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Posts posted by Gallic

  1. An old Druid wonders who this armored Kharajyr is and why he enjoys clawing out eyes so much. This is, what... The third eye-clawing he's heard of from a mysterious armored Kha? What's with that? Also how does he wear armor over his fur and not get heatstroke?

  2. Hi I'm also a Druid and I approve of this, but I feel it needs a little more work. But, considering you put this in feedback rather than lore submissions, I think you've already got that in mind. Honestly, I'm actually surprised at the quality of the writing you've put out here, considering what I've seen from you when I've seen you roleplaying. Way to go, dude. You've successfully defied expectations.


    I think I'd love seeing werewolves run around, some unable to control their gift, rendering it a curse. Give the Druids some way to give them a little more control over it, like... Returning balance to them, or something.


    And I don't agree with the other Druids here saying the Aspects wouldn't give shapeshifting to anyone else. First of all, this isn't perfected shapeshifting; This is a painful, half-unwilling transformation into a single imperfect form. Shapeshifting is a deliberate blessing that takes time and ritual to learn, that transforms you into the perfected form of a literal animal... And any animal, at that. Second, the Aspects have introduced all sorts of things recently with the sudden rise of spook strength, like spriggans, the new fae lore if it gets done, alliances with spirits... All of which are totally on them, as in directly interfering to protect the balance.


    Perhaps a good compromise would make this Nemiisae's project specifically, as it does sort of fit her portfolio. (Having more power at night, painful transition into a stronger form, adaptation, change, and of course... Using whatever means necessary to maintain the balance.)


    I honestly like this, with my only real negative point being that it needs more work, and that's it. +1, yo. The Worgen-Druid friendship worked out in Warcraft, and they were pretty alright characters even if they were pretty edgy. Plus they had an inherent connection to nature too, since their new form was actually an old drood form.

  3. This is great, but there's already a spirit that comes to the mortal realm and makes sure souls get to their proper places, one that guides them in the spirit realm so they go to where they're meant to be in the afterlife, and then there's already an Aengul of Death (Nemiisae, yo) too that in some sects that follow her already does some of the same things you're speaking of. I'm all for new lore being added, but this would invalidate some RP that's already gone on, and that's something that scares me.


    It's alright for differing cultures to have different outlooks, names and even entirely different representations of the divine, but when you start getting into definitive things such as this, they're all rendered null because suddenly it's, "no, that's not what happens, that isn't valid and your character is dumb for thinking that."


    in a perfect world I'd want this merged with the pre-existing aengul of death who has very little written about her other than differing IC beliefs

  4. Happy solstice. Alban Arthan, Light of the Bear. Yule. Tonight the oak wins, and the wheel starts again.


    In many pagan celebrations, tonight is the time where the winter dies, and the sun is called back to shine again. Along with the death of winter, generally we try to leave our doubts, deeds and vices behind us to die with it, and carry on with hope and promises for what the new year brings.


    If you'd like to be a cool edgy pagan and have an extra holiday with those who celebrate today... Go walking in the snow (unless you don't have snow) to connect with the earth. It's easy to forget how beautiful things are, even in the winter. Take a while to watch the stars. Forget the time, and feel how long the night really is. Burn a candle with your family or friends and admit what you'd like to leave behind. Look forward to spring.


    Some do gifts, some burn a log for a really long time, some cut down a sprig of holly, some do weird dances, some fill their house with really bad smelling smoke. All in all, though...


    ha ha pagans get a holiday first eat that

  5. but the closest you've gotten to the druids is attacking us how do you know what it's like on the inside


    Wait a minute I seem to recall one time you guys came to attack us and we ended up sitting down, smoking and talking about our issues with eachother. What are you talking about with this "there's no unpredictability" stuff?


    And yeah, there's a bit of circle-jerking going on, but that's because you're talking about a guild, a group of individuals with the same goal who work in an organized effort to reach it. It's not something that strangers can't enter, and it's not something that you can't leave. It's a product of roleplay leading to a big ol' organized circlejerk. Not the other way around,  a big circlejerk leading to RP.


    Some other points you brought up I simply can't refute because I don't really know what you're talking about- Unless that itself is seen as an attempt to refute. Some others I agree with, to an extent.


    seriously though, man what kind of clique are you into that everything seems premeditated man I mean I've seen the stuff you're talking about go on in places like certain noble families and stuff but dang dude to apply that to the entire server what

  6. I don't know what the heck is going on here; I stopped reading at about page five. But, I do want to say...


    Holy cow, really? Trying to say that because evidence wasn't shown, it's fake? I was indirectly involved in one of the claims against Pyro, and the reason that the evidence wasn't shown was because if it was, it would have been directly linked back to the person reporting him. And if a staff member is being accused of abusing their position, why would somebody want to have the abusive staff member they're accusing knowing who they are? That would be a horrible decision.


    It should tell you what sort of things he was being accused of, not that the admins are biased and straight up making things up to pee in your koolaid or something. Then again, it's not surprising that you'd jump to pulling out things like this when the guy is your nation leader.


    I'll say the same thing I said the last time I responded to a topic like this. I'm not even involved, really. I don't hate Oren, I'm not at war with them... The closest I've gotten to this is getting my hands a little dirty in reporting Pyro for something. Which, by the way, was a legitimate report. And Tahmas wasn't even involved.

  7. hi


    I'm Gallic, and me and Morri (Saye or Bae) are looking for one who's into nature and stuff to play the young child of two Druids, involved in a whole lot of Druid things and all sorts of neat stuff! So far she's been raised pretty hand-in-hand with Druid culture and exposure to other deific arts. Has never been in a city really, never seen much masonry, doesn't eat agricultural food except in rare small doses, and other stuff that may lend to interesting interactions later on, when you inevitably get bored of the same scene and go on a childhood adventure.


    She is currently only about three years old (as of writing), so there's still two weeks until she's officially playable!


    We've got a preference for someone who's in need of a "main" character, as selfish as that sounds. Not a side character to appear once every other week. I don't mean you'd be required to pour all your time into her, either. It's just not the sort of kid we want hangin' around once an IRL month so we can prove they exist; We actually want to RP with you, yo.


    I'll try to put down some information to hook the good potential players. If you're interested and you want to know more, I'll probably talk to you some time anyway yo.



    Morgana Thalia Gallic


    -- Family --



    Mother: Ashton Gallic, Holly Druid.

    Father: Bull Druid Toren, but ask in RP. It's a surprise IC.

    Standin Father Figure / Grandfather: Oliver Gallic, Druid of Solace.

    Super distant Grandfather: Artemic, Hawk Druid, prince or something. Again, ask in RP.

    Other Grandfather that isn't actually closely related to anyone: Aeran Winterleaf, ex-Donkey Druid.

    Somehow a sister yet actually an aunt and more like a cousin but isn't actually related?...: Len Winterleaf, daughter of Aeran.

    Real spooky uncle: Thalon, ex-Moss Druid, a very prolific spook. Find out in RP, I think?


    ...And it just gets more confusing from there, folks! It's never boring in the Winterleaf family! That's not even mentioning half of them.


    Honorable mention: The entire Mother Circle of the Druidic Order. So many people know Morgana, and the Druids are usually hippies.


    -- Physical information! --

    (including some art)




    (Mediocre homemade art! You get a supply of apparently "cute" Morgana art for free if you play Morgana! Cooked up by yours truly.)


    (WIP skin; I like the back better, but it kind of has to show the face. Notable features: Oversized cloak (kind of a security blankie,) sprig of holly, cute little ears. Again, created by myself. I'll help out with future skins, too!)

    Race: Half-Elf (Human / Wood Elf)

    Current age: Three? I think? DOB: 8th of First Seed, 1585 (11/11/16)

    Brown hair, green eyes. Nothing weird or overly elf-y. They look pretty human.

    Little pointed ears, definitely not human.

    Probably got a super good immune system but nobody roleplays sickness unless it's supernatural any more.


    -- History / Events --


    Age 0:

    - Born in the (still unnamed) Mother Tree of the Mother Circle Druids.

    - Father (Toren) willfully (but not happily!) absent, Aeran helped take care of her until Oliver took up her biological father's spot as fatherly caregiver.

    - Big emotional roots-y naming ritual, screenshots will be provided.

    Age 1:

    - Father attempts to return, but Oliver tries to push him out. Everyone has their flaws, yo.

    - Is taken to see all kinds of wildlife.

    Age 2:

    - Calls Oliver dad apparently.

    - Brief custody dispute between the warring father figures, Oliver and Toren.

    Age 3:

    - Dark times come, and as much as she's sheltered from it, she can probably sense the unease. Can't go outside much, Oliver and Ashton frequently come home injured.

    - During said dark times, biological father is deceased, leaving Oliver as the reigning dad figure. But at what cost?

    -- Quirks? --


    - Has strong feet and hands from being a wild child. Could probably walk with halflings. Bare feet are cool, yo. Probably not used to wearing shoes.

    - Has a security blankie/cloak. Is sentimental to the family, but you'll have to find out why in RP. She can either continue to have this trait or grow out of it, it's your choice!

    - Hasn't really been out of the woods much. Cities are largely unfamiliar, but she has visited to see Aeran. Whether they're spooky to her or exciting is up to you.

    - Is very familiar with nature stuff! Animals, not eating poison berries, stuff like that. To what extent is up to you.

    - Raised in a very magical environment. Low-fantasy folks need not apply!

    - Isn't used to 'city food' like dairy, agricultural meat and plants, sugar and salt in high doses... If she'd love them for it or get a tummy ache from eating them is up to you.


    The rest is left up to you to decide! Like deciding if she's lactose intolerant or a little afraid of masonry or something. Likes, fears, quirks, all that jazz. It'd be your character, after all.


    Remember that all of these things just define the character up until now, not how you'll play her or where she'll go from here. For all we know she could grow up to be some Druid-killing superspook.

  8. An old Druid from wayy out in the middle of nowhere is apparently the only one who appreciates this Writ, nodding in satisfaction. He proceeds to write up some fanmail for the pope High Pontiff:


    "Your Holiness, it is of great grief to me that there are so many who claim to act in God's name but refuse to uphold his tenets or even learn of the name that they wave around. Oren's powerful have proven time and time again that they do not act in the Creator's interest, but to suit their own vain ideals. They deserve excommunication.


    If need be, I am willing to aid you in what may come from your writ. If nothing else, then as a friend of yours, and a friend of the Church.




    MC Name:


    Character's Name:


    Character's Age:

    Like 85

    Character's Race:

    Tree (with a bit of human)

    Link to your accepted MA:


    What magic(s) will you be teaching?:

    Blight Healing, yo.

    Summarise the Lore of this magic(s):

    Blight Healing is an art that allows a skilled Druid to use their power to restore life to deadened earth and plants. Though I'm not entirely sure why, this miracle does not extend to tainted creatures or descendants. I suppose a more advanced summarization would include the act of bringing fertility to land that was untainted, blessing sacred sites such as fairy rings or attunement pools, rituals to awaken staves and other wooden crafts (if there was a reason to), and bringing trees to temporary sapience with enough Druids. Also some "secrets" I muddled out in RP that I want to remain at least a tiny bit special. Basically, it has a lot of applications that reach beyond the actual healing of blight, but as for its intended purpose; It restores life to dead nature, and that's about as in-depth as it gets.

    Write up a lesson that your character would give to a student:

    ((Well I'm more for thinking of personal lessons for students more or less on the spot, but I'll try to wing it!))

    "Sit with me; Spend a while in meditation. Rushing would only makes things harder."

    Oliver and his student sit in silence for a while, eyes shut and listening to the wilds together, connecting to their gifts and warming them for use. Eventually, Oliver rouses from their chilled out torpor to gently shake the neophyte from his state.

    "That's enough. Now, take my hands."

    He holds out his hands, palm-up.

    "You've heard of the art of blight-healing before, yes? Perhaps even seen it. It is something not unlike using one's gifts to encourage growth, but one must know what it is within themselves that they search for. Like when you were just beginning to learn your gifts; Search within yourself, try to find the spark that ignites your gifts. The tether that binds you to the wilds."

    Oliver shuts his eyes, and with a deep breath lets some level of his power mingle with the neophyte's own, to make things a little brighter for their search. To let him feel some semblance of his own spark, to mirror within himself.

    "Think of when you make a flower grow; What it is that wakes them, how it is that with your gifts they have the energy to move. Think of how their roots feel in the soil, the sensation of fertile earth. Grasp onto that tether, and follow it out. Do not focus on growing or commanding, but the power that moves them. The web of life itself."

    A few more moments of silence pass as Oliver and the student focus, then he slowly removes his hands from his grasp, leaving him hangin'.

    "Follow the tether, and from your heart, command it. Like any other plant or beast. Weave the web of life. You will feel a spark, and then your mind will reel as your mana drops. But that is okay; That is the intended outcome. To learn what feeling you are searching for, and how much pressure you should apply."

    The student furrows his brows and strains to focus on the feelings his teacher set out before him, eventually calling a circle of swirling aura up around himself- But it quickly falters, and he gasps for air. He opens his eyes and blinks, mind suddenly swarming uncontrollably with the overwhelming voice of nature, tempting him to lose himself within it.

    Oliver places his hand on his shoulder, and bows his head. His gesture hides a grin of pride.
    "You've done well, brother. We will continue to kindle this spark, learn where it lies and how hard to push it so that it no longer requires that you exhaust yourself for it. Next time we will learn to use it."

    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:


    Do you agree to keep the MT updated on the status of your magic app by using the Magic List Errors topic?:


    Have you applied to teach this magic on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:


    Do you have any sidenotes even though I didn't ask?:


    I was forced to directly copy and paste this from the guide rather than WRITING IT PERSONALLY with my HEART AND SOUL, because the current MAT crew are TOTALITARIAN DICTATORS DOWN WITH THE SYSTEM


  10. As far as I can tell, there was no logical reason that blood magic couldn't be used with Druidism before, but because there was no precedent, the MATs and LTs wouldn't allow it, and if they did that'd force you to send a vision to the person who attuned you.


    This addition seems pretty alright and I'd be all for it, but you've stated a few things that could be done without this addition before, that, should this pass, would no longer be possible without it.


    For instance, a Druid being overwhelmed by the negative aspects of nature or driven into a rage by connecting to them or adapting the mentality of the beasts they commune with. These were all quite possible before and dependant on a Druid's personality and tier, and I loved roleplaying certain aspects of these quite a bit. But if this were to pass, it would no longer be allowed because it would be an outlook unique to blood-droods.


    And as with control of nature, a Druid can already move stampedes or topple trees with no issue, but again, if this passes, it would no longer be allowed.


    This griping starts tapering off around the blight healing segment... There's no guide on how blight healing is meant to be roleplayed, as far as I know, so having weird wildfire would have already been possible before... And frankly I like the sound of that, actually. Wildfire does cleanse things in nature quite often. But I don't really think this would take anything but a certain aesthetic avenue away from general Druidism, so I'm not too caught up over that.

  11. Let me just say that I would definitely play one of these if this lore got accepted. Being an immortal observer looking for something to give his life purpose sounds fun, then a whole lot of different RP opportunities I imagine after finally finding the niche in which the character belongs sounds like a whole lot of fun.


    Oh also there are certain magics that don't involve changing up the soul or connecting to the void, like shamanism or more closely the dark arts. The explination for why they can't practice magic, as I understand it, is that their soul is tied in stasis and the void is something that gives them a serious case of magic lactose intolerance, which doesn't really cover the magics that only involve mana and some kind of knowledge, rather than attunement to a being or the void.

  12. But... Why would the Druids jump on a bandwagon to go kill an actual, uncorrupted guardian of nature when it's doing its job and guarding an apparently sacred and beautiful place? This event sounds alright and all, but I'm having trouble imagining many Druids thinking it's a necessary action to go out killing literal nature spirits and put something that Freygoth felt needed to be protected into an unguarded state.


    or maybe that's just me I don't know

  13. ((OOC: MC Name: Gallic))


    Name: Solace


    Age: 84


    Race (if Keeper, Ascended, or Archon, please state so): Human


    What Magics do you have [State any and all. To hide Magic is to hide a great power, and will be treated as a crime]?

    - Druidism

    - Blight Healing

    - Alchemy?

    Letter Address: Druid's Grove, Ceru

  14. Rye are not oats, and frankly the ignorance displayed by mixing up the two is appalling and I don't think this lore can be redeemed from that even if you corrected the mistake.


    -1 don't put this on the server or I'm leaving, this person clearly doesn't care about the subject matter they're writing about.

  15. This all looks pretty cool, so there's nothing in particular I feel really needs specific praise- +1, definitely. However, there's like... Two things I don't know about.


    Why such a specific block radius? If they're born in a grove, their restriction should be the grove, however if it's a specific radius then it could be their leash only goes halfway into the grove, and the rest is in the middle of the woods. If they tried to actually be useful in cases of emergencies, they would just dissipate. I get the restriction if they bloomed out in the middle of nowhere or somewhere without actual druids, but I feel like logically if they normally require a high-druid area to be born, their tethers would be a little more flexible in allowing them to wander around that area. Y'know, the area they were meant to protect. The area buzzing with the energy that keeps them alive.


    The other thing I don't know about is... Why spores? Why not pollen? They're tree things, right? And the poisonous part is the flower? Trees and flowers make pollen, not spores. Pollen can be poisonous, it's just we don't really have many examples of it in real life other than minor allergies or irritation. I don't mind poisonous creatures, but I'm weirded out by them making spores from flowers instead of pollen. Granted, one problem with that is that flowers don't really actively spread pollen, they rely on outside bodies to do it for them. But that can be fixed with a little fantasy element, saying their flowers shake and dislodge pollen all over or something. Or just ignoring the fact that flowers don't normally expunge pollen, since we live in a world with literal magic. Spores, though? Not cool in my book, no sir!

  16. 6 hours ago, The Pink Lion said:

    Pending. Please use the proper student application found here: 

    You have 24 hours to fix this.

    Well I mean I've been using this lazy format for pretty much every application up until now and it still lays out all the relevant information and the guy who writes the permission slip said that I am indeed learning the magic but if you want to be a stickler for the rules I'll go in and edit all the HEART AND SOUL out of my application and make it a BORING COPY AND PASTE JOB, RATHER THAN A PERSONALLY WRITTEN PIECE

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