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Cal the emerald wind

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Status Updates posted by Cal the emerald wind

  1. Hey, I confirmed my account, why am I still a wandering soul? And how do I become a person, and not a wandering soul?

    1. Aerochrometilt


      Hiya, so you've finished your first step on the fun and relatively short journey on applying and getting onto LOTC! Now that you have confirmed your Forum account your next step is to go to the Whitelist Applications forum page and start a new Forum Topic. Then to copy and paste the following format and then going through filling it in from there.


      A much more in depth written and visual guide exist which I highly recommend at least skimming through if you are stumped or held up at any point along the Application Process. 


      After you submit your application you wait for its review and hopeful approval, then you're free to enjoy your time freely as you like on LOTC. Hope I was able to help and you have  a wonderful time, can't wait to see you on LOTC. If you need anymore help feel free to pop me another status message or PM.

    2. tilly


      You have to make a whitelist application, which you can find instructions on how to do that right on the top bar of the main page

    3. Cal the emerald wind

      Cal the emerald wind

      i did the topic thingy

  2. Chamo, did i do the application right?

    1. Cal the emerald wind

      Cal the emerald wind

      my character was born, raised, and still lives in Sutica. He is a wood elf that has recently celebrated his 19 birthday.

    2. Aerochrometilt


      Hiya again, sadly you made a common error. You forgot to insert a specific format needed before a AT member will actually review your app. You must copy the formatting found within the quote on the first post of the following page. Then from there paste it into the forum post you would be posting, and then going down the format before posting filling out the information asked for.




    3. _Jandy_
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