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Iron VIP
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Posts posted by Icarnus


    OOC/RP Application

    MC Name: Icarnus

    RP Name: Orvar

    Skype Account ((PM me if you wish for it to be private)): icarnus_

    Timezone: EST

    Profession: Leatherworker, breeder, lumberjack.

    Do you have Teamspeak?/Are you willing to download it?: I got it.

    I agree to the pk claus

  2. Posted all throughout the land, there would be parchment titled:

    Supplies Needed


    "Upon the recent necessity for weapons & equipment in the war on behalf of both sides, a specific hold of the Savoy-Courland expenditure is ready to again re-supply.

    The de Anjou levy seeks any craftsmen or producers to fulfill the current list below, well pay is guaranteed."


    - Requested Fields -

    Woodworkers willing to craft specialized shields with intricate designs.

    Enchanters skilled in the work of armour and weapons.


    - Requested Supplies -



    Barbed Arrows

    Windswept Staves

    Alchemist Fire


    "Report to Cleves, west of Metz in Lorraine, for an introduction with Count Robert if interested." 


    God is my tower of strength.


    Signed Christophe Bastien le Rouge.




  3. OOC: 

    MC Name: Icarnus

    Skype Name: icarnus_

    Do you have TS?: Yes



    Name: Cristophe Bastien Le Rouge

    Race: Human

    Age: 20

    Past Experience: Trained and raised in Metz, serving partially in the Honour Guard.

    Why do you desire to serve House Ashford de Anjou?: Savoyard blood runs deep in my veins.



    Courage, the selfless trait to not falter in doing what is right. Upon another victory, a quiet death is displayed.

    Henry Alexander, a subtle man wishing to do right has risen through the ranks to the top of command. Immense pressure in his mind to show his men that he could do it, he will not fail, he cannot. Upon another day of battle, he donned his plate armor, his striped green tabard faded and red stained with blood. He'd open his door, peering out, seeing what he stands for, who he fights for.

    Walking through the camp, spotting men readying themselves; crying, writing, sobbing, talking. He must show these men victory, he must show them the glory they deserve. Hours later a horn would be heard, rallying the men into their regiments. Henry would take his spot in front of a group of older men, receiving nothing but scowls from battle hardened veterans ready to take their place in heaven. Was he too young to die?

    Henry, clad in blood. Stood fighting the yellows of Haense for many a day. As he held ground, his feet digging into the soft mud below, his leg would be struck by an axe cutting deep into it, falling under the boots of many men of different tabards above, none caring for the dead they tread over. Henry would lay there, trampled. Blood running out from his mouth as his eyes fall faint. Courlandic men pushed back from the area he lay. He'd raise his arm, and in his final moments as another Haensetic executioner noticed him, he'd smile. With sullen eyes, his gaze far above on on the clouds looming overhead, a sword would be pierced into his chest.

    Henry Alexander Norfolk 1585-1604

    By the grace of god, he is removed from this land.

  5. Well, before posting this I've accepted the fact ahead of time that I'm going to look like an idiot, but through my math skills I've found no solution. I'm Iron VIP, and wish to get to Diamond; which crown packages do I now need to get to Diamond?


    Thanks for your time
    ~ Icarnus


  6. Well everyone I am leaving lotc for the time being. I could possibly come back in the future but right now my life has left me no time for lotc. Thank you all for giving me such fun times over my playing time, I've become friends with a few of you and won't ever forget it.


    Clegg_ - your a legendary dude

    Ponder_The_Tumbler/Izryel - you're the man

    Feledrine/Krivaan - you're gay asf

    Dantory - you're never getting my jordans

    Babadooks - Even though we recently became friends you're really cool keeping doing your thing

    Altiak - Much love as always

    6xdestroyer - paint your yamaka with lambs blood #passover

    NJBB - you're such a buttboy that you don't even deserve big letters, jk you're always cool

    Eagles - My rep buddy

    Tankm1a2 - even though we weren't close you were always cool

    Vege - you're a mocha frappuccino

    Malg - Glubb glubb will hit you with his clubb clubb

    Narthok - My canadian boy

    Arteh - i pray to Allah for your soul

    Jakefsf - my snap buddy

    Gangrel - my sassy argument guy

    Ubergoobie - Good luck with your fort its really cool

    Cakefool - brawms are gay but you're cool

    Wolfkite - my bro even tho you're an edgy ***

    sdm - mr spicy voice


    So thanks to everyone for the fun times! If I left you out just tell me and I'll add you with my opinions ?


    Who knows, maybe I'll be back in the future.


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