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  • Birthday December 7

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    i am my own master now
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    Anethra, Sand

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  1. Whilst lucid, you felt a small twinge in your right hand. You looked upon your own palm curiously, and in a moment that seemed faster than the blink of an eye, an eye stared right back at you. An eye within your palm, conjured of icy permafrost that glared at you like a man beheld a god. It was in an instant that you found yourself somewhere else. You hadn't even realized fully what had occurred until you felt the instant bite of cold, the choking of air from your lungs as you felt breathless. You felt like you stood on a high rope, vertigo causing your feet to tremble as a opaque icy fog let you see not but a foot before you. You heard the wind rush and thrum, like a harvester cutting through chaff. Once Twice Thrice Cold steelen chains wrapped around your arms as you came-to. Oncemore were you looking at your hand, turning it over calmly as you saw your backhand. Normal, as too was your palm. The thought danced across your mind as your conscious finally connected again with your body, dread awash as you felt the peculiar vision truly struck you. It was then you noticed the reddened marks of frost's nip burn at your skin where chains once were. You felt cold, even with the warmth of wherever you once were. Your palms burned. But not for His unwitting disciples. [The following information is available only to those with the Palmreading MA]. You looked upon the burns of chains as the bitter, unforgiving cold of The Mountain's peak chilled you to the bone. A grim reminder of the sacrifices made to scale the greatest thing among all Eos. You felt your mana within surge, a brief rush of coursing power. Your hand raised to release the excess in flux, as without meaning, you Invoked only two things over and over again. Mountain. Divide. Mountain. Divide. Mountain. Divide. The rattling of cold steel pulled your vision - it did not invite it - but tugged your eyes to an icy peak lesser travelled. A chain slipped away along the ground, dragging with it a snowy cold until it vanished from sight as it made way toward the glacial mountain that commanded your vision. You felt you heard a word upon the rush of wind, even if it were a trick of the frightened mind it seemed too grim to be simple falsity. We will help each other.
  2. S T O R Y T E A M Frost Witch Shelf Hi meows, After lots of careful deliberation and intervention from ST and players over the last couple of years, following an all-but-one unanimous vote by the ST, Administration, and ST Management, we are going to be shelving Frost Witches immediately. Frost witches had been in troubling throes over the last couple of years despite a lot of different methods by both ST and Players alike to support the CA and bring it back. Despite this, and despite multiple submitted amendments, there could be no cohesive or consistent agreement between neither players nor ST on what the direction for the CA should have been. Despite feedback and multiple requests to change aspects of the CA from a player-side, the CA has failed near in total with the vast bulk of it's players over the years having hemorrhaged and left the CA, or left LOTC as a whole. We spoke to many players (Both current and former), and many communities which had interacted with the community in recent memory, and few (if any at all) had positive remarks for the CA and how it was used and utilized. This is unfortunate given I know personally how many people are invested in the CA and truly do care about it, but it's time to stop it before any more harm can come to the server and its players as a result of it. Effective immediately are frost witches shelved, with all frost witch characters having the following options; ✸ Becoming permanently shelved in Wyrvun's realm after cocooning IRP. ✸ Dropping Frost Witch, remaining alive but permanently in grief. Frost Witch will not be available for rewrite indefinitely following this post, until mentioned in an ST update. Any submissions before this time will be denied. Apologies that this may come as poor news to some, but I hope it is at the least understandable. Have a great day, Squak
  3. The sojourners followed as the last remaining warriors of The Witchless City ventured forth, looking up at the colossal tower that stood high above them. Their cloaks and blades unburdened with neither blood nor magicburn, the scouting expedition looked to one another with curiosity and confusion alike. "...Have you ever gotten so close?" There was silence among the party, before one old voice broke it among quiet winter winds. "No, not once. Not in a lifetime, nor any of my ancestors." "Do you think they are preparing an ambush?" "If they were, we'd have been dead two leagues back." Just as questions had been asked, there had been no answers. The scouting party continued to dally in tepid fear and uncertainty. "...The prophecies speak of an angel with wings who would slice the citadel in two with his greatsword in one cut. But the citadel remains. I have to see what is within." "Do you think there are treasures, Jorund? Do you think they guard an artifact so potent it would cause them to destroy a kingdom? Do you wish for a cruel, slow death?" "I want to know why my father and his before him died to take this back." The younger scout snapped back, before speaking broadly then. "Do you cowards wish to return empty handed? From the greatest expedition in memory, to approach the citadel near-enough to touch it. I will be the one worthy of southern fruits. Not the rest of you - not those who stood behind and froze when opportunity shined them in the eye." Jorund loudly proclaimed, marching further into the snow as he approached the citadel's foot. Begrudgingly, did few follow whilst the rest made excuse why they should not proceed. The Citadel was meant to be the greatest fortress upon all of Skjoldier - a fortress of ice sturdier than steel surrounded in a blizzard which would kill even the most prepared explorer in less than a minute. Yet these winds were calm, a lull in the howling gale that seemed to last. As the explorers neared the frozen gates left ominously open, did Jorund place a hand upon the forbidden, accursed ice. It burnt at his palm even through layers, a wince coming to his expression as pain chilled him to the bone. A voice spoke up, curt and low. "Are you satisfied, Jorund? Can we leave now? They could be here any second." "...This can't be right. I watched them gut ..." He paused, the painful memory of his parentage being gored before him by a thing that was woman as much as it was ice. Carved like a butcher's blade through pork did he see his father disembowled among the howling winter. An image that haunted him, an image that made him shy from any meatcarver's shop. It was all the belly of his father which spilt blood and guts alike as it jostled from the gaping wound in his dying throes. "...I will not let them deny me the battle I have come here for. The vengeance which they have forsaken me of." Jorund the Warrior proceeded further, even fewer following his next hundred terrified steps. Three warriors of Gautsdalr made way deeper into the citadel. Further and further did they pass through the savage ruin left behind the beastly creatures that had hunted them like prey for millenia. Scattered bones, spattered slushlike blood, even carcasses of those recently missing from scoutings and expeditions. Stairs and steel twisted among the accursed ice in an uncanny symbiosis as they climbed stairs breathlessly, each one stolen from their lungs replaced with the burning of icy glass. Deceiving eyes they were of the six among them, as they could not behold what they saw. That the savagery of these predatory beasts was far from exaggeration, but an understatement. Men pulled apart and tortured in ways unfathomable haunted their minds as too did the wind gently continue. As the group furthered, a haunting spectre of one of the barbaric women passed by; glancing at them with haunting blue eyes as it vanished from sight. It had melted as if it disappeared within the wind itself, passing by as the final chamber lay open to their view. The grand atrium, never once tread before by man, was stepped unto without word by Jorund and his two most faithful companions as their weapons, woefully unfit to even graze what once walked these halls, lowered fully. Their visage had slowly morphed into that of incomprehensible horror as they beheld a most unimaginable scene. Rows and rows of at first dozens, then hundreds, perhaps even a thousand of the great beasts that had nearly exterminated their kingdom. These witches of frost encased in statues of ice, their closed eyes weeping tears which remained unfrozen from the ice that entombed their bodies. Each one in a position of prayer, discomfort, woe, and despair. Even as not a soul but those three dare moved in that great hall, one could hear them hum lowly. So low was the humming, the chorus that all these witches had shared in unison, that the very room itself shook and swayed gently. Among them, those voices which thrummed and hummed gently, was one so great and so full of grief that even Jorund began to weep. Not because of the vengeance he was robbed of, not because of the sheer quantity of his greatest enemy, not because all the suffering of his ancestors was for naught; But because of pure, unimaginable sorrow.
  4. squakhawk

    bye 2024

    I hope Kaiser or Joel get the art so they can make you draw something terrible Squakhawk #1 Trinn #99999999 Death to Xan Long live the azdrazihadeen 1 billion dead xannites 1 billion dead cleric writes Meow cup
  5. Palmreading Background/Origin Decades past as blizzards blew, where She sat beneath poisonberries of Yew. It was in the frigid mist that She met The Mountain's unbreaking fist. it bestowed upon Her gifts and boons, the young Prophetess able to then survive future moons. From The Mountain did it speak, from Her ears blood began to weep Listen closely, Hierophant of Foresight My realm is empty, and worthless my might Bring to me acolytes, sacrifice them beneath moonlight I will be this lands king, and you, it's queen From night and day, you will always be seen Of love, of beauty, and of all things between You will be their lifegiver, and I, their promethean It was centuries ago that The Faultless Hierophant set out across Eos to nations from each corner of the world. From the most distant islands, to the largest continents, tales small and large tell of a ship with blackened sails and the insignia of a grand white mountain obscuring a red sun visiting. The ship came, and people compelled to come along with it, disappearing to never return. The Faultless Hierophant would not be seen in the last two-hundred years, where it is now found sunken a bay of northern Aevos. Though no trace of The Hierophant or Her following remain, once again The Mountain began to bestow it's boons upon those around Aevos who were foolish enough to hear it's siren song.. Magic Explanation The Entity's Blessing Few are given whispers from The Mountain itself, but the boon of Palmreading is self-fulfilling. If one is transferred The Gift, they shortly after begin to morph and take identity of their namesake. This is a deific connection that does not interfere with other deific connections, akin to Seers from it's enigmatic benefactor. Given a blessing by The Mountain, one may manipulate their mana within to pull from a power source that is not quite understood- at least, not yet. With this, the magic itself is at points not optimized, leading to spells which are incorrectly foretelling. One theme remains consistent, a constant urge to control others that worms its way into each and every spell. - Palmreading is self teachable past connection. - Palmreading is a [3] slot Deific-class magic, and is compatible with all other magics unless stated otherwise. - Palmreaders may be connected through ET Event or through other Palmreaders. - To learn Palmreading, a character must have a greater soul capable of learning deific magics. - Palmreading requires a fully organic body to utilize, meaning that Ensoulled golems, machine spirits, and utilizing prosthetics would prevent them from casting the magic. - Due to the connection of Palmreading affecting the body and soul directly, if one were to experience rebirth through a Klone, their connection would reset, starting them again at Tier 1. Connection Becoming a Palmreader has two main avenues of connection. The first, through listening to The Mountain [Event], and the second, through The Gift of The Mountain from another Palmreader. Listening to The Mountain entails an ET-Only connection, in which through an Story Team event, a player is offered the ability to connect to the magic and put up an MA for Palmreading. This is at the discretion of any ST, and is not per player request. Past connection, this magic is self-teachable, with questions of so forwarded to the ST Discord, or via /sreq. If a player were to reject this OOCly, their character would feel a searing pain within their palms for an hour afterward as the deific connection is warded off. The Gift of The Mountain is a ritual in which a Palmreader may bestow The Gift upon a willing participant, or the same feeling of searing pain within their palms if they were to reject connection. [5 Emotes] [1 T5 Palmreader] [Noncombat] - The Gift of The Mountain A gift of that which was not given, Palmreaders may spread their art through bloodlines by teaching those anew. Without having the blessing of the land itself, The Mountain seemed to not mind the unsanctioned blessing of others with it's untold power; breathing connection and life anew into those who were willing to receive it. Over the course of [5] emotes of immersion into a blizzard, storm, mountain peak, underwater cavern, or deep fog, [1] Palmreader may open their connection and draw the mana of a prospective palmreader into them as the connection is snagged within them, the two souls briefly intertwining as the new connection was established. The prospective palmreader often would enter shortly after a brief state of delirium, dementia, psychosis, or euphoria followed by extreme exhaustion for 24 OOC hours. Redlines -If being reconnected from The Gift of The Storm, a palmreader would resume at the prior tier they once were, as well as regaining their tattoos. -During this period of extreme exhaustion, the new Palmreader would be completely defenseless in all forms of combat and unable to defend themselves. This would manifest as excessive muscle weakness and fatigue. -Requires OOC consent to utilize. Connection Redlines -Connection throughout spells is considered "Persistent", and until broken, if already connected a palmreader may skip the connection emote of subsequent spells. -There must be [1] emote of no connection to any magic before and after using any spells of this magic. As example, if using Voidal spells, you must disconnect for an emote before you are able to use Palmreading spells, wait another disconnection emote, then are able to use other magics once again. -When casting, one must choose between holding a connection/charge/cast and attacking otherwise. Should the palmreader be utilizing a sword as example, they must choose to either spellcast or attack with their sword; it may never be done in tandem. A palmreader may be free to defend, dodge, and so on while casting, but may not not attack/cast in tandem. -If casting a spell, it may be held for up to [2] emotes at any point during the casting sequence without firing. After [2] emotes if the spell is held for too long, the mage would be disconnected for [1] emote from mental fatigue. -Upon taking the magic, the [3] slots dedicated to Palmreading are permanently dedicated to the magic. If dropped, the character would retain their two remaining slots; those 3 remaining considered "Inert" until connected to Palmreading again, in which they may continue to use their remaining two slots freely. -An event to gain this magic may not be requested. -When casting, one must choose between holding a connection/charge/cast and attacking otherwise. Should the palmreader be utilizing a sword as example, they must choose to either spellcast or attack with their sword; it may never be done in tandem. A palmreader may be free to defend, dodge, and so on while casting, but may not not attack and connect/charge/cast in tandem. Casting/Tells Connection as a Palmreader is highly unique to each individual practitioner, even through 'bloodlines' of teacher to student there seems to be little consistency in how the magic may represent itself. When casting Palmreading spells, mana would exert from one's form, twisting around their form and that of their target. This mana is the magical and overt, being an aura that manifests around the palmreader. Deific in nature, these may manifest with the following themes. -Stone, Rocks, Earth -Chains, Bindings, Weights -Storms, Lightning, Tides, Harsh Winds -Eyes -Puppetlike strings -Tattoos upon one's body animating -Winter, Cold, Blizzards -Tarot Cards, Feathers, Mists/Fog These themes may manifest magically around the user, on the user, and so on. It is up to each individual caster to have their own unique tells and takes so long as they follow any (or any mix of) the above themes. Redlines -Should a Palmreader possess another active MA in a magic, they may utilize aesthetic tells similar to that magic blended with Palmreading. The same does not apply to those who hold TAs but not MAs. -Any tell is completely aesthetic and harmless in nature. -Tells for Palmreading must be overtly clear and may not be subtle as a twitch, flick, or small somatic gestures. -Despite Verbal and Somatic components being rendered optional, should a Palmreader have their hands tied and mouth covered they would be completely unable to cast. One or the other would be insufficient to block casting. Physical Effects While a Palmreader is largely unaffected physically by taking upon the magic, there is something deeper that is changed within them emotionally and mentally. While strength and stamina go unchanged, there is only one truly noticeable change that occurs upon connection. A Palmreader would have tattoos manifest upon them; ranging from a single one to full body pieces, these may range from solid colour to brightly coloured illustrations of any detail. These tattoos may be of any content at the wish of the player upon connection, and manifest almost unnoticeably. No matter what however, these tattoos would be permanent; never leaving their body and unable to be cut or burnt out. Alongside this, a Palmreader may develop traits akin to that of The Palmreaders of Ailmere. Becoming more prominent as they progress through the tiers and further their connection, these traits may be; -Dark hair and/or nails -Pale skin, bordering ghostly white -Blackened extremities -Eyecolour changes of white, gold, blue, or green; including their iris and sclera -Soft mists that emanate from the Palmreader's form, of black, blue, green, or grey Mental Effects The mentality of a Palmreader is one of obsession, and lust for control. Whether it be over their own lives or others, a Palmreader would be somewhat manipulative and seek to exert control over things beyond mortal means; be it control of others and their actions, their lives, or that of their own fate which they may perceive as beyond their hands. Alongside this, Palmreaders will find strong obsessions in certain character-concepts, unique to each palmreader. While some have this concept envelop them [See Ritual: Forsake The Name, Consecrate The Flesh], others are merely obsessed and try and live by such a concept. These can be things like Faith, Strength, Fear, Curiosity, Endurance, Willpower, Creed, so on and so forth. These are unique to each Palmreader, and are interpreted differently; something like Faith and how one lives by it can vary wildly from person to person, and so too palmreader to palmreader. With this as well, the Palmreader feels 'heavier' - not necessarily in weight, but as if they carried a great burden upon their shoulders. A burden that physically weighed upon their soul and spirit, though leaving them unaffected in all uses mundane, it is something that would never quite leave them. As if they were shouldered with a great responsibility, one they did not understand. The Tarot [World Lore] - The Aevosi Tarot The Aevos Tarot is a collection of symbolic cards threaded into the continent’s nature. While Tarot has been historically practiced as a means of occultic divination, its uses in previous realms were limited. The arrival on Aevos has shifted such – for Aevos possess a strangeness wherein prediction and prescience may welcome themselves into the minds of those who are attuned to such. The use of the tarot in these hands invites the mind to see vague outlines of a future that may yet come. The cards are merely a tool to tune the mind of the reader into the participant’s destiny. The future is unknowable to man in its entire, and must be brought into palatable conscience before it can be seen. There are Eight known cards currently. Cartomancy readings are typically conducted in a 3-card spread. Card inversions typically imply a direct opposite interpretation, or an alternative one. One does not require a Palmreading MA to utilize the tarot in it's mundane form. To draw from the spread, roll a d16 thrice, with 1-8 directly correlating to below, and 9-16 as the eight-card deck repeating (Inverse Lady is 9, Inverse Spire is 10, etc). Alternatively, one may roll a d8 three times, and roll a d2 thereafter to determine if they are upright or inverse. Redlines -One may, without being told, ascertain the interpreted meaning of each card - how this relates to their character or story is up to the character's interpretation. -Drawing any amount of cards divines as much meaning as the player may ascertain. -Whilst some decks are event items (And thusly ST Signed), one does not require an ST-Signed item to perform a reading. -Any completed deck of 16 cards, regardless of ST-Signature or not, gives off a low amount of inspecific mana. This mana is unable to harm mana-susceptible beings or items in any capacity. -Items with antimagic properties such as Auric Oil or Thanhium would destroy a deck without difficulty. Alternatively if the deck is separated or destroyed through conventional means, it is destroyed without difficulty. -A character may not make leaps in judgement to arrive to conclusions a player may have that are otherwise metagaming. This deck is intended for roleplay and story enriching purposes, not metagaming actions or things to come through roleplay. Instances of use which result in metagaming are treated as metagaming. The Tarot (Spoiler) Abilities [Passive] [Noncombat] - Divination Plagued by The Mountain and it's enigmatic benefactor, Palmreaders are frequently visited by unwelcome visions, thoughts, and hallucinations that more often than not come in the form of puzzles and riddles. Rarely clear and evervague, these visitations are scarcely helpful and may be misleading with double meanings, if correct at all. A Palmreader has the curse of blind foresight, able to see unclear visions into the future. This is at player discretion of what they may believe to happen in a scenario either near or far ahead, and may roleplay their witnessing of this event in any way they may wish. Redlines -These divinations are always somewhat cryptic and never clear, up to the player to encode meaning (if there may be meaning at all) into what they have to say, or witness. -This is not a scrying-type spell by any means, there is no ST interaction involved unless an acting ET wishes to provoke it first, never upon request. -This spell allows players to witness and react to prophecies. -These visions will often come in forms familiar and at the perspective of the palmreader witnessing; meaning accuracy, perspective, and information is only in the form of what their character knows and believes in. The visions they may have are not factual by any means, nor are they required to be. -These visions, thoughts, hallucinations, involuntary vocalizations, etc. may manifest at any frequency and ability the player wishes to do them in. [Passive] [Noncombat] - Stormwalking Granted a tie to Aevos itself, while never able to truly depart from the continent permanently, a Palmreader may act as a stormwalker, or wayfinder - one who may sail through the treacherous and impermeable Storm of Aevos, safely away from the continent. Despite this, their spirit is forever tied to the continent; never able to truly leave. The Mountain only took; it did not give. If a Palmreader is present upon a ship, they may be able to navigate through The Storm of Aevos freely to and from the continent. Though if left, the Palmreader would age at a rapidly accelerated rate if leaving the continent; roughly a 1:10 scale on equivalency, one year spent off the continent would equate to ten years in age. Alongside this, the Palmreader would be required to return with guests to Aevos, never able to make the return voyage alone or with fewer crew than departed with. Redlines -Given the nature of this ability, it is primarily utilized for forum posts and "offscreen" journeys. Events where applicable may utilize this spell. -The rapid-aging would occur immediately upon leaving Aevos, with a 10x multiplier of time spent off-island to age. If one left the island for a week, it would be equivalent to aging ten weeks. This goes by roleplay time, and if a character would be gone for 4 irl days, which equates to 4 IRP months, this would be instead 40 irp months of age acquired. This aging would not undo itself over time, nor be curable. -A Palmreader must be upon a ship with each voyage to leave- any ship without a palmreader would break upon The Storm of Aevos. -Given this is a passive ability, a palmreader may utilize this spell in literal spellcasting (At player discretion of emotes and complete freeform aesthetic choice), or passively without ritual or cast. [3+ Emotes] [Combative/Noncombative] - Spiritgale Their spirits tethered to Aevos, The Palmreaders of Ailmere are more than mere descendant- but a part of the land itself. Thusly, The Palmreaders are able to connect with the land and it's past upon a level incompatible with other descendants. Where some may notice or feel presence, a Palmreader may see and feel spirits. Where some may feel heaviness and burden upon their shoulders, a Palmreader may see and be pained by the irons which weigh them from those entrapped upon the continent. Focusing upon the land and their natural tie to it, Palmreaders upon Aevos may enter a deep trancelike state as they become more sensitive to the land around them. This may manifest in things otherwise too subtle or difficult to notice, such as paths unseen, spirits lurking beyond the material plane, or even entering a comatose-like state as they live through a woken dream of the land surrounding. Redlines -Palmreaders may understand details of the land in finer detail, such as Maplore. This cannot be used for player history or does not greenlight metagaming or anything similar. -Palmreaders may work with ET where applicable should they permit so, allowing them to utilize routes or clues otherwise unseen or difficult to notice. -This effect only lasts and occurs during casting, meaning one cannot see ghosts or things similar without the spell active. -This spell may be cast indefinitely via channeled effect. -Any forced movement, attack, defense, or sudden stimuli (Such as a loud noise, bright lights, etc.) would break the trancelike state. -During Spiritgale, a Palmreader is as corporeal as that which they see. Thus, should an ET wish, a Palmreader utilizing this spell may be effected by things in a more literal sense (Or even affected in the first place) than other adventurers may be. -Given they are as corporeal as that which they see, a Palmreader gains incorporeal traits; only able to be slashed by aurum, slayersteel, antimagic, and magic, though they remain seen as normal and do not turn invisible. [4 Emotes] [Combative/Noncombative] - Control The Mountain bore itself a weight upon the island; a presence that commanded all eyes to look upon it, to find it, no matter the direction spent. Given the ties to The Palmreaders and their ancient mountain rites, a Palmreader may invoke Control - the power of the mountain - as they sunder the mind of those who look upon them. Some images manifest as tunnelvision, others as auditory and visible hallucinations which mock and taunt the target; to each palmreader does this spell present differently. A Palmreader may invoke control over a visible target, presenting stimuli of their choice directly to the mind of their target. After the spellcasting of [1] Connection -> [2,3] Charge/Tells -> [4] Cast, a target would have their focus forced from them and unable to attack any target except the casting palmreader for [2] emotes. The exception to this is if a target is attacking the victim, such as aiming a bow, casting a spell, or swinging a weapon at the victim; in which they are able to defend without counterattacking freely and unimpeded, though not breaking the spell. Alongside this, a Palmreader may briefly force [1] turn of movement from the target. With their forced movement a Palmreader may attempt to command further control over a target and their actions, but is not forced past the one forced movement. -A Palmreader may gain [1] turn of movement control over their opponent, able to move them [4] blocks in any direction of their choosing, should they be able to move. Redlines -Attacking a target under Control would allow them to react freely and unimpeded, able to defend as they would normally. This includes aiming ranged attacks and casting spells upon the target. -One cannot force movement that would directly induce harm, such as through stepping onto a trap, slamming into a wall, walking off a cliff, etc. -Requires line of sight -Dependent summons (Those which rely on a caster) are also taunted under the effects of Control, while independent summons (Those which do not rely on a caster) are not and are free to act as normal. -This spell is not a projectile and presents directly to the target unless they have some form of magical mental block. -Sentient and nonsentient targets are affected by this spell equally. -[48] Metre (Shout) range. -This spell is maintained passively post-cast, and should the palmreader have their casting interrupted during these [2] Control emotes, so too would the spell break. -If the target of this spell was casting or aiming during the period, they may without interruption of spell-emotes switch their target to the casting palmreader. Alternatively, should the lore allow, they may hold the spellcast at normal ability to do so upon their original target. -The ability to command orders past the one forced movement is not forced and does not inhibit a target character any more than their player wishes it to. [3 Emotes] [Combative/Noncombative, see individual subtype] - Invocation Invoking the power of their tarot, and thus the spirit of Aevos and The Mountain itself, a Palmreader is able to invoke the power invested in each of the cards and their forms for selfish application and purpose. A Palmreader may after [1] Connection, [1] Charge/Tell (Thematic to each cardtype), and [1] Cast, invoke abilities unique to each card of the tarot either upright or inverse. The Lady (Combative/Noncombative) Invoking The Lady would cause effects such as coldness, intense paranoia, and harmless winterlike effects surrounding the target and the palmreader. Upright - When invoked upright, the casting tells of the target would be suppressed for the next spellcast. Inverse - When invoked in inverse, this spell reduces the target's sight range to [10] metres, unable to see any further for [3] emotes. Redlines -Should the target be casting or aiming a ranged attack, they may swap targets without interrupting cast/emotecount to that within their range. If there is no applicable target and they cannot hold the spell as per their lore, their connection is interrupted as line of sight is broken. -When tells are suppressed, emotecounts should still be utilized within their emote (Such was [3/5]). A player must be able to immediately answer what spell is being utilized upon request by ST. -The Upright version of this spell will only last for up to [6] emotes before it's effects no longer apply upon the target. The Spire (Combative/Noncombative) Invoking the spirit of the magi causes mana within the area to flow differently; magic becoming more thickly present near the caster and target in the form of any of the senses being harmlessly affronted with mana and magic. A magi as the target of this spell may feel their mana being tainted or unclean, as if adulterated with something unwelcome. Upright - Beginning regeneration of mana, when invoked upright the magi under effects of this spell would have their next [2] Spellcasts be free of cost. Inverse - Feeling the sapping of mana, when invoked in inverse the magi under effects of this spell would have their next spellcast [1] cost double the mana, where applicable. Redlines -This spell does not effect enchantments. -For all intents and purposes necessary, the "adulteration" of mana is deific-type in nature, though compatible with all other magics and CAs. -Nonmagic users are unaffected by this spell, instead feeling a slight high or sickliness harmlessly when cast upon them. -All targets of this spell, be it with doubled manacost or free spells, will only have this opportunity until the end of combat. Breaking connection to their magic would too cause the effects to break, willingly or not. -The "Doubled Mana" is consumed where the relative magic consumes mana; either upon the first charge emote or upon the casting emote, depending on the magic. If unspecified in the lore, it is upon the first charge emote by default for the purposes of this lore. -If one is mid-spellcast while being affected by The Inverse Spire, the "Next Spellcast" is defined as the next spell being prepared- not the current one. This redline does not apply if the lore specifically mentions manacost being used upon the casting of the spell rather than the first charge/connection emote. -The Doubled Manacost applies to all sources/resources of mana systems, such as mana, lifeforce, inner flame, etc. The Divide (Noncombative) Invoking the raw nature of The Divide, a palmreader may inflict sensory illusions upon a target unique to each user. This may manifest as nostalgic, warm, or inviting senses and hallucinations to be inflicted upon the palmreader and the target. Upright - When invoking upright, the target of this spell is given the opportunity to experience an illusion of an event significant to their life, one of fondness and warmth. This places the target in a positive mood, with fully replenished stamina and spirit. Inverse - When invoking in the inverse, he target of this spell is given the opportunity to experience an illusion of an event significant to their life, one of trauma and pain. This places the target in a negative mood, causing hesitation and anxiety in their decisionmaking. Redlines -These spells may not be used to metagame other players or player history, only reliving moments which happened in roleplay, and are capable of being remembered by this character in roleplay. Memory erasure prior to death as per death rules still applies as normal, as do similar effects. -Requires OOC consent to utilize, the players exploring these visions as much as they are comfortable with. -A character entranced with this spell is only affected with these hallucinations and illusions as long as they may like, though are completely unable to interact with or change the vision and it's history; only reliving it and the senses associated. -A Palmreader may not witness another player's illusions or visions. -Should a character have some form of magical mental barrier or block, they would be immune to this spell. -Hesitation and Decisionmaking is up to the target party to roleplay, and is not forced on by the palmreader. The Dreamer (Noncombative) Invoking the dreamer is a risky and not well understood invocation of the tarot, scarcely utilized by the scattered palmreaders. The spell is often considered an incomplete form of what it could be, dangerous and with little reward. However, during casting, effects may manifest such as feelings of tiredness, exhaustion, or even hyper-alertness and insomnia upon the palmreader and target. Upright - When invoking upright, the target is placed into a deep slumber, either wracked with nightmares or comforting dreams. Unintentionally, the character may have a hard time waking up from this slumber. Inverse - When invoked in the inverse, the target is unable to sleep and finds themselves exhausted, however may find themselves exceptionally productive or highly malaise during this time spent in place of sleep. Redlines -This spell requires OOC consent to utilize. -While characters may have a hard time waking up from this slumber, it is as discretion of the target player upon how long this rest lasts, how restful it may be, or the content of these dreams. Characters are affected by things such as aging, hunger, etc. while under effects of this sleep. The Oasis (Combative/Noncombative) When invoking The Oasis, warm, arid, or drying effects may manifest near the target and caster; things like warm sunlight or dusts of sand manifesting from their forms. Upright - When invoked upright, the caster is able to seal minor wounds such as shallow cuts, bruises, grazes, though does not heal them; only staunches bleeding and infection. Inverse - When invoked in the inverse, the caster is able to reopen wounds, or able to cause them to bleed more heavily than before. Redlines -Reopening wounds is only applicable to fresh wounds; scars and such may not be effect. -When healing with the upright version of this spell, the healing would be markedly painful upon the target, as if wounds were being stitched together rapidly with their own flesh. -When invoked in inverse, more severe bleeding is at discretion of the target to roleplay correctly. -Should a healed area be wounded again in the same encounter, the wound would be much more tolling and severe than before as it was not properly healed or allowed to heal. The Anchor (Combative/Noncombative) Invoking The Anchor is akin to a curse; both near the caster and target a thick black dust manifesting, as well as a heaviness upon the soul and shoulders. Mariner bells may ring as may the sound of chains running manifesting. Upright - When invoked upright, the caster causes the target to be immune to the first attack for [1] emote, at cost of them being unable to move for [1] Emote. Inverse - When invoked in the inverse, the caster causes the target to have double the movement, while being exceptionally vulnerable to attack; taking 2x damage and stunning them for [1] emote if struck. This effect lasts only for [1] emote. Redlines -The expenditure of extra movement in the inverse is markedly taxing, causing increased stamina drain. -While immune to attack, the affected by the upright version of this spell may continue to charge, aim, cast, or attack otherwise. This immunity is visible overtly, and is at discretion of the palmreader to tell and the target to emote accordingly. -A target affected by this tarot may not be affected again (upright or inverse) by it for [3] emotes after it is applied. -The "Immunized Attack" would only be for [1] single attack, not [1] full emote round. The first hit received in a round consumes the effect, and getting hit at any point thereafter that round (or in any subsequent rounds) would strike and damage as normal. - For Anchor Upright, thanhium or Auric Oil may supersede total immunity and affects the target as normal. - For Anchor Upright, self inflicted damage, or damaging one's self while this spell is active, supersedes total immunity and affects the target as normal. The Storm (Combative/Noncombative) Invoking the storm is a destructive and chaotic feat, one few Palmreaders are capable of doing with stability. Both upon the caster and target would harmless streaks of lightning or sounds of thunder manifest, as well as trickling electricity over their forms. Upright - When invoked upright, the caster causes the target to feel feared and lose sense of self, entering a berserk state and making them more reckless in their actions for [3] emotes. Inverse - When invoked in inverse, the caster causes the target to feel calm, peace, serenity; granting immunity to fear, displacing, or stunning effects for [3] emotes. Redlines -Any effects which would inhibit or affect movement/orientation/reaction of those under the Inverse Storm would be nulled upon application and for [2] emotes thereafter. -This berserk state does not enhance, replenish, or change strength or stamina of the target. -A target affected by this tarot may not be affected again (upright or inverse) by it for [3] emotes after its applied effect ends. The Mountain (Combative/Noncombative) Invoking The Mountain itself is a feat nearly as natural as breathing to the palmreader; effects such as rumbling stone, scaled skin, or hardening of the armor and body could manifest upon the caster and target. Upright - When invoked upright, this forces the next attack on the target from any source to be a guaranteed hit. Inverse - When invoked in inverse, this forces the next attack on the target from any source to be a guaranteed miss. Redlines -Attacks by ET may negate this spell where necessary. -This spell would affect the target until the "mark" is consumed or until the end of combat if not attacked. -The nature of these strikes are not guaranteed; meaning if someone aims for the heart, it will not always attack the heart. This is up to the attacked player to roleplay as a guaranteed hit/miss, but not to the effect desired by the attacker. As always this must be made known to them clearly when utilizing this spell. -Should a target already under effect by the inverse be affected by the upright (or vice versa), the most recently applied effect would take precedent. -A target affected by this tarot may not be affected again (upright or inverse) by it for [3] emotes after it is applied. General Invocation Redlines -The aesthetic tells for these spells are strictly aesthetic and serve no applicable combative purpose whatsoever. -These spells and their cast require line of sight to cast, and have a range of [48] metres (Shout) -These spells may be cast upon the self or others. -Each unique tell [Charge, Cast] must be specific to that type of card with freeformity of the player's discretion so long as they follow the theme. Should one wish to switch the card, they would need to recast the spell from the beginning. -These effects may not stack similarly; meaning if you casted Upright Mountain twice upon someone, they would not be affected by the spell twice so long as the first application remains active. If however, one casted two different effects; such as Upright mountain and Inverse Storm upon someone, these effects would stack until no longer active/consumed. Rituals [3+ Emotes] [1 T2+ Palmreader] [Noncombat] - Divine Fate It was among the first questions of Horen, Malin, Urguan, and Krug when they had begun to speak. What comes next? It is a natural, primeval urge that the greatest fear is that of the unknown. It is with frustrating accuracy, be it coincidence or not, that the cards of fate may reveal the nature of one's next steps. Many are quick to dismiss it as superstition; few know the true power that certainty in one's future brings realities previously unthinkable. It takes the opening of the eyes to see what lay before them. A Palmreader may take before them a willing subject who wishes to divine the fates of their future. Beginning with the request of the reading's nature (be it for insight into a specific event in the future, or a general day-reading), after [3+] Emotes of card drawing through dice rolling (See Tarot Section for mechanics), a player may withdraw cards whilst the Palmreader dictates their potential meaning. During this time, the surrounding area of [8, Quiet] metres radius from the palmreader is silent to all but natural sounds of Aevos. After the drawing, the target of this ritual who wished to have their reading would find themselves more inclined emotionally to the results of the reading. During drawing, there may be minor illusory effects within the [8] metres, which enhance the experience or meaning deduced by the palmreader or target. Redlines -Requires OOC Consent to utilize. -A Palmreader is unable to perform this ritual for themselves, but may for other palmreaders. They may still draw a tarot as normal without the ritual. -Any illusory effects by this spell are visible to any and all who are capable of perceiving them. These effects are fully aesthetic and harmless. [4+ Emotes] [1 T3+ Palmreader] [Noncombat] - Binding Sentimental items mean only much to those who's value they hold; that which may wish to share. By binding a mark of the person; be it hair, blood, tears, or other dregs of their being, that sentimentality may be shared through the item unto another. After [4] emotes of binding physical parts of one person's being to an item with their magic, a Palmreader may create an item which shares a memory and it's associated feeling with any other capable of feeling it. Redlines -The memory and feeling of this spell cannot be used to inflict physical harm upon another, nor does it provide any combative advantage. -Counts as an enchantment, and is unable to be stacked alongside others. -Given the nature of the memories experienced from this item, weapons and armour enchanted with Binding would be ornamental in nature as one would be completely unable to focus on combat with these feelings and memories being shared with them. This does not apply if an item with Binding is thrown at or placed upon another individual involuntarily, or anything similar. -The item is encouraged but not required to have a link to a forum post with the associated event/memory. -The bound item may not be used to metagame and does not give any more information than the item or associated forum post (Excluding comments) provides. A character may not "Deduce" or "Assume" information which they would otherwise not explicitly be told. It is simply meant for flavor. -Bound items require ST Signature. -Only 1 Bound item may be created per week, the seven day cooldown beginning upon signage of the item. -Requires OOC consent, the target that the item is being created for must be there in roleplay and explicitly dictating what the memory and associated feelings are. [2+ Emotes] [1 T3 Palmreader] [Noncombat] - Palmreading One's hands reveal many secrets that would otherwise betray them. Telling of one's past, present, and future, a Palmreader may glean meaning where one's own nature or psyche may betray them. Whilst the soul inhabits the vessel, the vessel speaks too; only in words seen, not heard. After [2+] emotes of close examination of a target's hands, a Palmreader may divine deeper meaning and understanding of that person, able to with varying degrees of accuracy and truth, discern the fates of pasts, presents, and futures as well as how one may change, or behaves, during that time. By the end of the ritual, the target's palms would feel a deep burning sensation for roughly a day afterward, though show no signs of damage. Redlines -Obviously one cannot predict the future, nor can they accurately tell the past or present of every character. This is meant to be an interpretive spell, not utilized for metagaming, but rather a form of naturalist occult similar to star signs. -The palms burning of the target would be incurable for 24h, burning similar to a constantly present sunburn. -This spell must be within touch range to utilize for it's 2+ emotes. [4+ Emotes] [2 T4+ Palmreaders] [Noncombat] - Communion Aevos is a continent unlike any other. Besmirched with curses, one remains omnipresent; that of The Mountain, and it's Great Storm. Aevos speaks in a language unheard, it's benefactor illustrating a painting that cannot be seen with mortal eyes. By venturing deeper into connection, further listening to these words, seeing what they are trying to be shown; a Palmreader may forsake themselves and others to that which they cannot unsee. Acting as an enhanced form of Spiritgale, [2] Palmreaders may work together over the course of [4] emotes with incantation, ritualistic circles, trinkets, bindings, and so on, to venture into an incompletely separate plane. This plane would mirror Aevos, albeit in it's original form before descendants had arrived from Almaris upon the continent. When [ET] are not present or utilizing this spell, a leading Palmreader may host a player event interacting with hostile or nonhostile spirits relating to Aevos maplore. Alongside this, the venture into this realm would induce a deep meditative state into those within; calming, although with a subtle discomfort as if they felt their actions and thoughts were not their own. Redlines -Two palmreaders may take themselves and any other willing creatures within [8] metres into this realm-between-realms. These other creatures may leave at any point upon their own volition. -With the incomplete nature of this plane, it does not apply the standard PK effects and cannot be shunted to. -Should an ET be hosting an event utilizing this spell, the ability to leave a Communion so willingly may be revoked. -This spell may be utilized without an Event, and should not have an sreq accompanying; an ST will utilize this spell where they desire to do so. -Non-palmreaders taken along this ritual would feel an intense burning pain within their palms throughout the journey and for 24 OOC hours thereafter, akin to a sunburn. -One cannot "pop in" and "pop out" of reality where they desire utilizing this spell, as this is meant to be a special ritual which is used for lengthy character development and exploration. One may not use this to bypass where they cannot access mechanically. [3-5+ Emotes] [1 T4+ Palmreader] [Noncombat] - Animation The skin tells stories unlike any mind or spoken word can truly tell. Words do not do pictures justice, painting upon flesh is an imbuement of emotional and physical weight to show unto others a mere fraction of what one's stories, fears, desires, experiences, may have yield. By listening to these both within and without, a Palmreader may bring life to colour upon flesh both temporarily, and permanently. Over the course of [3+] emotes of imbuing their magic into one's tattoo, they may temporarily give it life as it changes shapes, colours, and places to tell a story upon one's body. This would be at complete control of the palmreader, the ending position and state of the tattoo becoming its final resting form. This ritual would be painless and without discomfort, save for non-palmreaders who would get a sunburn-like pain upon their palms. Increasing their mana imbued within the tattoo for a more prolonged period of [5+] emotes (total), one may permanently animate a tattoo in motion upon the body that follows a set path, though it's shape and colour may vary. Redlines -An animated tattoo can provide no combative advantage. As well, one cannot "tattoo their entire body" to change colours of their skin. Each independent tattoo may cover the size of a limb (Arms, legs, head) before it becomes too difficult to animate. -This spell may be performed on the self or on others. Note the sunburn pain upon the palms for non-palmreaders. This pain does not persist past 24 OOC hours. -Permanent animation of a tattoo requires OOC consent. -It is encouraged one utilizes the Figura mod to represent permanent animations, though unrequired. [5+ Emotes] [1+ T4+ Palmreader] [Noncombat] - Dreamwalker The Dreamer, ensnared within a fog of her own make within a storm which she is the eye of, leaves this mist unguarded. Whilst many can delve metres into her cloud, near-all return; save those closest to her which delve deep within to never return. It is through The Mountain which a Palmreader may venture within this barrier, accompanying those who may be visiting, or may be lost. The nature of the accompaniment is the same of The Palmreader; benevolent, or otherwise. After [5+] emotes of ritualistic preparation in which a Palmreader may prepare themselves for sleep (Other Palmreaders accompanying, by the Palmreader's desire), a Palmreader may enter and influence the dreams of a target in two ways. If the target is already asleep, they may venture into that slumber and influence their dreams with complete control- while unable to physically harm the target, they would see and react as appropriately as they may in a dream. This may be something they are passively subjected to, or able to interact with by the target's desire. If the target is in a comatose state, a Palmreader may rouse them awake should the target desire. If the target is not currently asleep, one may effectively place a 'hex' upon them; with a belonging personal to the hexed target, a Palmreader may orchestrate and influence the next dream of that target. This will destroy the personal belonging in the meantime. Redlines -A "Personal Belonging" is defined as something that person has owned, owns, or is a part of them; similar to blood or a clump of hair. These items are meant to be "One" item, meaning one cannot collect a clump of hair or phial of blood as example and use drops at a time. This is obviously subjective, so use your best judgement. -Hexing a target or visiting a target's dreams does not require OOC consent, however rousing one from a comatose state does. -Hexing a target, you may inform them of their orchestrated dreams through forum post or in-game personal message. -The content of the dreams are at full discretion of the palmreader, through the content must adhere to the servers standards of roleplay. Excessively graphic content is strictly disallowed. -While within a dream, the Palmreader may be unidentifiable save for one prominent physical trait. Black hair, blue eyes, pale skin, etc. [5+ Emotes] [3 T5 Palmreaders] [Noncombat] - Consecrate the Flesh, Forsake the Name Taking upon themselves the ultimate devotion to The Mountain and it's benefactor, a Palmreader may take their character-concept obsession and have it engulf their being. Forsaking their name and becoming their obsession, they become the embodiment- that unlike any other upon the mortal plane-of what they desire. Their flesh is embalmed in tattoos of their design, their very being and soul changing to that which they covet the most. This ritual varying from each and every Palmreader to one another, there is no true connection among one another. Each Palmreader's journey is unique, and often arduous; the only common occurrence between any of them is a final pilgrimage to the mountain where the new Palmreader emerges. Through this, by means custom to each Palmreader, a Palmreader may MArt their character to better fit their character-concept obsession with abilities and physical/mental changes accordingly. See [Guide] for more information. Redlines -A character may only go under this ritual once- once done, they may never drop this identity or Palmreading, their character permanently changed until their final death. -The MArt creation process is completely freeform in its process and requirements, however simple emote-spam rituals will not produce results. This spell only succeeds for the roleplay-section of MArts with significant amounts of roleplay associated with the quest of this MArt character creation. Be sure to take screenshots as this process may last weeks. -The MArt creation ritual requires a journey to The Mountain in it's final process, as well as two other Tier 5 Palmreaders to aide somewhere along it's creation. -Should the MArt be denied, the character descends from the mountain pilgrimage having failed their attempt of consecration. [5 Emotes] [2 T5 Palmreaders] [Noncombat] - The Gift of The Storm With order there is entropy, some desired and some undesired. Within a power that craves any and all walks of life, there are some who for advantage of themselves or others, would forsake their own use of existence for gain. Opponent to The Gift of The Mountain, The Gift of The Storm is one that takes; a blessing to some, the most forbidden curse to others. Over the course of [5] emotes on a living or recently deceased target, [2] Palmreaders may invoke The Great Storm to indefinitely sever the connection from another Palmreader. This would manifest stormclouds and rain above as lightning from the two magi sundered the body and wracked it with torturous pain as the connection would be indefinitely severed, all tattoos upon them burning away. Redlines -Upon being disconnected, this would behave as any normal magic would - dropping the magic and losing all benefits associated. Coinciding with the connection lore, [2] slots would be permanently lost as they would be dedicated to Palmreading forever. -"Recently Deceased" is defined as having perished in a combat encounter ending within minutes of the ritual being performed. -This ritual does not require OOC consent. -If deceased, upon resurrection would the ex-palmreader find all tattoos removed from their body, alongside scars of severe electrical burns wracked upon them. -Requires touch range to the target to be utilized. Tier Progression Tier 1 During the initial connection, a Palmreader is cursed only with Divination; that which they do not fully understand. An incomplete premonition, often struggling to find their identity during this time. Spells/Rituals eligible to learn this tier: Divination This tier lasts [2] Weeks. Tier 2 After stabilizing connection and The Spirit of The Mountain truly inhabiting it's vessel, a Palmreader is capable of holding a deeper connection to Aevos; one which permits them power with the land like no other. Spells/Rituals eligible to learn this tier: Stormwalking, Spiritgale, Divine Fate This tier lasts [2] weeks [4 Total]. Tier 3 With a further developed connection and familiarity with both the land and their magic, the novice palmreader is able to more predictably utilize their enigmatic powers and harness the connection within. Spells/Rituals eligible to learn this tier: Invocation, Binding, Palmreading This tier lasts [4] weeks [8 Total]. Tier 4 Developing further upon what they have mastered, at this stage Palmreaders are inclined to work more amongst their kind by empowering ritualistic versions of spells they understand, improving them further. Spells/Rituals eligible to learn this tier: Communion, Animation, Dreamwalker This tier lasts [4] weeks [12 total]. Tier 5 Upon finalizing their connection and reaching total mastery over their magic, a Palmreader may exert a tolling influence over others and the land itself, able to utilize powers never before seen. Alongside this, they may spread the curse of Palmreading unto others. Spells/Rituals eligible to learn this tier: Control, Consecrate The Flesh - Forsake The Name, Gift of The Mountain, Gift of The Storm This tier is obtained after [12] total weeks. Purpose Palmreading is a new concept of a magic that spawns from maplore and ST interaction, primarily for the use in both, as well as spawning player interaction and roleplay. I really love the idea of a group of people who discover an ancient magic and learn as it develops and progresses, and take on new aspects to it to change things with a modern twist. Palmreading has been an idea in the works for a significant amount of time, and I hope that it is both enticing enough with it's ability to generate roleplay as well as it's involvement with a ton of Aevos maplore to spawn unique and memorable interactions which players feel like they are shaping the experience of. I am purposefully obfuscating some of the origins in this lore as it is meant to be discovered and developed further in roleplay as time goes on, but all parts and pieces mentioned are fully intentional and by design regarding vague explanation in parts to keep the Aevos story intact. Trying a new aspect on a sort of "Forbidden" or "Forgotten" magic, I want to explore how this may be utilized and what it looks like in practicality and how it is used. A good few of the spells/rituals are fairly mundane things that can be done with magical flair, which is something I too understand. This is again by design as these types of roleplay often not only get ignored (if done at all), but magical flair can help really enhance not only the identity of the magic but the nature of the roleplay itself. When theres more to the mystique than "This is just a guy reading cards at me" things can get a lot more interesting, even if near-entirely does the interest of the roleplay hinge on the roleplayer- not the tools they're using. But if the tools in this scenario are enhanced and allow for more flair and interpretation (along with solid lore backing), we could see the effort be equally represented by the quality and intrigue of the pure roleplay skill increase too with more creativity permitted and encouraged. One of the couple of player-obtainable Maplore pieces (alongside others), I hope this is a new take on Maplore and ST Events that spawns interesting experiences going forward, and perhaps a new avenue of player oriented roleplay and interaction. Credits SquakHawk (Author) Shorsand (Tarot) Trinn (Tarot Art) Unbaed (Tarot Art) Unwillingly (Tarot Art) Sean_VEVO (Tarot Art) Ivery (Tarot Art) Suzzie (Tarot Art) Related Lore https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/242721-✓-world-lore-the-aevosi-tarot/ To-Be-Announced Lorepiece
  6. The Aevos Tarot is a collection of symbolic cards threaded into the continent’s nature. While Tarot has been historically practiced as a means of occultic divination, its uses in previous realms were limited. The arrival on Aevos has shifted such – for Aevos possess a strangeness wherein prediction and prescience may welcome themselves into the minds of those who are attuned to such. The use of the tarot in these hands invites the mind to see vague outlines of a future that may yet come. The cards are merely a tool to tune the mind of the reader into the participant’s destiny. The future is unknowable to man in its entire, and must be brought into palatable conscience before it can be seen. With discoveries so far upon the ascent of The Mountain by hardy winter explorers of Solgaard, Haense, and Numendil, it has been ascertained that The Tarot had long existed before the descendant's arrival unto Aevos. The meaning of such a short deck (when compared to more contemporary creation), or how such meanings are divined from the cards without requiring being told of the card's each individual meaning, is unknown. There are Eight known cards currently. Cartomancy readings are typically conducted in a 3-card spread. Card inversions typically imply a direct opposite interpretation, or an alternative one. One does not require a Palmreading MA to utilize the tarot in it's mundane form. To draw from the spread, roll a d16 thrice, with 1-8 directly correlating to below, and 9-16 as the eight-card deck repeating (Inverse Lady is 9, Inverse Spire is 10, etc). Alternatively, one may roll a d8 three times, and roll a d2 thereafter to determine if they are upright or inverse. Art by @410,757,864,530 Dead Xannites I - The Lady The Lady represents lies, regret, and destiny. The Lady is the card of those who seek the thoughts, feelings, desires, and secrets of others. While closely tied to The Divide and The Mountain; The Lady bodes strange portents of events to come. The Lady resides at the Peak of all things, an eye cast upon destiny and the fate of man. The Lady may also bring a fate woven through lies, suggesting that those affected are convinced of their own fate so much that it may become true, albeit the portents are false. When laid in the upright, The Lady may suggest there are heavy portents of fate to be found. It may suggest that there is regret for undertaking one’s destiny, or they must begrudgingly accept what is laid before them. It may also suggest the involvement of plots, lies, or deceit by a figurehead. When laid in the inverse, The Lady may suggest the opposite: the lines of fate may be skewed, the storm, the blizzard, the avalanche hide things from sight. In the inverse position, fate becomes hard to read, as if blinded by a terrible storm. However, this perspective may allow truth to be seen; positives eked out amongst the regret of past decisions. Art by @Sean_VEVO II - The Spire The Spire represents magic, the unknown, and the past. The Spire is the card of those who delve into the arcane and meddle with forces beyond the mundane. The Spire harkens to an ancient tower that existed long before the advent of man. The drawing of this card frequently means that there are otherworldly or ancient forces at play. It often pertains to deep-laden histories which shape the tide of time. When laid in the upright, The Spire may suggest some form of arcane or otherworldly powers at play. Often pertaining to mages, sorcerers, necromancers, and those who commune outside of immediate reality. Ancient artifacts may be involved. The upright position implies there exists something to be learned in these realms. When laid in the inverse, The Spire may suggest the opposite: the forces of the unknown and arcane may wrack turmoil and chaos. Ancient forces of the past may be a threat. It is advised to proceed with caution when The Spire is inverted. Art by @Suzzie III - The Divide The Divide represents prophecy, premonition, the future. The Divide is the representation of the great inland plains on the interior of Aevos – it is the heart of the Land, and binds all its edges together. The Divide is the most complex card in the Aevos Tarot. The Divide is the card of the diviner, tied to the ability to predict and read the future. When drawn it often inspires a heightened clarity upon the reader. A reading involving The Divide card may often be sought for the capability to pull a vision-prospect outcome from the future. However, this often “locks” in an outcome – a guarantee that it will occur and there is no means of avoiding it. This turns one’s fate from an unknown and flexible thing into a rigid path which they cannot avoid. An example may be learning the date of one’s death and the way in which they will perish, often leaving despair marked upon the knower. Those who seek and read the future hope to gain upon the race of tomorrow, but this is a misgiving. Oftentimes they will find themselves aware of every anguished heartbeat, every loss, every end well before it happens. This typically leads to a despoiling of life, hence why diviners utilize their abilities sparingly. When this card is laid upright, its meaning upon the future depends entirely where it is laid. If it is laid first, one may learn things yet to come and react accordingly. Their own fate is still variable, but there is no avoiding what is to come to the greater world. You may move out of the coming storm, but the storm will still come. If it is laid in the middle, the individual has the greatest control over their agency. They may yet influence outcomes for themselves and the world at large, existing very much in the present. If it is laid last it implies the individual is locked into a fate they cannot avoid based on their past actions. They cannot avoid any future that is set before them. When the card is laid in the inverse, The Divide may suggest the opposite: the future will be difficult to read, muddied. It is often a poor omen for the card reader, clouding their abilities of divination. However, an experienced cartomancer may be able to read a set of outcomes that will definitively not happen, something occasionally advantageous. Art by @410,757,864,530 Dead Xannites IV - The Dreamer The Dreamer symbolizes calmness, loneliness, and horror. The Dreamer Card is derived from the afflictions of the Dreamer’s Marsh. Though starkly beautiful in the right perspectives, the Marsh carries a curse which may befall those with a false sense of security. Those who dream in the day are hopeful, optimistic about positive outcomes, and they will often be without risk. On the other end, those who venture into the dreams of night may gaze upon wonders unseen; the surreal dance of timelost souls and beings which only expose themselves within the shroud of night and fog. The Dreamer implies a duality of risk and reward. One may retain calmness and ease and know less of their world; but in contrast one who delves into the night may face risk and grim horror; and risk falling into an eternal sleep upon failure. Though should they survive they may yet wake with a unique knowledge of themselves and the world at large. When laid in the upright, The Dreamer implies the risk-reward duality spoken of above. Additionally, it may suggest that one must undergo a task alone, or they are afflicted with a lone burden only they can endure. It may also suggest the coming of horrors in the night. When laid in the inverse, The Dreamer may suggest the opposite: those who live ever in the light of day attuned solely to the mundane and material matters of the world. This often has associations with politics, economics, and socializing. It may suggest that one may need to bring their head from the mire and face a reality, or it may suggest that one is too-steeped in the quotidian and must consider that which lies beyond. Art by @410,757,864,530 Dead Xannites V - The Oasis The Oasis symbolizes peace, fear, and paranoia. Derived from the Thirsting Oasis within the desert, The Oasis card may welcome notions of peace as well as greed. Just as The Thirsting Oasis once provided water and peace to a harsh desert, it is known that this peace is transient when the greed of man enters. The Oasis invokes notions of scarcity and rarity, implying that there are individuals vying for such things. This may be jewels, weapons, money, or anything of a finite nature. While these items may bring peace if properly managed, they are equally as liable to stir up feelings of conflict among those involved. When laid in the upright, The Oasis may suggest a lack of troubles. One may have no foes in immediate sight and may relax. In certain contexts it may also represent the fear and paranoia experienced from competition. This may be interpersonal/emotional competition or a conflict with another party/entity to secure something of limited quantity. When laid in the inverse, The Oasis may suggest the opposite: one may be too stricken with cocksurety and confidence, so that they overlook dangers. Their bravado may be their undoing if they continue this way. This draw suggests that if one does not pace themselves and acknowledge their weaknesses they will meet their doom. Art by @Unwillingly VI - The Black Anchor The Black Anchor symbolizes stability, the cycle, and death. The symbol of the Black Anchor is derived from the rocks upon the Drowned Strand where the sea beats inexorably upon the crags, and will until the last grains of sand are washed away. Because of the strange nature of this region, The Achor has many ties to death and the burden of loss. The nature of The Black Anchor also implies stability against the tides of time, yet this stability often reflects the inevitable cycle of nature and man. Despite this, drawing The Black Anchor suggests a potentially troubled past as well. The mistakes of one’s past may be utilized to anticipate something to come, for everything is continuous in itself. When Death is involved, it may suggest its necessity in the cycle of life, or it may imply the burden of guilt from those who have passed. One may have to cross paths with the dead in order to continue in their journey. When laid in the upright, The Black Anchor may suggest stability against an oncoming foe, or that one is aptly prepared to weather a storm. It suggests there is a sturdy bulwark within one’s life, though this may not always be a positive. It suggests an obstacle for something, preventing it from passing. Just as the crags of the Strand prevent the sea from swallowing Aevos, this barrier may be preventing one from seeing something or achieving a goal. The Anchor may also imply that death is near, or that one must interact with something pertaining to the dead. When laid in the inverse, The Black Anchor may suggest the opposite: instability and the potential for life. This card is a positive omen for those who wish to see cycles broken, as it is an icon of change. It suggests things may change soon drastically, swept in on waves, or it will suggest the arrival of someone or something unforeseen. Things may be swept away just as easily when the rocks do not stand. Art by @ivery VII - The Storm The Storm symbolizes entropy, uncertainty, and doom. The Storm surrounds all of Aevos, maintaining a chaotic and tumultuous hold on the comings and goings of arrivals. To this end, The Storm card may elucidate a great deal. Depending on how it is read, The Storm card indicates that a person is surrounded by chaos or uncertainty, their future looking grim. A poor or undesirable outcome is nearly guaranteed if one ventures in blind. Yet The Storm may still be navigated if one has the correct means and tools. Like the Wayfinders who peer deep into magical currents to reach shore safely, The Storm may indicate that one will succumb to chaos unless they hold the right tools. When laid in the upright, The Storm may suggest a grim outlook. Chaos is sure to fall upon them unless they are well prepared or well suited for a task. When laid in the inverse, The Storm may suggest the opposite: calmness and placidity. That being said, such tranquil waters may invite unintended consequences, for any may enter and exit at whim while The Storm does not rage. Art by @UnBaed VIII - The Mountain The Mountain symbolizes control, mystery, and eminence. The Mountain card is considered “last” in the deck, for it will be the last bit of land to wither away in the stretch of time. All fates were inevitably tied to The Mountain, and those who drew this card were given insight as to where they stood in the grand chain of fate, suggesting they may have a role to play in a greater plan. When laid in the upright, The Mountain may suggest an inevitable outcome being forced upon a person or place; something unavoidable. It may also suggest a controlling figure, such as a king, politician, or spouse. However, The Mountain often climbs high into the clouds – its peak obscured. Those who are too tied to fate or who exert too much control may find their destiny obscured until the time of arrival. When laid in the inverse, The Mountain may suggest the opposite: a lack of control, or control being lost. This is frequently associated with a loss of power or agency over ones life, or perhaps over a nation. Depending on the preceding and succeeding cards, this meaning may shift drastically. Redlines -One may, without being told, ascertain the interpreted meaning of each card - how this relates to their character or story is up to the character's interpretation. -Drawing any amount of cards divines as much meaning as the player may ascertain. -Whilst some decks are event items (And thusly ST Signed), one does not require an ST-Signed item to perform a reading. -Any completed deck of 16 cards, regardless of ST-Signature or not, gives off a low amount of inspecific mana. This mana is unable to harm mana-susceptible beings or items in any capacity. -Items with antimagic properties such as Auric Oil or Thanhium would destroy a deck without difficulty. Alternatively if the deck is separated or destroyed through conventional means, it is destroyed without difficulty. -A character may not make leaps in judgement to arrive to conclusions a player may have that are otherwise metagaming. This deck is intended for roleplay and story enriching purposes, not metagaming actions or things to come through roleplay. Instances of use which result in metagaming are treated as metagaming. Credits Shorsand: Author Squak: Writing Trinn: Art Unbaed: Art Unwillingly: Art Sean_VEVO: Art Ivery: Art Suzzie: Art
  7. i have like 80 friends on this server and any list is going to exclude some more accidentally so all of them (big hivemind conglomerate smoke sesh) ((Smoking bhutanese shadow garden dark evil pack)) if u think ur on this list then ur on this list
  8. need 1 more artist for a lorepiece commission... 1k  mina base pay... higher for expediency.. ur own style.. dm me for info...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Benleft


      Thanks for the ten brazillion boku bucks squakhawk I’m glad my art made it in!

    3. alexmagus
    4. TysCreations


      if your still looking shoot me a dm over discord :]. im willing to give it a shot.

  9. @import url('https://fonts.googleapis.com/css2?family=Lora&display=swap'); @import url('https://fonts.googleapis.com/css2?family=PT+Serif&display=swap'); #custom h1 { font-family: 'PT Serif', serif; line-height: 1; margin-bottom: 32px; } #custom li { font-family: 'PT Serif', serif; line-height: 2; font-size: 16px; } #custom h2 { font-family: 'Lora', serif; line-height: 1; margin-bottom: 1em; font-size: 24px; color: #3586b5; } #custom h3 { font-family: 'PT Serif', serif; line-height: 1; margin-bottom: 0.5em; font-size:18px; color: #448db8; text-decoration-line: underline; text-decoration-style: dashed; } table.center { margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto; } #custom p { font-family: 'Lora', serif; line-height: 1.6; margin-bottom: 1em; font-size:16px; } strong {font-weight:bold;font:inherit;} #custom td { font-family: 'Verdana', serif; line-height: 1.6; margin-bottom: 1em; font-size:16px; } You stirred in your sleep, a peace of mind unlike any other. A rest which knew bliss almost unearthly. A warm surrounded you like a bath, your mind soft and addled as few thoughts danced in your head like streaks among the stars. You felt a quiet, a deep silence like no sound had ever been uttered once before. Your breaths soft as you felt your head tucked into a pillow in otherworldly comfort. But then you heard a back door creak open. You stepped through the door as you happened upon yourself, resting in a tranquility only death knew. You were screaming, yet you could not hear it. You could not see anything but the puppetstrings which strung taut over your unconscious body. You looked upward and saw the strings stretched higher and higher, your gaze peering further toward the sky until you felt you were spinning. Tumbling without a direction, not one you knew or were capable of. You had the senses to feel, yet you had nothing to feel with. You had the urge to scream, yet you could not. You had the thoughts to wake up, yet you couldn't. You had the eyes to see, and you saw nothing. You felt the weight of untold tons bear down upon you as a burden so insurmountable lay heavy upon you. Your very soul felt as if it were being squeezed, all senses trembling as if you were shaking so hard you could rip your own body apart. You awoke in terror, finding that your body and soul were as intact as the day before. Perhaps not your mind, with a mare of this quality. You had a thought in the back of your head; almost as if it were not your own. You knew things were bound to change. Something was to come. But what? Your palms burned.
  10. looking for artists to work on 6 small artpieces .. . will comp 1k+ mina per piece .. will be used in a lorepage im posting (and will add the art as it is completed . . ) dm me 4 info

    1. SlitheryC1


      5 minute mspaint drawings, take it or leave it

    2. Cheese


      I can do bad photoshop memes

    3. Trinn


      did u just fire me on mic

  11. The Old and The Hardy I was not apt in their choice of colour–red, their bridges, red, and their walls, crimson. They are called the Kingdom of Haense, and albeit their impecunious choice of architecture, I found their people to be involved, and cultured. When I had first landed onto Aevos, I was told by wayfaring men and women - travellers, merchants, and etcetera - to avoid the kingdom, as they are not known for their strong acumen. On my travels, I was able to come across a princelet, a man, by the name of Josef. He was nothing peculiar, and outside of an inclement of unscrupulous markings that muddied his body, the man was kind, and able-bodied. In order to find a pretence in returning, and to build some rapport, I took a book from their royal quarry. It was nothing of interest–bland writing at the most, a respondent tale of naive heroes, based around their kith, but nevertheless, it gave me reason to reconvene with Josef. The meeting was short; it was short, and not much was spoken of. Josef, certainly, holds some sort of princely charm, and he does carry himself with an air of authority that is hard to find in other men of the same stature. Aevos is nestled by mystery–there is an odd enigma, but I have yet to discern where this presence dawdles. Though, it seems, that this mountain seems to be at the epithet of all oddities; it is an anomaly, and so, I had tasked Haense to be one of three groups to attempt its climb. For some reason, this mountain has remained inconspicuous to their people, and they did not find it strange enough to investigate. I believe they are, perhaps, simply following the words and wills of their ancestors. How could it not be mysterious enough to investigate? I do not know any Man that has made it to climb its summit, and reach it successfully. Nevertheless, they were kind, and obliged to the task, without much negotiation or bartering–perhaps the bold sons and daughters of Horen no longer fester with the same greed and trepidation that once took his kinsmen. The Knights and The Nobles To be honest, I have always been illustrative of high-wall towers, far-reaching towards the clouds, as if attempting in vain to grasp at the heavens. Though, we both have our gripes with this. These lands were entirely as you would read in fairytales when once a child, of knights, of heroic kings and queens, of holy powers and magic. When I first ventured into their kingdom, I came across a large rally of holy-warriors, who had set out on horseback to fight the darkness afoot this crooked, mysterious continent. My dearest brother, it filled me with a goad of excitement, to see what we once saw. I reflected on these men, and women, and rightly, I believed they were hewed for this task. I decided to stake a camp outside of their forest shrubbery, and awaited until the sun rose again, to meet with their knights. The first of men that I had encountered within their steepled gates was a man known as Victor; his lips tugged on smoke, a cigar, and his arm was ridden by plates of metal. He was able to lead me to their leader, or someone of stature, and it was another princelet–a boy, by the name of Arnuzor. It would be an honest mistake, or, maybe, Man has rubbed its vices onto me, but I was filled with prejudice: he was too young, and it did not feel earnest to explain my task to a meagre boy who had yet to lift the weight of anything in this world. Oft is it spoken that the people of this ‘exilic’ kingdom love their round-tables, and as we spoke regarding the mountain, they were filled by questions–this is good, it shows that they were engaged, and truth be told, I did not have much interest in anything else to speak of. I had thought that the mountain would be the first of all places they would attempt to research, as holy-men and holy-women, vested in keeping their lands safe. I have only stepped upon the outskirts of the mountain once, and it was filled by countless spirits, spectres, and evil to be a fun sport in their trivial hunts–to be the good guys, heroes. Though, it seems to be a common theme–this mountain, and that other one, known as Storsmwatch. It perturbs me. They were riled by honour and battle, both concepts seemed to be their irkling to venture up the mountain. At first, they seemed copasetic to the task, but soon, their men and women seemed to whisper akin to a foul serpent, of death and destruction. Hopefully, they will continue their climb, and rid themselves of these untimely worries. The Sons and The Daughters of Winter It may simply be to placate memory, but it was only until the second group had formulated, that I decided to stow away to the northern tundras, apt in its frigid weather. During my journey through harsh weather and winds, I reprised myself on a barbaric sight–men, viking-kind, the norn, beheading a most wicked and inimical undead whose intentions were as baleful as its cluttering bones. The norn–they were not kenned as heroes, or men-of-good; to me, they were more beast than man. The tales of Sólgaard were not often spoken of in good-will, and to most, they had spurned the same idea: barbarism, left contained within the northern tundras–let them be, to do and to frolic as they desire. When I arrived upon their gates, it seems their people were privy to many beastial attacks–men draped as wolves, ferals, and undead. Out of all those that I had found, they seemed genuine in their respect for the elderly, and outside of their crude philistinism, worn in tufts of fur and clattering chainmail, they showed kindness. I asked them: would you not seek to go on an expedition to climb this mountain? To me, they responded apt with: maybe. Konan-Thegn, with ‘thegn’ declared rubric, and a title or show of nornish respect, was a leader who bespoke the same as Josef, stern words, authority, and a care for his people. He was also a glory-seeker, but at the same time, battle-craven, a desire for fight–one of them mentioned valhalla, but I assume this only refers to a generous afterlife in the death of bloody warfare. I had thought, perhaps, that the norn would be the primaeval faction to desire in climbing the mountain, as it was filled by winter, and could be a good place for a homestead. Yet, they did not seem to be perturbed by its existence. When I had asked of Konan-Thegn–hail, what do you want in return? He said to me: immortalise my men. I declined, as, barely, do I wish to remember the names of dead-men. However, I thought that a book may be a good barter, and they seemed to accept this request. Eventually, they had made clear their intentions–they would, in desperate times, survive, even if it meant ransacking the others who attempted their climb. What is wrong with this? It is barbaric, yes, and surely, perhaps, it is cruel; it is far from evil. It is survival. They were the first of all men and women to depart; everything was organised by the pure-hearted Ljufvina, who gave a braid of hair as a gift of kindness. My brother, there are many threats that linger, and I had to minister a cruel exhibition against cannibalistic fjaarriagua. I am only sour of one thing–it is those sons of Azdromoth they keep, though, this does not seem to be a fault of them, but of the odious half-breeds who judge themselves related to us. Well, it does not matter; they are bereft of wisdom, a lightless bulb. Aevos is a land replete in misery, but this is nothing unusual–men and women at war, kingdoms bathed in fire, and evil sorcerers toying at unspoken knowledge. However, my concerns lie deep within the continent itself; it is plagued by mysteries, and though, I would think, the mountain is the last. It is not. I will have to investigate this continent further, and I would hope that you will find this letter quaint, and may join me soon on this disquisition–it smells wrong. Aevos. Knowledge begets wisdom, brother, Thalandir.

    1. Benleft


      yeah man stay scared. won't let me play boypreggo azdromoth btw, badmin

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