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Posts posted by d0ntc4r3



    ((Put your RP name, followed by your Minecraft username))

    Name ((OOC Name)): Theodora Palaiologos (fluffypants417)

    Surname/House: Palaiologos

    Date of Birth ((Example: 11th of Sun’s Smile, 1520)): N/A

    Gender: Female

    Race: Human Heartlander

    Citizenship Class (A or B): A


    Physical Description


    Height: 5'5"

    Weight: 140lbs

    Eye Color: Black

    Hair Color: Black

    Skin Color/Shade: White

    Outstanding Markings/Tattoos: Scars on her hands and ankles


    Personal Information


    Home Address (Leave blank if unknown): 1 Delatour, Chambery

    Region of Residence (Leave blank if unknown): Chambery

    Profession/Occupation: Noble

    Have you paid your processing fee (CLASS A CITIZENS ONLY!): I've worked it out with cruzazul8

    ((Please provide a screenshot of the payment.)) https://gyazo.com/af71cb5af07e1aa5ca427f00c46c8f55



    Oath(s) of Loyalty


    For all classes of Citizenship (fill your name in the blanks):


    "I, Theodora Palaiologos, hereby swear my loyalty the Emperor of the Holy Orenian Empire entirely by my free will. I swear to read and obey the laws of the Empire and understand the punishments and penalties that will be incurred should I violate the law."




    "I, fluffypants417, hereby acknowledge and give my consent to the OOC rule that should my character be found guilty of High Treason within the Empire, the Emperor personally (and only the Emperor) has the right to execute permanently my character. I accept this condition and make it entirely upon my free will."

  2.      A hooded woman would walk the forests of the frozen North at night, having just returned from a long pilgrimage. Her hand brushes against the bark of a tree as an owl hoots, far off. Her worst fears are being realized. The death of her father will never be forgotten. The loss of her home will never be forgotten. The death of her brother will never be forgotten. She vows for vengeance. For justice.

         "By any means," she whispers to herself.

         Holding her daughter close to her chest, she gazes up at the moon, using it as her guide. The bushes rustle and the sound of wolves can be heard a ways off. She doesn't fear them, however, for fear is the mind killer, and her mind is alive with a rage, a sadness, and a determination not felt in her family for generations.

         She makes her ways south, hoping to find her husband or someone she knows. Someone she can trust. But where to go? Riga? Felsen? Nowhere is safe. No one is safe. She holds her daughter closer, wanting to turn back time to the days of innocence. To the days before everything went out of control. She thinks of her friend, Valeria, long dead now. She thinks of her home, Nikae, most likely in ruins. Oh, how she wished the world weren't so cruel!

         She whispers a few names to herself: "Jaromir, Ivan, Fiske, Brittannus, Dagr..." There were a few others, but their names escape her. She thinks of futility, and the unlikelihood of any justice prevailing. Looking down to her young daughter, the hooded woman sees a warrior to train.


         By daylight, the eaten corpse of a rabbit lies next to a fire. The hooded woman sharpens her axe. Gathering her supplies and kicking the ashes away, she sets on her journey once more. Where to, no one knows. But for now, she walks.

  3. 1 minute ago, Pureimp10 said:


    "You mean defending our city from rebels? We're not monsters, you're the ones who would threaten our civilization and way of life." says Britannus

    "This was an assault, not a defense. You used this 'treaty' as a ruse to gain access to Riga, then you kill everyone, even civilians, and try and steal everything. That's the farthest thing from a 'defense' I've ever heard. Now, I've actually opposed the whole 'purge the raevir' crap a handful of people have been saying. I've also attempted to find some sort of peace treaty we can both walk away from happy. I have been far more reasonable than you and your kin. What you and your allies have done, however, is nothing short of monstrous." Theodora would state.

  4. Theodora would be enraged upon hearing of the recent raid on Riga. "You sign a fake peace treaty then slaughter everyone?! You are monsters, you Vanirs. First you kill my father, then you evict me and my family, then you torture me, then you harass Riga constantly, then you bribe the Felsen Guard, then you kill Courlanders in Felsen, now you use a fake treaty to break into Riga? You are monsters, all of you. I hope you rot in Hell."

    She would go back to tending to her newborn daughter. She would pray they wouldn't stoop too low and kill an infant, but she wouldn't be too surprised at this point.

  5. Theodora sits in a lodge, having officially been kicked out of her own home.


    "No vengeance for my father then. Or Valeria. I hope those Vanirs understand they are not welcome in our Duchy, and never will be."

    She goes back to tending to her newborn.

  6. ((My char is yet to connect to the Void, so not sure which one to put. Also, do I need to make a Magic Application before or after this?))

    Student Applications

    Character Name: Theodora Palaiologos

    Minecraft Username: fluffypants417

    Race: Human Heartlander

    Timezone: EST

    Desired Magic: Fire Evocation, Water Evocation, Sensory Magic

  7. Theodora's feelings are locked in combat: the poor guy was killed so quickly and without hesitation, but the Vanirs had also killed her father right in front of her when she was a child. She always wanted vengeance, but is unsure if this is the kind she wants.


    As she breathes fresh air, in solitude, she comes to the conclusion he had it coming. Both he and his family have always been savages to her and her family. Whether its destroying her sister-in-law's crypt, Emma threatening and mocking her then-homeless family, Dagr spitting on her near-death form, or what other atrocities were committed, she felt nothing but a rage against the family.


    Sitting in her room, she could not help but wish Vasili Vanir well in the afterlife. Despite her feelings, she could not deny his prestigious life.


    "May this war end quickly," she said to herself, hoping for the best.

  8. Theodora Palaiologos would sit in her cell in Carnatia, glad to have company but upset to see the Duke imprisoned. She attempts to eat a piece of bread but to no avail because her fingers had been cut off by Carnatian soldiers, leaving only thumbs. She lays in her bug-ridden bed, unable to stand because they had also cut off her feet.

    "Torture...imprisonment...hell. This is the world of Carnatia." She sighs solemnly. She only wishes to die to escape this madness and so the Cloud Temple Monks will restore her limbs.

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