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Posts posted by Balthasar

  1. 2 hours ago, Rob Boss said:

    Name: Lukas Nicholas Novokain

    Age: 27

    Race: Half-Elf (High-Elf, Farfolk)

    Role: Chef/Medic

    Are you willing to live in Mjol?: Yes, under the condition that I am allowed to leave upon my own accord

    Profession: Chef


    MC username: Boomzerang

    Timezone: GMT/BST

    You receive a letter by bird some days after you yourself have sent a letter.


    The letter is short and reads "Come to Mjol, and seek out either the Jarl, his son or one of his Thanes. Good luck on your journey!"

  2. Reyurnt Household Staff


    House Reyurnt of Mjol is currently searching for servants, the duties of a servant are diverse, depending on which role you would apply for. Servants can be paid in either minas, housing or materials. However, Minas is the preferable option, materials often serve as a substitute.


    All those interested in becoming servants of the keep must either, send a letter showing their interest (fill the form and send it) or they may come to Mjol in person and speak to the Jarl or the chamberlain, about which role they would like.







    The House is seeking several cooks to cook for events, such as feasts, family feasts and much more. Custodians are also needed, they are an essential part of keeping the Keep in good condition. Lastly a courier is needed to carry messages and packages, the Courier will be paid a sum of 5 minas per delivery, however he will be paid  the same as the other servants weekly.


    Persons with the assignments above will be paid a minimum of 30 Minas each month (week’s pay) However, the salary may rise, should the Jarl find them indispensable.


    Essential to running the household staff is a chamberlain, the chamberlain must be able to write. The chamberlain will manage the household staff, he may suspend staff however the Jarl is to made known of the suspension. Finally a tutor is required to teach the current child and later children of the Jarl. The Tutor must be a learned person who knows how to teach others.


    Persons with the assignments above will be paid a minimum of 100 Minas each month (week’s pay) However, the salary may rise, should the Jarl find them indispensable.







    Letters to the Jarl should contain the following information:






    Are you willing to live in Mjol?:

    Profession: (if applicable)


    MC username:













  3. My whole country is built upon inbreeding. We're sort of fine herr, no Habsburg jaws or anything. But at the time only a few thousand people lived here, so you have to make do.


    Personally, it's weird dating family.


    If you didn't know you were family, and found out much much later it'd be a different story

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