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Status Updates posted by BapEthan

  1. when will my application be read because the guy who read it said nothing about improving it just there is an 24 hour wait for the thing to be read so i don't know if i need to change it? please respond.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. BapEthan


      erm... PM? AT?


    3. ShameJax


      Send a message to the person who denied it.

    4. BapEthan
  2. is there anything i need to do improve my application because you just said repost it tomorrow and then declined it so i dont know if i need to improve it. if you know what i mean.

    1. Readicti


      They mention what you need to do in the first application you posted. But you need to wait 24 hours after being denied, so you were denied the most recent time for not waiting the 24 hours.

    2. BapEthan


      i did that on my other application so i just need to know is it good or no if no then what do i need to do?

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