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Status Updates posted by JustMeMorgan

  1. I need some psychotic players who want to play new characters to join my family tree so I can have a legacy

  2. I need to vat grow some children

  3. Make sword swings require set manoeuvres and moves you have to use that take their own emote times like evocation magic so even sword fighting cannot be free form

  4. Please direct all hate mail to my accountant, Telanir

  5. One shower thought is have we considered the fact that having such an expensive and difficult barrier for pvp equipment means that groups dedicated to raiding and whatnot are going to be able to pack out gear where most common players are not? Meaning many players will be completely unprotected when raids come around.


  6. remember guys, 2 stacks of iron and a stack of leather gives you:

    iron armour



    stack of arrows


  7. Looking to become a mercantile god, please pm me if you have a 13+ speed horse so I can make some deals

  8. Puddlemancy has suffered long enough

  9. is the staff team gonna explain why they purged half the team overnight o.o

  10. Aight done being hyperfocussed on starfield, now back to lotc :3 

  11. If you need a cute lair or evil basement built I am taking offers o7 pls give me activities to do and I have had a recent lil construction phase and can make lil bunker styled hideouts (ask for a brochure or find me in game!)

  12. when will people write lore using chatgbt

  13. I have put 22hrs into my BG3 campaign so far and I’m about 1/4 the way through act 2

  14. [Message Removed]


    I swear I'm seeing more and more deleted posts and status updates

  15. i am intoxicated and have missed out on drama some1 spill the tea sis

  16. remember guys, target other players not for rp but actually for the lore items they have!!! (this is satire)

  17. lore idea for today: haense should make lore for humans similar to ogryns, which in lore is just 1/10th of their population and is a product from their messed up gene pools


    cons: haense gets brutes

    pro: haense' geneology is more accurate, and we get funny brutish ogryns

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