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Posts posted by ItzYoBoiEd

  1. MC Name?:EdGoneRogue
    Discord (Can PM me.): Ill pm
    Character Name: Dylen
    Race: Adunian
    Reasoning for joining?:Seeking adventure
    Are you free for an interview, if so when?: Anytime
    Do you swear to follow and uphold all of the tentes to the best of your ability?:yes
    If seeking officer position,What position do you seek?:
    What is your favorite sea shanty?: idk

  2. 14 minutes ago, Slothtastic said:

    Dude you pugsied. You got banned. Begging to be unbanned and using ‘I’m new’ isn’t an excuse. If you’re new that means you’ve read the rules just a bit ago. Just popping someone because they ignore you is pusgy. You got banned, accept it. 

    I mean if he is new.. then his ban should be downed to two weeks.. I mean he is a noob, but half the people who join do this I have seen people do it to me, I even did it to other people while I was  a noob and only got banned for a week..

  3. 1 minute ago, spectreofthegun said:


    oh cmon. Give me a break... I'm banned for a month because of a raid kill

    i tried to rp before but he just kept on doing something...


    firsts off, did you try to rp with him? because if you did the only way your allowed to down him by pvp is if he agreed to pvp or used DD, if he didnt and you just ran up to him and poped him without a reason inrp then thats called no rp killed aka pugsy

  4. https://gyazo.com/60fea0e844366001cfe266085a8f7061


    Looking for a skin maker.

    I'll be paying up to 1500 for the skin depending on how fast and well made it is.


    You can look up at the gyazo to see an illustration but I want some things modified like no cape or sword from behind. Also I'm really just looking for the armor I already have a head so no need to make a head. But apart from all that, everything stays the same.


    You can contact me on discord if you have any question, or just an in-game pm. My discord is Dearmas2018#2710



  5. Q: Is this an addition to the human subrace? and if it is I actually think this would be a good idea, but I think you should go into a little more detail about it. Like at least in their culture and history side.

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