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Posts posted by Slayy

  1. 2 minutes ago, Callum said:

    Seer activities can be literally anything the seer is doing, could be scam rp could be spy rp. If another seer was to find out they can’t rat about it.


    as for the second part that’s why this changed was made because apparently everyone just knows about it rply and everything about it for some reason. This just stops the spreading even more. A seer is meant to act blind not openly say they can see, if a seer acts blind should be no way to accuse them. Especially if they don’t use the magic

    The major question is, those that do know you are a seer, are you able to converse with them since they know already or will it be different? And I don’t know if those activities really qualify as seer activities, Zarsies would have just said player activities instead. I’d just wait to see his response for that question. 

  2. 5 hours ago, Zarsies said:

    Snitching entails telling non-seers any sensitive information regarding their seer-hood or seer activities such as their (likely hidden) identities and activities.

    What would be seer activities? Would that be the activity of keeping empires busy and away from the following of the gods?

    Overalll, this would be cool. It sounds like it can lead to an Order of Vassek, but wouldn’t it be a bit hard to not accused and found of being a seer since most have heard of its feat for a long while?

  3. The first section of runes that deal with summoning and changing of natural things would need to work on how strong these runes are, these runes can produce heavy effects even though, I assume, this magic takes up one slot. 

    Furthermore, the tier progression and alteration of some of the runes have either been left the same or just amplified for ultra weaponry based attacks. I could see someone literally just have an object with a rune water runes and release a powerful fireman’s hose while I doubt that even water evocationist at tier 5 can do without have repercussions on themselves. 

    And the runes that affect the body seem to lean into a type of blood magic, similar to where we had beserkers and rogues yet this time you guys have amplified everything. Someone with some sort of abilities or knowledge could literally just be twisted into that of the hulk or made into some Super Solider Captain Arcas. I never saw runes as something for the body, it was meant to be magic that alter the world, the language of magic. It seems to be twisted to just be a powerful magic meant to be locked in a group, the dwarves & friends. 

  4. MC Name: Slayology

    Character's Name: Vritra

    Character's Age:  Early 100s


    Character's Race:



    What magic(s) will you be learning?

             Voidal Translocation


    Teacher's MC Name:



    Teacher's RP Name:

             Minerva of Blackbriar


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep Story updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Are you aware that if this magic is undergoing an activity trial and fails said trial, that you will lose the magic? And that if it is apart of the Lore Games, it might drastically change soon?:



    Have you applied for this magic on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:


  5. I really enjoy this piece! I think it would give the server a good place of explanation for magics and a cool chance of voidal mages to work together. It creates a type of group roleplay, for either large events or simply for battles / item craft. +1

  6. On 9/20/2019 at 12:34 PM, SquakHawk said:

    Summon Object: If of this plane, an object may be marked with a signature rune to an individual blood mage as well as the totality rune: mortality in advance. When the ritual is had later on using the signature rune of the same blood mage, two mortality runes, and a rune of power the marked object will be summoned to the location of the ritual site over the course of five emotions which, if interrupted by touch on either side whilst the marked object fades from one place and appears at the other, the ritual fails and cannot be attempted again until the runes are redrawn. Requiring  6 runes, this ritual requires 3 litres of blood.


    If summoning an object not marked, such a ritual may be made to conjure an object described in runes but otherwise random in identity and make, thus nondescript and usually generic. Summoning an alien plant would require a water, an earth, two flora, two mortality, and two power. Summoning an alien artifact would require two metal, two transcendental, 

    Question, so if a person were to try to get the runes to fit an object and it mainly fits like 5 different objects, how will the LT decide which to give? Place numbers on them and allow the person to roll, and allow them to roll the fate or give them the least powerful or un-useable item ?

  7. 9 hours ago, Ankan said:


    ”For when peasants place a small little circlet on their head they believe they can even speak my name... Dear Sohaer, I’ve seen many rise and fall. I do hope when you do, it is not by my hand.” The White maiden speaks, her hand raising as little ice claws draw out. Her eyes look to the shattered mirror and laughs. She begins to slowly change, drawing on new dresses within her lone chambers. ”I do wonder what shall look nice for when I come.”

  8. “What a foolish and ridiculous thought to even place in the minds of these common folk that a man can even harbor a Witch!” The Witch exclaims, a laughter breaking out from her as she even teases the thought. Within her chambers, she slowly brushes her high elven hair but with each stroke it seemed it changed to that of raven black. “A new letter, a new look I must take... But what I do wonder is... Who even recalls me as Athri, nonetheless... as Athri’ante..” 

    ”Oh they do hope I don’t find them.” She cackles, her laugh matched with the shatter of glass... or a mirror.

  9. I simply dislike the idea of banditry, yes it does provide some sort of outlet for role-players who want to play thieves or what else. But most use it as an outlet to gain easy coin and to kill the new players/unfortunate. Most usually use their second character slot, waiting for their timer to go off and just head off to kill with a goblin/orc/dark elf skin. They then surround you when they tell you to halt, one suddenly behind you and then one in front of you. Either create more sort of ruling behind it to where the victim retains more of a pleasure or just end the dumb idea.

  10. 4 hours ago, Luv said:

    The art of evoking ice is one that comes naturally to a Frost Witch, and has incredibly useful applications.  This is done by condensing existing moisture in the air and then lowering the temperature past the point of freezing.  At first, a witch is only able to conjure small flurries but with practice, an experienced Witch is able to pull respectable amounts of ice and snow from thin air.  Ice Conjuration is affected heavily by the environment. Any environment considered dry or hot would be incredibly hard to conjure within without assistance from an outside source, such as an enchantment or another witch.


    4 hours ago, Luv said:

    Ice Manipulation

    Witches are able to manipulate existing ice with ease, as if it is an extension of themselves.  Of course, this doesn’t exempt them from tiring after extended use. Most Witches are taught how to forge daggers from ice which, while brittle and able to be melted, is better than being unarmed.  Other uses for ice manipulation include immobilizing opponents, throwing chunks of ice or icicles in combat, and, of course, making ice sculptures.

    Within other renditions of the lore, our abilities over ice have always been unclear. I would like a strong clarifications on our abilities, are we stronger than Water Evocationist or on par with Tier 5 Elementalist Shamans? And how does it range when one becomes a mother? Clarifying abilities such as Ice Storms, Ice Weapon Conjuration, Blizzards, Moisture Freezing, blast of ice. 

    Furthermore, clarification on temperature and cold should be a thing on this. How far can we lower the temperature of a room and how fast may it occur. Another clarification, which would be easier for a witch to do, summoning Ice from thin air or manipulating pre-exiting ice / snow. 

    Another question, was it mentioned that we are not allowed to use our abilities when we are disguised? If so, my mistake, must have skipped my mind. But overall, this piece is good, stronger version than our past lore. Pushes for movement of the witches in our year run, and allows us to add more additions for lore.

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