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Creative Wizard
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Posts posted by AlphaMoist


    MC Name:



    Character's Name:

    Millosm Lepida


    Character's Age:

    52 at death


    Character's Original Race (N/A if not applicable):



    Transformed form:



    Creator's MC Name:



    Creator's RP Name:

    Nicholas Thorbecke


    Briefly explain the lore behind this construct or creature:

    A morghoul is a corpse that has been reanimated by a necromancer, mostly for the purpose of servitude. It feeds on life-force, and without it, the morghoul will die. This, however, takes many months of excruciating pain that drives the morghoul insane. To prevent this bout of insanity, the morghoul must feed on said life-force. There are two ways this can be done: Either it feeds on living creatures, such as decedents or animals, or it is given life-force by a necromancer. While it is full of life force, a morghoul is immortal. While a normal weapon can kill a morghoul through decapitation, normal weaponry does not bring much pain to it. The morghoul can continue to survive wounds that  a mortal could not survive, such as the severing of a limb. Gold can effectively harm and bring a great deal of pain to the creature, and a morghoul will think twice about going up against a holy mage. A well fed morghoul is not completely mindless, unlike a normal ghoul. It is much smarter, and has traces of its former personality left within it. It would be similar to a heroine addict who weren't suffering withdrawal. If the morghoul gets hungry enough, however, it easily goes mad and feral; it would try and feast on life-force wherever it could get it without a thought put into the foe it were up against. Whether hungry or not, a morghoul is still a walking corpse and therefore is not as strong a living being. Because of this, it is forced to wear light armor such as chainmail and leather, and it can only wield something as heavy as an iron long sword. A morghoul is soulless being; it cannot cast any sort of magic. A morghoul, after being slain in battle or other means besides starvation, will be brought back not by the monks, but in several months by a process that is unknown to them. They are fully aware that they will be brought back to life, however they still cannot remember how exactly they died, just as a human cannot.


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep the MT updated on the status of your magic app by using the Magic List Errors topic?:



    Have you applied for this creature on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:



    (Sorry if I did this wrong or messed up somewhere; I wrote this at 2:30 am)

  2. Name: Vas Umbra-Vincrute


    Age: 44


    Race (if not mali'ker, an interview will be conducted before citizenship can be required): Mali'ame


    Notable skills and/or professions: Vas cooks sometimes I guess


    How many will be housed under your name?(Please provide their names and information as well): See above post


    Do you accept the Onyx Law and by extension the law of the Dominion?: I suppose so




    MC Name(s): KiausT


    Skype(s): **** you


    Name: Cecilia Faelyn Lepida


    Age [min. 12]: 22

    Race: Heartlander/Highlander mix


    Past Military Experience: Ummm her father was a Ruric soldier for thirty years if that counts


    Place of Residence: Veris if that place is still a thing. Or the silver state. Idk, I havent logged on as her for a while.


    Other Experience Worth Noting: Yes

    MC Name: KiausT

    Skype ID: **** you


    Do you have Teamspeak?: Yes

  4. Name:

    Vas Umbra-Vincrute


    Race and Age:

    Mali'ame, 39


    School of Arcane known(Magics Known):

    None currently


    Why do you wish to join the Enchantry?:

    I see it as an opportunity to learn more about magic, and there is only so much that a library could offer. I would learn so much more from an actual mage than I would starring at some book. I am mostly interested in mental, cognitism, and illusionary magics as there are very little transcripts at Dragur concerning the various topics. However, my mind is open to anything, and I am more than willing to learn something new.


    Do you understand and accept the Enchanters Codex?:




    ((Out of Character Information))

    MC Name:



    MA/SA's for listed magics:


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