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Posts posted by ItzYoBoiEd

  1. (Sorry for spelling mistakes, English is not my first language)

    -1 All the way


    I'm not trying to be mean or annoying or anything, but I know this kid well (from what I've played with him anyways) I actually used to play with him way back when I was  a noob, and his name was the TheCrazySoviet. I believe he is would not be a good addition to the staff specially the GM team, because of my following reasons.

    1: META: This is the most recent one, Some days back he meta gamed while I was RPing with some other players in heanse, he told the people I was rping with that I was with norland, I believe he was trying to get my character arrested or something, but what bothered me is that he never ever heard of my character or his name (At least with the character he was, which was an orc) Our characters never meet and he was just metagaming even though he knew nothing about my character, my character was not even in ashguard uniform, Or any signs that I was with norland. We started Pming each other and I asked him how his character would have known I was with norland and ashguard, and he told me he knew because he read my /card, and at the top of it, I'm sure it says "Do not metagame all this information or something like that" He later also told me that the orc he was rping as, was with the queen of norland, which leads me to believe he did this because of some OOC reason, because if the orc is with norland, he would not have a reason to try to get my character arrested or captured by heanse.


    2. ATTITUDE: As I said, I have rpied with him a lot! I also know that this dude has an attitude, like his current name says "SaltySoviet" he is very salty at times, and gets angry for dumb reasons, or just because he is trying to win an argument he can't win. A few months back, he was rping as an orc and attacked a citizen, me and a group of guards, brought him down by rp fight, and when he was just about to get killed, he started an OOC chaos. We went as far as to call a gm, he was talking s***t and bad mouthed everyone. At the end somehow he managed to get the GMs to void everything, and he got away.


    3: Rule breaker: I'm going to keep my third reason short, because this has to do also with the 1 and 2, I have seen his Rp improve, way better than months back, but still, I cough him meta gaming very recently, he also threatened me to get  a GM, like he was going to ban me for telling him not to meta. I have also seen him power game though not much, and I think he just messes up when typing on the emotes which is understandable, so yah.


    Btw I'm not doing this to bring hate on the guy, I have been banned like 5 times for worse reasons , I actually think he is a very likeable person (when he is not mad) I think he should start off by trying to apply to something like the lore team, and ET team, and then he can try to apply for higher positions as he improves as a better player of this community.



  2. “I Kaleb da Radah,  do solemnly swear my sword and life to the All Father and Order of the Purifiers. I am the light in the shadows, the Father’s fist, the shield of my faith, I am the Knight of the Red Faith, protector of the eternal light. By the guidance of Vorne The Forever Champion of Norland.

  3. (Poster would be placed all around the Isles Of Axios)

    Looking for a Runesmith

    Looking for a rune smith! I've been looking for a someone skilled enough in the arts of runesmith, but seems I'm out of luck and could not find anyone, so I have made this posters. If there is anyone out there that is a well enough runesmith to be able to rune weapons, please contact me! or sign your name bellow so I can contact you. I'm willing to pay for any work that there is to be done, thank you!


    OOC: So yeah, if you character knows runesmithing send me a bird My username is ItzYoBoiEd, or just put your name down with yours!


    OOC: Im so fuckin cool bro

    Minecraft Name: ItzYoBoiEd

    Skype (Required):None kid

    Team Speak (Preferred, Not Required):ItzYoBoiNigger

    Professions (Blacksmith, Miner, etc)- blacksmith, miner, and leatherworker


    In Character:

    Name: Khaine Da radah

    Race: Cool adunian


    Any past services to the Ashguard, Norland, or House Silversteed?: I have served ashguard for a year or so (ingame)

  5.                           (Posters would be placed All around The Cloud Temple)

    Missing Horse!

    A 500 Mina reward will be given to the first person to find a horse named savage, it has name tag By its neck that spells out his name, the horse is of brown color with white spots!

    - Sighed by Edward Da Radah

    OOC: This horse is still on my /pets view, even though last time I saw it was 4 irl months ago. I think there is still a chance to find him to if you see it /m me and you will be given the reward listed above!

  6. Minecraft Name: Gunhanddler

    Age: 14

    OOC Information:Idk  Im cool at school I play minecraft and I rp
    Do you have discord and teamspeak?: No gettin one reall soon


    Character Name: Edward

    Race:  Andunian

    Profession:  Blacksmith

    Is this character your primary character?: Yeah

    Past PvP/Military Experience:  Pretty good at pvp form past server, and I good at rp pvp from past character fights and stuff


    Silver Keep Defence Force




    The Silver Keep or Simply silver order, is a group or soldiers and workers who fight to protect house Radah and all of its members. We will fight for glory and prosperity for the house and for our religion we worship the canon church. We will house our troops/ soldiers and give the food, weaponry and everything needed.


    A small, yet powerful ranking system, used among us within the keep…




    The leader of the defense force, he is the top man in charge of the troops. He will handle all decisions that have to do with the force, unless the lord where to intervene. He must be strong and have proven himself to the lord, that he is the man for the job.


    This is the second man in charge of the force, the the master is not around he will handle decisions that are up to its level, he will also help the Master of Leader of the force organize rallies such as training or war rallies.




    The guardsmen have proven themselves, and are now a large part of The Silver Order. They are required to help new recruits out as well as being present at all times when duties call. They will be treated with respect because of their work within the keep.


    This is the basic majority of the group, they have surpassed the test and have been oathed. Footmen well work hard to keep the place safe. They will also be sended out to recruit and mission most of the time.



    They are yet to prove themselves, though they are respected for trying to join the order, they will be put through hard challenges and missions. They will not rest until their bodies have reached the required amount of training to be a footman. After their hard work, they will receive a secret oath by the order.

    Optional Ranks:



    This is the rank given to those who which to join the force, and have the power of magi. But new mage users will have to go through the uncoated rank, even though the have the power of magi, they will still have to prove themselves.

    Any time of magic is allowed, from healing to evocation. Any type of dark arts is restricted.





    Joining Application:

    Many stacks of paper would be place on top of each other under the posters, they would contain the application to join.


    Mc Name:

    Rp Name:



    Skills (miner, blacksmith, etc):

    ((Repost since last one was a mess and didn't state correct facts))

  8. Posters would be spread all around Courland...

    Hello there citizens! We currently have a shop building for rent, for any merchants out there that may need a place to sell their products. We have about 7 stands for items and a storage room! If you are interested contact Alduin'an Pillar (Eddarxy

    ) they building is worth 100 minas every saint's week!


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