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Posts posted by Perkins

  1. Aggad'Ugluk spends his day in the deserty landscape and the endless sand dunes of Krugmar, herding Ugluk oxen and cattle, yet when the call of duty comes and the need to restore the Clan arises, the young Bull makes his way back to the capital of Orcdom. "Ha-Qarkah, Ha-Karazept, Ha-Ugluk! It is time for de bull to go back to itz herd."

  2. A large red-skinned Uruk of Raguk blood would hastily make way for his exotic Orcish cave estate. Upon entering inside he would command his Low Goblin subservient to fetch him a bowl of fruits and a plate of Raguk Stew (a stew mixed with blood and meats alongside with grinded bone dust all messed into one), before sitting himself on his scholarly desk and reaching for a scroll to write down his missive.




    "Dear brothas and sistas of Urukhiim and Honorary stock

    On this Cactus Day, the impure wardog of the Sillumiran, Maethor Sythaerin, so frought with rage , sought to murder a citizen of the Silver Empire, a true blue Krugga honorary at arms and member of the Bronze Band! The two had agreed to wrestle in the pits in order to solve their ideological differences, with Maethor choosing to slay worshippers of purity and tarnishers of evil instead of vile necromancers and dragon servants, many of them defended by his very own kin! 


    AFTERALL , citizens of Krugmar, it was the Rex himself and the Bullgoth that extradited the buurzspawn, Haus and Valindra! Haus for the crimes of grave robbery , necromancy and dark ritual and Valindra for dragon worship and aiding the Akaals in their dark work. Both banished may I say, trusted allies and servants of the Akaal. Maethor Sythaerin in his impurity thus chose to seek Pure Elves they dont like, those who dwell outside of the Silver City and then procceed to slay them within Krugmenistani soil! How impure and buurz to kinslay... "



    "Thus for such impure partaking of kinslaying of not just a common Elf, but a honorary member of the Bronze Band which aided the current Rex in the civil war against the Akaal, a warrior that fought to preserve Atemu-Ta's honour, I implore you brothas and sistas of Krugmar , to show no pity to that impure cretin of the Sillumiran and force him to answer for the crimes of dishonor he committed on this day for it is our duty as Kin of KRUG HIMSELF to punish those of evil heart and wicked soul! ANG GUND GRIISH!"


    Written by


  3. From the depths of a cave long abandoned, a creature would catch whim of the news. The massive Red Uruk of 8 feet tall, with the bones of beasts littering his lair, would be etching a carving with his sharp nails onto a stone, a saga for Skaatchnak. "To the one who I considered a brother... You broke free of the cycle... May you rest, in what Afterlife awaits you. My curse still lingers and always will, for I will never be extinguished from this rock, burdened to see all I meet expire... But you will always be a fond memory, friend. A Gorkil never forgets." With that, the creature slams the saga of Skaatchnak onto a forgotten part of the jungle, detailing his Rexdom and achievements, yet also depicting him alongside a companion or sidekick, an Uruk adorned in a boar's cape, a friend. 

  4. A blind green Uruk, Yerug'Yar by name, long dead and now forced to walk the Planes outside of Krug's Halls but never really able to enter inside it, takes note of the Goblin and smiles. "Heh, I like him." He then resumes his eternal pilgrimage punishment in the Spiritual Wastes.

  5. "If only I had not betrayed you... Brother... How proud you are making me right now." A familiar Red Uruk speaks from within his deep cave lair, sombering ever in eternity for his past mistakes, yet atleast he is glad to know that Gorkil survives with Korgahk. 

  6. MC Name:



    Character's Name:



    Character's Age:



    Character's Race:



    Link to your accepted MA:

             idk if its this one https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forms/logs/?id=7948


    What magic(s) will you be teaching?

              Blood Magic


    Describe this magic or a creature as a whole:


    Blood Magic, or else known as The Art of Chido, is the usage of runes and markings of blood to invoke meaning and creation, with the mana inside a sentient creature's blood, better known as genus, used to power and feed energy to these runes. 


    The Caster first has to create a ritual circle on which he draws the runes he requires for the spell and then, in a finishing touch, pours fresh and genus-full blood all over them in order to trigger their activation. The spells can range from enchanting simple items to summoning creatures, or even creating devastating natural disasters such as tsunamis or earthquakes, yet the more complex and advanced the spell, the greater the chance for something to go wrong. Assuming a spell fails, the side effects can vary greatly: The spell may simply not work in the best of cases, while in the worst, the users can be struck by alien and Voidal Plagues, accidently cause an explosion that injures or kills them, or even summon an Infernal or Voidal beast which will be agressive to them. 


    The effects of long-term blood magic use on mortal Descendants steadily further towards their death due to the ill nature of the art. From the moment one gets an accepted Blood Magic MA, they have roughly 2 OOC years or 110 IC years before they are eventually killed off to a Perma Death. Across the span of their lives, the Mortal User will slowly see a degradation to their appearance, whether by pale skin, bags under their eyes or even greying hair while on a mental note, the blood mage starts developing various mental disorders such as schizophrenia, which progress more and more across their lifespan. A blood mage though may avoid the cruel fate of an early death by ascending into an Immortal CA, such as a silit, although if they choose to, the mental disorders may pass on to them for aesthetic reasons. 


    Despite all the changes from the previous iterations, Bloodbending seems to still continue to some extent into its newer counterpart. While the outright manipulation of blood in a telekinetic sort of way is out of the question, mostly replaced with the rituals, bloodbending can still be used by the most potent of casters or in simple spells. With current bloodbending, one could aesthetically execute their opponent after gaining their permission or cause people to his nearby viccinity to start bleeding non-lethally. Scabbing could also fall under this category, a simple spell to heal ritual cuts or bleedings. 



    Are there different sections or subsections of magic? Can those be elaborated upon?


    As of current, blood magic is mostly sepparated into five categories consisting of bloodbending, elemental rituals, summoning rituals, creation rituals and force rituals. Bloodbending is the ancient art of blood magic, mostly replaced nowadays by the rituals, with what remaining being simple spells of the moment for healing cuts and bleeding , empowering other spells and various aesthetic touches to the RP, such as non-damaging bleeding from various areas of the body. The elemental rituals act as the most basic spells on a blood mage's arsenal, having to do with the enchanting and the essence of the elements into a person or object with examples of them being the enchanting of a fire rune on one's scalp or body, giving their hair a floating and almost fiery appearance or making them more chaotic and agressive, or the use of the rune of earth on an object, making it tougher and more durable, yet also very heavy and slow. The summoning rituals, as their name suggests, are all about the summoning of objects or creatures onto an area , such as with the hail ritual, or even the creation of portals to teleport and travel to far away lands and realms with the embark ritual for example. Being more advanced, they come with an inherent raised danger, as the rituals can cause death when failed, or even spawn an undesired or agressive creature directly to the users. The creation rituals are based on creativity and freeform spells, which can be cooperated with other magics in order to create a new creature, item or otherwise entirely new MArt. Last subsection are the force rituals which a blood mage can use to mix a variety of different runes in order to yield devastating results which may even backfire to them. Force rituals can cause natural disasters and calamity through the use of elemental runes mixed with the rune of power , create deadly weapons with the runes of draining and even momentarily cast a ritual to empower themselves and shed away their magical and voidal weaknesses in order to retain their old descendant vigor.



    Can you give an example of a casting emote, of a spell of your choice?


    Ensorcel material:

    The man reaches for his dagger and draws the blade across his left palm, blood oozing from the cut as he kneels to the floor. He places his hand on the cold stone ground and runs it in a circular motion, creating the basis for the ritual circle. 


    Atop the circle's line he then starts drawing the Runic Inscriptions for his spell, Fire and Light. Once finished, he places a newly-forged blade in the middle of the circle, intent on Ensorcelling the Material with the aforementioned Runes. 


    To finish the spell, he allows more of his blood to feed onto the Runes and the Circle, the fresh genus being drained by them and soon the Ritual Inscriptions would glow with a crimson red colour. With a loud thud echoing across the hall soon after and some good luck bestowed to him by the Universe, it seems that the spell was a success. The Man picks up the sword from the floor which now had a Fiery Light eminating across its Ferrum Blade. "A gift for the Wargoth, one to cement our alliance for good." 



    Can you give an example of a teaching-emote (interacting with another) of a spell of your choice?




    "Your journey in the art of Chido needs to start from somewhere, my neophyte." [Insert Teacher Name] smiles, reaching to the dagger around his waist and making a gentle cut on his own hand, shivering momentarily from the cutting of his skin as some blood oozes out. He then offers the dagger to his student, pressing his free hand onto the bleeding hand, a mist of red appearing from his fingers, then entering the cut itself. 


    The student awkwardly watches as his teacher seemingly cuts his hand, with the sanguine liquor dripping out of it in small quantities. He grabs the dagger, observing its bloodstained edge, deffinetely unsanitary. He warrily places it on his hand, then looks back to his teacher. "My Tutor... Are you sure we should use the same blade?" He silences soon after though, sighing and cutting his palm, groaning as he too soon starts bleeding, pressing his palm against the cut. 


    "Mhm! There is no problem in that... Already afraid of sickness from the first spell, even though you chose this path? Scabbing is the simplest yet most useful casting a Chido-User may have. It can quickly seal cuts and stop bleeding." He soon stops pressing his hand to the cut, raising it up to reveal that the blood had hardened across it, sealing the wound. "Now, Neophyte! Repeat what I did, keep pressing at the wound as hard as you can. Breathe in and out, focus on the wound. Hear your heartbeat, feel the blood pulsing through your veins and all the way outside of your body. Allow the genus on your bleeding hand to harden and close." 


    The student nodded, his pressure on the hand eventually subsiding as he took note of Kalruk's tips. His heartbeats throbbing and spreading the sanguine energy all over his body, he could feel it, hear it, interact with it. Soon, the blood oozing out from the student's cut palm would slow down in its bleeding rhythm, the bloodied area upon which he had touched his hand on would start coagulating, until eventually the blood hardened and scabbed, closing the cut and stopping the bleeding from becoming any worse.




    Say your student powergames during or after teaching, how do you reprimand that?


    If one of my students ends up powergaming then I will try to correct them by telling them what they did wrong and how they can fix it. If they continue powergaming, even after, I will warn them by telling them that if the powergame continues, I will be forced to deny them from being my student. 



    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep the ST updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Have you applied to teach this magic on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app.


  7. "That Traitor! I gave him a chance and he repaid me like this!?" 


     massive man shouted in fury in his hall of wood and stone. Krug, the mighty King of the Desert, strongest of the Four, betrayed by the Stranger who he accepted into his tribe. Standing taller than any man, with dark skin, kissed by the scorching Sun and golden eyes, akin to the vast yellow of the dunes. He spoke out to his people, warriors in appearance much like him, hardened by their environment. 


    "Iblees will pay! Gather the Warbands, summon my Generals! He will forsake the day he crossed with Krug, son of the Divine!" 



             [Krug, Pharaoh of the Desert, before his transformation.] 


    Warhorns blew across the tribal lands, as Ancient armies gathered for the War to Shadow all Wars. Krug atop his chariot and adorned in his bronze armor, leading the marching of thousands of his war-ready kin, men and women at their physical peak, eager to fight. Each warrior, skilled fighter and hunter, bearing scars from past confrontations, adorned in Gear of bronze, hardened leather, spears , axes and all sorts of unique khopesh blades. For days the army marched unhindered, consuming only the food and water required to keep them going, never overfeeding them to get lazy or comfortable, or under feeding them, to get them weak, giving them such so they would be in their best fighting shape. 



    [The warriors of Krug ready to fight.]


    Eventually, the army reached an open battlefield, an army of Demons and Undead facing the Sons of Krug, vastly outnumbering them, Iblees standing in the middle, then shouting taunting phrases to Krug and his warriors:


    "You could have been the Lieutenant of my Armies, Krug! We could have created the perfect world together, brought peace and Order to this land! Under our boots we would rule as Kings! Instead you are kept back by your 'Honour' and ethics!" 


    Krug pointed his Golden Axe to the enemy hordes, not wasting the chance to charge while Iblees was talking. His army, with cold expression and killer determination rushed forth to meet the Demon-ilk Inferi and Lesser Daemonica that followed Iblees, spears piercing against corrupted flesh, while the Vanguard of Krug, along with him, slowly cleaved a bloody path to Iblees. Krug on his chariot trampled many of the Undead and Demonic Apostates, while a single swoop of his Divine Axe could easily kill a dozen combatants with ease. Unfortunately, Krug's successful charge was halted, for Iblees Wraith Bodyguard, which were no men, but untouched, like the wind, easily cut down Krug's horses, forcing his chariot low and sending him on the ground. Despite the strength of their army, Krug's Forces were completely swarmed by the foul Legions of Iblees and getting cut down. Then, warhorns sounded from the distance, familiar sounds to Krug. 


    "Brother! You do not stand alone!" 


    Horen had arrived, and with him brought the armies of his Empire. Oren's Kin were equipped with fine gladius swords, tower shields and uniforms that matched eachother, aurum and bronze breastplates shining under the sun. Then showed up Urguan, with his Mountain kin, short yet stout, build like bricks, adorned in their finest gear of slayersteel. From the forests sounded the horns of Malin, his armies equipped with light leather and wooden pieces, yet they were famed to be the finest marksmen and archers one could hope for. 


    Now, with all the Four Brothers united, Horen, Malin and Urguan joined Krug, as the Descendant armies easily swept and broke the Corrupted Ibleesian Hordes. As his brothers fought to break the Hordes, Krug decided to face Iblees, who was now in his view. With his armor battered and beaten, Krug dropped all his heavy Equipment, bar a loincloth and his Divine Axe, swiftly dashing to Iblees and striking at him. Three times he slashed, first ruining Iblees wings, second cutting his tail and the third missing, yet five times Iblees retaliated and clawed, scarring Krug and bruising his body. Iblees loomed over the Descendant, about to strike him for good, yet Krug still drew breath:


    "As long as me and my kin live! We will never bow down or kneel to anyone!" 


    Krug roared and with a sideways swing, cut open Iblees belly, forcing him on the ground, defeated, yet in the process spilling his Daemonic and Acidic blood all over proud Krug. 



    [The First Battle that shaped the world.]


    The battle was over, the Descendants had won and the Four Brothers united infront of Iblees weakened frame, ready to finish him off, yet with a dying breath, he cursed them all and to Krug bellowed the worst words:


    "Lord Krug, you are strong…  that strength will then be turned against you. May your kin all become heartless and ugly, fuelled by their lust for war." 


    Krug, changed by the Blood of the Daemon, had been scarred, his skin turned green and eyes red, while mighty tusks jutted out of his lower jaw. His brothers stared at him in dread, Malin even backing up in disgust: 


    "Monster! You have been corrupted like them, Krug! We must mercy-kill you!" 


    "Malin! Don't be foolish! He is still our brother!" 


    Urguan cried out to the Elf-Lord, Krug slowly turning to face his brothers, anger in his eyes. 


    "You speak of me as if I am not the one who saved you all! I killed Iblees! I am the Chosen Champion of our Father! I-" 


    Krug briefly noticed his Image from Iblees pool of blood, such a horrific sight. Truly he had become an ugly monster, just like the Daemon cursed. 



    [Krug, after the transformation.]


    Krug did not speak further, he simply looked at his brothers and then walked off. Horen tried to halt him, talk to him, to his beloved brother, placing a hand to Krug's shoulder, yet he shrugged it and moved off. Spotting the remnants of his army, he found a wild mess, for they had all turned into Beasts much like him, once proud warriors, now looking like the Demons they faced against. Krug found them taunting and shouting at the other Descendants, some even punching and beating them. He tried to rile them up, yet in their anger, they wouldn't obey or hear his words, as such he punched the largest one among them to the ground and easily gained back his warriors attention. 


    "We are marching home! To the Desert! We must make sure our people are safe…" 


    His warriors obliged to the whims of the strongest leader and soon followed after him in the long march home. During their trip, Krug and his Warband faced many issues, unlike before. The warriors would get angry quickly, some even fighting eachother in the middle of the march, causing trouble to the rest. Each day they required to fight, least a boiling rage would grow inside them, until some erupted into wild bouts of violence and clobbered those closest to them. With strength and determination, Krug kept them in line, until they reached back to their Kingdom, yet what they saw was a terrible sight: Disaster, for the curse had changed everyone, even the civilians, elderly, children, adults, all were violent beasts, fighting, killing and murdering what they saw, buildings broken down and cracked while those that tried to keep order and peace were ignored. Krug had much work to do, now he, a Lord of Beasts. 


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