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Posts posted by Pav33

  1. Switzerland

    Finally, the Swiss people decided that the horrifying earthquake that had cost Switzerland so many lives was over. The streets were rebuilt, rubble demolished, and lives hopefully back on track. Switzerland looked to the far east, where a war against the evils that were Russia was now shaking the world. For a few months, pro-war propaganda is broadcasted to every outlet in Switzerland. Then, operation 'Red Winter' was enacted.

    The plan? Send 100,000 Swiss soldiers onto boats, on the course to Siberia. There, they would march west towards Moscow, hopefully joining up with other allied forces.

    The die was cast; the Swiss people wanted Russia's fall. Their casus belli? To restore order to the bitter Russian snows and to hopefully neutralize that region, atleast for a few years.

    The colonists still on Mars are instructed to find the nearest mountain and establish a small village on it, utilizing Chinese plans and classic Swiss engineering.

    [[Mod Please]]

  2. Franz would look through the pile of papers on his desk. Finally he comes across an invitation for him and his family to attend a ball. He smiles, happy to see people are beginning to recognize the House of Gotthold. He rises from his old chair, and goes off to show his kin.

  3. Swiss Confederation


    As the crew of 10 astronauts reach the orbit of the red planet, broadcasts from the ship finally make it back home. The mission is a resounding success! Switzerland used the maps given to them by China to help find a landing place. They decide to land in what they called "Dietrich Pass", named in honor of the leader who had put the Mars initiative in order. Finally, the spacecraft lands on the craggy wasteland that is Mars. While the storms and harsh Martian environment was strenuous, it was no match for the Swiss engineering put into the space suits.

    Back at home, an earthquake in Bern has occurred. Dietrich has taken immediate action and has supported the relief effort with funds and propaganda. It will be a long recovery, and the costs are unknown. While this wasn't some freak of nature, it did damage many parts of the older town. Those affected are now given free housing in the other cities until the matter is resolved. [[IMPORTANT; I'm going on vacation for a week, after that I'll be back and rping!]] [[MOD PLEASE]]

  4. Tbh I hate this Orenian target-plagueing. It's getting really old. Like I'm not saying its common, but it seems every rebellion tries to plague the other side into submission when they're on their last leg.

  5. Swiss Confederation

    As the date for the first Swiss mars landing grows nearer, the populace grows uncertain of what to actually do once they reach the red planet. Thus, Dietrich has passed new legislation sending emissaries to China to possibly buy blueprints from them for the construction of colonies there. A letter is also sent to Austria asking if they'd have any interest in sending one to three Austrian astronauts on the mission, as a sign of friendship between the two countries.

    A new government-funded television network has been set up to promote government events and world news. This has been made compulsory for cable providers to include in even their most basic packages. Shows on the network include those of all genres. Cartoons are shown more frequently in the summer or in the middle of the day, while news, crimes, and sitcoms are shown in the morning and evening. As for commercials, there are only a few advertisements for foreign companies. Although there is a healthy dose of propaganda, promoting peace.

    A referendum is taking place to illegalize all non-prescribed drugs. Dietrich and various other officials argue that drugs weaken the mind of the youth, and funding is distributed among numerous rehabilitation centers.


  6. Swiss Confederation

    While the mars mission is becoming more of a reality each day, the Swiss public looks to the east, at the devastated North Korea. The government has passed new legislation to hopefully help the affected areas recover. 25,000 Swiss francs are offered to the coalition forces to be distributed among both South and North Korea. Also, Swiss volunteers have been sent via train and plane to Korea to hopefully aid those involved in the war. [[Mod Please]] [[5 pages]]

    While Switzerland was neutral in the war, President Dietrich has made a national address to the Swiss people. Some noted things he said included "A great evil has been quenched today, and may we never see such pestilence again.... yet we must help those who were involved, for it is our duty to humanity".

    Switzerland finally accepts Austria's offer to cooperate in the use of border patrols to keep the flow of immigrants to a stable and legal extent. [[Mod Please for Austrian reaction]]

  7. Swiss Confederation

    President Dietrich has decided to, with of course the say of the people, elongate the presidential term from just a year to half a decade. This, he has argued, shall allow various leaders to push their agenda further.

    The agricultural programs are put at the bottom of the agenda as Switzerland is facing more cropland then needed. They also fear for the safety of their neighbor, France, and Poland. Now the government has decided to start their own space project, and has decided to send a manned rocket to mars, independent from the Chinese mission. Since the country has no means for war and little need for agriculture, a lot of money is invested in the program and several rockets are constructed and deconstructed to maximize the safety of the astronauts and prevent human error. [[MOD PLEASE]] [[5 PAGES]]

  8. swiss-flag.jpg

    Swiss Confederation

    The partially government-owned SR (Schweizer Rundfunk, Swiss Broadcasting Company) has recently taken notice of the Chinese mars mission. Various investors in Bern have now offered loans to China for the project. Despite Dietrich's failure to unite the populace under his language initiative, he is still hopeful that Switzerland shall see a golden age.

    A few troops from the reserve are stationed around the border, as Dietrich now signs in a bill that shall hopefully stop illegal immigrants from crossing the alps. He also sends, with the people's approval, an offer to Austria to buy the region of Vorarlberg from them. They offer Austria any amount they like, as long as it is within reason and the government shall receive about 1/16 of the amount upfront. [[Mod Please]]

    Switzerland is facing a good year in the agricultural industry, raking in a decent amount more then needed, thus meaning more exportation. [[Mod Please]]

  9. Swiss-Flag.jpg

    Swiss Confederation

    President Dietrich has decided to make a national address at his home in Bern. Dozens of news teams cover the speech, and some broadcasts may be recorded for international television. While a few guards have to brush away a few anxious reporters and a few sketchy looking teens, the atmosphere is quite peaceful. He clears his voice and begins his speech, of course with a few translators nearby for those who don't speak his native German.

    "People of the nation, it is an honor to be addressing you. For I see you not as my political pawns, but as my peers. For I know that to enrich the nation and push my agenda, It would be all in vain if I don't hear your opinions!

    We, the people, have received letters of interest from both Washington and Ottawa. They wish to know more about our peace organization. And for those tourists or politicians in the audience, I will tell you just that!

    First, I shall answer one of Canada's questions. They wish to know what will be required of them and the goals of the movement-fair enough. Well, nothing will really be required of them except vows of somewhat neutrality unless there is a nation that has a bad or no casus belli for war yet do declare it. They will receive aid from us in that event, but if they participate in any other war we wont attack nor will we help. In turn for their help during such a war as I mentioned earlier in which a nation has no good reason to do such, we shall supply grain, something we are having a good amount of these days. The goal of our organization is to prevent another world war. We have seen what has happened in their aftermath-debt, war, and suffering. Suffering of the people, suffering of the veterans, suffering of all.

    Now on to our next issue. For a long time Switzerland has not been united in a language. Some of us speak French, some German, and even others Italian. But now the government feels that we should merge these languages into our own. This is not to confuse the older generation, it is simply to unite the populace. No more will we need several national news stations for each language we speak. Thus, we shall hold a referendum in the following weeks to decide whether we shall go through with this." [[MOD PLEASE]]

    He pauses for a moment, the crowd in an uproar with applause and praise



    "While I am saddened that my modernization of our army initiative wasn't very popular, I hope it is good to know that we have managed to get a few more modern weapons in our arsenal for when and if they are needed. I am very confident in our fair nation, and I hope you are just as happy. This meeting is dismissed"

    He says as he bows to the audience, a few camera screens flashing and a few recordings ending.

  10. thumb-350-81871.jpg

    Swiss Confederation

    Despite being economically weakened after the stock crashes that followed Britain's exit from the EU, Switzerland is coming into a golden age of prosperity. Nations once again have faith in the Swiss banks, and agriculture is at a decent state to where they can export grain and other commodities. [[MOD PLEASE]]

    Despite Switzerland's infamous neutrality, the president, Dietrich Morhart, has taken the hold of a new policy. This policy is meant to establish peace to the world, and hopefully stop WWIII as tensions between it's neighbors once again threaten the peace and stability of Europe, and indeed the world. Thus, the Swiss people have voted in favor of creating a new peace organization, the European Peace Organization, or the EPO. Know though, that the organization is not strictly for Europeans. Invitations to join the "alliance" have been sent to both Canada and New Delhi in the hope that they would join the peace movement.

    Switzerland shall remain as the emissary of the US to countries not on good terms with the superpower, including North Korea and Cuba.

    Despite Switzerland's neutrality and new-found order to establish peace, Dietrich has felt the need to modernize the army. Thus, fundraisers and the like will be held all over the country to provide the income to do so, without damaging the Swiss people's own wallets. [[MOD PLEASE]] [[8 PAGES]]

  11. Application

    Country Selected: The Swiss Confederation

    Nation Leader: Dietrich Monhart

    Demonstrate Understanding of Nation (Bio/Facts/Info): The Swiss Confederation is a nation well known for it's neutrality. The president, Dietrich Monhart, assumed office for 2018 and shall resign in December of 2019 unless voted into office again, as is customary. Despite Switzerland's policy of neutrality, Dietrich was very supportive towards the European war on terrorism, and even sent a modest 1,000 troops to attack them. The people had another referendum on joining the EU, but the resolve was in favor of neutrality. Now, improving the banks and economic system is first on the agenda.

    Pass phrase: shitshitshit

    Do you understand the rules and regulations of this FRP: Yep!



  12. Lukas would take in a deep breath and then exhale. The felsen watchman looked upon the ruins of the city in which his father hailed from; Brelus. Once a bustling metropolis, now nothing more then rubble lost to time. He approached the city slowly, watching as the musty old farmhouses turned into burnt out shops and residences. He climbed the old steps of the church and sat there, looking out into the beyond. He saw several small manors, standing there almost mocking the old jewel. He stood up, brushed himself off, and walked on. He wasn't here to insult the keeps of the minor barons, no, he was here looking for an answer. To what question he had no idea. He came there for a purpose, a meaning to his life. Why he came to a ruin, not even he truly knew. Perhaps it was because it was the place of his father's birth. Or perhaps it was because it was the city that had once housed his kinsman.

    He slithered through the unkempt roads and pathways, finding an old house. He climbed into the place, the old walls smelling of mildew and mold. He found a ladder which he used to descend into the unknown. All he found were old workbenches and a few furnaces. He walked over to the furnaces, almost in an attempt to warm himself, to no avail. Of course, the furnaces probably haven't burned but a twig for over three decades. He brushed past the old pickaxes laying on the benches, and climbed back up. He continued on, and that's where he found it. Small patchwork, not looking more then half a decade old. It inspired him, made him feel like people still cared for the old Adrian traditions. And thus he started planning. Adria may have been long gone, but that did not mean it's legacy did not live. He drew a breath, and said simply a small phrase.

    "Ave Adria, Ave Orenia"

    He'd pray for Godan's help, for he would need much. It was time for Adria to rise from the ashes, birthed anew under the banner of the empire.


  13. Hi all! Today I would like to announce that I am now opening to skin requests! Now I'm no Picasso when it comes to skinning, but I'd like to think I'm decent in the art. Also I've begun experimenting in newer (and hopefully better) shading techniques, making my skins closer in quality to the other large-scale skinning operations. I'm not the best at making armored skins, but I've been improving greatly, and I'm certain I've made major breakthroughs. I am better when it comes to more civilian and simple clothed characters, but feel free to throw a complicated request my way! My prices will be in minas since it doesn't make much sense to me why Id have people pay me irl cash for something they use in a video game, none the less a server and for a char you may not use for a long time.

    Prices are negotiable, but expect a range of around 150-1000 of course depending on aspects like complexity and whether it has armor or not. I'll give you a render of your skin after it is completed, but until you pay me, I won't send you the actual .PNG. This is to avoid people cheating me, just an extra measure. ^_^

    Have had your MC hacked? Don't worry, if you have an alt you can redeem your skin once again! I will pm you a code after you buy a skin and if you msg me the code I will give it to you again-for no cost! This will also come in handy for large orders and guilds.

    Not that I've covered the bulk of what I wanted to cover, here are a few renders of skins I've created. Note some of these where awhile ago so don't be steer clear just because the shading is a little outdated.


    ((Shoot, forums seem on the fritz when I upload images, just contact me for more images if you don't trust me based on the first image.))




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