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Status Updates posted by squakhawk

  1. disappointing :-1:

  2. anonymous reports literally go unanswered ignored and unread. The only way to get **** done is like this. That is how it was done before, that’s how it’ll be done in the future. Set precedent and ******* take responsibility and act.

  3. im chimpin out rn 


  5. if u missed the notification Story Disc, taking feedback on Story Minerals here.

    As a note, mineral nodes are being automated, so don't worry about ticket-times anymore. 

  6. announcement copied from chad ST discord
    Nodes are placed, Self teach changes are implemented. Have a good evening

  7. 700 day cold war begins was a good one guys 

  8. watching @tasty_cheesecakekill morghuul on the smp was like cain and abel

  9. can’t believe king aleksandr being cancelled rn…

  10. here it comes..

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