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Status Updates posted by Fluxy

  1. I made corrections on my application. (AKA... naming the towns. And the cities. ETC.)

  2. Um, i made corrections. And you said to PM you when i'm done. so... yeah... (I hope... i don't get denied when i PMed you. and... i get denied for... not making... corrections, When i did.)

    1. Space


      This thing doesn't sent an alert to the person that you posted it on-- So try actually messaging Harrrison with the personal messanager thingy. The letterbox in the top left.

    2. WaffleKing


      How did i pm btw



    3. Space


      top left, you'll see you profile name, then create, then a world icon, then a letter icon. Click that, compose new in the top right of the drop down menu

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