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Posts posted by Hackhen



    Death of a Norlander 1641
    Back stroy  

    Angus was just a young boy when the siege of Houndsden happened His uncle John Brawm helped him and his cousin escape through a tunnel at the back of the keep while the rest of the Brawm family fought to the last man. Angus was brought up in Courland and struggled to survive as he had to steal to stay alive. In his teens he joined the Reivers , a  group  of bandit who terrorised the streets of Axios where he made his fortune and learnt to use a blade, war axe and bow. When Angus heard that war had broken out between Norland and the dwarfs he made his way to Norland where he became the Royal engineer. There he invented the bridge breakers used to destroy the Dwarf bridges at the first and second siege of the Krag. During his time in Norland he adopted Norlandic culture. After the second siege he met with Athras Ruric who taught him of the red faith. Angus later devoted his life to the red faith and served it until his death.



     Related image

    Angus at the age of 23

    The pillage


    Angus saw many of his fellow Norlanders fall at the blades of Oreners , he himself manged to fight his way back to the city where he buried all the treasures . As he was doing so he saw a man come up behind him blade drawn. He simply carried on searching through his chests before asking “Ye going to do something?” The man said back “You’re under arrest” Angus chuckled to himself as the man walked off after acknowledging he could not take Angus by himself.  Angus readied himself at his house standing outside the door his father’s sword in his hand along with his Brawm shield both pased down to him.


    He was waiting there for some time, he watched as the fire was spreading across the city the smoke making the sky dark. Angus then saw five men walk out of the smoke weapons drawn. There was the man that confronted him before Nicolas Rubens. Nicolas pointed at Angus, barking out a few commands that Angus could barely hear in the distance. Angus noticed that out of the five men two of them looked like some young peasant boys with little armour. Moments later one of the boys ran at Angus, the boys blade high in the air leaving his body open for a strike. Angus noticed this, so when the boy was within range Angus held his shield out, before swinging his War axe at the boy’s stomach cutting into the boy. The boy screamed out in pain as his intestines fell out his belly and onto the ground.  The second boy came a few seconds later this time a large spear held in both hands pointed forward at Angus as he charged in full sprint. Angus held his ground at the front of his humble house shield braced and his axe ready in his hand. As the teen was about to thrust his spear into Angus Shield, Angus went to doge the spear bashing his shield at the teen. The orener fell to the ground.

     Angus then saw the last three men close in on him swords drawn. Angus could see the sweat on the men’s heads. Two had their shields out while the other had a longsword. They slowly closed in from three angles. At the bark of an order the three men all went in to thrust stab and kick all at once. Angus attempted to block them but could not. A blade went into Angus waste then another into shoulder, blood squirting and splattering over Angus and the oreners around him. Angus would fall onto his knees in sheer pain grunting before getting a kick to the back falling face first into the dirt. Angus could hear the men chuckling and the screams of other Norlanders being cut down he knew it was over as he closed his eyes with a gulp. The men then started to kick at Angus still body before going to smash down Angus’s door and taking what loot was left before making there leave.

  2. 17 hours ago, Teegah said:

    -Slowness debuff(armor weight) on iron and chain armor will be fully removed

    Why? its what makes lotc different to other severs. it the reason you want to be a better blacksmiths and makes sense in rp. Diamond armour removed pls

  3. Angus would be siting on the edge of the wall hanging his feet of the side. He would be reeling up a large fish he caught with his makeshift fishing rode" Them dwarfs think they can starve us out" He would smirk shaking his head

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