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Posts posted by Tosali

  1. -=-The Dawn of the Red-Cloak Inquisition-=-


    The Red-Cloak forces giving justice to the realm by burning a vile elf-lover, who brought an elf into her chambers and interbred with it.


    The Red-Cloak forces found their-selves rallied for a cause greater than this world, the men of Renatus, the men of Haense, the men of Belvitz, and the men of Atlas, all united under one banner to relinquish the elven scum from the lands of Humans, and bring back the justice of GOD. They found themselves marching towards Haense, the known capital of harboring elves, and what they found was more sickening than an elf itself. They found a woman by the name of Alayne av Grimrich, or Alayne Tosali, who slept with an elf prior to her marriage to whatever Grimrich she is married to, being declared by her brother, Arstan of the House Tosali. The men began to tie her up, and bring her to the Flame of GOD for justice of the realm. They placed her on the cross, and said prayers to calm the souls watching, the scene was glorious and holy. The vile elf-lover screeched as the men did their duty, only departing after she was gone. They all screeched the call of "Bog Vedet Nas!" or in other words, "God Guides Us!" The men found themselves marching back home, ready to secure the fate of another heretic who wishes for their trial.


    Alayne av Grimrich looking to the crowd as she awaited her trial by Flame.



    The men lighting the cross and giving justice to GOD for allowing this filth on his land for so long.




  2. Image result for medieval art war

    The Rothwood Guard forming a blockade of the street during a raid in Curon from unknown combatants circa 1631.


    The Rothswood Guard

    "Bog Vedet Nas!"

    (God Guides Us)



    The Coat-of-Arms for the Rothswood Guard which uses the Tosali banner in addition with a crow to represent their commitment to Haense.


    Application At The Bottom!


    The Rothswood Guard hails its home from the Kingdom of Haense-Ruska on the continent of Axios. The roots of the Rothswood Guard lie within the Rothswood, a vast forest region just south of the city of Karlsburg. The guard was founded on the principles of serving Haense and House Tosali as a personal force to use in the wars to come, and it proved its worth in the coming years. The first actual recruitment of soldiers came during the Mardonian-Courlandic war where Ser Brynden Tosali took the remnants of the Haenseti army and marched them south to fight for Mardon, in exchange for their pledge to aid him in reclaiming Haense. Once the war came to a inevitable white-peace, Ser Brynden and the remnants of  his forces formed the Rothswood Guard, taking its name from the geographic region where the Tosali manor was located. Once they marched home, they gathered their forces, swearing fealty to the current Courlandic Duke who ruled over Haense only to prepare for the restoration. The plan worked, and the Haenseti forces marched to the Tosali manor with an addition to the Lorraine forces secured by Andren Tosali's diplomacy. The battle raged on, and in the heat of battle, the Rothswood Guard pushed the Courlandic forces into their manor, allowing the Haenseti army to massacre them, winning the war and restoring Haense. Sadly, this did not fare well for the Rothswood Guard as they were casted out of Haense due to a diplomatic quarrel between Ser Brynden and the nobles of the land. They found their forces scattered, and not to be reformed till they landed in Atlas. With the disarray of the forces, rallying them once more found itself to be a hassal, but Thegn Arstan av Tosali pursued, and formed the Second Rothswood Guard who served the nation of Curon. The Second Rothswood Guard fought against the many raids and bandits who lurked the land, but never found itself in a true battle during it's span. Once Thegn Arstan was banished from the Duchy after questioning a decision by Duke Karl, the guard vanished into existence, now only being a remnant of its former self. Now, Andrik Tosali and his cousin, Andrei Dune seek to restore the once great force that was the Rothswood Guard.



    The Tosali Patriarch




    Andrik Tosali, 1660-current


    The Heir



    Andrei Dune, bastard of House Tosali, 1660-current


    The Captain of the Guard



    Erik Windsor, 1668-current


    The Master-At-Arms



    Robert Carwell, 1669-current





    -Must be a human to wear a helmetless uniform

    -If any other race, you must wear a helmet at ALL TIMES

    -Must be free of any oathes prior to this one.

    -Must be loyal to the House of Tosali above all.


    Enlistment Letter Format







    Do you agree to be loyal and obey orders to the ruling patriarch?:





  3. 18 hours ago, Sky said:


    "I am specifically learning from the holymen of Judesberg just so that I can bring a more defined place of learning of God into Markev. Where you say you are going to do something, I actively am. Avote for you is not a vote on behalf of God, stop attempting to put yourself on similar levels." retorts Josef once more.


    "I speak not of being a holy-man myself, but allowing the church to casts its light upon the Markevians. I come to allow the church to bring peace and order to the city, and to cleanse it of the heresy that lurks its streets." -He'd reply

  4. 6 hours ago, Sky said:


    "A vote for you, does not equate a vote for God, do not presume to be on such a level. Goodluck in the upcoming election, and may God forgive your statement as a simple slip of the tongue." mutters Josef the Neophyte in response.


    "May God guide you ludd, but I fear GOD has been forgotten in this grand-city and nation for the elves lurk declaring themselves our equals. I offer the restoration of the days of old, where GOD was placed first, before any elven or magical scum. Thus, a vote for me is a vote on behalf of GOD"

  5. I, Andrik of the House Tosali will run for Maer.


    "Fellow Haenseti, I come not with the false promises of candidates before me, but I bring something that is viable, yet undiscussed in this election. Our hertiage of Haenseti men and women has been utterly forgotten and erased from the testament of our existence! I come to restore Haense back to it's former glory, for we are not the slaves of the magical folk, nor the servants to the ascended, but a strong and independent people, who are striving to bring a future for generations to come!

    The first action I would take is to implement a anti-nonhuman race policy that only allows the Highlander culture to take back it's place upon the streets of Haense. For too long, elven people and the magical folk have ruined the land, and have only taken away from the greatness that Haense shall be!


    My second action would be to establish a standing force for the nation of Haense, and one that is competent at their job. Some of you might of heard of the Hearth Guard, but it is a sad excuse at a proper standing army, not just peasants with swords shoved in their hands!


    My final action will be to establish a HOLY prescence in the city, and restore the hands of GOD onto the people of Haense. For too long, the people have lost the faith in our lord, and it is time we bring back HIS GREATNESS into the Kingdom.


    I do not come here with the favoring of the elven scum, or the affairs with the disgusting imperial folk, but with the pledge to put the Haenseti, Highlander, and Southern men first above all the other scum that lurks within our glorious streets. Let your vote not be for just GOD but for the restoration of our homeland!"


    "Bog vedet nas!"

    (God Guides Us!)

  6. 6 minutes ago, Legoboy7984 said:



    "Don't you forget that you betrayed Karl and that Veres Draskovits is older than you, child. I never mentioned anything bad about our military besides that if he wishes for a better military he must try and become the Marshal. Veres Draskovits isn't a noble only a wise man that lives in Cyrilsburg... his brother may have been Jarrack Draskovits, but he knows what he is doing and what is best for the people." Ser Sylvester III would state clearly


    "Tell me Lord Sylvestre, wasn't it you who only desired a keep on the riverbank when I and the others built this nation? Ah yes, I can remember it completely, I believe your words were to me one day, "to hell with the peasants, I need me and mine to revive House Halcourt and secure the riverbank". Tell me Lord Sylvestre, are you actually for the common man, or did you just appeal to them for personal benefit? As for Duke Karl, Duke Karl was my brother, he was my Duke, and he was my friend, but he twisted his dagger into my back, betraying the very men who so honorably gave their lives to his cause. Duke Karl became a tyrant, a madman, and a traitor to his very vassals, but yet here you are, Lord Sylvestre Halcourt, why is it that you stayed? Was it loyalty, or was it for personal gain?"

  7. Arstan av Tosali would look to the people gathering, examining them closely. He'd look to the candidates trying to convince the populace to join their cause. He'd smile at the de Cantwell boy, a distant cousin, but still family in the eyes of the Tosali man. He'd then look to the people gathering and believed he should make a speech to convince them to a candidate. He'd step onto a platform, looking to the people as he stated "Friends, brothers, and sisters, some may know me, some may not, but I've seen Curon since the founding, I've set foot in these lands with Duke Karl, I've fought against the Santegian and Norlander foes, and most importantly, I've watched this city grow into the shithole that is has became." He'd chuckle, continuing "Some people wish for economic reforms, some wish for nobility, but it is the people being represented." He'd pace the platform, looking to other people "The thing that disgusts me is that only Lord de Cantwell mentioned fighting for the common peasant, while the other men, forgot them completely." He'd look to the other side of the square, continuing "This is what will happen if you vote in anyone else. You will be forgotten as you have been many times before, and your families will lose loved ones, lose property, and lose your liberty if you vote for anyone other than the de Cantwell." He'd smile a bit "A bit of a fool he might be at times, and a boy too, but I helped build this nation at his age, I grew a military force to 2,000 fighting men by myself, but what matters the most is that this man is willing to put his neck on the chopping block for all of you, and the other men in these elections, will simply run in fear with their tail between their legs." He'd move to the center, glancing at everyone, pausing for a moment as he finally stated "When you cast your ballot, do not forget that these men are not for you and will never be because they are not of you, and will never be of you. Now Lord de Cantwell has a very childish phrase as his slogan, but take it literally because this man is the only one who is putting you first and everyone else second." He'd nod to them, leaving the platform, casting his vote and walking off.




    Image result for medieval town square filled art

    The city of Cyrislburg gathered for the electing of the mayor, est 1657


    Arstan av Tosali would have a solemn face, walking out of the crowd as he looked to the people and then to Sylvestre. "I am Arstan av Tosali, I am not a man of honor, not a man of wealth, nor a man of valor" He'd pause, looking at the crowd and then to Sylvestre "But I was one of the hands who built these city, I wept with the men during the struggles with Santegia and foes, I stood still at the gates while Norland sought to pillage us, I hailed Duke Karl to the Duke of Curon, and as I departed, I expected Curon to prosper, but it has done the exact opposite." He'd place his hands behind his back as he paced, eyeing each person "Curon once used to be a military power, a man would draw a sword and then proceed to have two placed into his stomach, but now, the military is an utter disgrace to what it was. I've seen Brigands with more men than what this "Southern Brigade" claims to have, and it will not prosper under anyone who supports it. I've seen things unspeakable in my leave, but never have I seen such a pathetic and lack luster force in my entire existence, well, except for the Santegian *****" He'd chuckle, and a decent portion of the crowd would laugh with him. He'd continue "Stephano wishes to lower taxes, what a man of honor he is, sitting all high and fancy speaking to the common man, but he does not know how a efficient economy is worked. With his policies implemented, Curon would have no chance of revival, and simply, it'd be devastated further." He'd pause, and then look to Sylvestre, continuing "I do believe Lord Sylvestre wishes to vote for the Draskovits boy, I cannot blame him, the option is most prominent in this race of filth and simplistic minds, but this man is merely a boy, a boy so green he pisses grass!" He'd chuckle, and then a large portion of the crowd would laugh as well "Lord Sylvestre is not a man of intelligence nor much of wit, if the man supports a candidate, run the other way. Lord Sylvestre's brain is so wired on honor, and nobility that he often forgets how things are ran." He'd finally stop, beginning to walk up to an elevated level on the steps "Tell me, when a foreign force comes knocking on the doorstep of our great nation, are these men going to want you to prosper, or themselves? You can vote for the person who you believe has the most honor, or the most wit, or even the most faith, but in the end, there are no candidates worth voting for, and I urge all of you to elect a man of common stature and no nobility to represent YOU, the people." He'd then nod to Sylvestre and the stunned crowd as he exited the crowd.

  9. =-The Band of Brigands-=

    Image result for Bandits art medieval


    Brigand Troops raiding the roads of Curon, est 1650




    The group specializes in the art of raiding and banditing, these people are the lowest of the low and the highest born filth that one can become. From Kings to Tavern Wenches, any man in the group is to achieve great wealth and valor fighting alongside their brethren. These people wish to liberate the lands of any supporters of Kings, Princes, and anyone who opposes the rule of a Communal leadership system. These people hold no lands, but liberate and pillage those who are against the idea of an anarchist peasant state. This group is not for the faint hearted, innocent people are slaughtered everyday because of their denial of the distribution of wealth and anarchist social philosophy.



    =-How To Apply=

    Image result for carrier bird art

    Carrier pigeons outside the forest just before the Bandits take a monarchist keep, est 1653


    If you want to apply and liberate the lands of Tyrants and Slave-Holders while making a bit of minas while you're at it, here's how to join!





    Are you willing to kill innocent civilians?:

    Do you accept an anarchist state?:


    Now just send a bird to the nearest city, and we will surely find it!




  10. OOC:

    Minecraft Username: Americuck

    Timezone: EST

    How active you can be (semi/always/neither): always

    Why are you interested in joining: I wanted to try something new.



    Name: Landrey

    Age: 16

    Race: Heartlander

    Gender: Male

    Noble or Common Lineage: Common

    Experience and Knowledge of Canonist dogma (None/Semi/Fluent): Semi

    Religious Affiliation (Atheist/Canonist/Xionist): Canonist

    Willingness to serve for life upon taking oaths of entry into the Order (None/Complete/Semi):Complete


    =~= 15th of Sun’s Smile, 1644 ~=~




    The sun had begun to set on Santiega, deep against the cobbled rooftops and bustling streets. Markets were flooded with residents, full of merchants peddling wares as the people wandered about.


    Distantly, a scream could be heard throughout the city.


    Various guards rushed to the small alleyway, behind high rise housing at the side of the river, as two figures crouched over a corpse upon the floor. A cloak surrounded the scene, sobs emanating from the female. As the duo backed away, the petite figure of Alayne av Tosali Halcourt could be seen.


    The white silks of her dress were stained rich burgundy, soaked in blood long dried from two wounds. Her brother, one of the figures at her side, had taken the time to properly cover the body from any bystanders, anger within his eyes.  At his side was another member of the search party, evidently devastated.


    It was no secret of Alayne’s disappearance within Curon, so soon after her wedding ceremony. News had broken out of her affair, and her disappearance only brings more question the culpirate, the answer lies with the Santiegan populace.


    The only shock came from yet another crime committed by Santiegan scum to the people of Curon.

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