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Posts posted by Nerfman_

  1. Astmar emerges from his mountain hovel, the cold wispy breeze billowing through his fiery peppered beard. Resting his weight on the eye of his axe like some sort of cane as he looks out across the mountainside. Running his right hand over his left forearm he unbuckles his bracer and exposes his brand of Dungrimm, with a gentle caress of the marking he begins thinking to himself, a sense of woe filling his being "Ah 'ave felt t'is 'fore, the 'ollowness. Nae Ka'az s'ould suffa deh loss of a dwedki.....least o' all prir o' em." He holds his face in his hand, loosing a mournful sigh as he struggles to maintain his stoicism. With a heavy breath and a tear clinging to the lip of his eyelid he exclaims quietly "Ye are in de 'alls o' deh Brath now ma son, may ye be guided teh de' 'alls o' Khaz'A'Dentrumm by Dungrimm an' welcomed wit' open arms and graced wit' a smile from de' Gods o' our wors'ip. " Resting both his hands atop on another, supporting his weight on his axe he hangs his head low. "Nae proudah 'ave ah been t'en to 'ave been yer Ka'az, we s'all meet again....per'aps soonah t'en ye may t'ink." He raises his head proudly, a tear trickling from his right eye onto the upper lip of a weakly pursed smile before returning inside the shelter of his mountain hovel.

  2. Minecraft Name



    Discord ID






    What staff team are you applying for ?



    What skills can you apply in your role as Staff ?

    My main interest in applying for the Staff is to be able to contribute my building skills to upcoming event lines. I specialise mostly in fantasy and medieval style builds, and tend to take inspiration from some other sources of architecture, be it in real life or other fantasy settings. I would also be interested in working on creature builds, helping to bring to life the server’s vast range of fauna and mythical beasts.


    Personally, I think it's the smaller details and choices to have one block over another that really ties a lot of builds together and makes the final result look really polished. When it comes down to it, it's the subtle nuances that you can add to a build that make for a more all-round immersive creation. The addition to this of a well planned out design is what I think ties it together to form a quality build.


    With my joy for building, I tend to do a lot of it already for the player run events we host in Urguan. I would now like to help get some bigger builds done to bring more fun, immersive events to Urguan, as well as to the server at large, on a more frequent basis. Applying to the Staff would allow me to contribute these skills to helping players such as Omithiel, Zezimus and Lady_Dietz in bringing their event ideas to fruition.


    What is one thing you would want to change ?


    What I'd like to change is very much in reference to why I'm applying. To simply put it, I'd want to see more consistent, over-arching story lines for nations, which in my case is Urguan. Many of these have been done in the past, and done brilliantly, as a way of immersing players in the concepts and existing lore of the server. By applying for the World Team, it would be my hope that I could play a greater role in developing builds and helping to support those who are writing and acting out these future narratives. Furthermore, the development of larger story-based events and the builds which facilitate them, do not only add to the layers of immersion that players experience, but they also serve to flesh out and create a world that feels more lived in and interactive.


    Link insightful feedback that speaks personally to you. 


    Attach any relevant media or links you want to share. (Portfolio)







  3. 998860889_Hunter27s_Guild_Crest.png.a03e194bc26bce9ab294518bc69c8d90.png

    The Grand Hunters Guild

    ᛏᚺᛖ ᚷᚱᚨᚾᛞ ᚺᚢᚾᛏᛖᚱᛋ ᚷᚢᛁᛚᛞ

    Da Kathaik Grunga’mar Barimmar


    We dwarves are naturally isolationist folk but for too long have our lands gone unexplored and wild; teeming with beasts of all sizes and ruins lost to nature. For this reason, the The Grand Hunters Guild was formed, a guild whose goal is to encourage and organize dwarves in exploring the great unknown and hunt the beasts within it.


    The Grand Hunter's Guild's crest has four symbols on it that are the ideas that the Guild seek to follow. The top representing Respect for nature, the left representing Life as a community, the bottom representing Crafting from nature, while the right represents Prosperity from nature.






    Mapping and Exploration


    The Grand Hunters Guild of Urguan is responsible for the exploration and charting of Urguan’s underdeveloped territories, acquiring knowledge of not only the geography but the flora and fauna that inhabit it. Hidden throughout said territories, ruins, artifacts and beasts alike remain undiscovered, unobtained, and unexamined by the Dwarven populace. Through their discovery, these riches, ruins and knowledge shall give Urguan a better understanding of these lands, how their inhabitants survived and why they vacated them centuries ago. 




    Maintaining the Balance of Hefruth


    During their exploration of Dwarven lands, The Grand Hunters Guild is expected to run into and deal with threats of all forms - ranging from local fauna to monstrous beasts. The Guild is responsible for the regulation of all these hunting activities within the Kingdom’s borders and to manage the active monster population in the surrounding areas. This is so they can prevent species from going extinct, as the Guild does not exist to annihilate all monsters but to harmonize dwed with nature in the Teaching of Hefruth. Depending on the threat, the Guild may also wish to further examine slain or captured beasts, as the secrets of this new realm and it’s fauna have yet to be fully uncovered. In extreme situations, the Grand Hunters Guild may call upon the Legion of Urguan to assist in dealing with any and all threats.






    Grand Huntmaster

    (Kathaik Rikkin-Grunga)


    The Chief Royal Officer of the organization, the Grand Huntsmaster leads the efforts of the Guild and organizes all expeditions. They are meant to be skilled both in exploration and combat tactics and has unilateral authority over the operations of the Guild save for the Grand King themself. Should the Grand Kingdom go without properly ran expeditions for too long, the Grand Huntsman is liable to be removed.


    Master Hunter 



    Master Hunters are individuals who have proven their capabilities to the Guild as the most Elite Hunters under the training of the Grand Huntmaster, and therefore have been given the ability to lead projects, recruit and train new Hunters, and host Guild events, amongst other duties. These individuals typically make up the pool of possibilities to fill the title of Grand Huntmaster, and due to such, are expected to lead by example.


    Veteran Hunter

    (Az’adar Grunga)


    Experienced members of The Hunter’s Guild, Veteran Hunters are typically new recruits who have show their understanding of the key concepts of the Guild’s teachings. Under the watchful eye of a Master Hunter or the Grand Huntmaster, these Hunters have begun their training to study and hunt the more dangerous beasts in the realm.





    The standard rank of the Hunters, are the common khazadmar who make up the bulk of The Hunters Guild recruits. Individuals with a passion for exploration and a lack of fear, Hunters are expected to represent their guild at all times and be ready to jump into progress as soon as called upon.





    Archemaesters are Maesters who have demonstrated mastery of a particular subject. They receive a rod in the metal corresponding to their ring which signifies their expertise on the topic.Archmaesters teach the students at the Grand Hunters Guild in their subject of expertise, and they judge whether an acolyte has shown enough knowledge on their subject to receive a ring. As advisers to the Master Hunters and Grand Huntmaster themself, Archmaesters are often also members of Anbella’s Grace medical institution or the Order of Remembrance, and as such are sometimes called   “ knights of the mind. “ 





    Maesters are an order of scholars, healers and scientists within the Grand Hunters Guild.  Tasked with studying and expanding the knowledge of both the flora and fauna of the continent, a Maester can go before an Archmaester to demonstrate his/her knowledge on a particular subject to receive a ring of metal reflecting the topic. 





    Students who start their education at the Grand Hunters Guild are known as Acolytes. They are regularly sent to either Anbella’s Grace or the Order of the Remembrancers to obtain a base of scholarly knowledge before they return to receive their first ring and ascend to the rank of Maester.



    Send a bird to Astmar Grandaxe (Nerfman_ or  Nerfman#2679 on Discord )

  4. -=Application=-

    MC Name: Nerfman_

    RP Name: Astmar Grandaxe

    Are you applying for Mining, Smithing, or Both? Mining

    What is your level in Mining?: Adept

    What is your level in Smithing?: N/A

    Skype name:  masterhunterx100

    Are you able to use Teamspeak?: Yes

    What is your timezone?: GMT

    Will you be able to fill your quota? Most likely

  5. MC Name: Nerfman_

    RP Name: Astmar Grandaxe

    Race: Dwarf

    Skype Name (For communication and rallying): masterhunterx100

    Do you have teamspeak? (You will need to be on teamspeak during battles): Yep

    Timezone (EST, GMT, etc.): GMT

    Professions: Chef

              Have you been in the Legion before? If so, when: Start of Axios

    *Note: If you were in the Legion before you will be able to retain your rank.* I was a Lieutenant under Torvin Grandaxe

    Do you swear loyalty to the reigning Grand King: Aye until me dying breath

  6. MCname: Nerfman_

    Rp name: Astmar Grandaxe

    Character Age: 184

    Character Race: Dwarf

    Reason for applying?: For the thrill of the hunt

    Prior Training: Experienced with Axes,swords and shields. Served time as a Commander of the Dwarven Legion

    Have you killed anything/anyone before? If so list who/what, and the reason for doing so: I have killed 6 ghouls, 2 Golems an Abomination and many men during wars.

  7. What is ye name?- Astmar Grandaxe


    How active are you in the kingdom? ((How long you are online each day/week))- Anywhere from 2-8 hours a day


    What god do ye worship the most? (( Who is your patron god? Please read up on the relevant information under "The Brathmordakin".))- Dungrimm, Guardian of the Dead

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