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Posts posted by Pav33



    Name ((OOC Name)): Lukas Zurbuchen ((Mythical_Flipper))


    Surname/House: Zurbuchen
    Date of Birth: 4th of the Deep Cold, 1548
    Gender: M
    Race: Human
    Citizenship Class (A or B): B

    Physical Description

    Height: 5'9
    Weight: 169 pounds
    Eye Color: Blueish-Green
    Hair Color: A dark brown
    Skin Color/Shade: Pale
    Outstanding Markings/Tattoos: N/A

    Personal Information

    Home Address (Leave blank if unknown): 3rd Steel Lane, Felsen
    Region of Residence (Leave blank if unknown): Crownlands
    Profession/Occupation: Guardsman & Leatherworker

    Have you paid your processing fee (CLASS A CITIZENS ONLY!): N/A



    Oath(s) of Loyalty

    For all classes of Citizenship (fill your name in the blanks):

    "I, Lukas Zurbuchen, hereby swear my loyalty the Emperor of the Holy Orenian Empire entirely by my free will. I swear to read and obey the laws of the Empire and understand the punishments and penalties that will be incurred should I violate the law."

  2. Sword Brethren of the Lower Country

    "Schwert Brüder vom Unterland"


    (Anthem of the Brethren)


    Unlike the traitorous “Das Heer von Courland” the Sword Brethren of the Lower Reich (Vandoria), is a loyalist order founded upon the ideals of loyalty, honor, and valour. Founded in 1564 as a bastion of defence to the lesser lords in Vandoria who still recognized the imperial crown as their gracious leader, it was originally created by Karl van Baustadt, a Vander native. The idea gained approval from the crown, and Karl became the first Kommandant of the band of soldiers. It was dubbed “The Sword Brethren of the Lower Country”.


    showing a knight armed

    “Karl van Baustadt, a icon of him mounted shortly before setting off from his speak with the emperor, dated 1564”

    It’s goals? The protection of all that is held dear by both the crown and the imperial population in Vandoria. It is to protect the counties that ney has the manpower to defend itself. It stands to uphold chivalry, and to assure that the whole ideal of it isn’t destroyed by the hordes of Dreadlanders and Orks that now plague the land. The order has strong roots in both Erochland and Riverford. The garrison is currently being renovated, and you may receive a small room inside to store chests and such if you so wish.

    A soldier shall receive pay according to their rank and money available. This shall be delivered in the form of a minor meeting each saint’s week, at an agreed upon time. If you can not make the meeting, you shall lose a mina or two from the original pay, but it shall find it’s way to you either in the form of a letter or simply the Kommandant handing you the minae while you’re on guard. You shall also receive some rations every week, about 16 loaves of bread, depending on the order’s wealth. At the moment the order is happy to accept donations in the form of anything- food, minae, or even rags. All can benefit the war effort in some way.


    Rank progression depends on if you were active within a certain amount of time. Higher-ups will take priority when armor and weaponry is being distributed. Those who have risen through the ranks shall also enjoy a larger pay for their service. As said above, there isn’t currently a fixed price, but it will be a decent sum. Note that between buying weaponry, baking bread, and providing housing, you should respect that we won’t always give you enough minae as you’d like. And also, when minae is divided up, higher ups get a fixed amount in relation to you (so like say your pay is 20 mina, someone a rank above you would get 25 or something).


    The Ranks


    Often shortened to just “Kommandant”. They are the leader of the order and, while the emperor always gets the final say, has substantial power in how it’s run. They get the best armor, and appoints officers, excluding Junior Offiziers and more senior Hauptmann,  when they either abdicate or die.



    Literally meaning “second-in-command”. This soldier has certainly proved undying loyalty as he is given the authority to council the Kommandant if he is having trouble with a decision. He also the commander of the brethren if the Kommandant is absent from an event, including battles.



    Meaning “captain”. They lead the divisions of the brethren and often collaborate with the Kommandant and Stellvertreter. They also assign Junior-Offiziers to certain tasks.



    The lowest ranking officer. They act almost as squires to the Hauptmann and are often their understudy. If a Hauptmann abdicates or dies, he may be able to choose a Junior Offizier to take his place, either by appointment or in his will.



    Equivalents of Sergeants. Unlike other armies, Sergeants of the brethren aren’t considered officers. They are simply mounted men-at-arms, first to charge into the fray. This step in advancement for troops who can’t afford their own horse is called Feldwebel.



    The bulk of the order. Common footsoldiers, they are equipped with bows, pikes, and any other weapons that are available at the time.



    Bottom of the hierarchy. Measly pay and rations are sometimes reduced. Usually a man becomes a soldat after a saint’s week or less, depending on activity and the like.


    How To Join

    Whether you are peasant or noble, we would be happy to have you! Simply fill in the information below, and send it to Marland however you see fit. It is highly recommended you become an imperial citizen if you aren’t already. Since youll get a room, you can just say that you live in the garrison.







    Are you human? y/n:


    Do you require housing?:

    Are you canonist? y/n:


    I, <insert name> swear my loyalty to both the emperor and the order. I recognize that if I am found guilty for high treason or other crimes, I shall not revive myself if I am executed ((PK)). I shall not desert my brethren unless discharged by the Kommandant.


    MC Name:

    Skype (Not required, but it’s nice to have to be alerted of events):

    Do you have TS (Used during warclaims, REQUIRED)? y/n:




    Thanks for reading! Please refrain from posting unless your applying. If you have feedback or questions, shoot me a pm! Happy rping!


  3. Karl would crinkle his nose, trying to remember if he had sent in his application. His face would grow pale as he'd notice the parchment in a folded envelope. He'd quickly put a seal on it and mail it.



    ((Put your RP name, followed by your Minecraft username))

    Name ((OOC Name)): Karl van Baustadt, Mythical_Flipper

    Surname/House: van Baustadt
    Date of Birth ((Example: 11th of Sun’s Smile, 1520)):
    Gender: Male
    Race: Human
    Citizenship Class (A or B): B

    Physical Description

    Height: 6 ft Exactly
    Weight: 182 Pounds
    Eye Color: Dark Blue
    Hair Color: Brownish-Blonde
    Skin Color/Shade: Slightly Pale
    Outstanding Markings/Tattoos: N/A

    Personal Information

    Home Address (Leave blank if unknown):
    Region of Residence (Leave blank if unknown): Erochland
    Profession/Occupation: Farmer, Soldier

    Have you paid your processing fee (CLASS A CITIZENS ONLY!):

    ((Please provide a screenshot of the payment.))


    Oath(s) of Loyalty

    For all classes of Citizenship (fill your name in the blanks):

    "I, Karl van Baustadt, hereby swear my loyalty the Emperor of the Holy Orenian Empire entirely by my free will. I swear to read and obey the laws of the Empire and understand the punishments and penalties that will be incurred should I violate the law."


    "I,[Name], hereby acknowledge and give my consent to the OOC rule that should my character be found guilty of High Treason within the Empire, the Emperor personally (and only the Emperor) has the right to execute permanently my character. I accept this condition and make it entirely upon my free will."

  4. An open letter, to all of Humanity....

    Why rebels, do you fight? Is it the delusions of glory and honor that is drilled into your skull, day after day, by your exiles-turned-warlords? I do say, please, for all you hold dear, turn back now. Your leaders spread propaganda saying you've won a battle. But which battle is this? The shameful display that left both sides in a tie? If you consider that a victory, I must inform thee that it was only a encounter between the forces of Oren and you, ex-citizens of the empire. I am not here to patronize you, or scold you on your idiotic behaviors. I simply ask that you return to the empire, for true glory. Your leaders, Thomas Ruric, Aleksandr Staunton, and even Sveneld Ivanovich are traitors. They have indeed used their feudal positions to your advantage. Was it not only a few years ago we bore arms as brothers against the Ruric madmen? Was it not long ago that even the Krajians marched under the imperial banner against Courland alongside their Raevir brethren? I do not beg you to come back. I ask you to come back as our brothers, and not as slaves. For It would hurt me greatly for any of you to be marched in as prisoners, for you are our kin. Humanity must stay united, even if it is for only a little while longer. Oren shall fall. It is inevitable. But like the Pheonix, it shall rise once more. I ask of you, please, return to the fatherland while our arms are open to you. Please, let us save you the humility and help you back onto the righteous path.

    Ave Orenia

    ~Karl van Baustadt, 1564

  5. 6 minutes ago, Birdnerdy said:

    It's the same exact skin colored blue 


    2 minutes ago, NotTodayJerry said:

    He's not referring to mine, which was just a temp skin until we made our own, considering I rarely leave the island it's not like many people have seen it anyways. He was saying we have made our own skin. 

    Yes, I've laboured for hours and finally made our own skin

  6. -----+=  =+-----

    Attention, all true men of Haria!


    Do you want your traditions preserved and respected?

    DO YOU want to see your children's lives to be of a decent age?


    IF you answer yes, seek these things no more!

    Yale is now offering jobs to every able bodied man or woman! Support the war effort today! So that your wives and children may enjoy their independence, and so their descendants may enjoy prosperity, and may worship whichever faith they please!
    Oren schwein wish to burn your villages and enslave your children. For what? Wanting FREEDOM??

    Truly, the Empire can no longer call itself Holy. Ruric and Adrian blood is on their hands, let's crush the little rats! For if it were Holy, would it not be more than capable of keeping its empire together? Yes, it would.

    Praise freedom, praise GOD, praise your efficiency!


    Come to Yale by going to the Felsen Docks, boarding the red and black boat on the left hand side and crossing the Bridge (Temp Portal)




    Signed :
    Chancellor : Nole Musk

    Council Chairman : Cardinal Benegard Gotthold

    Clerk : Father Yaroslav

    Minister of Defense : Mikhail Karlowicz

    Emissary : Avalon Marke

    Privy Seal : Matthias Geheimer


    *Nole Musk, Matthias Geheimer, and Lord Khlive the Khonqurer In front of the Yale Palace*


    *Nole Musk, Matthias Geheimer, and Lord Khlive the Khonqurer soaking in the sun*



    *Nole Musk admiring the sights on top of the Yale Bridge*

  7. 14 minutes ago, SuperDuckyGamer said:

    @Moochael, Humen don't count.


    Got a suggestion for something new? Because... All 'New' Things I have are CA things, Khas and Halflings. Nothing that looks too fancy.

    Ive played a halfling before, theyre actually quite interesting once you get into their rp.



    ((Put your RP name, followed by your Minecraft username))

    Name ((OOC Name)): Vlad ((Mythical_Flipper))

    Surname/House: Bogdan
    Date of Birth: 23rd of Malin's Welcome, 1542
    Gender: Male
    Race: Human
    Citizenship Class (A or B): B

    Physical Description

    Height: 6 ft
    Weight: 200 pounds
    Eye Color: Green
    Hair Color: Dark brown/black
    Skin Color/Shade: Light tan
    Outstanding Markings/Tattoos:

    Personal Information

    Home Address (Leave blank if unknown):
    Region of Residence (Leave blank if unknown):
    Profession/Occupation: Politician

    Have you paid your processing fee (CLASS A CITIZENS ONLY!):

    ((Please provide a screenshot of the payment.))


    Oath(s) of Loyalty

    For all classes of Citizenship (fill your name in the blanks):

    "I, Vlad Bogdan, hereby swear my loyalty the Emperor of the Holy Orenian Empire entirely by my free will. I swear to read and obey the laws of the Empire and understand the punishments and penalties that will be incurred should I violate the law."

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