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Posts posted by TheTri


    In line with request of the ST, the following amendments have been made to this piece


    - Spelling errors in the Reagant Section were ammended.

    - Changes to the Manic Brew: Added an additional 3 emotes to its effect duration and specifications about drink spiking.

    - Gave better detail to the boom paste's effects, as to distinguish it from the acuity potion.


    In line with request of the ST, the following amendments have been made to this piece


    - Ant's Offering has been removed entirely.

    - Shark Fin as a reagent has been removed entirely.

    - Snow Leopard Stomach has been adjusted, instead changed to Snow Rabbit Stomach.

    - Clarifications were made in regard to Nature's Barrier, stating that it can't be used to climb surfaces otherwise inaccessible by the character using the paste. It will merely dull pain when scaling rough surfaces, and mildly enhance grip. Also, clarified that it can only be applied to living tissue.

    - Added Spoilage and clarifications to the Reagants listed here: Snow Rabbit Stomach and Camel Gut spoil after 3 days, Toad Legs Spoil after 1 week.

    - Rabid blood harvesting was clarified (How much can be extracted from a given animal).

    - Reduced the duration of Nature's Barrier from 24 IRL hours to 2 IRL hours.

    - Manic Brew now requires ST signature.



  3. You’re truly a fantastic writer and an even better person and I feel like you deserve better than this shitty community. Stay safe and let your talents take you somewhere where they’ll be more appreciated. Love u man and I had a great time from the moment I met you in staff vc until now



    Please don’t pugsy again 


  4. Droch emitted some soft sigh, the remnants of a frown spanning his lips as he pondered over how far his friend had fallen. And, worst of all, this same friend thought himself to be enlightened.

    The material realm is a cruel, deceptive place.

  5. MC Name:



    Character's Name:



    Character's Age:



    Character's Race:



    Link to your accepted MA:



    What magic(s) will you be teaching?



    Describe this magic or a creature as a whole:


    Alchemy is, in essence, the extraction of the material alphabet from herbs and reagants within the material realm, and putting them to use through the production of an infinite list of potions, concoctions, pastes, and oils. Herbs and reagants, depending on their sign (Earth, Water, Fire, Air, Aether) each bear different processes to be purified and reduced, such that their raw symbols can be extracted and put to use in brewery. This concept of symbolism - and the extraction of said symbols - is used in combination with alchemical signs and, most importantly: The Law of Equivalent exchange. The postulate which states that, for everything that one wishes to attain, something of equal magnitude must be offered in exchange. A potion's power and influence, or any product of alchemy for that matter, is dependent exclusively upon the strength of that which was used to create it: What symbols were utilized, how many, et cetera.


    Are there different sections or subsections of magic? Can those be elaborated upon?


    There are several subsections, and in many different aspects:


    Firstly, as stated above, reagants are divided by their signs, and their symbols. The signs, which is the element they represent, determines the process for their extacted. What is being extracted are symbols, which are physical embodiments of the material alphabet. Some examples are Strength, Courage, Lethargy, and Poison.


    Alchemy itself is divided into several distinctions. There is further alchemy, often distinguished by the artificiery of life and alchemy upon the flesh (Tawkin, Anthroparion crafting, et cetera), infernal alchemy (Alchemy derived from the demon realm), and alteration alchemy (the alteration of one's appearance). These are 3 popular subsets of alchemy, among many others.


    It can also be broken down into more broad classifications, like medication, combat, oils, et cetera.


    Can you give an example of a casting emote, of a spell of your choice?


    An emote for my character adding a Grace symbol to a brew, derived from Elf's Hair Vine


    Droch churned that which resided within the flask carefully as it boiled over the burner. Over some course of time, it would adopt a hue crimson in nature, indicating that the process for the creation of the potion could proceed now. His stirring paused - albeit briefly - as he took a moment to procure some paled, dehydrated dust from a mortar and pestle, adding it delicately to the solution in the flask. This dust served as 4 Grace symbols added to the mixture (Elf's Hair Vine).


    Can you give an example of a teaching-emote (interacting with another) of a spell of your choice?



    "Symbolism is, as you know, the governing force of alchemy and the mortal realm in its entirety, John. It is that which bridges the gap between the material, and the potion which is derived from such. While this fungus before you, Ant's Blight, appears as naught more than some strange black shroom, it is unique in that it is a symbol of connection-- One borne of the Earth sign." Droch began instructing the novice alchemist, indicating unto the jar of ebony blight within his hands, "However, in its raw state, it is far from utilitarian. You must purify it and reduce it to its raw, unadulterated symbols. Given that it is an Earth sign: You must begin by beating it within the pestle. It is on the counter"


    ((Following this, I would walk them step by step through the process of extracting symbols, then how to separate and distinguish them from one another within the resulting powder)) 


    Say your student powergames during or after teaching, how do you reprimand that?


    I would walk them through their mistake and point out where the issue was. After verbally consulting them about the issue, I would have them brush up on the lore as a whole, focusing keenly on the lorepiece which they had powergamed, to avoid making the same mistake in the future.


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep the ST updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Have you applied to teach this magic on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app.


  6.      Dael'droch watched from a safe distance as the sun arose in the midst of a dark, moonlit night-- Quite an uncharacteristic occurrence, and he had known immediately what transpired as his teal gaze lingered upon the monumental explosion. Then, as he stood unwavering at the peak of the particularly warm mountain, furious arcs of wind streaked through his cascading silken locks, closely following the destruction of Alluria. His expression was one which was - at first - completely neutral in nature. His gaze remained dutiful as he stared upon the abhorrent fortress whilst it plummeted to the floor, and he spoke with unadulterated monotony, "Wrath is trait which bears no rightful place within any elf. I have purged myself of this characteristic: for it is one exclusively humane in nature.

         Behind his thin spectacles, his eyelids quivered ever slow slightly. His visage remained glazed numbly over the mortifying scene, one of utter destruction, and his single arm drew upward to clasp at his heart. It was at this point that his stoic, paled countenance faltered, and his jaw came to a clench, "It is a trait which I once thought myself to be devoid of. . ." Spake he as his lips began to tremble.

          "And yet,"

         He continued these utterings-- utterings which no ears but his own observed. He dropped to his knees, and tears welled up within the man's eyes, "I am irked by the thought that allowing this to occur, and facilitating the process, is a display of Wrath unlike any other. It is so potent, that it can be mistaken for malice."

         It was at this point that his typical apathetic facade shattered entirely. He doubled over, writhing upon the hardened terrain of the mountain top, and crying desperately out for help, and yet it was upon naught but the indifferent ears of nature-- Upon the all powerful Material which he had come to rely upon so heavily.

        The man wailed and wept for some time following this-- Even though the plan had been meticulously thought out, he could not shake the intrusive thought that he had lost more loved one's than he could count upon two hands. And yet, he had known all along that this would be the result. He stood silently by and allowed such a wretched plan to take action, and actually assisted in the execution of such. Could he truly call those that died his loved ones, bearing this in mind? "What is wrong with me?! How am I so far gone? At what point did I lose myself?!"

        His sporadic thrashing upon the ground slowly ceased after several minutes - even if they felt like hours - and he laid still, with tears pouring uncontested down his face. Challenging the likes of God is but one of the descendants' greatest sins-- And it is one with a toll nothing short of immeasurable. And despite the evidence being the destruction before his very eyes, the ignorant Droch could not come to accept it. He eventually came to reason that this pursuit was one borne of ambition-- And ambition is a selfish man's drug.

  7. jBym5.jpg



    Anyway yeah I like the origins and intended purpose of this, but I have a couple critiques:

    In the simplest way possible, while I do think swordsmen magic is something that does have a place on the server and has been missing for a long time, I feel like it should be moreso something that bolsters your melee sword type combat as opposed to some ranged-type spinoff telekinesis magic. It does have flavor abilities, but tbf the niche provided by spells like 'The Story Within' are, at this point, very overdone as I see them in a lot of lore submissions (Look at werewolf's bardmancy, for example). I just think that swordsmen magic should be comprised of spells that swordsmen can use while actually engaging in up-front combat with somebody, not swinging their sword while they hide a safe distance away. I understand that in the purpose section you talk about how you wanted to move the sword out of the hand and into the mind, but I simply don't think that's the niche the swordsmen magic should provide.


    Figure I'd save the good things for second:

    I like how you guys made mana the powersource but made it a non-voidal feat. Mana is something that isn't used to its full potential, in my opinion, because it is seen as the voidal powersource. I also greatly enjoy the idea of one tying their soul to a weapon and the origins of the magic. I don't think it's bad and wouldn't mind seeing it on the server, so overall it's a +1 from me. 

  8. 2 hours ago, Bethinwonderland said:

    Lenora looks rather confused as she and Gusiam have been doing nothing but trying to make sure the land got back on it's feet

    Droch cheers as the change in leadership occurred, as he had watched the one dubbed Gusiam be assaulted by Vortice locals just days prior. They clearly did not approve of the pair!

  9. Within the confines of his laboratory, the humid stench of death and agony almost palpable within the air, some foreign half elf leased a bout of sinister cackles - a symphony exhibiting utterly unadulterated derange - at the news. He looked unto the several arisen surrounding him, shrieking, "I am nothing short of envious! Ignorance is a trait bearing no rightful place within any elf!"  

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