com/4d0ea63a2410ba78de78926f83f40bbb
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